Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 625

The body of the earth immortal, that is, the congenital Tao body, must step into the nature to be condensed.

The physical body of a congenital monk is very strong enough to withstand the bombardment of missiles and artillery. Even small nuclear weapons may not be able to kill him. If combined with a lot of magic, magical powers and body protection weapons, the congenital monks may not be afraid of nuclear weapons.

Chen Fan's Changsheng body is about the same as the body of the earth immortal. However, compared with the ordinary body of the earth immortal, the Changsheng body of the Qing emperor has several kinds of magical powers, and the skills of manipulating all kinds of wood. All the wood Taoism can be easily mastered.

From the perspective of Chen Fan's five years of rebirth, the five people on earth, including the black Duke, are closest to the body of the earth immortal. They are half blood dark blood clan, the flesh body is incomparably powerful, has the terror resilience, only slightly inferior to the body of the earth immortal. Of course, even with their physical bodies, they can't stop Chen Fan from hitting the top of Shenhai, let alone qianlianhua.

"I didn't expect that ye Qingcang could cultivate the body of the earth immortal. Is this the great fortune he got in the burial valley of Kunlun? It's also true that once the body of the earth immortal is complete, he can live for hundreds of years in the world, and no nature can match this. "

Chen Fan turned his back and thought, "but the body of a common earth immortal may not be able to resist the" thousand lotus flowers ". Just now, that feeling is the body armor?"

Among all the magic weapons, it is the most difficult to practice the protective weapon.

The value of inferior body protectors is comparable to that of intermediate body protectors. Moreover, they are extremely powerful in protection. With the body of the earth immortal, they are really strong enough to bear Chen Fan's blow.

Just as they shook their heads and sighed.


A shadow of blood bumps out of the mountain, and it is Ye Qingcang.

At this time, ye Qingcang's head was white and his mouth was bloodstained, and a armor full of bloodstains appeared on his chest. There is a lotus like mark on the armor, which is Chen Fan's fist seal.

This fist seal is deeply printed on the armor, and concave and convex inward. It is obvious that ye Qingcang was hurt, but he was far from dead or seriously injured on the spot.

"Isn't grandfather dead?"

Yeyi people jumped up with joy.

The Yeh family and the Kunlun people were all happy. Many Yanjing families, including the Xiaos, and Zhang Yu were slightly relieved.

In contrast, many deities are dumbfounded.

"How is that possible?"

The golden priest couldn't believe it.

"Chen beixuan's punch can be regarded as a unique skill that must be killed, that is, an aircraft carrier here will be beaten through by life. Even if the dark masters can't bear it, ye Qingcang is only slightly injured?"

Gurga shook his head.

"If you look carefully, general Ye's body is totally different from ours." Oleg sighed.

When they looked around, they saw that ye Qingcang was standing in the void. His body, from the inside to the outside, was shining like a piece of bright red amber. Although not as good as the opposite chen fan, but with a trace of God, surging aura, brewing in his body.

"This is... The body of gods and demons?"

Guru gujia was shocked.

In the East, they are called the immortals, the Holy See the saints, and in other places, they are also called the demons or gods. Although the statements are different, the essence is the same.

"Hiss, in addition to Chen beixuan, ye Qingcang has also become an immortal. Isn't it a legend that you can't build a body of earth immortal on this star? "

Many gods frowned.

Different from the realm of human immortals, the realm mainly depends on comprehension. If you have enough understanding, you can promote human immortals.

But the body of the earth immortal is different. Just like Chen fanning's practice of the immortal body of the Qing emperor, it needs solid resources, such as all kinds of spiritual liquid, elixir, elixir and even divine power crystal. Ye Qingcang needs at least a pool of spirit liquid to cultivate the body of the earth immortal. Unless he gets the secret collection of the earth immortal, he can't do it at all.

"Chen beixuan, you are the body of the earth immortal, so am I

"You have treasures, and so do I. You have a lot of immortal methods, and I have the whole secrets of China. I have more personal fairyland than you, and I can use it infinitely. How can you be my opponent? "

Ye Qingcang is standing in the void with bright eyes.

His body is full of red haze and dense red awn, just like a red flame God. At this time, ye Qingcang turned out his own card.

The earth immortal body is the most precious body. With this body, ye Qingcang doesn't need to be afraid of the exhaustion of Shouyuan even if he controls the heaven and earth, because his body can bear it.

"The congenital body, the congenital realm and the congenital force, the three in one, can be congenital. Now you only need the last one."

Chen Fan nodded slightly, but there was still no fear in his eyes:

"Ye Qingcang, in a sense, you are already half a Dixian, only one step away from the door. Unfortunately, you are the real Dixian, not my opponent, not to mention your fake Dixian!"

With that, chen fan clenched his fist gently, and his blood flowed like the Yangtze River.

"Today, I'll show you that the body of the earth immortal can be divided into higher and lower parts!"

"Boom."At that moment, Chen Fanyi broke the sound barrier and hit Ye Qingcang in the air at nearly three times the speed of sound.

The whole sky was pulled out with a long green mark, like the sound of a whistle, which sounded sharply. On the top of Yanshan mountain, chen fan stepped out a huge stone pit, and the gravel collapsed.

"Fight in blood!"

