Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 616

But in the small building of Beishan.

After the Qin family and Mr. Wang left, Chen Fan said: "Mom, why do you promise them. Qin Yan'er and I have seen each other once. They are not as long as sister an and Xiao Qiong. What's more, you can't miss the plan of the Qin family. "

Before Chen Fan opened his mouth, Wang Xiaoyun accepted it and said that he could consider it.

Let Qin old face spring breeze but go, this let Chen Fan very helpless.

When it comes to Chen Fan's status, I don't know how many families and forces want to cling to him. If they all agree, it is estimated that Chen fan will have to marry a hundred wives, which may not be enough. He is the most famous immortal in the north. How can he see these common women?

If you want to marry him, at least you have to be a saint or a fairy.

"Why don't I know? The Qin family saw that my son was so good that they sent his daughter-in-law here." Wang Xiaoyun raised his chin. "But you and Joan have never been married. Your mother is waiting to have a grandson. If you drag on, I'll give you ten concubines to see what you can do."

Fang Qiong was so shy that he almost got into the cave.

However, everyone present knew that Wang Xiaoyun was telling a joke.

Chen Fan said coldly:

"the Qin family wanted to marry my daughter to me, so as to get my support and become the first family in Yanjing, replacing the Xiao family. The Wangs, on the other hand, watch the fire from the other side of the river. They want to kill people with a knife. These big families don't have a fuel-efficient lamp. "

Anya and others suddenly changed their faces, and Wang Xiaoyun's face flashed a trace of gloom.

"I didn't expect that after more than ten years, Dad, their character hasn't changed."

Wang Xiaoyun shook his head slightly. After all, she is the queen of the rich brocade. She has a deep insight into the plans of the Wang family. She is just immersed in family affection and doesn't want to believe it.

"Ma, for your sake, I can be merciful. But if the Wang family goes wrong again and again, I can only level the Wang family. "

Chen Fan said calmly.

"Go ahead and do it. Mom has always supported you."

Wang Xiaoyun took a deep breath and nodded.


the fact that the Qin family married their daughter is still in ferment, and it is getting more and more intense.

Moreover, there are a lot of exciting rumors in the news.

For example, Qin Yan'er and Chen fan are married by pointing their belly, and Xiao Xuan is the third party. Qin Yan'er is in love with Chen fan. The Xiao family is going to fall, so the Qin family abandoned the Xiao family and so on.

Smart people can see from behind these rumors that someone is fanning the flames. It's obvious that they want the Xiao family to direct their anger to Chen fan.

"Strange, it seems that all the news came from the Wang family. What do the Wangs want to do to stimulate the Xiaos by stabbing them like this? "

Ouyang dome frowned slightly.

From the beginning of the rumors about the little wife to what happened later, such as empathy and marriage, it was revealed by the Wang family, and it seemed that they were all aiming at Xiao Xuan. As long as Xiao Xuan is a man, he can't bear it.

But what good is this stimulation to the Wang family? Does the Wang family really want to carry the Xiao family?

Even Ouyang dome is hard to think of.

But the litigant Xiao Xuan, is the facial expression iron green, speechless.

He just came back from the family meeting.

The elders of the family are in urgent consultation, thinking about the implication behind the Qin family, whether they really want to join hands with the Wang family to fight against the Xiao family. As for Qin Yan'er and the like, the senior members of the Xiao family never thought that in the war of several families, what is a girl? Xiao family wants to find ten hundred Qin Yan'er level beauties at any time.

But Xiao Xuan is different.

Even if he may not like Qin Yan'er. But all the time, Qin Yan'er has been regarded as a forbidden girl by him. Chen Fan wants to rob Qin Yan'er, but that's to beat him in Xiao Xuan's face. If he doesn't retaliate, will he have the face to go out? Not to be laughed to death by people in the circle?

"Elder brother, this is too irritating... However, does elder sister Qin really want to marry that boy?"

Xiao Xianzhu also heard the rumors and trembled with anger, but he also had doubts in his heart.

If this is the case, then Xiao Xuan is just a meddler, and the Xiao family can't stand on the word Li.

"I'll make it clear."

Xiao Xuan slowly opens his mouth and dials Qin Yan'er's mobile phone.

"Hello... Brother Xiao?"

Qin Yan'er's timid voice came from her mobile phone.

"They said that you had an engagement with a boy surnamed Chen. Is that true?" Xiao Xuan said every word.

"... it's true." After a long time, Qin Yan'er opened her mouth.

In fact, she knew it for a long time. When she was young, she often heard adults mention it. But when she grew up, no one mentioned it again, and she forgot it. Even Qin Yan'er didn't expect that Chen Fan was the one who married her in those years. What's more, Chen beixuan, who is legendary and powerful in the world!

"Brother Xiao, don't be impulsive. He's very powerful. Don't offend him..."

thinking of Chen Fan's terror, Qin Yan'er quickly explains.But Qin Yan'er didn't expect that her words added fuel to the fire, whizzing up Xiao Xuan's great anger.

"Well, in that case, I see."

Xiao Xuan calmly hung up and stood up.

"Brother, is sister Qin really empathetic?"

Xiao Xianzhu did not dare to set the channel.

