Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 630

The boy in white came down from the sky. Is it Chen beixuan?

The loser who just fell into the Yanshan mountain is Ye Qingcang, the man of heaven?

Is Ye Qingcang defeated? How could a land immortal who has never been seen before be defeated? How is that possible? This is not logical and reasonable! It has been recorded in ancient books for thousands of years. It has never been heard that mortals can defeat immortals.

"It's impossible. Ye Tianren won't be defeated!"

All the people in Xiao's family shook their heads, and Xiao could not keep his face any longer. As for the Ye family, Kunlun and others, they are even more distressed and unwilling to believe it.

Ye Qingcang has been in China for decades, ranking first in the list of gods, which is an invincible myth!

Today, this myth is defeated by Chen fan. The impact on white tiger, rosefinch, green dragon and others is unimaginable. Many of the children of the Ye family, in particular, cried. Ye Nantian and Lao Qinglong are in a flash, turning into a blood awn, rushing to the depths of Yanshan mountain to investigate Ye Qingcang's life and death.

"Chen beixuan won?"

The gold priest spoke with difficulty.

"Ye Tianren has been promoted to the rank of God and devil. He has the power to move mountains and seas, but he was defeated by Chen beixuan? It's incredible. It's unimaginable. This is not recorded in myths and legends. "

Guru khesh, calm as water, is full of shock.

As for the other realms, they were silent. They had just witnessed the birth of an earth immortal, who was defeated in public. Let these God state heart, all produce confused. If even the immortals can be defeated, what's the significance of their long-term pursuit of promotion?

On the other hand, beiqiong school is boiling like a sea.

"The teacher won! The teacher won

Ah Xiu jumped up and cheered.

Wang Xiaoyun, Fang Qiong and Anya's daughters were all overjoyed and couldn't restrain themselves. Before they worried to the extreme, even if they had confidence in Chen fan, they were facing a fairy! It's not a man, it's a god! It's the Holy One! It's Buddha!

Unexpectedly, even the fairy was defeated by Chen fan. After today, who dares to provoke beiqiong school and Chen family?

"I said, with the teacher's ability, isn't it just a fairy who can fight?"

Hua Yunfeng stroked his beard with a long smile.

Xie Yan's eyes flashed, and he finally understood why Chen Fan despised the nine Li sword Scripture of the master of cangjian and threw it to him. "Even the earth immortal is not the opponent of the master. What is the skill of the earth immortal?"

Compared with the boiling beiqiong faction, many Yanjing families are on wax.

The Qin family should have been happy, but now they find that they are not happy. Just now they also sent someone to contact Ye's family urgently. Can they marry Qin Yan'er to Ye Beichen's son. But now, chen fan has won. All the hard work of the Qin family is in vain.

"Alas, it's a pity that chess is a poor move. Why can't the old man hold back! "

Old Qin patted his thighs with regret.

Qin Guochao, the owner of the Qin family, was embarrassed. Just now, he insisted on congratulating the Ye family. But who could have thought that Chen Fanli defeated the immortals and shocked the eyes.

The Wang family is a little better.

Although Wang Cheng's face was ugly, he still said with a strong smile, "if my cousin wins, it's also a happy event for my Wang family."

"Yes, chen fan won. He is my Wang family after all. After today, our Wang family will replace the Xiao family and officially become the largest family. " Wang Keqin bowed his hand and congratulated Mr. Wang.

Other Wang family members are also in a very complicated mood.

On the one hand, they look down on Chen Fan and wish Ye Qingcang killed chen fan. On the other hand, they are eager to use Chen Fan's power to strengthen the Wang family. This tangled mentality makes people look strange. In particular, Xue Hongmei, the old lady, was disgusted like swallowing a fly.

"Xiao Fan is really the unicorn of my Wang family."

Wang Zhongguo stroked his long beard, and his eyes were full of admiration. He could not see his indifference to Chen fan.


"Hoo Hoo."

Chen fan came down from the sky.

At this time, he was wearing a white mid-range casual suit, which was not broken at all. It can be seen that Chen fan has not done his best in the battle, otherwise he will not be able to protect his clothes.

Knowing this, many deities are more and more submissive.

"We'll meet Chen Tianren and congratulate him on his defeat of Ye Qingcang and his achievement of a myth that has never been seen before. Today we are on top of the world!"

An old man in a Taoist robe came forward to congratulate him.

His name is Changchun Taoist. He is a famous gas refiner in Zhongnan mountain. He used to be as famous as Li Changsheng, but few Changchun Taoists came out of Zhongnanshan. They had nothing to do with the world. They only practiced Taoism. They didn't expect to be born today.

"Congratulations to Chen Tianren!"

Oleg, the gold priest and others also bowed themselves to congratulate. As for guru gujia, how dare you mention revenge for your younger martial brother? It was Chen fan who stepped on the Brahman in front of him. It is estimated that guru gujia would have to smile and say that the destruction is good!

Once you enter the earth immortal, you can be called heaven and man. Although Chen fan is not an earthly immortal, he is better than an earthly immortal.Chen Fan nodded and said, "although Ye Qingcang is defeated, China still has me. After today, I will be in the East. I will not be allowed to act in any divine place in the East. Those who violate the law will be killed without mercy! "

"Yes! In accordance with the law of heaven and man. "

Guru Jia and others trembled and bowed down in a hurry.

