Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 623

Ye Qingcang stamped his foot.

Yanshan, stretching for ten miles, was shocked like a dragon turning over. People only feel that the mountains under their feet are shaking back and forth. Many people are so scared that they think the earthquake is coming.

"Don't panic, it's Ye Qingcang who borrowed the Qi of the earth."

Cheers the old strong.

Sure enough, the surging air of the earth veins turned into yellow awns visible to the naked eye, converging from all directions, and in Ye Qingcang's palm, it condensed into a yellow light mass of mountain type.

"Ye Qingcang has lived in Yanshan for decades, and his spirit has long been connected with the whole ten mile Yanshan. This is his home court. Chen beixuan came here to fight with him. Ye Qingcang took advantage of him. "

A wise man shakes his head.


With the condensation of countless earthly veins, the peak in Ye Qingcang's hand became more and more clear, which was the shape of the main peak of Yanshan. At this time, he held up a mountain. This mountain peak is purely formed by the vitality of the earth. I don't know how much it weighs. Ye Qingcang was also very hard.

"Chen beixuan, just now you broke the power of heaven, and then you took another blow from the power of earth."

Ye Qingcang laughed and threw out the Yellow Mountain in his hand.

Only the yellow mountain peak the size of a basketball, flying out of the sky, without Ye Qingcang's constraint, suddenly began to soar. At first it was the size of a watermelon, then it turned into a water tank, a car, and finally it turned into a three story building, more than ten meters high, just like Mount Tai.

This is the real Taishan Pinnacle!

I don't know how many tons of power fell from the sky. Although it is only one thousandth or even one thousandth of Yanshan's strength, it is still not enough.

"Raise your hand to call the dragon, turn your hand to throw the mountain! What is heaven and man? This is the real heaven and man. "

Countless martial arts masters were filled with tears.

They thought there was no road ahead, but ye Qingcang showed them how terrible the power of the earth immortal was. Although it is only the realm of the immortals, it can use the power of heaven and earth to play a thousand times more powerful than human itself. Modern technology is inferior to digital technology.

"Ye Qingcang, let's see if I can defeat you."

Chen fan has no fear at all.

Facing the meteorite falling from the sky, which is enough to sink an aircraft carrier, chen fan is in his left hand. The crystal clear palm turned into a knife, turned into a palm knife, and split into the 20 meter high yellow mountain.


The bright blue sword awn soared out of thin air and turned into several Zhang long. In the awn of the sword, there is a long sword made of green gold with metallic light.

Chen Fan's use of the gas coagulation knife is as real as it is.

It can be seen how terrifying his true yuan is.


The green gold long knife cleaved on the yellow mountain peak, making a clear sound of metal. Then, with a sharp blade, he broke through the yellow mountain like a rock, and finally cut the yellow mountain into two parts.


The yellow mountain peak, which was divided into two parts, smashed on both sides of Chen fan. At the foot of the mountain, it smashed two huge holes. Each hole is more than ten meters wide, just like a meteorite falling from the sky. People even felt that the soles of their feet trembled slightly.

The power of earth vein, break again!

Before beiqiong school could be happy, they saw that ye Qingcang had white hair like anger, surrounded by his hands, just like lifting Taiji.

"Heaven and earth are one, heaven and earth turn upside down!"

Ye Qingcang's left hand went up and raised the surging vitality of the whole world. The right hand turns down, which leads to the Qi of the earth. This time, he didn't keep his hand any longer, and the vast vitality of heaven and earth and the Qi of the earth gathered into his hands. Finally, the air mass turned into a chaotic color, as if Hongmeng was born.

In the air mass, the energy of the whole area within ten li is gathered. Once it explodes, it will be enough to destroy the sky and the earth, and burst the mountain peaks.

"This attack, which draws the Qi of the Tianyuan and dimai, is a secret method of the ancient daomai Hunyuan sect, so it's called" Hunyuan strike. "

Ye Qingcang's face was serious. He seemed to lift a heavy load, and fiercely planed away the chaotic air mass in his hands.

"Click, click."

The chaotic air mass runs over the void like a huge bulldozer. Even the void seems to be unable to bear this force, trembling slightly. The terrible power contained in this attack is that many divine realms are discolored.

"It's not just the power of human immortals, it's comparable to that of earth immortals."

Guru guru was shocked.

For example, Lin Shuming, Li Changsheng and others, although there is a realm of earth immortals, there is no body of earth immortals and the true yuan of earth immortals. They can only use the spirit to arouse the vitality of heaven and earth. The vitality of these worlds is incomparably scattered. Looking at the grandeur, they are actually vulnerable.

And the real Dixian. Condense one's true power into the world. Every action has the power of heaven and earth, and is extremely concise. It's several times as powerful as the immortal.

But at this time, ye Qingcang's Hunyuan secret skill condensed the two Qi of heaven and earth at the same time. This blow is not inferior to Lin Shuming's last sword of the earth immortal. It is the real power of the earth immortal."Good! I didn't expect to see a real way to control heaven and earth on earth. "

Chen fan is very happy to see it.

