Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 635

The bustle on Yanshan Mountain lasted for several days before it dissipated.

These days, chen fan and Fang Qiongni are together, enjoying everyone's blessing. Looking at the happy smile on the girl's face, blooming day by day, his heart is also happy. Isn't Chen Fan's rebirth just to make up for the regrets of his relatives, friends and lovers?

"It's a pity that little Joan is still too thin skinned. It's said that there are too many people in these two days. I'm afraid I'll be laughed at by everyone. I'm sorry to live with me. "

Chen Fan shook his head funny.

He was born again several years ago. He was still a virgin!

However, this matter, chen fan just laughed, did not care. Both chen fan and Fang Qiong are destined to set foot on the road of cultivating immortals in the future. They will live happily forever. They will not be old for tens of millions of years, and even be detached from the world.

Compared with these long years, just a few years is nothing. In Chen Fan's eyes, Fang Qiong is still very green. When she grows up to be the most beautiful fairy in her previous life, it will be the perfect moment.

"After this is settled, it's time to put another thing on the agenda."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed.


ten li Yanshan, on the outskirts of Beijing.

At this time, after several days of trimming by the Ye family, most of the battle scars on Yanshan have disappeared. The main peak of Yanshan mountain, which is only a few hundred meters high, has been abruptly cut in half and suddenly become shorter, still declaring the horror of the war.

"It's too strong. How can Chen beixuan be so strong? His grandfather has been promoted to Dixian. He is not his opponent."

Ye Yiren looks at the main peak of Yanshan Mountain and still can't believe it.

"After all, my father has just been promoted to earth immortal, and his realm is not stable, far from reaching the combat effectiveness of real earth immortal. However, Chen beixuan was really strong. His last punch, though purely based on strength, was far inferior to his father's, but its quality seemed to surpass that of Dixian, reaching another level. I don't know where Chen beixuan came from to cultivate such a terrible skill. "

Ye Nantian next to him shook his head.

Although he first entered the divine realm, his Qi is extremely calm, comparable to many old divine realms. In particular, it's easy to see things with detached eyes and high vision. [zero ↑ nine △ small ↓ say △ net]

"uncle, is grandfather OK?"

Ye Yiren asked anxiously.

"Relax, my father is a Dixian after all, and Chen beixuan left his last punch. After these days of rest, my father has come back to life and controlled the injury. In three or five years at most, my father will be able to fulfill his obligations. "

Ye Nantian said.

As they were talking, they suddenly saw the green light across the sky. Ye Nantian suddenly contracted his pupils:

"Chen beixuan?"

Qingmang falls in front of them, showing Chen Fan's figure.

"Please inform me. I'll meet Mr. Ye." Chen Fan nodded to them.

Chen Fan once again drove to Yanshan, which made the whole Ye family a sensation.

Led by Ye Beichen, many people from the Ye family and Kunlun look at Chen Fan nervously. Now that ye Qingcang's serious injury has not been cured, the Ye family has only one ye Nantian and old Qinglong to support, which can't stop Chen Fan's attack.

"Didn't he kill general ye at that time, but now he wants to settle the accounts in the autumn and cut down the grass?"

A lot of people think.

Even if ye Beichen knew that Chen fan had promised to protect the Ye family, he could not be nervous. After all, this is the weakest time for the Ye family. If you want to get rid of Ye Qingcang, the immortal in the world, it's also the best chance. Who knows if Chen fan has gone back on his words.

"Let him in."

A grand idea spread to everyone's mind in an instant.

It's Ye Qingcang's voice!

Ye Beichen and others immediately respectfully back down, ye family people like tide to get out of the way, scattered a road in. Under the guidance of Ye Nantian and Lao Qinglong, chen fan came to a quiet courtyard in the back of Yanshan mountain.

A loquat tree was planted in the yard, which covered half of the yard.

Ye Qingcang, standing in the courtyard, with his back to Chen fan.

He looked at the loquat tree, as if he had never felt chen fan inside.

"I was born a Northwest horse thief, and then I joined the army. My wife walked with me and never left. At that time, I was appointed to form Kunlun. She was the first generation of rosefinch. Unfortunately, decades ago, during the siege of me by the Seven Sacred realms, in order to protect me, she was seriously injured and died a few years later, leaving only her last little son, Nantian. "

Ye Qingcang slowly narrates, the vision is incomparably affectionate.

"The year she died, I carried this loquat tree in the hospital. Now it has been more than 40 years. A small sapling also grows into a pavilion. As time goes by, we can never master it. "

Ye Qingcang said, slowly installed body.

He was dressed in black, with black hair and black eyes. His posture was as straight as a sword, and his appearance was like that of a young man. But just a pair of eyes inside, with the vicissitudes and the passage of time, as if after a hundred years.

"Chen Daoyou, the more I study you, the more I know that you are not what they say. What amazing adventure, immortal or ancient treasure and so on. There is a shortcut to strength, but not to mood. "Ye Qingcang's eyes were dignified and said respectfully:

"when I face you, it seems that I am facing an old monster who has lived forever. In your eyes, I never see a trace of panic, panic, as if nothing in this world can make you moved. I don't know what I should call you chen fan? Or call you... "

" just call me Chen beixuan. Beixuan is my teacher's name. In contrast, chen fan has not called me for a long time. "

Chen Fan replied calmly.

