Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 631

It's a sword.

Wang Zhongguo couldn't believe it.

Everyone in the Wang family, including Wang Keqin, can't believe it.

The numerous Yanjing clans, including the Qin family and the Xiao family, as well as numerous deities and dark strongmen, can't believe it.

The Wang family clearly threatened Chen Fan's power, and it was powerful all over the world. But I didn't expect to be cut down by Chen fan! This sword not only cut off the connection between Chen family and Wang family, but also cut off Wang family's way to heaven.

Wang Zhongguo stood behind the mark of the sword.

Looking at chen fan, who stands aloof in the air and has a cold face, he can't help laughing angrily and says three times:

"good, good

"What a Chen beixuan, what a god! It's Wang Zhongguo who misunderstood you and belittled your nature. This is a plant that my Wang family has recognized. "

Wang Zhongguo's heart is as cold as an abyss.

Chen Fan's sword, killing Wang Cheng in public, can be said to peel off all the faces of the Wang family. After today, what face does the Wang family have to become one of the five families in Yanjing and gain a foothold in China?

As for Xue Hongmei, Wang Keqin and others, their eyes are red.

Wang Cheng is their own grandson and son.

"You... You killed Cheng er?" The old lady Xue Hongmei pointed at chen fan and fainted. Wang Keqin held the old lady and looked at Chen Fan with hatred. He gritted his teeth and said, "Chen beixuan, you killed my only son. I'm sure the Wang family will take revenge."

"I'll wait."

Chen Fan throws down a sentence, the head also doesn't return of North Qiong send public to fly.

With his sword, the enmity was over. Next, if the Wangs dare to provoke again, chen fan will never show mercy again. Everyone in the Wang family obviously knows this. Even if they are full of anger, they can only hold it in their chest and dare not act.

"Xiao Fan."


"Master / master."

Beiqiong sent all the girls to welcome them.

Chen Fan's battle is a real shock to the earth. Even the immortal who has not been born for a thousand years has been defeated by Chen fan. Who dares to be the enemy of beiqiong school and Chen family?

Even if it was Wang Xiaoyun, he no longer paid attention to the Wang family and looked at the youth with soft eyes.

"This is my son. This is the pride of my life."

Wang Xiaoyun's heart is full of happiness. He nestles up to Chen Kexing and watches Chen Fan surrounded by women.

"It's time for Xiao Fan to get married early."

After a long time, Wang Xiaoyun suddenly said.


Chen Kexing, who was silent, nodded his head in an unusual way.


the scene of Chen Fan's killing Wang Cheng fell into everyone's eyes. Countless people looked at the Wang family with envy and hatred, but now they are full of ridicule.

"The Wangs are too calculating, but they don't know who Chen beixuan is? It's the dragon in the sky, the immortal in the nine heavens. How can they be bound by the earthly affection? If it wasn't for Wang Xiaoyun, it would have been destroyed by Chen beixuan just by Wang's calculation. "

Many Yanjing people look on coldly and sneer secretly.

They didn't understand Wang's plan at first, but as the news increased.

As long as you have a good eye, you can see that the Wangs and Wangcheng are fanning the flames behind the scenes, pushing the Xiaos to collide with Chen fan. Combined with the information of Wang Xiaoyun's departure, you can understand the Wangs' plan.

"Wang Zhongguo claims to have a deep source of wisdom, which is covered by the secular world."

Ouyang Qiong shook his head and sighed:

"at the beginning of the Wang family, if they put a low posture, they would win over Wang Xiaoyun and Chen Fan with tenderness. With Chen beixuan's mind, even if he doesn't want to pay attention to the Wang family, he will do it at the critical moment. But on the one hand, he tried to win over the king on the surface, and on the other hand, he sent the king city behind him to stir up the flames and kill people with a knife. Do you really think Chen beixuan is a fool? "

"In my opinion, Wang Zhongguo may have the first idea, but there are many people in the Wang family, including Wang Cheng. But without his mind and vision, he must be behind. Otherwise, Chen beixuan would not have killed only Wang Cheng. "

Another excuse.

Everyone shook their heads together, regretting the irrationality of the Wang family.

The Wang family didn't hold such a big thigh like Optimus Prime, and they wanted to manipulate chen fan. It was stupid.

"By the way, where's Zhang Yu?"

Ouyang dome said, suddenly turned around to find Zhang Yu, who was extremely arrogant before.

Then many people found out that Zhang Yu had been lying on one side for a long time, with green bile in his mouth and white eyes. He was scared to death. Prada girl, on the other hand, shivered beside Zhang Yu's body.


the first World War on the top of Yanshan Mountain spread all over the earth with almost lightning speed.

No matter the numerous forces in the dark world, or the intelligence departments of all countries in the world, they are all gaping and looking at the information in their hands.

"Ye Qingcang is about to lose?"

"Ye Qingcang made a breakthrough and became an immortal that he had never seen in a thousand years?""Chen beixuan bravely defeated the immortals and completed the myth and legend never seen in ancient times?"

