Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 632

When the world moves with Chen fan.

Beiqiong sent all the people back to Beishan building happily. Although this villa was used by the Wangs, beiqiong group was so rich that it had already paid the Wangs. And several villas around have been collected.

Beiqiong group comes to the house with a smile, and pays twice or even triple the price in the world. Wen Yan discusses. But how dare those Beishan family owners say no?

Chen Fangang has just ascended to the top of Yanshan mountain. They are here. They don't even sell houses. Are they going to hit the first person in the world?

"Xiaofan, I see you have been buying a house. What are you going to do? Buy the whole Beishan? " Fang Qiong stares big eyes, don't understand of ask a way.

"This is the betrothal gift of engagement."

Wang Xiaoyun said with a smile.


Fang Qiong opened her eyes and couldn't believe it.

"I discussed with your parents that you are not young, and you will graduate from university soon. It's a good time to get engaged and make sure of the relationship. Mingde and Susu nodded and agreed Wang Xiaoyun came up, took Fang Qiong's little hand and said with a smile.

Fang Qiong's face turned red like a big apple.

She is a strong woman, rarely has this kind of little daughter Jiao state, immediately attracted a Xiu and others repeatedly coax.

"Aunt Yun, what's Xiaofan's opinion?"

Fang Qiong nestles up to Wang Xiaoyun and says that her beautiful eyes sweep to Chen fan.

"Hum, if that smelly boy doesn't agree, we'll drive him out of the house and cut him off!"

Wang Xiaoyun made a gesture, and he really cut out a piece of golden light, cut a deep mark on the floor, and cut a chair in two.

"Mom, you"

Chen fan is neither laughing nor crying.

Although Wang Xiaoyun took the ChiYan elixir, he was promoted to tongxuan period. But her sudden strength can't be handled easily, and can be destroyed by carelessness. This is also the reason why chen fan has not allowed his parents to cultivate immortals. Strength must have a matching state of mind to control.

"Don't worry, it's just engagement. I once promised you that you would be picturesque. When I really get married, I will put the whole country in front of you. "

Chen Fan soft voice way.


Fang Qiong nodded

just when the world was in turmoil and countless countries and dark forces were disturbed by Chen Fan and ye Qingcang. A secret news suddenly spread out and made Yanjing move.

Chen fan is engaged.

The object of his engagement is not Qin Yan'er of the Qin family, but a girl named Fang Qiong.

"Who is Fang Qiong? Why haven't you heard of it? Chen Liuguo is the first person in the world. If he wants to get engaged, he should find a daughter of a top class family, or a gifted man of cultivation, such as ye Yi of the Ye family. "

There is doubt.

Yeyi people once broke the army with Lin, and called them peerless and arrogant. Many of the older generation, as the younger generation, the most promising breakthrough in the realm of genius. Unfortunately, in front of Chen fan, the light of these two men is dim, and Lin paojun is killed by Chen Fan's maid.

But if you really want to find a marriage partner for Chen fan, only Ye Yiren can barely get away with it.

"It's said that Chen beixuan was a childhood sweetheart, and the two families had a close relationship since childhood, so let's get close to each other. Even beiqiong group is in the charge of this girl. "

Another girl's sour way.

She is also Bai Fumei from a quasi first-line family in Yanjing. She is also popular in Yanjing. But compared with Fang Qiong, that's a long way off.

Chen fan is now the most powerful man on earth. Chen Liuguo and Chen Tianren are on a par with China.

The wife of the president and the wife of the prime minister are not as respected as Chen Fan's wife.

The power of presidents and prime ministers comes from their positions of power and the hundreds of millions of people behind them. Chen fanwei's strength belongs to himself. A person standing there is a country, a rich family. Who can marry her, who can stand on the top of the world, enjoy the supreme glory.

Which girl is not envious?

Many people are talking about Fang Qiong, but there are also some people who secretly laugh behind her back.

"The Qin family's wishful thinking led to the fact that stealing chicken was not enough to eat rice. Not only did not curry favor with Chen Tianren, but also offended the Xiao family. That Qin Yan'er, the most beautiful woman in Yanjing, is not wanted. It's so funny. "

"Not bad. Now the Qin family wants to marry their daughter to Chen beixuan and become the second wife. They don't want her. They don't think you can get ahead of them! "

"If I were Qin Yan'er, I would jump off the building and have no face to live in the world."

All kinds of sarcasm, pointing to the Qin family.

Kunming Lake, Qin villa.

All the people of the Qin family sigh all day long. Qin Yan'er's mother, in particular, was tearful. Qin Yan'er was originally her pride, but it turned out to be just like her now because of her blunder.

"It's all my fault. If I insisted on it at that time, I didn't go to the Ye family. It may be our daughter who is engaged now, not Fang Qiong. "Qin Guochao repeatedly regretted slapping his thigh.

At that time, ye Qingcang was promoted to earth immortal, and everyone thought that Chen fan would be defeated. Qin Guochao did the same, so he ran to the Ye family and wanted to marry them. As a result, chen fan won the final victory. The news spread quickly and the Qin family became a laughing stock.

