Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 613

Xiao family is the first family in Yanjing.

In the whole circle of the young generation in Yanjing, Xiao Xuan was a leader of many heroes, and was detached from the world. No matter Han juntu, Wang Cheng, Li Mufan and others, they are all oppressed by Xiao Xuan, and they are really full of figures in Beijing.

This young man, who is called the dragon of the Xiao family, has never seen the end of the dragon, and rarely appears in the gathering circle of the younger generation. The circles he is involved in are too high-end. They are all gatherings of China's top entrepreneurs, rich people and even top foreign consortia. In the circle, there are even many young people who have never met Xiao Xuan.

But as soon as Xiao Xuan appeared, his momentum immediately covered the whole field.


Xiao Xianzhu immediately met him and said something in his ear.

Xiao Xuan's eyes immediately swept on Chen fan. There was no hatred and cruelty in his eyes, but just curiosity. It seems to be a surprise that Chen Fan's ability is worthy of the Wang family's help. He does not hesitate to offend the Xiao family and Xiao Xuan.

When the enchanting woman beside her, her beautiful eyes were round and fierce. She wanted to tear Chen Fan apart. However, although she was fierce, she looked more and more lovely like a puffy cat.

"Xiao Da Shao, I didn't expect that a small dinner party would disturb you."

Wang Cheng laughed and went up.

"If you don't come, please forgive me." With a smile, Xiao Xuan turned his eyes to Chen Fan: "who is this gentleman?"

"He is a cousin of mine, surnamed Chen. Because I didn't grow up in Yanjing, this is my first time here. I'll call together my peers and introduce them to him. "

When introducing chen fan, Wang Cheng was very vague.

After all, chen fan is now famous in the dark world and has been listed among the top consortia and big countries. Although few people can recognize Chen Fan face-to-face, many of them have heard his name. As for Chen beixuan, it's like a thunderbolt. No one knows!

"It's Mr. Chen."

Xiao Xuan smiles and reaches out his hand with gentlemanly demeanor to shake hands with Chen fan.

Chen fan put his hands in his bag and ignored him. Instead, he looked sideways at Qin Yan'er beside Xiao Xuan and shook his head slightly: "Wang Cheng, is this Qin Yan'er you want to introduce to me? It's not so good. It's not as good as some of my female apprentices. What else do you say about the first beauty in Yanjing? "

As soon as Chen Fan said this, the audience was silent.

Countless people gaped at him, as if looking at a monster.

"This big brother is too strong. Ignore Xiao Xuan's handshake, in front of Xiao Xuan's face, said Qin Yan son long can't. This is to offend the Qin and Xiao families to death. "

Said the Prada girl.

Zhang Yu, who is next to her, has already regretted it.

I had known that this man was such a fool that he tried to be brave regardless of the consequences. Why did he go to provoke Chen? He is a madman.

"People like this, if they can't live for three days in Yanjing circle, they will be killed!"

Someone shook his head and sneered.

The others nodded and felt the same way.

Xiao Xianzhu is even more a little white head. He is ashamed in his heart: "I'm so sorry that I overestimated him before. I thought he was a scheming man. He turned out to be a real reckless man. If it wasn't for Wang's favor, I would have been thrown out of Yanjing by Hu Dongzhang. "

Even Xiao Xuan was so surprised that he forgot to take it back.

But this is not the beginning. Chen Fan raises his chin to Qin Yan'er:

"go back and tell your old man surnamed Qin, and say this marriage. I won't agree. Let him not think too beautiful. As for you, it has nothing to do with me who you should marry. "

Then Chen Fan patted Wang Cheng on the shoulder:

"you too, go back and tell the old man that it's not his turn to decide my marriage."

With that, Chen Fanli ignored the crowd and went away with his hands behind his back.

Leaving only one eye, countless people gape.

But Xiao Xianzhu's eyes lit up and looked up at Chen Fan:

"I thought he was really a reckless man. He knew how to advance and retreat. He seemed arrogant just now. In fact, he expressed his refusal to marry in public. Next, the Xiao family didn't care about him. Others took it as a joke and passed it by. At most, they said that this man had a bad eye, and even a great beauty like Qin Yan'er didn't like it. "

There are many smart people, not only Xiao Xianzhu. Soon, many people want to understand Chen Fan's meaning, and they all secretly nod their heads.

"The boy seems to have some brains. It's just that the way of dealing with this matter is a little too rough. At least it offends the beauty of Qin

Sitting in the corner, a slender man in white commented lightly.

A group of people around him, with him as the center, could not help shaking their heads and laughing:

"beauty Qin is the most recognized beauty in Yanjing, but today she is said that she is not good-looking, and she is not wanted in public. It is estimated that beauty Qin can remember him for a lifetime."

Actually, it's more than a lifetime!Qin Yan'er at this time, from head to foot, was trembling. A pair of beautiful eyes, but also to spray fire!

