Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 622


I saw a figure, such as agile dragon, rising slowly.

The old man in black, with his hands on his back and his feet on the heaven and earth, is as deep as the sea in his eyes. As soon as they saw the coming people, whether they were the gold priest or guru gurga, they all bowed their heads slightly to pay homage to the great man who had been worshiping God for 60 years.

"General ye, we haven't seen each other for 20 years."

Oleg sighed and his pupils shrank.

Twenty years ago, when he saw Ye Qingcang, ye Qingcang stood like Mount Tai, towering and towering, and eventually he could see the end. But see you again today, I just feel that ye Qingcang is like a vast ocean, never ending.

"Twenty years is just a matter of fingers for our generation."

Ye Qingcang laughed and looked around. Suddenly, he shot into the top of Yanshan like a meteor. He looked around and said, "Chen beixuan, I've come here. Let's fight."

Standing on the top of the mountain, he hunts in black, has white hair like a sword and looks like a demon.

No matter Wang Lao, Xiao Lao, or many children of second and third rate families in Yanjing, they were all shocked. Other strong people in the dark world are also staring big eyes and waiting quietly.

The war, which is rare in a thousand years, is about to begin.


"general ye came here with the determination to die, so he waited until you broke through the divine realm, and then he asked Chen beixuan to fight. It's really in his mind that he's not sure. "

On the other mountain, there are two people.

The blue cloth robe washed white by one person is the old green dragon. The other one, with sword eyebrows and stars in his eyes, is very handsome and has a strong intention of killing people with iron blood, as if he had been involved in thousands of troops.

Ye Nantian.

Major general Longya, the God of war in Chinese military circles, ranks second in the list of heaven.

"My father once went to Kunlun Valley to bury the immortals. He was only half a step away from the immortals. When Chen beixuan mentioned chen fan, ye Nantian's eyes lit up.

At first, he wanted to compete with Chen fan, but with Chen Fan's success, his accomplishments rose steadily. Ye Nantian put out this heart, but few people can surpass Ye Nantian in the study of Chen fan.

"Chen beixuan's cultivation is a gift from heaven, either from the immortal gate or from the reincarnation of the immortal. Ordinary teenagers, when they were 20 years old, were full of vigor and vitality. How could they have Chen beixuan's attitude of overlooking all living beings? Power can come from others, but the state of mind can't come from the hand of a dummy. In the face of such old monsters, who knows how many cards he has in his hand? "

Ye Nantian's face is dignified to the extreme.

Standing behind them, the Ye family and many Kunlun disciples, including Ye Beichen, ye Yiren, Zhuque, Baihu and others, were all worried.

Ye Qingcang is the giant pillar of Ye family. If he falls down, it will be a devastating blow to Ye family and Kunlun.

"Grandfather, you are sure to win, aren't you?"

Ye Yiren raised his head to pray.

At this time, there was a commotion at the foot of the mountain.

Here comes chen fan!


Chen Fan didn't empty and control Qi, fly to heaven and escape from the earth like many divine realms.

Wearing a white casual suit, he appeared at the foot of the mountain like a tourist visiting Yanshan. On both sides is the withering leaves, the withered maple forest, heaven and earth a school of killing.


Chen Fan stepped on the steps with his hands behind his back.

In that moment, ye Qingcang opened his eyes fiercely, and the blood rainbow flashed and looked in the air.

Whether it's the dark strong or the Yanjing family, it includes many divine realms. Everyone held their breath,

as you all know, this once-in-a-thousand-year war started at the moment when Chen Fan appeared. The fight of the divine realm ignores the distance.


At this time, chen fan also raised his eyes and saw Ye Qingcang at the top of the mountain through a distance of several hundred meters.

And at this time, ye Qingcang also just looked.

In the eye pupil of two people, each explodes the God awn of several Zhang long. Qingguang and Xuehong collided in the air, making a crackling sound. And the two great spiritual forces, also instantly through the body, collide with each other.


There seems to be an invisible crashing sound in the void.

There was an invisible wave, which spread rapidly to both sides with the hillside as the boundary. Many maple trees on the hillside were rolled up in the air and turned into broken leaves. The visible spiritual waves, like waves, collided in the air, forming a gully of 100 meters long. This gully, like a natural moat, is absolutely in front of them.

"Mental power turns into substance."

The pupils of countless people shrink.

Although it can be done by studying the divine master, they have great spiritual power like Chen Fan and ye Qingcang. Across a mountain, fighting each other, smashing the woods, what a terrible spiritual force?

"Ye Qingcang, you have good mental strength. Since you entered the cultivation world, you should be the only one on earth who can touch the boundary of divine thoughts." Chen fan back hand, continue to step up, side casually said.Every step he took.

The spiritual boundary, just a step back to the top of the mountain.

If Chen Fan takes ten steps, the boundary will be set back ten meters. Half way up the mountain, there was a long blank, just like a part of maple leaf forest had been dug out.

