Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 637

Chen Fan talks with Ye Qingcang and teaches him some basic knowledge of cultivating immortals. Then he leaves ten li Yanshan. This time, I gained a lot, not only knowing the secrets of the burial Valley and the immortal gate, but also getting the help of Ye Qingcang.

Kunlun represented by Ye Qingcang is so powerful.

With the support of Kunlun, the development of beiqiong faction in China will no longer be hindered. Especially with the help of Kunlun, it is easy to find those people who are hidden in the secular world.

"According to Ye Qingcang, every time the immortal gate is opened, it represents the arrival of turmoil in the cultivation world. The people in the immortal Gate stand high above the world and act recklessly. That is to say, even the Shenxiao sect, which was called the giant more than a thousand years ago, was trampled down by the people in the immortal gate. Their combat power is amazing, they can transform into the realm of war god, and they should have a complete Taoism of cultivating immortals. "

As Chen Fan walked, he thought.

He was born back to the earth so long, and the only immortal he saw was the man who hid the sword more than a thousand years ago. Even if the nine Li sword Scripture handed down by the master of sword collection is just a nine stream sword formula, it is the skill of cultivating immortals after all.

Even if ye Qingcang's Dharma, which integrates all the ways of the hundred schools of thought, can obtain the remnant of Hunyuan sect in ancient times, it's not really the Dharma of cultivating immortals.

"But no matter how strong the people in the immortal gate are, don't make me angry. Otherwise, I don't mind breaking into the immortal gate and destroying their old nest." Chen Fan's eyes were cold.

Although he knows the specific location of the burial Valley, chen fan is not ready to go for the time being.

He was just engaged to Fang Qiong and was about to spend more time with her parents. Then travel around the world to see what hidden opportunities there are on earth, in order to break through the congenital.

"Since Li Changsheng said that their ancestors recorded that there might be immortal gates in the yundian mountains of the Qinling Mountains, the coast of the East China Sea, the hinterland of the Shu mountains and so on. It shows that these places have a good fate. If we go through all these places, there may be opportunities. "

Chen Fan thinks so.

Before he knew it, he went to a university.

Chen Fan looked up and saw the gold-plated words:

"Yanjing Film Academy."

"Strange, how did I come here? By the way, it seems that Xu Rongfei is studying in the film academy. According to the time, I should be a senior this year. After Xu Ao died, I always wanted to see her. I didn't expect that it took so long. "

Chen Fan's eyes are quiet.

He felt sorry for Princess Xu Rong.

Only aunt Tang and Princess Xu have been very kind to him. Xu Rong Fei's father, Xu Ao, is even his subordinate. But Xu Ao died because of him. Without chen fan, Hongmen and Lin Tashan would not have come to Jiangbei, and Xu Ao would not have died. Princess Xu Rong's family might have lived a happy and stable life.

"Naturally, let's have a look at our old friends."

Chen Fan didn't use his mind, so he walked leisurely to the college with a handbag in his hand.

Yanjing Film Academy is the biggest star training cradle in China. Many famous movie stars and directors have appeared. To be able to go to school here is almost the star seed of the future. So there are so many beautiful men and women, the holy land that countless Chinese boys and girls dream of.

At this time, chen fan is the emperor's long body, black hair shawl, a white casual wear, tall, extremely handsome appearance. Although there are many handsome boys in the college, none of them can match chen fan. All of a sudden, all the girls around are attracted by them.

"Eh, that handsome guy is so handsome. He is almost no worse than Wu Lufeng."

"Is it the handsome guy in our college? When was the acting department? I haven't seen it before. "

"I'll go up and ask for a phone call. Do you want him to give it or not?"

These girls, less than 20 years old, look like stars. All eyes swept to Chen Fan and whispered.

As rare as the peerless beauty, the top handsome man is also rare.

In particular, chen fan is not as feminine as today's xiaoxianrou. His skin is crystal clear and white, and he is tall and well proportioned. He is full of an extraordinary temperament. From beginning to end, he is perfect everywhere.

Soon, a girl came up to chat up.

However, in front of Chen Fanping's calm eyes, these girls quickly retreated.

"By the way, do you know which dormitory Xu Rongfei is in?"

When another girl left, chen fan stopped her and asked gently.

The girl was so happy that when she heard the three names of Princess Xu Rong, her face drooped and her head was down.

"I was looking for Princess Xu."

"It seems that he is a handsome guy outside school, the pursuer of Xu Xuejie. No wonder we haven't met him."

"There's no hope now. How can we compete with sister Xu?"

The girls howled.

One of them is tall, wearing a white down jacket, with a red turtleneck sweater, black underpants and brown leather boots. She has a beautiful face, fine makeup and seven or eight points of beauty. Da Fangfang comes up and says: "is the elder student looking for sister Xu? Xu Xuejie is now a big star. She has been filming outside all the year round, but it's winter vacation. She hasn't been filming and has been staying in the No. 5 dormitory building of the school. I'll take you to find her. ""Please."

Chen Fan nodded and sighed.

