Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 614

"How can it be? Is the news true or false

Those who heard the news were all dumbfounded, just like the book of heaven.

"It's true. My friend saw with his own eyes that the senior members of the Qin family, including Mr. Qin, who had not been out of the mountain for a long time, had already got on the bus. Now the Qin family's motorcade is heading for Beishan villa. As we speak, it is estimated that it will arrive. Listen to the news from the Qin family. This time, I'm going to make an appointment. "

Someone explained.

Others, however, look at each other.

Originally thought it was just a farce, after Xiao Xuan appeared and Chen Fan admitted. This farce will come to an end. At most, it will become a chat after dinner. You can say a few words casually and despise the poor Wang family. It will soon be forgotten. But how do you look now? Do you want to become a real posture?

"If we just let the wind out before, there is still room for recovery. Well, now Mr. Qin has come out in person, and the whole senior members of the Qin family have come out. It's a chisel on the board. It's pushing the whole Qin family up. It's going to offend the Xiao family to death. "

More people are shaking their palms.

In the past, the Qin family could be said to be a rumor, and the Wang family could throw chen fan out of the jar. But Mr. Qin's personal visit is too heavy. Even if Qin Yan'er had any objection, it was insignificant in the face of such a general situation.

Qin Yan'er even committed suicide now. The Qin family will find another granddaughter to complete the engagement instead of her.

It's not just a trial.

However, the two families of the king of Qin are going to join hands to shake the Xiao family.

The people who knew the news were terrified. Will the five families in Yanjing, which have been quiet for a long time, finally have another dispute? And more people are rushing to Beishan to witness the truth.


on the Bank of Kunming Lake, in a manor. When

received the news, Qin Yan was directly stupid. The color lipstick bottle dropped from her hands. The whole body was pale and shrewish.

Qin Tian, who was beside him, was furious. He pushed aside his chair and rushed out like a bull:

"I'll go to my grandfather, stop him and ask him for an explanation."

But as soon as he got to the door, he was stopped by two bodyguards in Black:

"I'm sorry, master Qin. The old man ordered that you two should not step out of the door before he went home. Otherwise, I'll kill you! "

The bodyguard was solemn and murderous.

Qin Tian's eyes were red, and he still wanted to rush out, but suddenly a voice behind him called:

"Xiao Tian, forget it."

When he looked back, he saw Qin Yan'er sitting in front of the dresser with a calm face, as if she had accepted. Just a pair of smart jump in the eyes of the United States, no waves, like stagnant water.


Jinqiu garden, in Xiao's villa.

When Xiao Xuan heard the news, he was shocked, and his eyes were full of confusion, doubt, shock and regret. Xiao Xianzhu next to him jumped up and yelled:

"is the old hair surnamed Qin crazy? How dare he? Don't you know elder brother you and elder sister Qin are made for each other? How dare he offend our Xiao family? "

"It's too late to say that now."

Xiao Xuan closed his eyes slightly.

When he opened his eyes again, there was only a sense of war. Xiao Xuan stood up and said coldly:

"well, well, since the Qin family and the Wang family want to fight, let's let them have a look. Why should we sit in the position of the largest family in Yanjing for decades?"

"And the boy surnamed Chen, who dares to touch my woman, really thinks I dare not kill?" A chill flashed in Xiao Xuan's eyes.

In Li's, Han's, Ouyang's, and..

innumerable upper class families in Yanjing, they were excited about it, and they all focused on Beishan, the silent villa No. 5.


Beishan, halfway up, villa No.5.

This small Western-style building has never been noticed by so many people since its establishment. The crowd, in twos and threes, crowded by villa No. 5, looked at the villa with complicated eyes.

There are even a lot of Wang family members among them.

They are also the first time to hear that Chen Fan wants to marry Qin Yan'er, with mixed feelings, jealousy and hatred.

Qin Yan'er is the most beautiful woman in the upper class of Yanjing. Countless people admire her. If it wasn't for Xiao Xuan's reservation, I don't know how many wild bees and butterflies would surround her.

"Here comes the Qin family."

Ouyang dome and others arrived early. Zhang Yu suddenly called.

I saw a long black motorcade winding from the foot of the mountain. A few cars stopped in front of us. First of all, there were a lot of vigorous bodyguards, including some martial arts experts.

Qin Laoqin, that kind of power, earth shaking!

Then, many senior members of the Qin family got off.

"Qin Dongshan, Qin Dongfeng, Qin Donglai..."

all the famous people in Yanjing rushed down and stood in front of a black car in the middle. Finally, the door opened, and a middle-aged man helped an old man with white hair to get out of the car slowly."That's Qin Dongmu, the head of the Qin family, and Qin Yan'er's father. The old man next to him is Mr. Qin. "

Countless people held their breath to witness this scene.

Qin went to the villa and rang the doorbell.

"Ding Ding Ding."

The door opened quickly. It was Wang Xiaoyun.

as soon as Wang Xiaoyun saw the Qin family, he was very enthusiastic and seemed to be familiar with them.