"I have seen from the ancient books that it is said that the spiritual power of the ancient practitioners has its own cultivation method, which can be solidified like a steel knife and far surpass that of the present. Now, it's true. "

Ye Qingcang's long hair fluttered, and the blood awn in the pupil of his eyes soared.

His spirit, which is like a rock, strikes Chen Fan's mind. After all, it is inferior to Chen fan, and Chen fan forces him to retreat step by step. However, ye Qingcang was far superior to the strong in the world. He was not flustered, but still full of confidence.

"Get up!"

Ye Qingcang stepped out and raised his left hand as if holding heaven and earth.


The vitality of the whole area was stirred by it. On the heaven and earth, the vitality visible to the naked eye turned into tornadoes from mid air and instilled into Ye Qingcang. In the palm of his hand, ye Qingcang soon gathered a tornado that directed directly at the sky. He holds a tornado in his hand, like a Thor who controls the storm.

"Human fairy!"

Everyone's turned pale.

No one expected that ye Qingcang would directly enter the realm of human immortals, and he would use his strongest power when he raised his hand.

"The old man is not an immortal yet. With his longevity, he can only live two or three hours at most by using the power of immortals." The rosefinch's face changed greatly, and he said anxiously.

Many ye family members are also sad.

Although human immortals are strong, they have the precedents of Lin Shuming and Li Changsheng. As we all know, once you enter the human immortal, it's a fight to the death. As soon as ye Qingcang makes a move, he falls into a disadvantage in the battle of gods, and has to force the human immortal. And Chen fan, from the beginning to the end, did not make a move, which was almost a point.

"My father was too lucky, not as you think. Keep looking. "

Ye Nantian said faintly.


There are hundreds of meters long tornadoes in hand, which are thrown directly by Ye Qingcang, just like a huge tower. With the momentum of destroying heaven and earth, he smashed at chen fan.

Raise your hand to condense the hurricane and smash people with the power of heaven and earth!

Ye Qingcang's move is more than Lin Shuming, who is 300 meters away from the sea. Obviously, ye Qingcang is better than Lin Shuming in controlling the vitality of heaven and earth.


The hurricane roared, like a long black dragon, and fell on its head.

Seeing this scene, many aristocratic children trembled. When did they see such terrible power. The two men who fight each other often lead the power of heaven and earth and throw tornadoes at people. Is this still human? It's a fairy.

"Must die, must die!"

Zhang Yu stares at Chen Fan with words in his mouth.

Many people are also looking forward to watching, hoping that Chen fan will be defeated.

But at this time, Chen Fan said with a faint smile:

"Ye Qingcang, with this little skill, you can't help me. Show me some real skills. "

With that, chen fan waved his sleeve.


An unimaginable grand true yuan, from the hands of Chen fan, through the body. In the void, there are surging blue waves. This wave of anger, like a surging tsunami, swept the sky and the earth, crossing 100 meters, bumped into the fierce tornado.


Cyan Zhenyuan, collided with black tornado.

Two huge forces collided in the air and burst out like thunder. As if the void could not bear the impact, the trees on both sides were stirred into pieces of wood in an instant. Even a lot of rocks were involved and cracked. In the end, like a torrent, a hundred meter square open space is flattened out at the foot of the mountain.

The power of a blow is as good as this!

All the spectators were horrified by their terrible strength.

However, many powerful people in the divine realm all shrink their pupils and look at chen fan.

Only they know what Chen Fangang's attack means.

"Ye Qingcang gathered the power of heaven and earth to form a tornado of several hundred meters. However, Chen beixuan, relying solely on his own strength, blocked the hurricane and shared the same fate with Ye Qingcang. Shake the world with the power of mortals! Is that what the divine realm can do? "

An old Eagle rider, startled.

"A month ago, Chen beixuan and Lin Shuming fought over the East China Sea. In the face of Lin Shuming's immortal power, Chen beixuan still has to retreat. It's just the body and armor of one's own Dixian. Even the black Duke, the blood knight and so on, all rely on their own three hundred years of blood clan body and countless secret methods. In terms of pure strength, they are far weaker than human immortals. But now, Chen beixuan is stronger than Chen beixuan

Oleg's face was heavy to the extreme.

Everyone's heart sank slightly.

Human immortals control the heaven and earth, almost as good as earth immortals. But Chen fan can break through heaven and earth with his own strength. Does this not mean that his true yuan mana is no longer equal to that of the earth immortal?"Too strong, too strong. Ye Qingcang has no chance of winning this battle. Chen beixuan, with the body and power of the earth immortals, is a living earth immortal except that he can't mobilize the vitality of heaven and earth

Guru gujia shook his head repeatedly, and he had already put out his revenge.

"Not necessarily."

Oleg's eyes were full of fire.

They followed him and looked at Ye Qingcang. As expected, ye Qingcang didn't lose heart at all. He did it again.


The power of this time is many times stronger than before.

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!