Although Ye Qingcang was powerful in China before, there were many people who didn't buy his face. Li Changsheng and others once gathered together seven divine realms to besiege Ye Qingcang. As for the divine realm of other countries, they are even more overbearing and have no scruples.

But now, chen fan on the nine empty, boxing defeat Dixian!

In addition, he slaughtered nearly 20 gods in succession, and almost half of the gods on earth were slaughtered by him. He said this, who dare say not a word?

"When I go back today, I will not set foot in the eastern territory in my whole life as far as I am away from the East. And they have to restrain their disciples so that they can meet the Chinese and have to hide! "

The gold priest and others were worried that Chen Fan might be in trouble and killed them all in one breath, which would solve the future trouble forever.

Fortunately, chen fan is not as crazy as they think.

At this time, ye Nantian holds Ye Qingcang's body and flies far away. At this time, they saw that ye Qingcang, a famous immortal, had a huge hole in his chest. It was an impressive fist seal. It was soul stirring, and there were also a lot of rosy clouds and essence in the hole.

No matter Ye Nantian or all the people of Ye family, their faces are hard to see.

"Don't worry, ye Daoyou is not dead. The resilience of the earth immortal is far beyond your imagination. Ye Daoyou's injury can be repaired in two or three years at most. "

Chen Fan said calmly.

Ye Nantian's face was a little slow.

At this time, chen fan turned his head and looked at all the people of the Ye family:

"although ye Daoyou and I are engaged in a battle, they are just discussing the Tao, not the fight of life and death. After today, Kunlun and the Ye family should still be in charge of China. Those who are good at offending the Ye family and Kunlun will be killed if they offend our beiqiong school! "

Chen Fan's words, seemingly to the Ye family, are actually meant to be heard by others.

Many people have a great hatred for ye Qingcang. When they were robbed, they wanted to rob by fire. When they heard Chen Fan's words, they had to press down their anger.

After that, chen fan's eyes swept the Xiao family.

All the people in the Xiao family were frightened. In particular, Xiao Xianzhu and other young people turned pale.

Chen beixuan's name is known all over the world. Whoever offends him is prone to murder. The Xiao family invited Ye Qingcang to deal with him. Can Chen beixuan let the Xiao family go?

"Chen Tianren, this is all done by me. I'm willing to take all the responsibility. Please let the rest of the Xiao family go!"

Xiao laowei trembled and bowed down.

He was over ninety years old, gray haired and old, but he begged to a 20-year-old boy. Whether Xiao Changfeng or Xiao Xianzhu and others saw it, they felt sad and angry.

There are many Yanjing families around, and they are even more sad.

Even the Xiaos of Yanjing's first aristocratic family have to bow their heads in front of Chen fan. After today, who dares to be disrespectful to Chen fan? The Wangs were even more exalted, as if they had already sat on the throne of the first family.

When people thought that Chen Fan wanted to be angry. However, Chen Fan said faintly:

"Xiao Xuan believed the rumors and offended me face to face. I broke his limbs, and the matter is over. It has nothing to do with the Xiao family! "

Then, in the disbelief eyes of the Xiao family, chen fan left the Xiao family and looked at other aristocratic families. In front of Chen Fan's eyes, all the rich families, such as the Li family, the Han family, the Mu family and so on, bow their heads and dare not offend. The Qin family is still nervous, but Chen fan passes by as if he didn't know him at all.

Old Qin couldn't help laughing bitterly.

And Qin Yan'er is a pretty face, white, dead bite lips, Jiao body far away to fall.

Finally, chen fan's eyes fell on the Wang family.

"Congratulations to Mr. Wang. Congratulations to Mr. Wang. Today, Chen Tianren is dominating the world, and all the families in Yanjing bow to their heads. Today, the Wangs are going to climb to the top of Yanjing and even China. "

People next to him came to congratulate him.

Wang Zhongguo's palace was very deep, but he also showed a smile. The other Wangs were all smiles and complacent, as if all the credit of Chen Fan was the glory of the Wangs. Wang Cheng, who was also excited, made up his mind to hold Chen Fan's thigh first and strengthen the Wang family. As for the later calculation, let's come back slowly.

"Xiaofan, you defeated Ye Qingcang before all the people today. You are really strengthening our Wang family. When I get back, I'll have a banquet for you. I'll have a banquet for you. I'll have a ancestral hall. I'll put you in my family tree. "

Wang Zhongguo, Wang Cheng and others came up with a smile.

But Chen Fan's face was cold, his eyes were cold, and he didn't have a smile.

when he patted yangjianhu, the flying sword roared out, and he said coldly:

"the Wangs have bullied my parents repeatedly and calculated on me behind my back. In the face of my mother, I only cut off one member of the Wang family. After today, my Chen family has nothing to do with the Wang family. If you dare to do it again, don't blame me for being merciless! "Then, the Guiyuan sword burst out, and the edge of the sword flashed by, cutting off the head of the King City. Then he left a long sword mark in front of Wang Zhongguo.

This sword mark, across the top of the mountain, blocked in front of Chen Fan and the Wang family, just like a natural moat!

Wang Zhongguo's face was so blue that he couldn't believe it!

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one , the fastest update of the webnovel!