"I come to see Mr. Chen."

Mr. Qin bowed slightly.

"Uncle Qin, come on in, Xiao Fan is in it. And don mugo, come in, too. "

Wang Xiaoyun was busy.

Then, with the help of Qin Dongmu, Mr. Qin went to the door, while the other senior members of the Qin family didn't go in at all. They just stood at the door and waited quietly.

People who see this scene take a breath.

"Who is Chen? Qin Dongshan and others will stand at the door. A head of state, that's all. "

Countless people hit the tongue.

"Generally, the head of a small country may not have this status. At least it had to be at the level of five big powers at that time, and it had to be real power. "

Ouyang dome was watching, his eyes shining, and he had a vague guess in his heart.

More people quickly spread the news, proving to others that this time the Qin family was serious, not false.

No matter how noisy the outside world is, the building is still quiet.

Qin Dongmu helps Qin Lao and meets Chen Fan in the corner of the backyard. At this time, chen fan is lying on a wooden bamboo rocking chair with green grape trellis on his head and vines falling down. While eating grapes, chen fan is enjoying the sun leisurely.

"Xiao Fan, there are guests coming."

Wang Xiaoyun reminds a way in the side.

Chen fan then turned his chair and frowned at the old man:

"didn't I say that? Your granddaughter is not good. Don't think about it too well. You can't rise to the top. "

Chen Fan refused before, of course, does not want to fall into the trap of the Wang family, but it is also related to Qin Yan'er. Qin Yan'er is certainly a gorgeous beauty, enchanting disaster. But it's just ordinary women after all.

Anya, Fang Qiong, a Xiu, Xue Daisha and others have become more ethereal and ethereal after their cultivation. Their skin is tender and white, just like a person who looks like a God. None of them is worse than Qin Yan'er.

There are so many beauties, how can chen fan like Qin Yan'er?

These words come out, Qin Dongmu eyes suddenly flash anger, want to attack.

Who is Qin always? What kind of family is the Qin family? How can Chen Fan say that they can't rise?

But Mr. Qin coughed, bowed his head and said, "Mr. Chen, as you are today, if I could marry you, I would be very high. But this engagement was made by Zhong Guo and I before you were born, so that my mother would know about it. "


Chen fan was surprised.

Fang Qiong and Anya were also surprised. Only Wang Xiaoyun looked embarrassed and said: "I was good friends with Dong Mu Ge in those years. Our Wang family and Qin family were friends, and we did marry each other. It's just..."

it's just something that everyone can understand.

With later, Wang Xiaoyun with Chen Fan and others, betrayed the Wang family, mixed unsatisfactory. Qin Dongmu became the head of the Qin family again. Qin Yan'er became more and more beautiful and was called the first goddess of Yanjing. Naturally, no one mentioned it again.

But now it's different. Chen fanru is in the middle of the day, ranking first in the list of gods. Even the Qin family has to flatter him, so naturally he can climb up from the head with this.

Chen fan was not laughing or crying. He shook his head and said:

"old man Qin, don't tell me about this kind of marriage. I'm not constrained by these restrictions? What's more, I already have a girlfriend and will be engaged soon. At that time, I will hold the most grand engagement banquet for her. I appreciate your kindness. "

Chen Fan said and pointed to Fang Qiong.

Fang Qiong continued to blush and lowered her pink head.

Although Qin Dongmu and others were very angry, they had to admit it after looking at Fang Qiong's appearance. On beauty alone, Fang Qiong is no worse than Qin Yan'er.

When people thought that Mr. Qin would go away, they didn't expect that the old man pondered for a moment and said slowly:

"it's OK. Mr. Chen can marry two at the same time."


This remark shocked the whole audience.

Even the Wangs who followed were stunned, and Qin Dongmu couldn't believe it. My father, is this to let my granddaughter be Chen Fan's second wife? Can this be the words of the old clan leader of the Qin family?

"Old man, you're joking. No one can marry two wives."

Chen Kexing shook his head for the first time.

He's too old-fashioned to accept such a thing.

"Mr. Chen's status today is superior to that of other countries. How can secular laws restrain Mr. Chen? " Mr. Qin is resolute.He said that.

The Wangs were all suffocated.

Now, they finally feel Chen Fan's status. It's the Qin family, one of the five major families in Yanjing. They all want to put the Pearl in Chen Fan's arms. It doesn't matter to be the youngest wife.

Wang Cheng and others are full of envy, jealousy and hatred, while Wang Keqin and Wang Zhongguo look at each other and see the shock in each other's eyes:

"the surname Qin is a real person. He doesn't want to kill the whole Qin family with a knife, but he wants to put the whole Qin family on Chen fan!"

Thinking of this, a trace of regret flashed in Wang Zhongguo's heart.

Is he really wrong?


when Mr. Qin walked out of the building, no one knew what they were talking about, but just looking at his face, many people understood.

The news spread like lightning, and the whole Yanjing was shocked.

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!