Lin Shuming and Li Changsheng are just like mortals with sharp weapons. They don't know the art of swordsmanship. Although they are immortals, they are not much better than the divine realm.

But ye Qingcang's Hunyuan secret skill, though not high-end, is really the way for a real immortal to master heaven and earth. It's like Ye Qingcang has learned the art of sabre. Even the five tiger broken door Sabre is far better than ordinary people.

"Ye Qingcang, your perception of heaven and earth is far better than that of Lin Shuming, and almost equal to that of ordinary earth immortals. But even if the real immortals are here, I can cut them, not to mention you? "

As soon as Chen Fan patted the little gourd on his waist, he burst out and drank:

"here comes the sword."

"Bang Dang!"

When the flying sword came out of its scabbard, a golden sword rainbow came out of the gourd and gave out a joyful cry. With a sword that runs through the heaven and earth, he cuts to the chaotic air mass. It's the Guiyuan sword that was once damaged!

But at this time, after a month's rest, chen fan used several Western artifact materials to integrate them. Compared with before, the Guiyuan sword had already recovered from its wounds and was more powerful, bringing forth thunderous sword sounds.


Chen Fan pointed out.

The Guiyuan sword, ten feet long, suddenly turned into three feet of gold.

This gold thread is only a trace, thin as human hair, far less powerful than before, but extremely terrible. It's the high-end sword skill of Jianxian, which makes the sword into silk!

Chen fan was once on the top of the mountain. With this sword, he cut off four holy places in succession. Li Changsheng and others who killed him were scared.

Sword cultivation is known as one sword breaking ten thousand methods. It depends on this skill.


I saw the golden thread like a sword cutting off water and a knife cutting bean curd. When it passed, it cut the chaotic air mass in half. Then the terrible energy in the chaotic air mass, uncontrolled, burst out instantly.


Halfway up the mountain, it's like being dropped a heavy bomb.

Countless rocks, plants and woods were blown up all over the sky. Even the mountains tremble as the dust rushes to the sun. The explosion covered more than 100 meters, and the surging waves even hit other peaks. The shaking Yanshan Mountain wavered. Finally, the smoke and dust dispersed, and a huge stone pit appeared. The stone pit was 20 to 30 meters wide.

"This blow is as powerful as the father of bombs."

Countless people are disgraced.

The power of the explosion just now is at least equivalent to the power of hundreds of tons of explosives. The most powerful missile, that's all. Further up, there are only small nuclear weapons.

"Is this the real power of the earth immortal? A single blow is as good as a hundred tons of dynamite. In contrast, our strength, in front of the immortals, is like an ant. Ye Qingcang is also the next ten miles of Yanshan vein, in order to cast this blow, out of Yanshan, he did not have this ability

Many people who are strong in the divine realm are shocked by their estimation.

Shenjing's hand can break an ordinary building at most. However, the earth immortal can wipe away the life of hundreds of meters, which is comparable to the cloud bomb. It took only half a day to demolish a city.


Just as everyone's mind was swaying, chen fan didn't leave a hand. After the golden sword cut through the air, he rushed to Ye Qingcang.

There was a long sword mark in the void. Before the sword silk arrived, there was a chill on the top of the mountain. Many withered and yellow maple leaves even split into two, showing the terrible power of the sword.


Ye Qingcang's face was dignified, and he raised his hand to make more than ten talismans.

These talismans are very old. They are all made from the skin of a good spirit beast, or the scales and blood of a dragon. It's as if it's thousands of years old.

Every talisman is out, and there is an invisible barrier in the void. These barriers are so hard that cannons can't break them.

In a flash, ye Qingcang was covered by a colorful light curtain.

"Dragon and tiger mountain, Taiqing Yiqi Fu."

"Wudang Mountain, Hunyuan two consistent."

"The magic talisman of the Shangqing school in Maoshan."

"The talismans of the supreme Vajra of the secret sect of Daxueshan..."

at the moment of seeing these talismans, countless Chinese practitioners beat their chests and feet.

These talismans are the treasures of Zhenzong, which have been handed down for thousands of years by all the major sects. All of them are handed down by the earth immortal ancestors thousands of years ago and are the most valuable assets for future generations. If you use one less than one, every major sect will never dare to use it until it is critical. But ye Qingcang didn't cherish it and threw out more than a dozen at a time.

"Ye Qingcang, with Kunlun, destroyed many sects and blackmailed them one by one. It's damned to collect all our ancestral property! "

Some of Maoshan's descendants even vomited blood.

The people of the major Chinese Taoist sects are also smelly. Ye Qingcang is not only famous for his evil deeds, but also known as "scraping the ground three feet". Almost all orthodoxy, sects and aristocratic families were blackmailed by him in those years. All kinds of martial arts, ancestral magic weapons, magic weapons, talismans, pills and so on have been wiped out.The wealth of Kunlun is even close to that of the Holy See and the dark arbitration department. Ye Qingcang's family background is not much weaker than Chen Fan's.

And ye Qingcang doesn't care about these at all. He still looks at the golden thread.


The golden sword silk was finally cut on many shields. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!