Ye Qingcang also broke the sound barrier with one punch.

The fierce intention of killing turned into a sea of blood, almost drowning half of the sky. Ye Qingcang is a traitor. He has fought all over the world for more than 300 years and died for the rest of his life. He has gathered all his fighting spirit and killing ideas into the KUNDO. He almost broke away from the moves and hit the immortal fist.

"Bang bang."

In the void, you can only see a green awn, a blood light, hitting each other.

In addition to the divine realm, almost no one can see their fight, the speed of the two is too fast, close to three times the speed of sound. Every impact makes a thunderous sound, and every fight crosses hundreds of kilometers of void, just like two fighter planes skimming at low altitude.

At the back, it's just the top of Yanshan mountain. It's not enough for two people.

Chen fan and ye Qingcang fought and walked around the whole ten mile Yanshan mountain. Every time they fly, they rush several kilometers away. They can't stop any vegetation, rocks or houses. Some people are accidentally involved in the battle and are torn to pieces.

"Too strong! It's too strong! "

Whether it is Yanjing's major families, or many dark strongmen, all change color.

There is no room for mortals in such a battle. It's all a battle of gods. Ordinary weapons can't catch two people at all, that is, missiles may not be able to catch up. Only powerful nuclear weapons can destroy them in one blow.

"Ye Qingcang deserves to be the most brilliant talent in the world. Even in this world, he just needs the last half step to become a real earth immortal. He has never been a person like this for thousands of years."

Guru gujia sighed.

"But Chen beixuan is stronger, and ye Qingcang is being beaten from beginning to end."

The eagle rider said sharply.

The layman can't see it, but many of them are not clear.

Although Ye Qingcang has become a treasure body of the earth immortal, and his whole body is full of rosy clouds, and his Qi and blood are transpiration, chen fan is too terrible.

Chen Fan didn't use any magic weapon, so with a pair of iron fists, he crushed Ye Qingcang to death. No matter how ye Qingcang used all kinds of secret skills, he couldn't bear Chen Fan's attack.


Chen fan takes Ye Qingcang's fist, but his body shakes. He claps it with one hand and prints it on Ye Qingcang's chest. He boils Ye Qingcang's Qi and blood and flies upside down in the air. If there is no bloodstained spirit armor on his body, ye Qingcang will be injured with that one hand alone.

"Damn, we are all earthly immortals. How can he be so much better than me?"

Ye Qingcang was shocked.

Chen Fan completely crushed Ye Qingcang in terms of speed, strength and defense. In particular, the physical body is extremely powerful. No matter what attack you hit, you are not injured at all. Even if you are injured, you will recover quickly.

"I said, you don't know what is the real cultivation of immortals!"

Chen Fan's eyes were cold and did not leave a hand.

What he practiced was the immortal body of the Qing emperor, one of the top divine bodies in the universe, next only to several holy bodies. Every time ye Qingcang hit chen fan, he was transferred by Chen fan to the forest sea within tens of miles.

If ye Qingcang observes carefully, he will find that many maple trees turn into powder at this time.

This is the power of the green emperor's immortal body. If Chen fan is in the primitive jungle, you will drop a nuclear bomb, and you may not be able to kill him, because the green emperor's immortal body is also known for its defense against metamorphosis in the universe.

"I don't believe it!"

Ye Qingcang's fighting spirit was boiling, and he roared wildly, holding his bloody dagger and chopping in the air.

He has a top-grade spirit weapon in his hand, wears body armor, and is also the body of the earth immortal. With one punch and one foot, the vitality of heaven and earth is aroused. The vitality of the sea is boiling for several miles, and many dark clouds and storms are rolling up in the sky.

The long wind howled like a rainstorm.


Chen Fan hit feiye Qingcang again. Seeing that he just shook his head and continued to rush up, he said coldly:

"Ye Qingcang, do you think I can't kill you relying on the body of the earth immortal and the spirit armor?"

As soon as Chen Fan patted the yangjianhu, a colorful light rose to the sky and flew to the top of Chen Fan's head, revealing an ancient bronze seal. On the ancient seal, it is divided into five colors, red, yellow, white and black, just like the five elements of heaven.

"Five thunder seals!"

Seeing this ancient seal, almost all of them turned pale at the same time, including many divine realms.

Chen Fan's strike in the open sea of London was really terrible. In front of the American general, he wiped an island out of thin air. That power still exists in our minds. We are trembling and trembling.

"Five elements, Leifa hub, listen to me!"Chen Fan pointed in the air.

The ancient seal vibrated, and the heaven and the earth were immediately called upon. Five thunder pillars fell from the sky, and then instantly gathered into a chaotic thunder light that seemed black but not black and white but not white.

This ray of thunder, as if with the beginning of the universe of destruction, enough to kill the immortals!

"Xiaowuxing shenlei!"

Ye Qingcang's face suddenly changed, as if facing the enemy.

PS: it's over at the end of the fourth shift. Thank you ye Luoli, boys playing women's numbers, appropriate expectations, Eden of books, Jiangnan smokers and drinkers, Momo 1234, Shuyou 1502763044, big leaders of shtzhy. Thank you very much. I'll thank you more later. O(∩_ ∩) O

(to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!