This battle is full of twists and turns. It's beyond anyone's imagination. If ye Qingcang can break through to the realm of the earth immortal, he has already shocked the eyes.

You know, before today, many people even doubted whether the realm of immortals existed or not?

But ye qingcangsheng breaks through the immortals and breaks all doubts.

But what's even more astonishing is that Chen Fan defeated Dixian.

"Even in the oldest historical records, it has never been heard that mortals can defeat gods and immortals?"

Many people shake their heads in disbelief.

"Yes, yes, whether it's the myth of Babylon, the saint of the west, or the legend of heaven and man in the East. It is clearly recorded that the earth immortal and the divine realm are the difference between the immortal and the mortal. Compared with any previous realm, there is a difference of ten times and a hundred times. Some people can conquer the divine realm with the spirit realm, but there is no possibility of the immortal in the divine realm and the battlefield. Even if ye Qingcang has just been promoted to heaven, it is impossible. "

An old master, resolute way.

Once promoted to Dixian.

It has the body of earthly immortals, the endless unity of heaven and man, and ten times more true Qi, magic power and divine consciousness than the divine realm. In addition, all kinds of secret methods, the perception of the way of heaven, the synthesis of power and so on. The fighting power of a real Dixian is more than 100 times that of an ordinary divine realm.

But this kind of existence is defeated by Chen fan. How can people believe it?

"Maybe Chen beixuan is a genius beyond the ages. He has been a genius for thousands of years. Otherwise, there is no way to explain how he could reach the peak of the divine realm at the age of 20. Even in ancient books, there is no record of this. "

Black and white, the demon hunter, stood up and said calmly.

Although he is a well-known figure in the dark world, this explanation can't calm people's doubts.

Countless forums, even the world's largest countries, are scrambling to study until a video appears.

This video is called:

"battle of the gods!"

It was shot by satellite, UAV and remote HD camera to record the video of the battle between Chen Fan and ye Qingcang in detail. The name of the publisher is Kunlun, apparently an official of China.

The video is only ten minutes.

But in these ten minutes, the power of Chen Fan and ye Qingcang is incredible.

At the beginning, the earth shaking martial arts of the two men, and later, the collision of the body of the earth immortal several times faster than the speed of sound, to the end, ye Qingcang was promoted to the earth immortal, and the two men flew into the sky to fight above the cloud.

Countless people were stunned, as if they saw a miracle.

"It's terrible, it's terrible. In flesh, triple the speed of sound. This is faster than the most advanced F22 stealth fighter. What's more, is it still the power of mortals to cut a mountain in half? "

In the command centers of major powers, there are generals who smash their tongues.

The Pentagon of the United States, many naval and air force generals, and Secretary of defense Arnold are even more grim.

"The explosive power of Ye Qingcang and Chen beixuan is comparable to that of hundreds of tons of nuclear weapons. If you want to deal with them, I'm afraid ordinary weapons will no longer work. I ask the Department of defense to authorize us to use small nuclear weapons and many powerful weapons. "

A hawkish major general stood up and said.

Many generals also nodded in favor. The power of Chen Fan and ye Qingcang has seriously threatened the world hegemony of the United States. Facing them, I am afraid aircraft carriers can only be used as toys.

"I will report this to your Excellency the president, and to you wise men. The interests of the United States of America will be challenged by the strong in the East. This war is inevitable. If we want to continue to dominate, we have to defeat them, just as we destroyed the Soviet Union in those years. "

General Arnold said after a while.

His eyes, also looking at the big screen.

At this time, on the screen, just put Chen Fan's last punch to defeat Ye Qingcang. This punch, through the remote UAV, as well as high-definition satellite, clear shot down.

Ten thousand meters high.

A golden wheel about the size of a few feet, wrapped in the flame, like the chariot of Apollo, rushed forward.

On the other side of the light wheel, there is a cyclone with a radius of 20 Li. The cloud and fog cyclones are huge, like the center of a category 12 hurricane, just like the Milky way, so beautiful and deep, condensing the terrifying energy.

This scene deeply shocked everyone in front of the screen.

No matter the high-level officials of various countries, or many strong people in the dark world, can't believe this scene.

Can this be the power of human beings? Whether it is Chen Fan's powerful fist or Ye Qingcang's mana of controlling the cloud movement of heaven and earth, it has shaken countless people.

"This fist, like Michael's defeat of Lucifer and Perseus's sword to God, will be engraved in the annals of history, and no one will forget it for thousands of years. That means that mortals defeat gods! Represents the opening of a new era! It represents the rise of the strong in the East and the beginning of the decline of the West. ""More representative. Chen beixuan ascended to the top of the world and became the first person in the world. No one can challenge him again!

Insightful person leaves a message on forum way.

All the people who saw this message, no one spoke, all silent.


January 23, 2012.

Chen fan at the top of Yanshan, defeated the immortal Ye Qingcang, ascended the top of the world, became the first person on earth!

Universally acknowledged!

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one , the fastest update of the webnovel!