Now it's the Spring Festival, but Princess Xu does not return to Chuzhou for the Spring Festival. She is still in Yanjing Film Academy. Obviously, I don't want to go back to the sad old place, afraid to think of some bad things.

Along the way, tall beauty introduces herself.

Her name is Zhang Haiyun, director of the literature and Art Department of the student union. In a school full of talented people like Yan Ying, being the Minister of literature and art department shows that she is superior in singing, dancing, performing and organizing.

Zhang Haiyun thought chen fan would exclaim a few words, but Chen fan had no expression and just nodded slightly.

"Judging from his clothes, it's only middle and upper class. Many people in the college can compare with him. But I have never seen that calm temperament. Even though I have attended several high-end parties, I haven't seen this kind of temperament in those Yanjing childe brothers. It can be seen that his origin must be extraordinary. "

Zhang Haiyun commented secretly in his heart, and his smile became more and more brilliant.

"Is the elder student Xu Xuejie's pursuer? Xu Xuejie is now in the red. Many rich families and childe brothers drive downstairs to wait for her every day. According to Aunt SuGuan, the roses in the garbage can every day are enough to support a florist. Among them is Wu Shao, the son of the boss of Tianhe entertainment company. "

Zhang Haiyun tried without any trace.

Tianhe entertainment company is now the largest entertainment giant in China, even surpassing Huayi. These two families dominate the entertainment industry and are far more powerful than ordinary people.


Chen Fan didn't care.

His style made Zhang Haiyun more and more uncertain.

Is Chen Fan pretending to be calm or really confident?

Soon, dormitory 5 arrived.

Sure enough, there are a lot of cars under the building, many of them are luxury cars. As a student of Yanjing film and Television College, many beautiful girls have boyfriends outside school, and even are taken care of by the rich. But the most conspicuous is a silver gray Lamborghini, with scissors doors, large exhaust pipes and streamlined body, full of sci-fi beauty.

"That's Wu Shao's car, Lamborghini concept version. There's only one car in the world, which sells for 20 million!"

Zhang Haiyun said.

Seeing that Chen Fan's eyes were still fixed, she could only say, "senior, let me help you to call sister Xu down. But Xu Xuejie won't come downstairs easily. Wu Shao has been waiting here for half a year, and every day he waits for her, but he doesn't see Xu Xuejie come down. "

"You tell her that Chen fan, an old friend of Chuzhou, came to see her."

Chen Fan raised his head.

He can feel the familiar atmosphere without any divine thought. He lives in a dormitory on the fourth floor.

Zhang Haiyun went without any trace.

When the girls at the door of the dormitory saw chen fan, they couldn't walk any more. Many girls even came up to ask for a phone call and autograph. The downstairs was full of excitement. The girl upstairs, hearing the exclamation, opened the window to see if Chen Fan was as handsome as they said. Suddenly, chen fan was surrounded by the whole building.

There was hostility among the men waiting around.

"I'm driving a luxury car, wearing a watch and carrying Hermes around my waist. Few beauties pay attention to me. This boy has nothing. He is sought after by so many girls. He just has a little white face. "

A thick waist, fat middle-aged man sour way.

Many of the rich and young people who come to hunt for beauty are full of tears. Nowadays, money can't match beauty?

"Imperial concubine, imperial concubine, come and see. There's a handsome guy downstairs. He's really handsome. Xiaoya and Ermao have all gone to ask for wechat. "

Dormitory A02 on the fourth floor.

A beautiful girl with narrow eyes, wearing a small sling and only one palm size pants, pushed open the window and saw chen fan, she suddenly screamed.

"Ning Xin, close the window quickly, and you'll wear that dress. Aren't you afraid of going away?"

Sitting in a chair with a pair of thrilling eyes up, Xu Rongfei, who was reading a book, couldn't help frowning.

"Well, I'm so beautiful. It's just for them. Let their greedy saliva flow out, but can't eat, greedy to death Ning Xinjiao snorted.

When she glanced at the book in Princess Xu Rong's hand, she could not help frowning and saying, "what Huang Ting Jing is, it's so old-fashioned. You're just in your early twenties. You're in the prime of your life. You like to read some Buddhist scriptures. If you want to be a monk, you might as well come to see a handsome guy with me. I think that handsome guy may come for you. "

Xu Rong Fei light smile, no explanation.

After years of baptism, the girl's figure is more and more concave and convex. Compared with before, the key appearance is more beautiful and cool.

It's this unique temperament that makes her win the appreciation of many major directors as soon as she enters the entertainment circle. She thinks that this kind of temperament is rare in ten years. Devil's body, angel's face.

When Ning Xin was still shouting, Zhang Haiyun pushed the door.

"Did Princess Xu Rong learn from her sister? There is a man downstairs looking for you. He said his name was Chen fan, and he was your old friend in Chuzhou? ""Patta."

Huang Ting Jing slipped from Princess Xu Rong.

The girl sat there as if struck by lightning. She couldn't believe it.

PS: Thank you for "I have a giant eagle" big silver League. Thank you very much. Keke, I didn't make a mistake. I couldn't get the key starting point. Brother judiao is too powerful. I can't bear the starting point_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!