Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 617

Xiao Xuan is not a fool. On the contrary, he is very clever.

The Qin family married the Wang family, and the old Qin wanted to marry his granddaughter to Chen fan. All this was obviously aimed at the Xiao family. If you want to break the situation, it is not to start three wars, but to kill the key people, so that the situation will break itself.

Who is the key?

Chen fan, of course!

Because of him, the Wangs promoted their marriage, the qins married their daughter, and outsiders laughed at Xiao Xuan. To kill chen fan or expel chen fan, the two families of the king of Qin joined hands to break the situation.

"I don't know what kind of identity background you have, so that Wang Laoli can push you and Qin Laozi can marry Yan'er to you as his second wife. You may be the successor of a local aristocracy, or you may come from a hermit family like the Lin family in Southeast China. But these are useless. You can never imagine the power of the Xiao family. "

There was a trace of pride in Xiao Xuan's eyes.

Xiao family, the most powerful family in Yanjing! They are all the top five or even top three super families in China. As strong as the Lin family in Southeast China, they may not be like the Xiao family, not to mention chen fan?

"I'll give you one last chance to leave Yanjing and never come back. Or Uncle Wu will break your limbs and leave you in the north mountain. " Xiao Xuan said coldly.

"Wusheng River, Wujia in Northwest China?"

Chen Fan didn't look at him any more. Instead, he glanced at the middle-aged man.

"It's me." The middle-aged man cherishes words like gold.

"It's said that you are as famous as Huo Diantang. Three years ago, you ranked eighth in the list of heaven. He's very powerful. He can break gold and forge iron ten feet away. He's in the middle of the world Chen fan asked again.

"Not bad." Wusheng River replied.

"Since you are wusheng River, you should know who I am. You should know that you can't let this man threaten me. I've never been threatened in my life. "

Chen Fan shook his head.

"I don't care who you are. I will kill whoever my master orders me to kill."

Wushenghe's eyelids are still, just like an old monk.

"It's a pity."

Chen Fan sighed.

"Break his limbs and throw him down the north mountain."

Without persuading him, Xiao Xuan left with a word and turned away.

He has confidence in wushenghe, a great master who was recruited from the Wu family more than ten years ago. If the Xiao family had not been kind to the Wu family, they might not have been able to attract Wu Sheng river.

Since wusheng River entered Xiao's family, he has been fighting all over Yanjing, pushing all the major families, with few rivals. He is full of furongquan and has extraordinary fighting power. It's just that he doesn't want to show his real strength. On the ability, even enough to step into the peak of the realm, among the dark list.

"Even if you are not born, you are only 20 years old. No matter how strong you are, how strong can you be? The master of Huajing is as strong as yeyiren, and he just joined the master. As for the consequences after the death, my Xiao family can afford it. "

Xiao Xuan walked, his eyes shining with the light of wisdom bead.

For the sake of a woman, to offend the powerful or the secluded, many senior members of the Xiao family may not agree. But if Xiao Xuan had killed someone, the Xiao family would certainly protect him from injury. After all, he is the pillar of the Xiao family in the future.

"One step, two steps, three steps..."

every step Xiao Xuan took, he was calculating. In his memory, wushenghe never took more than ten steps to solve his opponent.

"Ten steps!"

When Xiao Xuan stepped out in the tenth step, a man hit him.

Xiao Xuan looked at it confidently, and then instantly turned into a statue.

The man who fell at his feet was not chen fan, but wusheng river!

When he crossed the Yanjing and pushed the wusheng River, the great master of the great family, a blood hole appeared on his forehead. This blood hole with thick and thin thumb directly penetrated the head of the wusheng River and killed him.

Wushenghe, the great master of the generation, was killed in ten steps?

Xiao Xuan couldn't believe it, but he had to.

"In the ten steps you took, wushenghe made nine punches, which didn't come close to me. I gave him a finger and he died. " Chen fan came from behind, stood side by side with Xiao Xuan, and said faintly.

Xiao Xuan's body began to tremble slightly.

Wusheng river is already the peak figure of Huajing. No one can kill him except the Legendary God. In the divine realm, there seems to be only one such young Oriental surnamed Chen...

"Chen beixuan?"

Xiao Xuan turned his head hard and said in an astringent voice.

He did a thousand calculations, but he didn't. The opponent is Chen beixuan. That's a big man who is really an enemy of the country. He is as strong as the Xiao family and as vulnerable as a child in front of Chen fan. Compared with Chen fan, Xiao Xuan is more like a firefly.

"I said you shouldn't have stood in front of me. As a man, I always have a clear sense of gratitude and resentment. "

Chen Fan smiles and shows his white teeth.When Qin Yan'er rushed to the foot of the north mountain, she saw an ambulance and left.

Xiao Xuan was interrupted by Chen Fan and left Beishan. If it wasn't for the numerous guards on the north mountain to save him in time, I'm afraid Xiao Xuan would have died on the spot. But even so, with modern technology, we have to stay in bed for three or five years.

