Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 620

Yanshan Mountain stretches for ten li, with many unique peaks. The whole mountain is covered with maple leaves. In autumn, the maple leaves of Yanshan Mountain are dyed, which is one of the eight scenic spots in Yanjing.

The old man in black and the man in uniform are standing on the top of the mountain with their hands behind their backs.

Hundreds of meters of cold wind blowing, to the two predecessors, suddenly turned a corner, as if split by a long knife in general. The old man in black robe is as tall and straight as a pine, with a strong face and silver hair, like a long sword standing upright.

"Although the Xiao family is kind to the Ye family, you and Xiao have been friends for nearly a hundred years. But over the past few decades, the Ye family has been supporting the Xiao family, and has paid back this kindness. Moreover, only one child of three generations has had an accident, and it's not enough to give him some bone tonic pills. Why do you have to do it yourself? "

There is a trace of sadness in the eyes of the men in military uniform:

"you are the guardian of China, Chen beixuan is stronger than jueyu. The fight between you two will only make the relatives hurt and the enemies quick."

"Why, Beichen, do you have no confidence in me?"

Said the old man in black. His voice is loud and clear, which shows that his character must be heroic.

Ye Qingcang was born as a horse thief. Before he joined the army, he was once the Xiangma of the northwest generation. He robbed his family and acted for heaven. At that time, he was also a famous big man in Gansu and Shaanxi. It was only later that he accepted the evil spirit and became the guardian of China.

"Chen beixuan's strike in the open sea of London, in front of the Americans, sank an island. That kind of power is so powerful that it can compete with nuclear weapons. The earth immortals may not have that ability."

The uniformed man hesitated and said.

"It's just magic power. Chen beixuan didn't really get promoted to the rank of Dixian. Otherwise, with his character, he didn't kill the island at that time. Instead, he went to Washington to catch the collar of the president of the United States and order him to apologize. "

Ye Qingcang laughs.

Although the old man had never met chen fan, he seemed to know him like the back of his hand.

"However, even if not counting the power of the magic weapon, Chen beixuan is sure to kill four arbitrators with one against five. Father, you have dealt with several dark arbitrators in those years. You know how powerful they are. " The men's company in uniform is busy.

"Ha ha, you know it was that year." Ye Qingcang sneered:

"in those years, the blood knights bullied me, and there was no one in China, and they invaded repeatedly. I fought with them many times, losing first and then winning. In the last battle, the three arbitrators joined hands, and I had nothing to do with them. But that was 30 years ago. After 30 years, how strong is Ye Qingcang? "

The old man said, a surge of heroic, high and up.

"But father, you also said that two of you can compare with one Chen beixuan." The man in uniform pleaded.

"Yes, I did." Ye Qingcang nodded slowly.

"Chen beixuan was so amazing that he was banished to the world. Don't say that two Ye Qingcang are ten ye Qingcang. In terms of talent, they are not as good as one Chen beixuan! But...

speaking of this, ye Qingcang's eyes are full of fine talent:

"talent is talent, strength is strength. I'm far behind the black Duke and others. However, they were defeated many times and finally won one by one. Life and death, many times, is the will of the competition. And I, ye Qingcang, have never been weaker than others in this life! "

Men in military uniform are shocked by the drama.

This is his proud, never give up father. In his life, ye Qingcang has won and lost more than 300 battles, but it is he, not his opponents, who stands at the top of the world.


At this time, a column of Qi, red as blood, rose from another mountain peak and crossed the sky. Suddenly, the vitality within 300 meters gathered to the column of Qi, forming a red cloud cover.

"Condense gas to form a column with a canopy of 300 meters. Well, well, the southern sky is in the trance, and my Ye family is finally out of the trance. Even if I die on the top of Yanshan mountain, I am not afraid. "

Ye Qingcang laughed.

The men in military uniform looked envious.

Although it was his younger brother Ye Nantian who broke through the trance, once he was in the trance, he became extraordinary. Shou yuan has been in the world for more than 50 years. Moreover, ye Nantian's cloud cover is far stronger than the ordinary trance, which represents his great potential. I can't imagine it. In contrast, his position as the head of the Ye family, ye Beichen, is nothing.


as time goes on, more and more powerful people come from all over the world to Yanshan.

All the people of beiqiong school, including Xue Daisha, a Xiu, Long Zhu, Hua Yunfeng and so on, came one after another. For a moment, the small building in Beishan was full of people.

"Teacher, tomorrow is going to be a war. You look very leisurely."

Ah Xiu Jiao hummed discontentedly.

"Your teacher, I am invincible. I can hang Ye Qingcang with one hand. What are you afraid of?" Chen Fan yawns and lies on the couch. Xuedaisha is clever and knocks on his back.

"Brag, even the Americans have come up with your magic weapon. You only have one chance to attack. It's going to take a long time. When you go to Yanshan, you will be beaten by Ye Qingcang. "Ah Xiu hooked a small white nose and spat out a small tongue.

