Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 619

Ye Qingcang.

Kunlun is the founder of China. Since his birth, he has killed the Green Gang, chased the Hongmen, retreated the Dragon hall, subdued the secret sect, oppressed the black witch, and forced the Lin family to seal the door. Holding high the top of China for 60 years, he is known as the patron saint of China, and he was once the Supreme Master in the list of gods.

Chen fan is more powerful.

The new Jinshen ranking first, the world's sixth, a strong country!

So the two most powerful people, who are one country and one family, and have the hope of the world and the sea, will fight each other.

It was like a 12 magnitude earthquake, shaking the whole world in an instant. The news is like a hurricane, rushing out of Yanjing, sweeping China, and spreading out. South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong Island, Southeast Asia, Western Europe, North America, the Middle East...

almost instantly, people in the underground world all over the world knew about it.

"Ye Qingcang wants to fight Chen beixuan?"

"This is the first match between the two generations."

"We must go. It is estimated that this is the most brilliant battle in the past thousand years. In addition to the divine battle between gods and immortals in history, no battle can surpass this one

The eyes of countless dark and powerful people shine.

Although Ye Qingcang didn't do it for 50 years, he was firmly at the top of the list of gods and defeated Lin Shuming and the Vatican's adjudicators. Lin Shuming has become an immortal. What is the state of Ye Qingcang?

Is it a fairy?

No one knows.

And Chen fan, is the real invincible.

Defeated Japan, oppressed Russia, shaken the European Union, and fought against the United States. All the way, chen fan was covered with bones, and there were as many as ten or twenty people who died in his hands. In addition, five dark masters were killed by him, especially the destruction of the island by London overseas.

However, many people suspect that Chen Fan's strike can not be used lightly. It may take a long time to save up. Therefore, this battle may not be able to see the strength comparable to that of nuclear weapons.

"Let's go to China and see these two strong men on the top of the earth fight each other with our own eyes. We'll die without regret."

One day, the old master of Kendo in Japan, who is nearly 100 years old, still walks out of Jianlu and looks to the West.

And many dark world strongmen, martial arts masters, fighting masters, extraordinary masters and so on. After receiving the news, he quickly abandoned everything in his hand and rushed to see the unprecedented brilliant World War I.

Those old monsters who have been closed for many years can't sit still.



In an ancient Golden Temple, Amazon, South America.

Many believers wearing leaves are kneeling in the ancient temple to worship. In the temple, a golden figure rose into the sky and flew into the air. The whole body of the figure seems to be made of gold. The whole body is pure gold, whether it is the eye pupil, nostril or lip.

"Is it the God of gold?"

Countless believers are full of worships, tears of joy.

But the golden figure didn't look at the people at his feet. He just turned his eyes and looked to the East:

"Ye Qingcang, Chen beixuan... I didn't expect that I hadn't been born for decades, and there were two most powerful men in the world. This is comparable to the battle of the saints. I have to watch it

With that, the golden figure turned into a golden light and flew to the East.


India, Baltic holy land.

The two yoga masters sat face to face. They were very old, as if after a hundred years, their bodies were more like dead wood, and they could hardly hear the sound of their heart beating.

"Younger martial brother Luomo died in the hands of Chen beixuan. This time, I should go to see Chen beixuan to see if he really has the power of magic!"

One of the thin gurus said slowly.


The other guru replied.


Russia, in the polar ice sheet.

Oleg walked into the wolf garden step by step.

Among the old men surrounded by a campfire, one of them, a strong man with long hair and a wolf scalp helmet, stood up and said: "traitor Oleg, you betrayed the great wolf king's last instructions, broke away from the wolf tribe, joined the evil human country and helped them develop blood weapons. You have been expelled from the Presbyterian Church. You are not qualified to enter the sacred wolf garden again

Several other wolf elders also got up one after another.

They are white haired, but their Qi and blood are as strong as the torch, and none of them is inferior to the snow wolf king gagerdan.

"I came here with a message. In a few days, Chen beixuan will fight with Ye Qingcang on the top of China. This may be the closest battle to the Holy One in a thousand years. I hope you don't miss it. "

Oleg put his hands behind his back, and after a light sentence, he turned and left.

"Ha ha, what's so good about the battle between two human beings? It seems that Chen beixuan is the one who killed gagerdan. If only we didn't go to him for revenge, we went to see him fight? "

As many elders disdain to sneer, Oleg's words come from afar:

"by the way, I forgot to tell you. Not long ago, Chen beixuan destroyed the dark arbitration department and killed four chief arbitrators. If you claim to be more powerful than the battle wolf king and the black dukes, you can see it or not. "All the wolf elders were shocked by this.


it's not just in South America, India, Russia... Countless old monsters lurking around the world, some of them may live longer than Lin Shuming, and even include many strong people of different races. No one can sit still any longer.

