Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 636

Ye Qingcang never felt that he was as small as he is now.

He is on the earth, the number one of the former gods and the guardian of China. He is the only earthly immortal in the world. No one is better than chen fan. As ye Qingcang entered the earth immortal these days, his perception and power of heaven and earth are improving all the time. He is confident that if he waits two years to fight chen fan again, he will never be so defeated.

But ye Qingcang never thought that what he heard from Chen Fan was another world.

A vast existence beyond his imagination.

"Is it still human to swallow the sun and snap the stars?" Ye Qingcang couldn't help saying.

"From the moment you set foot on the birth, you are an immortal and an extraordinary person. The way to cultivate immortals is originally a journey of evolution and detachment. What our generation seeks is not detachment from the universe, which will last forever. "

Chen fan back hand, light said.

"Thank you for teaching me." Ye Qingcang gets up and bows respectfully to Chen Fanyi. "I don't know what realm it was in the last life of my predecessors?"

"Ha ha."

Chen Fan smiles and doesn't answer.

He was a great monk in the last life. He was on the way of harmony!

He Dao is the true immortal, while Du Jie is the supreme of all immortals, which is the existence of the universe. However, chen fan is too lazy to talk to Ye Qingcang. After all, for ye Qingcang, there is not a big difference in whether he is in harmony with the Tao or in taking advantage of the robbery. He can be crushed to death easily.

Ye Qingcang also knows interest, no longer ask.

He knew that with Chen Fan's cultivation, the sea of God defeated the earth, and the last life must have been a congenital existence. As for whether Chen Fan was the golden elixir or Yuanying, ye Qingcang was not very clear. Ye Qingcang didn't even dare to think about yuan infant's spirit transforming, returning to emptiness, and even combining Tao.

If Chen fan is a true immortal, does he still need to take over the earth? A yawn can blow China away!

Next, chen fan gave Ye Qingcang some general knowledge about the cultivation of immortals, and then mentioned the purpose of this visit:

"you said before that you had been to the burial valley of Kunlun and got great fortune in it. I don't know what's strange about the burial Valley? "

"Since I know about the gate of immortals and the valley of buried immortals, I won't hide it from you." Ye Qingcang pondered for a moment, and said slowly:

"Kunlun burial Valley, Changbai mountain dragon pool, Babylon grottoes, Maya temple, etc., are known as the seven Jedi. In fact, it is not a natural dangerous place, but a huge array of Dharma

"Fa Zhen?"

Chen Fan frowned slightly, a little surprised.

"Yes, the array stretches for hundreds of miles, encircling a whole mountain range. It is extremely dangerous and full of various crises. If I go in with my accomplishments at that time, I will die. Even now, it will hurt. " Ye Qingcang's face was dignified:

"it was even more an ancient battlefield, as if ancient gods were fighting in it. There were traces of immortals everywhere for thousands of years. There are also the remains of many gods who died in the war. I just got one of the earth immortals, and then I became the body of the earth immortals. The bloodstained dagger and armour were also found in it, but they were already broken. "

Chen Fan nodded.

Although his small five elements God thunder is strong, it can not destroy the top-grade spirit weapon.

The bloodstained dagger and armour must have gone through countless wars and thousands of years. They have been rotten for a long time. Otherwise, chen fan may not be able to get rid of Ye Qingcang easily.

"It's no wonder that the battlefield of gods is called the valley of buried immortals."

If Chen fan has some thoughts.

As ye Qingcang said, it is impossible to encircle many mountains within a hundred miles.

Only friar Jindan has the power to move mountains and rivers, and it seems that there is more than one, otherwise it can't hurt the immortals. It seems that in ancient times, the earth was indeed at the peak of immortality cultivation, and there were golden elixirs. But with the passage of time, the golden elixir also decayed.

"Moreover, I suspect that the deep part of the buried immortal Valley may be where the immortal gate is."

Ye Qingcang is serious.


Chen Fan's eyes were fixed.

At this time, he was only half a step away from congenitally, and it was time to find the immortal gate.

"Yundian in the Qinling Mountains, the coast of the East China Sea, the depth of Kunlun Mountains, the hinterland of Shushan mountains... These are the places where the immortal gate is recorded in ancient books. However, for thousands of years, how to find many fairyland, can not find the immortal gate. Zhang Sanfeng 500 years ago and the old wizard 300 years ago are gone forever. I think about it. With their ability, there is nothing I can't find except burial valley. "

Ye Qingcang cut the railway.

"Yes, it's dangerous for earthly immortals to enter the golden elixir array in the valley of buried immortals. It's a really good way to hide the immortal gate. "

Chen Fanshou.

"Unfortunately, I was just outside the burial valley. It was too dangerous to enter. That array was too strong, bizarre, and even distorted the space. Even the army, tanks and artillery couldn't get in. Otherwise, I also want to explore the immortal gate and see what the legendary immortal gate has been like for thousands of years. "Ye Qingcang sighed.