"Well, although our Qin family lost a lot of face, they didn't lose any strength after all. It's just bitterness. "

Old Qin sighed.

Qin Yan'er's pretty face is pale, without a trace of blood color. She has an extremely beautiful appearance. Now she is haggard.

"It's OK, Grandpa," she said with a strong smile. Yan'er is not in a hurry to get married. She wants to accompany you more. "

Seeing her like this, Qin felt even more guilty and made up his mind to do so. At this time, there was a cold silence in the Wang family.

It is different from the No. 5 villa on the hillside, which is decorated with lights and noisy. Many Wangs gathered at the top of the mountain and said nothing. After hearing the news of Chen Fan's engagement, he was even more angry.

Old lady Xue Hongmei's angry hands were shaking.

She just died, the most distressed grandchildren, sad days and nights can't sleep. And Chen fan is engaged? Isn't that hitting her and the Wangs in the face?

"Dad, mom, this chen fan is too much. From the beginning to the end, the town didn't provoke him, but was killed by him! When were we bullied like this by outsiders? You know, big brother and sister-in-law, there is only one son in a small town. "

Wang Keshan, the second child, said indignantly.

When Wang Keqin heard the speech, his face became more and more low, and his eyes flashed with sadness and anger. As for Wang Cheng's fiancee, Han Junli, her face was livid and silent.

"Ha ha, Chen beixuan is domineering with his strong force. Not to mention other places, Yanjing alone, how many people are dissatisfied with him? You just don't dare say it. I'll bet you wait until the engagement day. At the door of their villa, there are absolutely few people. Even if someone comes, there are only three or two cats

Wang Kefeng patted the table.

Although other Wangs didn't speak, most of them thought so.

After all, although Chen fan is strong, how can he convince everyone by using force to suppress others? People can't provoke you, can't they hide you? I'll treat you like a piece of cow dung and hide.

"Hum, I'll see. When the little bastard is engaged, who will congratulate him? If anyone dares to come, my royal family will cut off all relations with him from now on, and don't visit my royal family in the future! "

Xue Hongmei, the old lady, said bitterly.

See a lot of uncle and uncle, even Grandma are condemning. Originally wanted to open mouth to participate in a Chen Fan wedding banquet, little girl Wang Chenchen, immediately shut up.

Only Wang Zhongguo, who is sitting in the first place, has a twinkling of regret in his eyes. Soon, the day of engagement will come.

The day the Chen family decided at that time was very close. This time, chen fan is not going to do a big show. He just invited some relatives and friends, such as Chen Huai'an, Chen Ning, Chen Xiao, Fang Mingde, Su Su Su and so on, to set up a banquet. The parents of both sides made a decision, but they were not ready to make a big show.

After all, it's engagement, not marriage.

But Chen Fan underestimated his current status.

"Is Chen beixuan engaged? We have to go. "

"What? No invitation? We can send a present without invitation. Even if you don't see Chen beixuan. It's also good to meet his parents, relatives and friends. "

"What's the distance of tens of thousands of miles? This is the first person in the world

It's not only the Wudao families, sects and big families in Yanjing and even all over China, but also many rich and powerful people related to beiqiong group, such as the dragon family on Hong Kong Island.

Even many dark organizations, consortia and even countries all over the world were shocked.

When the day of engagement comes.

Under the whole Beishan Mountain, the vehicles are like a long dragon.

From Beishan to Yanjing, there are more than ten kilometers of traffic.

No car is an ordinary car, but most of them are luxury cars, such as Maserati, Lamborghini, Rolls Royce, Mercedes Benz S series, BMW 7 series and so on. It's less than 500000, so it's basically useless. Many vehicles even carry the signs of foreign envoys.

Countless Yanjing citizens gathered around and said:

"my God, which family is going to get married? It's too big, isn't it? The traffic is spreading for more than ten miles, and luxury cars are gathering? The top ones in Yanjing are just like that. Looking in this direction, is it the royal family of Beishan? "

"Ha ha, you are ignorant. It seems to me that the general manager of beiqiong group is engaged to a man. That's why so many people come to celebrate. " There are well-informed people, showing off.

"Beiqiong group? It's just that the company is in the top five in China. It's the richest man in China, the one surnamed Wang, who didn't get married like this. She's engaged. It's an exaggeration to block Yanjing city. Is the man the Wang family? "

It was immediately questioned.

"It's said that it's not the Wang family. Although it has some relations with the Wang family, it seems that it was expelled by the Wang family at that time."The other answered.

"I'll go. How can the Wangs get rid of such a great power? It's a waste

All of them were in an uproar and puzzled.

At this time, the Wangs stood on the top of the mountain, their faces began to turn pale.

PS: the third one is presented, and the author continues to write the fourth one_ n) O (to be continued). Your support is my biggest motivation. )17-01-16 11:59:41 , the fastest update of the webnovel!