Xiao Xuan clenched his fist and closed his eyes to suppress his anger. After a long time, he said, "prepare the car and call Uncle Wu. I'm going to Beishan to see the Wang family boy with my own eyes. "

"But brother, the information of the investigation has not come yet. Do you want to wait?" Xiao Xianzhu advised.

"No, I can't stop me if Uncle Wu is here."

Xiao Xuan didn't listen and strode away. In his eyes, there was a flame burning.

Xiao had no choice but to be anxious.


and after hanging up, Qin Yan'er sits on the bed like a sculpture.

In fact, she and Xiao Xuan were only playmates when they were young. They grew up together and had no deep feelings. Xiao Xuan is the most outstanding figure of the young generation, and she is the first beauty in Yanjing. Everyone says that they should be together, and Qin Yan'er naturally thinks so.

But when Chen Fan was born in front of Qin Yan'er, Qin Yan'er suddenly saw a different world, different life, different levels.

"Do you want to stand on the top of the world and feel the glory with him, or do you want to marry Xiao Xuan and grow old silently?"

Qin Lao's words, like a whip, are deeply drawn into Qin Yan'er's heart.

Qin Yan'er doesn't like Chen fan, but she doesn't like Xiao Xuan either. If really put two people in front of, let Qin Yan son choose words. It's obvious that Chen fan has blown up Xiao Xuan.

"How to choose?"

Qin Yan'er is so upset that she can't help dialing her best friend's phone.

"What's the matter, Yan'er? I heard that you are going to marry someone else to be the second wife?"

Ye Yiren's funny voice came from his mobile phone.

"It's true."

Qin Yan'er droops her cerebellum.

"My God, No. Is Mr. Qin crazy? You know, you are the apple of his eye, his favorite granddaughter. How can she be willing to give you to others as a second wife. Who is that man? "

Ye Yiren sat up in amazement and couldn't believe it.

"They say that he is Chen beixuan... Yiren, you are a master of martial arts, and you know this very well. Is that Chen beixuan really as powerful as the legend

Qin Yan son expects of ask a way.

No matter what the Qin family says, Qin Yan'er has no intuitive understanding of Chen Fan's power. In the bottom of her heart, a girl can only feel that she is very powerful in defeating the United States and Japan, but she can't say how powerful she is.

"Chen beixuan?"

As soon as the name came out, it seemed to have magic, and the yeyi people on the opposite side were silent.

"Yiren, Yiren, talk quickly."

After the meeting, Qin Yan'er urged.

"No wonder it was Chen beixuan. No wonder Mr. Qin married you to him. If you know it's him, I guess my father would like to give me to him as a little lover. "

Ye Yiren said with a bitter smile.

"No, you are the princess of Ye family in Yanshan. Your grandfather is general Ye Qingcang."

Qin Yan'er doesn't dare to buy the channel.

Ye Qingcang is the giant pillar of China. China has been sheltered for decades, and its status is far above these big families. Even the Xiao family can't compete. Yejia in Yanshan is more aloof and has the taste of being the first in China.

"You're not from the martial arts world. You can never imagine how Chen beixuan exists? That's the God, that's the God, that's the immortal who comes to the earth. Omnipotent, vertical and horizontal invincible, horizontal pressure of an era, with the country

Ye Yiren spoke with great reverence:

"my grandfather once said that only two Ye Qingcang can match one Chen beixuan!"


Qin Yan'er is completely stunned.

"If you can catch Chen beixuan, I support you. Chen beixuan was a relegated immortal who was destined to prove his position as an immortal. At that time, he will be a living immortal. He can live four or five hundred years. You can live forever with him. "

Ye Yiren solemnly explained.


These four words capture Qin Yan'er in an instant. A woman, who would not want to face not old, youth forever. In the face of longevity, any secular power, money, or even feelings are vulnerable.

"I see."

Qin Yan Er nodded and made up her mind.

As soon as she put down her cell phone, another call came in:

"it's Xianzhu... What, brother Xiao went to find chen fan?"

Qin Yan'er's face turned white and her mobile phone slipped from her palm.


at this time, No. 5 villa in Beishan is in the backyard.Xiao Xuan has already stood in front of Chen fan. He is tall, handsome and noble, just like the prince of heaven. Behind Xiao Xuan, there was a middle-aged man standing with his hands tied. He had a deep bearing, just like the sea.

"Wang family boy, I admit that I underestimated you. They also underestimated the courage of the Qin and Wang families. Now they've succeeded in provoking me. "

With a cold face, Xiao Xuan pointed to the middle-aged man behind him and said:

"this one behind me is a sacrifice of the family, a master of martial arts. Of course, you may not know what the martial arts master means, but as long as you know, he can crush you like an ant with one finger. "

"Oh, really?"

Chen Fan raised his eyelids and looked calm.

"Now you have two roads in front of you, either die here or get out of Yanjing. You choose. "

Xiao Xuan's tone is like the cold wind for thousands of years.

"What if I don't want to choose?" Chen Fan said with a smile.

"Then die!"

Xiao Xuan is resolute and murderous.

PS: it's the fourth watch, there's the fifth watch, but it may be very late. It's estimated that it's morning. Let's get up and have a look_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!