"Research out, research out. They don't know the specific accumulation time. As long as they don't kill me, how dare they provoke me?" Chen Fan's lazy way.

The five elements thunder strike is just a shock and a warning to the world that Chen fan has the same power as nuclear weapons.

After deterrence, it's no longer necessary to use it. No matter the United States, Britain, France and Russia, we are all smart people. Why take the risk to offend chen fan. If Chen Fan's magic weapon gets better quickly and comes again, what should he do?

"They are ye Qingcang, but you are not afraid of being number one in the list of gods in 60 years?"

Ah Xiu is curious.

"What about fear? What if I'm not afraid? Are you right, Miss rosefinch Chen Fan raised his eyelids and swept to the door.

Sure enough, I saw a rosefinch in a black leather suit, short hair and strong figure, with complicated eyes.

"I didn't expect that you would finally come to this day and fight with the old man."

The rosefinch whispered.

"Ye Qingcang has been following me for four or five years. He has been waiting for me, when I grow up enough, take me as an opponent, so as to try to break through Dixian. Am I right? "

Chen Fandao.

Every time he said a word, the pretty face of the rosefinch changed. In the end, it was like a ghost:

"how do you know?"

"It's very simple. I have this speculation in my heart since I knew that the tianbang was arranged by Ye Qingcang. At that time, the world only knew that I was young and frivolous, and my youth was successful. Kunlun, the name of paitianbang, calls me Chen laoguai. It seems that ye Qingcang had already guessed something. "

Chen Fan straightened his waist and said.

"You don't really like the old man said, is the old monster take away reincarnation, or immortal reincarnation?" The rosefinch said.

Chen Fan laughed, did not answer, but continued:

"Ye Qingcang guessed it, so he always connived at me, allowed me to run rampant in China, killed everywhere, and repeatedly defeated the master and the divine realm, but he never suppressed me. Including minister Xiao of your department, it is estimated that he has also entrusted him. "

"Not bad."

Rosefinch nodded difficultly, and his eyes couldn't believe it.

"Ye Qingcang has been invincible for a long time. On this earth, the blood ancestor is not born. It is estimated that he has no rival except the black Duke and others. And the black Duke and others are descendants of the dark blood clan, which has no help for his breakthrough, so he has been waiting for my birth. But my strength is far beyond his imagination, so he will take this opportunity to fight directly. "

Chen Fan's analysis is flowing and his eyes are clear.

At the level of beixuan xianzun, chen fan can hardly be deceived by any conspiracy. Just a lot of times, chen fan is too lazy to think about it. After all, the power is in his hand. You can do everything you want. I'll cut it off with one sword. Why talk nonsense?

The rosefinch was speechless and turned into a wood carving.

In her heart, Chen beixuan is a man who only knows how to fight and kill. Although he is powerful, he is not worthy of awe. But today, the rosefinch saw the other side of Chen fan. It was like a God King who had a deep insight into the world. No secret in the world could be concealed.

"You didn't mean ye Qingcang this time. He is only half a step away from the earth immortal. I don't know how many years I've been waiting for this battle. It will never hinder me. On the contrary, I hope I can do my best to force him into the earth immortal. "

Chen Fan stood up and looked at the western suburbs.

His thoughts, which spread all over Yanjing, collided with a spirit as hard as a rock. The other side is like the towering Mount Tai, connected with the whole Shili mountain, with incomparable cohesion of spirit, close to the idea of God.

The spirit of the two is divided at one touch.

But Chen Fan already knows who the other party is, and the other party also knows Chen Fan's identity.

"Yes, I came by myself..."

rosefinch bowed her head slightly.

"You go back, ye Qingcang is a pure warrior. He has been pursuing Tao all his life, hoping to enter the earth immortal. I'll never keep my hand, or I'll show no respect for him. "

Chen fan back hand light way.

In the eyes of rosefinch, his figure seems to be connected with the whole sky, which is extremely grand and ethereal.

"I'm afraid this man is near, even if he is not heaven and man."

The rosefinch was in a trance. He quickly lowered his head and walked out. In the middle of the walk, he hesitated for a moment, and suddenly said, "the old man went to Kunlun burial Valley in those years. It seems that he got some treasure from it. It's very powerful. You should be more careful."

With that, rosefinch left in a hurry.

Chen Fan stood there, with no joy or sorrow in his eyes, and said in a soft voice:

"Ye Qingcang has prepared many cards, but how can he know the ability of Chen beixuan?"


three days later, in the western suburb of the capital, Yanshan was a place of cloud.

Shili mountain forest is full of strong people from all over the world. Countless dark masters, martial arts masters, fighting masters and so on, all gathered and crowned.Countless people, looking forward to the top of the mountain.

The first World War, which is known as the closest to the earth immortal in the world, is finally about to start.

PS: the third watch, the fourth one will be very late. Let's go to bed and watch o (∩) tomorrow_ ∩) O

(to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!