"You don't have to worry about that. According to my news, the immortal gate seems to be about to open. There are already people in the snow palace walking in the world. At that time, with your accomplishments, you will definitely be able to enter the immortal gate. " Chen Fan said lightly.

"The fairy gate is open?" Ye Qingcang was shocked and said with a smile: "yes, it's true that the snow god palace is a sect in the immortal sect according to the ancient books. It's said that it's also a large sect. It is not the same as Hunyuan school in ancient times. Just...

speaking of this, ye Qingcang hesitated:

"many ancient books seem to be saying. Looking for people in the immortal gate, we only have fate. It seems that they have a quota, and they can't take too many people away. Moreover, the people in the immortal gate, standing high above the world, never pay attention to the ordinary people. At that time, they may not agree to let us in. "

"Ha ha, if they don't agree, we'll go in! Break the gate. "

Chen Fan sneered.

Ye Qingcang hears speech, it is a Leng first, react quickly next come over.

In ancient China, the people of Xianmen were highly respected. They travel in the world, aloof from the world, and ignore the common people. Even the great schools of Chinese cultivation are not in their eyes. There used to be big sects who wanted to catch them. At last, they were trampled down by the people in the immortal sect. The whole sect was killed, and all three ancestors of that sect were killed.

After so many times, no one dares to provoke the people in the immortal gate.

We all regard them as immortal Buddhas, and think that after the immortal gate is the legendary heaven, the fairyland! Even ye Qingcang has scruples.

But Chen fan is different. Chen fan comes from the other side of the starry sky. He is really a great school of cultivating immortals. Although Ye Qingcang didn't know what cultivation chen fan had done in his previous life, he knew that no one in the immortal sect might be able to defeat chen fan.

"Don't worry, sir. I'll ask someone to inquire. Although the people in Xianmen are extraordinary, there will be some clues in the end. "

Ye Qingcang nodded.


during the discussion.

Deep in the Kunlun Mountains, a valley full of clouds and mist, like a fairyland, suddenly appears two men, one woman and three figures.

They all wore ancient costumes, but they were different from ancient China.

Two men, a strong man with a long sword on his back and a gentle and weak young man with a Confucian crown and green clothes, are only about 30 years old. However, they have entered the divine realm with a magnificent and ethereal atmosphere. Moreover, the condensed Qi is far beyond the ordinary divine realm.

As for the woman, she was better dressed in white than snow, with a cool and gorgeous appearance, as if she wanted to be detached from the world. In terms of cultivation, she is the strongest among the three.

"Cough, it's really a common world. The air here is too turbid. Far less than our fairyland. It's hard for me to stay here a little longer. "

He shook his head and said. "I don't believe there are any good things in this world. Zongmen even sent us to collect disciples in this world. It's a joke. This piece of waste soil has long been abandoned by us. Even if there were good seedlings, they would have been destroyed by the environment. "

"The immortal gate has been opened only once for hundreds of years. We have to get something to spend time with this mortal person."

Green clothes childe negative hand light smile way.

His eyes look down on the world, just as the gods look at all living beings. For the people in Xianmen, the earth is really mortal, and what they live in is a fairyland on earth!

"And I heard that not long ago, an elder of snow fairy's snow Temple seemed to have found a good seedling in this mortal world." The young master in Green said, and his eyes aimed at the cool and gorgeous woman beside him. There was a trace of love in his eyes.

"Not bad. A few years ago, when she was riding the immortal gate general, she used her secret treasure to come to the world in advance. Found a girl. He's 20 years old and doesn't know how to practice, but he's born with ice flesh and jade bone. The rare best ice spirit root is a seedling who goes straight to heaven and man. "

The woman in white nodded. She didn't say much. She was simply shocked.

"Tut Tut, the best binglinggen. This is the rare seed in our fairyland. It belongs to all the major branches. Fifty years later, it will be a good earth immortal. It's better for you to take up the excrement. "

The strong man envied him.

"In this way, there are some merits in this secular world."

The young master in green nodded arrogantly.

"I don't want to talk to you. Lao Lei, I'll go to the colorful world first, and see what orthodoxy can be inherited in the secular world."

The strong man with the knife laughed and patted his back.

A long black knife jumped into his hand, turned into a dark awn and shot to the distant sky.

"Well, Lao Lei, it's too reckless. After all, we haven't been born for hundreds of years. Who knows how much the world has changed? "

The young master in green clothes shook his head, but his eyes were still full of contempt: "but Lao Lei is right. The Taoism in the world is incomplete, and even the complete method of cultivating immortals has not been passed down. There are only a few divine realms. As for Dixian, I'm afraid they have been extinct for thousands of years. Snow fairy, let's go, too. "

The woman in white doesn't speak, and her eyes are still cold.

As if nothing in the world could enter her eyes.PS: the third one is presented, and the author continues to write the fourth one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!