His words are equivalent to admitting Ye Qingcang's conjecture.

"If so, you are also an immortal. Brother beixuan, are you from Xianmen? However, I have read all the ancient books and records of the major sects in China, and there is no record of the divine realm surpassing the earthly immortals in the records of Xianmen. I've never heard of a sect called Zhenwu Xianzong. "

Ye Qingcang frowned.

He was a hundred year old, but he called Chen Fan Taoist brother.

But both of you feel normal. There is no order in learning, and those who have achieved it are teachers. Chen fan is the reincarnation of an old monster, and his cultivation is much better than that of Ye Qingcang. Naturally, he can be called Taoist brother.

"Ha ha, what's Xianmen?"

Chen Fan laughs.

He got up and paced, looked up and said:

"Ye Qingcang, although you have good talent, you are limited to this small place, and you don't know the vast world! Compared with the vast universe. Just one earth, too small, just like dust. Fairy gate is not worth mentioning

"It's not Xianmen, the Taoist brother comes from...

Ye Qingcang is moved.

Chen Fan did not answer, just quietly looking at the sky, eyes deep. Hundreds of millions of light-years away, the teachers, brothers, comrades in arms, Taoists and enemies of their previous lives, do not know what they are doing?

At this time, the sky is getting late, the sun is setting in the west, and you can already see the stars.

"Is Taoist brother from heaven?"

Ye Qingcang couldn't help frowning.

Modern people have known for a long time that the earth is round and an ordinary star in the universe. There is no myth of heaven and earth. Ye Qingcang is surprised and thinks that Chen fan is cheating him.

"Not in the sky, but deep in the stars."

Chen fan light way.

With this remark, ye Qingcang suddenly lost color.

At most, human beings have landed on the moon, but they have not yet come out of the solar system. Whether there is life in the universe is still controversial in the scientific community. If Chen fan comes from the starry sky, it represents the meaning of subverting the whole world!

"But in the universe, there are also immortals, and there are also human beings?"

Ye Qingcang can't believe it.

"The vastness of the universe is beyond your imagination. The ancient heritage of Xiuxian is far from what you think. Only the earth has it. Hundreds of millions of years ago, the human immortals swept across the universe, suppressed the heavens, and vied with the stars. But these are not what you should know now. When you get to that day, you will naturally understand. "

Chen fan light smile, his eyes far, as if through space.

Ye Qingcang nodded, took a deep breath, suppressed his fear, and said with a bitter smile:

"I thought that the earth immortal was the end. To cultivate the earth immortals, you will live forever in the world for hundreds of years. Up to now, only the legendary celestial immortals are detached from the world. When you reach your realm, you are already respected in the world. Unexpectedly, there are also immortals in the universe. Did all the ancient immortals and Buddhas go to the depths of the universe? "

"Ha ha, what is the earth fairy?"

Chen Fan laughed with disdain.

"Only the earth, a group of little guys, who don't know how high or low they are, will use the name of immortal to call a just congenital realm. You know, in the universe, only when you step into the realm of harmony can you be called immortal

Chen Fan hummed coldly.

"Congenital? How do you like it

Ye Qingcang was surprised.

He had never heard of these realms, or even recorded them in ancient books.

"In the world of cultivating immortals, we divide the realm of cultivation into eight stages. They are refining Qi, congenitally, Jindan, Yuanying, Huashen, Huixu, Hedao and Dujie. "

Chen Fan describes calmly:

"the gas refining period is divided into three sub levels. The inner strength, the realm of transformation and the realm of spirit of the warrior all belong to the period of refining Qi. Only when you step into the earth immortal can you be regarded as a congenital state. And the innate realm is only the door to the realm of cultivating immortals. Naturally, they are not even immortals at all. "


At this time, ye Qingcang could no longer maintain the color, and sat up directly.

If even the earth immortals are only the second level of the eight heaven levels of the cultivators, how terrible are those levels behind them? In particular, he Dao has crossed five realms with congenitally!

You know, compared with the earthly immortals, one hundred divine realms are not necessarily the opponents of earthly immortals. As for the ordinary internal force warrior, 100000 people can be killed by the earth immortal! It's just a big difference. What's the concept of five big differences?

Does it not mean that in the eyes of he Dao, nature is just an ant?"Three thousand years is spring and three thousand years is autumn. Long time, only one spring and autumn. Shouyuan million years, devouring the sun, snapping at broken stars, traveling in the universe, with galaxies as bathtubs and the sun and moon as pillow bags. Only in this way can they be called immortals! "

Chen Fan said leisurely.

Ye Qingcang was stunned, like listening to the book of heaven.

PS: Thank you for "I have a giant." the leader of the alliance has three big leaders. The name is too dirty to start with. O(∩_ ∩) O

the second one is here, and the author continues to write the third one. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!