Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 621

"Dad, you really want to come here and watch the battle."

Wang Keqin helped Wang Lao and stepped out of the car. Old Wang, who was 70 or 80 years old, gasped slightly, looked up at the summit of Yanshan mountain, which was hundreds of meters high, and said in a deep voice:

"I can't be at ease if I don't witness the victory or defeat of this war with my own eyes."

And Wang Cheng and others, follow behind.

All the way up to Yanshan, I saw armed soldiers with live ammunition and elite soldiers in black clothes. They are escorted on both sides of the mountain road, always protecting and suppressing. They all have a jade dragon mark on their chest, apparently from the mysterious "Kunlun" guard in legend.

This army, like the American ares team, the Russian blood wolf guards, the British blood soldiers and so on, is the most elite seed of China and the sword Kunlun relies on to suppress the world.

Through these soldiers in black, the King City can see many strange people sitting or standing in the jungle on both sides of the mountain road.

They have yoga gurus who are skinny and bony. There is a fighting soldier who is two meters tall and strong like a polar bear. He is an extraordinary person with golden hair, blue eyes and shining eyes. Powerful martial arts masters...

all eyes are like electricity, and they are all great masters.

These strong men are famous in the dark world. Any one of them is enough to be one of the top ten experts in Yanjing. Some people's strength is not even inferior to that of wushenghe.

But at this time, they are clever to stay in the forest, dare not presumptuous.

"The power of these people represents half the dark world. If you add it up, it's enough to destroy a country. "

Wang said calmly.

Wang Keqin, Wang Cheng and others are all heavy hearted.

Only here can we realize Chen Fan's tremendous power. His fight attracted the attention of half the world. These unruly, brave and invincible strong men, even the five great powers may not be in the eye, but they stand quietly at this time, obviously afraid of the two who are about to fight.

Yanshan has nine peaks, stretching for ten li.

Mr. Wang and others have reached the second peak. Here, it's not just him. The Xiao family, the Li family, the Mu family, the Han family and other Yanjing families are almost all present.

After a while, Mr. Qin leads the senior members of the Qin family to come with Qin Yan'er.

At this time, Qin Yan'er, dressed in white, has a peerless face. Her face is a little pale and haggard, but it doesn't reduce her beauty. On the contrary, people want to protect her in their arms.

"She is the most beautiful woman in Yanjing. It's a pity that Chen fan will be admitted to the house. "

Wang Cheng couldn't help being jealous.

Compared with Qin Yan'er, his fiancee Han Junli is slightly inferior.

"Sister Qin, you are here."

In the Xiao family, Xiao Xianzhu meets Qin Yan'er and wants to say hello. But she was immediately stopped by her mother and said:

"she is no longer our Xiao's daughter-in-law. Xuan'er's limbs were broken because of her. Your grandfather Ye is more willing to fight for justice. Do you still call her sister Qin? "

Xiao Xianzhu's face suddenly became acerbic and stiff.

Qin yan'erqiang said with a smile:

"it's OK, Xianzhu. Today is the day of fighting. Let's talk about it later."

Although she said that, Qin Yan'er turned her back and her eyes were still dim.

Now in the whole Yanjing circle, I don't know how many people are talking about her, Qin Yan'er, who is greedy for glory and wealth and clings to Chen Fan's thigh, regardless of Chen Fan's girlfriend, Qin's legitimate daughter and being a junior.

In a flash, she fell off the cliff from the first beauty in Yanjing that everyone praised.

Chen Fan's strength is too strong, and he is too ruthless. He often kills people and breaks his limbs.

It has been resisted by Yanjing families. The Qin family, who wants to keep up with Chen fan, is obviously on the opposite side of most Yanjing families.


"brother Ouyang, who do you think is stronger or weaker between Chen beixuan and ye Qingcang?"

At the corner of the hill, the girl with Prada bag asked. Next to her, Ouyang dome frowned. Although he galloped in the market and made a lot of trouble in the stock market, he was really not good at fighting and killing.

"Needless to say, general ye must have won. General Ye is an old strong man who has lived for hundreds of years. As for Chen beixuan, he is only in his twenties

Zhang Yu, on the other side of the road, is holding his head.

His eyes were bloodshot and he hadn't slept for days and nights.

After learning that Chen Fan was Chen beixuan, Zhang Yu was so scared that he couldn't even sleep. He waited for the day of the decisive battle to see Chen Fan defeated.

Ouyang dome frowned and did not answer. Other circles have begun to talk about it. Almost all the people who can come to the top of the mountain to watch the war are from the upper class of Yanjing.

Many people have little contact with the dark world in their life, and some of them begin to boast:

"I think ye Qingcang and Chen beixuan are deceiving. How powerful are the armies of the United States, the United Kingdom and other developed countries? Operation Desert Storm 90. Without a single ground force, the United States bombed out a million troops of Saddam Hussein with the help of aircraft and missiles alone. In the 21st century, is it not a joke to discuss the divine realm? "A frivolous man shook his head.

