Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 615

The Qin family and the Wang family are about to marry.

Qin Yan'er, the first beauty in Yanjing, married an unknown pawn of the Wang family. Just when many people think it's just a joke, they are surprised by the reality.

"I, the Qin family, want to live with the Xiao family forever."

"Qin Yan'er has long been appointed as a daughter-in-law by the Xiao family, and the Qin family has always acquiesced in her attitude. Now suddenly, the Qin family and the Wang family are going to join hands to shake the Xiao family? "

"The strength of the Xiao family is unfathomable. The two kings of Qin are not necessarily rivals of the Xiao family."

The whole Yanjing is boiling.

Countless people are discussing with each other. The younger generation is envious and envious. They want to take Chen Fan and replace him. The older generation, on the other hand, are worried. Yanjing has been calm for so many years, and now there will be another dispute.

Fire at the gate of the city will bring disaster to the fish in the pond!

Then, a more explosive news came out, which was spread by a descendant of the Wang family. It is said that Mr. Qin not only wants to marry his granddaughter, but also Qin Yan's son, who only wants to be the second wife. The man also has a first wife.


After hearing the news, even the deepest people in Chengfu were stunned.

When the Qin family in Yanjing married their daughter, she was the son of the Wang family. Now she is married to be the second wife? Even a hundred years ago, it was unimaginable, not to mention the modern era of the 21st century.

"Muddleheaded, Mr. Qin is muddleheaded! The reputation of the Qin family has been destroyed for a hundred years

Some old people sighed.

"Tut Tut, this old man Qin is really dizzy. He married his granddaughter, the most beautiful woman in Yanjing, to an unknown boy as his second wife, but he could figure it out. This is to force the Xiao family to death. He said, "would you rather marry your granddaughter as a concubine than give it to the Xiao family?"

Many people who have a grudge against the Qin family shake their heads and sneer.

More young people beat their chests and feet, and their envious eyes burst out with fire.

The most beautiful woman in Yanjing, she is the second wife. It's a great blessing that hasn't been seen for hundreds of years.

Zhang Yu and others who received the news were all like Sinopec.

"What is the madness of the Qin family? Is this challenging the human imagination? " Zhang Yu dare not set channel.

"I don't know what's wrong with the Qin family, but I know that Xiao Xuan is going to be crazy."

Ouyang dome youyou road.

In fact, Xiao Xuan is crazy.

This is the first young master of Yanjing, the leader of the younger generation. Even if I received the news that the Qin family was going to ask for a marriage, I was calm, confident and ready to fight. But when I heard the news, I could no longer keep calm on my face.

"Patta, Patta."

Xiao Xuan smashed seven or eight antique vases in a row. Each one is worth tens of millions. Blue and white porcelain from the Song Dynasty Jun porcelain and even the Yuan Dynasty, if you let the collectors see it, you must beat your chest and feet.

And the people next to him didn't dare to stop, they were shivering.

"Damn Qin family, is this humiliating our Xiao family? I'd rather force sister Qin to be the second wife of that Chen than marry you. " Xiao Xian's whole body trembled with bamboo spirit and clenched his powder fist tightly.

Xiao Xuan stopped, took a breath, and his eyes were as red as the equator:

"I'm going to see my grandfather immediately, and I'm going to tell him this. You check for me and find out all the identities of the Wang family boy. I want him to regret being born in this world. "

"Yes, sir."

Many of Xiao's servants bowed their heads.

Not only Xiao Xuan, but also countless people are inquiring about Chen fan. But more people are gloating. Because they know that the Xiao family will never let Chen Fan go. Maybe Xiao Xuan had nothing to do with the Qin family and the Wang family. But it's easy to move chen fan.

"The boy of the Wang family is dead."

Countless people asserted.

When Mr. Qin returns to his villa by Kunming Lake.

Qin Tian suddenly burst in and yelled:

"grandfather, you are crazy. You want to marry your sister to the boy named Chen. Besides, it is said that he already has a girlfriend. It's a joke to ask my sister to be the second wife. Do you want our Qin family to become the laughing stock of Yanjing? "

Qin Yan'er followed her, her eyes shining with shame and anger.

She can accept the family arrangement and marry chen fan.

This is the norm of family marriage. But no matter how erotic her life is, Qin Yan'er should be Chen Fan's only wife in name. No matter how Chen Fan plays outside, she should respect Qin Yan'er when she comes home.

But now it is said publicly that let Qin Yan'er be Chen Fan's second wife, which will destroy all Qin Yan'er's reputation. She couldn't imagine how her friends, friends, classmates and even all the people she knew were laughing at her.

Laugh at her, the first beauty in Yanjing, the legitimate daughter of the Qin family, but be someone else's second wife.

"You think so, too?"

Mr. Qin's eyes swept through the villa, and other senior members of the Qin family.Although Qin Dongshan, Qin Donglai, Qin Dongfeng and others did not say a word, they were also discontented. Obviously, they did not understand the dictatorial rule of Qin and forced his granddaughter to marry chen fan. It was Qin Dongmu, who did not speak.

"Ah, people don't understand. I didn't expect that even you don't understand Dongmu. I'm really disappointed."