"It's not just ordinary fighting. Whether ye Qingcang or Chen beixuan. I'm afraid they have reached the top of the world, only half a step away from the land of the immortal. In such a battle, which is enough to stimulate their potential, all their energy will be triggered and finally sublimated to the utmost. After this battle, someone will enter the earth immortal

There is a strong divine assertion.

In today's world, there has been no accident of the earth immortal for thousands of years.

The blood ancestor of the blood clan is only a distant legend, which is rarely seen. Many powerful people in the divine realm are stuck under the earth immortals. From their youth to their old age, they have nothing to ask for but the earth immortals.

There is no doubt that Chen Fan and ye Qingcang are the closest to the earth immortal.

Their fighting will inspire countless people.

"Bang bang."

A strong man, the eight immortals, came to China.

Kunlun is a great enemy. Lao Qinglong personally took charge of Yanjing and commanded many of his subordinates. He made Yanjing into an iron bucket and kept many strong people out of Yanjing, so that they would not enter the city.

And many Yanjing families have been blind.

Originally, it was just a matter of three generations' legitimate son being interrupted. With modern technology and the ability of the Xiao family, it's not hopeless to break one's limbs and stay in bed for a few years. But unexpectedly, Xiao asked Ye Qingcang to make such a fierce battle.

"My God, the world's top powers are gathering in Yanjing. How many years have you not seen such a situation? "

Countless people were horrified.

"I'm afraid it's only the scene 150 years ago when the dark arbitration department mobilized the divine realm of the world to invade the Qing Dynasty and surround and kill the Dharma king. But none of the two men fighting today is inferior to the Ministry of arbitration. "

An old master of taijimen sighed.

"Master, Chen beixuan once killed four chief arbitrators with one against five, which was extremely fierce. But ye Qingcang hasn't done anything for 50 years, which is far worse than Chen beixuan. "

The next disciple didn't understand.

The other disciples and the younger generation all nodded their heads.

"You're confused. The dark arbitration department has been in seclusion for 50 years. Don't they really do anything? Dare not provoke the United States and the Holy See, but China was weak at that time, they would let it go? "

The old master snorted:

"general Ye has been on the top of the list of gods for sixty years, and has been influential in China. Is that a joke? It is said that there were three or four chief arbitrators in the arbitration department who had been to the East, but they all failed. In terms of strength, general Ye is above all the chief arbitrators, not to mention how strong general Ye is after all these years? "

Many young people were shocked to change their color.

Such discussions have spread all over China and even all over the world.

Ye Qingcang didn't do it for decades, but he was still ranked first in the list of gods by the CIA. He didn't move to second until Chen Fan was born. That's the result of a solid record. Although he didn't kill as much as Chen fanduo, ye Qingcang was too deep. Who knows, has he entered the earth immortal?

"Grandfather, this is not the right scene."

Compared with many top strong people, Yanjing people are all stupid.

Compared with the engagement between Chen Fan and ye Qingcang, the contradiction between the Xiao family and the Wang family and the Qin family is not worth mentioning at all. The war between the two men can even influence the direction of the world, and even the president of the United States is paying attention to it.

As for the Xiaos and Wangs, it's just a small fight.

"At the beginning, we just hoped that Chen fan would fight against the Xiao family and defeat them, and then our Wang family would rise naturally. Who would have thought that Xiao asked Ye Qingcang? If only a minor is injured, it's worth letting the patron saint of China do it? "

Wang Cheng said in disbelief.

There was a trace of confusion in his eyes. At this point, although it is running according to the Wang family's plan, its influence is far beyond the control of the Wang family.

The other Wangs are in a mess.

This battle has been concerned by many countries, forces and financial groups all over the world. The Wang family is only a humble member among them. Only at this time did they know how terrible Chen Fan's real influence was.

"No matter who wins or loses, our Wangs are winners. Chen Fan won. He is the grandson of Wang Zhongguo. Ye Qingcang won, and my Wang family is still the five families in Yanjing. "

Wang Zhongguo cheered.

Many of the Wang family members responded at this time.


Anyway, the Wangs are winners. What are they afraid of?

So they nodded and laughed. There was a chill in Wang Cheng's eyes:

"Chen beixuan, it's you who want to die..."...

at this time, on the outskirts of the capital, on the top of Yanshan mountain.

There are two men standing on the top of the mountain with their hands on their backs. An old man in black, a man in uniform. They are as straight as swords, as if carved out of a mold.

"Father, why did you agree to this war?"

After a long time, the uniformed man didn't understand.

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!