Ouyang dome knew him. His name was Wu Zhicheng. He came from the Wu family, a second-class family in Yanjing. The Wu family's assets are more than 10 billion, but they belong to the new comers in the circle. They don't know the horror of the dark world.

"Yes, Angkor is right. With the development of modern science and technology, humans are catching turtles in the sky and in the ocean. It's a modern society. It's purely feudal superstition to talk about the divine realm and the immortals. "

Another young man said.

This person Ouyang dome also knows, Beihai District Yi people. Compared with the Wu family, the Yi family is a bit lower and can only be regarded as a small third tier family.

Listening to these family members on the second and third lines, they talked and pointed out, but they didn't pay attention to the two sides of the war. Ouyang dome shook his head.

"These families are not going to be big things after all."

"In fact, let me say that ye Qingcang is also fishing for fame. The Yeh family of Yanshan has not been seen to fight for decades, and they are also known as the patron saint of China. They are just putting gold on their own face... "

when Wu Zhicheng is salivating.

Just listen to a roar of thunder.

From the sky, a golden light comes. The golden light, like a sharp sword, crosses the sky and shoots in mid air. It shows a man made of gold, just like a man wearing a golden robe and holding a golden scepter.

The man stood in the air, his light shining through the peaks, just like the gods in the sky.

The surrounding mountains and forests were slightly bowed down by the power of men.

"This... This is?"

It's not just Wu Zhicheng, but other members of the second and third tier families. They are as stupid as ghosts.

They're just a group of mortals. At most, they've seen a master of internal strength who can smash stones, or a warlock who knows a little magic. When can you see this golden man like, above the sky, imposing?

”Is this the power of the divine realm? "

The top families, such as the Wang family and the Qin family, also changed their faces.

You can never imagine the power of the divine realm without seeing it with your own eyes. It's like a God's residence overlooking all living beings. In the eyes of God, human beings are no different from ants.

"The divine realm is already so powerful. How can Chen beixuan and ye Qingcang, who are above the gods and are on the top of the divine list, swallow the world?"

People can't imagine.

Wang Cheng had deep jealousy in his eyes.

Qin Yan'er's beautiful eyes sparkle, blooming a kind of light similar to ambition.

"Is this the top of the world? If one day, I can also stand on the sky, overlooking all living beings. What is their current slander and ridicule? "


"he is the golden priest of the Plumed Serpent temple in South America. Isn't he a legend that has been gone for decades? I didn't expect to see it today. "

A lot of dark strong people, change color one after another.

The gold priest was a man of the hour a hundred years ago. It is said that in South America, hundreds of thousands of people were slaughtered and sacrificed to the feather snake god. Later, it was suppressed by the Holy See. Unexpectedly, a hundred years later, it came out again. Moreover, it seems that if we make great progress in strength, we will not be as good as human immortals.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

The arrival of the golden priest is just the beginning.

Then, a thin old man came riding a long snake. The snake under his seat is very strange. Actually long with a pair of meat wing film, unfolded enough more than ten meters long, flying Aoxiang, like a dragon.

"Gurga, one of the three Brahman gurus, is said to be the elder brother of guru Rama. Master Luomo died at the hands of Chen beixuan. He won't come to revenge. "

Many people speculate.

As for the meat winged serpent under guru gujia, it is a mysterious animal raised by Brahman. It is called "Nalanda Dragon King". It is said that it is the supreme serpent. It was born to be king and can walk in the wind.

After guru guru, a series of black awns, blood lights and green rainbow came from all directions.

Many fairylands, eight immortals across the sea, show their magic power. There are great elders of the Druid order in Western Europe riding giant eagles, descendants of ice giants who are several meters tall, and God level supermen who ride storms. Many fairylands, even unheard of by people, are old monsters hidden all over the world. They were born in order to witness the battle of the immortals.

The most powerful was that beiqiong sent people on the stage.

Among the 20 masters, the two divine realms are at the same level. The great power is to make many divine realms turn pale. When I saw many big families in Yanjing, who are the power of beiqiong, my face went crazy.

"At the age of 22, Chen beixuan already had such a huge influence. If it goes on like this, who can control it in a few years? "

Whether it is the Wang family, Xiao family or Li family, there is a deep fear in their hearts.

"Ye Qingcang and Chen beixuan, why haven't they come yet?"

The golden priest could not help frowning when about ten gods arrived.

"Boom."In the distant sky, a bloody awn running through the sky and the earth burst out. The bloody awn was shocked and a Russian old man in an old military uniform appeared.

"General ye, my old friend has come to the south, but I haven't come out yet?"

The old man's voice is like rolling thunder, which can be heard as far away as Yanjing.

When all the people were changing color, only a hearty laugh came:

"Oleg, my friend, you are too anxious."

With the sound, is a figure, rising.

All eyes were wide open. Ye Qingcang, one of the two warring parties, finally appeared.

PS: the fourth one is presented. It's not written until now. The author is guilty and tears run away_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!