Chen beixuan is the first person in the world. He has the highest spirit. How can he be humiliated? Xiao Xuan is wrong. He thinks the Xiao family can protect him, but he doesn't know that even in front of him, he may not be able to frighten Chen beixuan. "

Ye Yiren, who is beside Qin Yan'er, shakes his head slightly with no regret in his eyes:

"if it is not Chen beixuan who is on the mountain today, but an ordinary person, I am afraid it is that person, not Xiao Xuan, who is lying here. This is the difference in power. Chen beixuan's fist is bigger than Xiao's, and Xiao Xuan is the one who finally falls down. "

Qin Yan's son one eye doesn't send, just low head, seem to want to understand what.


Xiao Xuan was interrupted and left in the north mountain!

This news, like a bomb, set off a huge wave in the upper class of Yanjing!

Who is Xiao Xuan? The third generation of Xiao's family is his favorite grandson, the first son of Yanjing. His body, shrouded in countless auras, like a natural prince.

Such an existence in Yanjing, almost walking horizontally, has been interrupted? Who has the guts? Who dares to be so presumptuous? Is this to keep up with the whole Xiao family?

After hearing the news, both Ouyang dome and Zhang Yu were stunned and couldn't believe it.

"How is that possible? Who did it? " Said the Prada girl, trembling.

"It's the boy of the Wang family. It's said that Xiao Xuan took people to negotiate with him. As a result, the bodyguard died. Xiao Xuan was cut off and left Beishan, and almost died. "

Ouyang dome's face is unprecedented.

The major families in Yanjing, though always in fierce struggle. But Chen fan has never been so fierce. He broke Xiao Xuan's limbs. Even if the Xiao family didn't care about him, they couldn't help it.

"I want to die." Ouyang Qiong shook his head and sighed. He was sad for Chen fan.

However, Zhang Yu's eyes were already happy:

"ha ha, this boy died by himself. How could the Xiao family let him go without Zhang's help?"


and the other families who received the news had different reactions.

Li family, Han family, Mu family and other first-line families were greatly shocked and sent their men out to inquire. The boy of the Wang family, why is he so sacred? He dares to break Xiao Xuan's limbs.

"This is a public face beating, Xiao family! When did such a fierce man appear in China? "

Many senior members of the Han family were on stage and talked about it one after another.

But we all think that Chen fan is dead. Can anyone bear the Revenge of the Xiao family?

Han juntu sat down with a slight frown. This kind of form and style, surnamed Chen, is similar to someone you've met before.

"It can't really be him. If he comes to Yanjing, he will turn the whole capital upside down! "

Han juntu shivered.


as for the Wang family, they are already clapping their hands.

"Well, well, the strategy of killing people with a knife finally succeeded. Now there's no way out for the Xiao family. They have to fight with Chen fan to the end. " Wang Cheng cheered repeatedly, and the latest series of plans were all made by him.

Wang Keqin and many other senior members of the Wang family nodded their approval one after another.

Xue Hongmei, the old lady, sneered: "the small town is well done. It's better for the Xiao family to wipe out the little bastard completely, so that the old lady can live a few more years."

Only the old man Wang Zhongguo frowned slightly.

Although the plan is going well, it can only be used once. After that, chen fan will wake up and stay away from the Wang family. This kind of strategy, like the Qin family, used family affection and love to win over Chen Fan and let chen fan work for the Wang family.

"It's a pity. If I had been a little better to Xiaoyun in those days, now I may not be able to rely on Chen fan to bring the Wang family to the position of the largest family in Yanjing. "

Although Wang Zhongguo was a pity in his mouth, there was no regret in his eyes.

He is such a resourceful old man that he will never regret what happened in those years. As for whether Chen fan would retaliate if he knew, Wang Zhongguo never worried.

After all, chen fan is always his grandson, and Wang Xiaoyun is his own daughter. Can chen fan be ruthless enough to flatten the Wang family?

And in the Xiao family, they are already furious.

"This is a public provocation against the Xiao family and the authority of the old man, which must be suppressed. The police station has a family offering. Please use all the power you can use to wipe that Wang family boy off the earth! "

Xiao Changfeng beat the table hard.

Other senior members of the Xiao family are also in a state of great passion.

When did the Xiao family encounter such a slap in the face? The heirs of the family were interrupted in public. This is the biggest provocation to the Xiao family!Mr. Xiao sat in the first place, his eyes closed, as if he had nothing to do with the world.

Someone whispered that it was time to inquire about Chen Fan's identity. After all, wusheng river went with Xiao Xuan, and even the great master wusheng River disappeared. It can be seen that Chen Fan's strength is unfathomable.

"No matter who he is, it's no use for me to come here. It's a big deal. Let the old man invite Ye's family. If ye's family comes, who can compete with China? "

Xiao Changfeng waved his hands fiercely.

Many senior members of the Xiao family nodded their approval.

At this time, a servant knocked on the door and came in:

"old master, the news that the young master had ordered someone to inquire about has come out. The name of the Wang family is Chen fan. He comes from Jincheng, Jiangnan province. Another name is Chen beixuan! "

Once this remark was made, the whole scene was silent.

Xiao Changfeng's hands were directly frozen in the air, and even the old monk Xiao opened his eyes fiercely, revealing a light that he couldn't believe:

"what is he?"

PS: the fifth watch is finally done. I've been writing for a long time. I'm so tired. O(∩_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!