Qin stood up trembling and patted the table, his eyes full of anger.

"Dad, Dad, don't be angry. If you want to give it to Yan'er's son-in-law, we will listen to you. It's just that you're going to marry Yan'er to a boy of the Wang family and be the second wife. It's too much. And is it worth offending the Xiao family? "

Qin Dongmu quickly came to hold his arm and said with a little dissatisfaction.

"You still don't understand!"

Old Qin shook his head and suddenly said, "Dong Mu, do you think that with your father's status today, how many people in today's world can let me go, visit in person and bow down?"

"What is it?"

Qin Dongmu was stunned.

He was so angry that he didn't think of it. Now I suddenly think that Mr. Qin is really respectful to Chen Fan from beginning to end. It's not right.

After all, Mr. Qin is the old head of the five families in Yanjing. They are all important people in China. Except for the Xiao family and the Ye family of Yanshan in the legend of brother an, almost no one can let Qin treat them like this.

And the one bigger than the Xiao family is probably the head of the Yuan Dynasty.

"What's the origin of Wang Xiaoyun's son?"

Qin Dongmu frowned slightly.

But I can't think of it. No matter how hard a young man in his twenties struggles, even if he becomes the richest man in China and even the richest man in the world, he should not let Mr. Qin be so respectful.

"His surname is Chen!"

Qin closed his eyes and said slowly in a disappointed tone.


Other senior members of the Qin family, Qin Tian and others are puzzled. This news has been known for a long time? Why does Mr. Qin mention it now? Is there any mystery?

Qin Yan'er's eyes full of tears, at this time also slightly a Leng, in the heart strange, isn't that Chen surname boy, the identity is very not simple?

"What you said is..."

and at this time, Qin Dongmu finally thought of it. His fierce figure was shocked, and his eyes showed an incredible light, saying: "is he Chen beixuan?"

"What, Chen beixuan?"

When the name comes out.

In the whole hall, almost everyone took a breath.

In today's world, Chen beixuan's name, like the sun in the sky, stands high above many big countries. The Qin family is a big family after all. How could they not have heard of Chen fan.

Everything from the defeat of Japan to the suppression of Russia to the war against the European Union is like a myth.

"Yes, it is. Young, in his twenties, surnamed Chen, and in such a detached position, who else is there besides the legendary Chen Liuguo? " Qin Dongmu clapped his hands.

Other senior members of the Qin family were even more shocked.

This is Chen Liuguo!

The sixth strongest in the world today is the existence of an enemy country. Compared with the European Union, Russia and Japan, what is the Qin family? Even if the five families of Yanjing are tied up, they are not equal to the six kingdoms of Chen.

The Wangs are not afraid of Chen Fan because they rely on their blood relationship and are not afraid of Chen Fan's revenge. But the Qin family and so on, how dare to have half silk disrespect to Chen fan, this is the real big man in the sky! One person in the world.

Qin Tian is even more excited to jump up, dare not set channel:

"he is Chen beixuan, my God? He is my idol

In the presence, only Qin Yan'er was stunned on the spot and said, "little brother, who is Chen beixuan? How do you think you all know each other? "

Qin Yan'er is just a girl. She doesn't care about fighting and killing. And the core of the family will not tell her the news.

"He's the strongest man in the world. It's said that he once defeated the Japanese brigade alone and scared the Japanese Prime Minister out of the door for three days. He killed the commander of Russia's northern military region and went all the way to Moscow, forcing the great emperor to make peace. After that, the European Union chased and destroyed a fleet of the European Union. Do you think this kind of man is strong or not

Qin Tian is excited.

"No, not long ago, he forced the United States to bow. It is said that in the presence of two or three American generals, they sank an island, leaving the United States no choice but to take him. They even ranked first in the list of gods and became the real Chen Liuguo. "

Qin Dongmu said. His news is more comprehensive.


Qin Yan'er has been silly, like listening to the book of heaven.

She thought that Chen Fan might be the successor of a super family, or a very capable business elite, but she never thought that there was really Chen Liuguo. It sounds like superman in the movie.

"Dad, I see what you mean now."

Qin Dong Mu raised his head fiercely, and his eyes glowed with blazing light: "the Xiao family has Yanshan Ye family as its backer, and is the largest family in Yanjing. But Chen beixuan is on the list of gods, but he is better than ye Qingcang. If we Qin family can get his support, what is the Xiao family? It may not be impossible to ascend to the top of China's largest family. ""Not bad."

Mr. Qin nodded his head, glanced at Qin Yan'er and said:

"Yan'er, don't blame your grandfather. What is it to marry a Xiao Xuan. Forty years later, Xiao Xuan may have become the head of the Xiao family and become a senior member of the Chinese nation. Chen beixuan was a great power in the world, comparable with Russia and Japan. If you marry him, even if you just become the second wife, you will be able to surpass the wife of the president of a country, ascend the top of the world and enjoy the supreme glory... The key now is that Chen beixuan doesn't need you. "

Qin Yan'er bowed her head.

For the first time, she found that she would have a day when no one wanted to.

But... The top of the world, it's really... Tempting!

Qin Yan'er's eyes are full of longing.

PS: (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!