Since Qin Yan'er grew up, when has her face been despised? High school flower, University flower, Yanjing first beauty, countless titles fall on her head. Although Qin Yan'er ignored her on the surface, she was secretly happy in her heart. Which girl didn't like being sought after by countless people?

But Chen fan used the reason that she was ugly to refuse her in public.

Although Qin Yan'er knows that this is just an excuse, she still feels angry in her heart. Especially when she looked at Chen Fan's eyes, from Chen Fan's clear eyes, she really felt that Chen Fan didn't put her in the bottom of her eyes, which hurt Qin Yan'er deeply.

"Hold it... Hold it!"

Qin Yan'er holds a small powder fist and tries to resist the impulse to chase chen fan.

But Xiao Xuan, who was beside him, jokingly took back his hand and said to Wang Cheng, "Wang Shao, you are a wonderful man. If you have time, you must bring him out for a drink. As a friend, I'll make friends with Xiao Xuan. "

Xiao Xuan never regarded chen fan as an opponent, and he just thought it was a farce. As soon as he appeared, he could easily settle it. It's just that Chen Fan's way of counseling this time is quite special.

"Definitely... Definitely."

Wang Chengqiang smiles, but he is very upset. Chen fan has refused in public, obviously the plan of killing people with a knife can't succeed. Even he had to worry about whether Chen fan had seen through the scheme of the Wang family. When Chen Fan was angry, it would not be easy for him.

Instead, Qin Tian hummed coldly:

"this boy knows his face, and he's soft to his face. But... Does he really have a beautiful female apprentice, more beautiful than my sister? "

When Qin Tian was touching his head, his ears suddenly hurt and a murderous air came:

"Qin... Tian!"


this incident, which would have caused a struggle between the two top families, ended with such a nonsense.

The upper class in Yanjing are all smart people. When we got back to ourselves, we understood immediately.

"That boy seems to be rebellious and arrogant, but in fact, he's soft. It's just that the way of counseling is quite special. "

"Yes, he found a decent way to step down. Otherwise, Xiao Xuan will come. If he really dares to marry Qin Yan'er, it's not to offend the Xiao family and Xiao Xuan to death. "

"He's a smart man. If he doesn't make sense, he'll throw away the hot potato."

Many young people talk about it.

The elders of Yanjing's major families didn't care about it at all.

The marriage of the Qin and Xiao families is imperative, and no one can stop it. Even the Qin family can't do it themselves, and the Wang family can't. Because opposite is Xiao family, Yanjing first family, Xiao family!

A group of people are gathering in a secret club.

"Among the top five aristocratic families in Yanjing, the Xiao family is the most powerful. Behind him is the legendary Ye family of Yanshan, the giant pillar of China, and the dinghaishen needle. They all say that Mr. Xiao and the Ye family are world friends. As long as the Ye family is in one day, the Xiao family will never collapse. In contrast, although the Qin family and the Wang family are all five families, their strength is the weakest, far less than that of the Xiao family. "

The leader was the slender man in white in the club.

"Brother Ouyang, what do you mean?"

Zhang Yu is also nearby, hesitant way.

"It's very simple. In this case, Mr. Qin would never dare to offend the Xiao family as long as he didn't feel dizzy. Otherwise, he and Wang may not be able to compete with the Xiao family. "

The man surnamed Ouyang said faintly.

Ouyang dome.

The young generation of Yanjing is a famous childe, although Ouyang family is not a big family.

But Ouyang dome has a strong hand and set up an investment alliance. Many childe brothers followed him and made a lot of money by investing, speculating in stocks, starting businesses and so on. Therefore, although Ouyang dome's strength is not as good as that of the top, it is almost the same as Han juntu's.

"So, it was just the news from the Qin family before. I want to test the determination of the Xiao family. Today, Xiao Xuan's arrival obviously broke the illusion of the Qin family. And the Wang family also resolutely admitted to counseling. "

Zhang Yu then said: "it seems that the boy has no background. He is just a chess piece launched by the Wang family. You can push it out at any time to calm the anger of the Xiao family. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Yu hammered the table hard:

"I knew that, so I sent someone to break his limbs. I said, how dare a son of Wang's collateral family be so arrogant. Hehe, boy, now you have no use value. I don't think you have any way to live? "

With that, Zhang Yu's eyes sparkled with resentment.

Ouyang dome frowned slightly and thought to himself, "theoretically speaking, there is another possibility that the Qin family can find a backer comparable to the Ye family of Yanshan and not be afraid of the Xiao family! But how can this be possible? How can our Chinese family compete with the Ye family in Yanshan? "

Thinking of this, Ouyang dome shook his head and put the absurd idea behind him.No matter where we are in Yanjing, we all treat it as a joke, as for Chen fan. Many people didn't pay attention to it. They thought it was just a chess piece of the Wang family. When they saw that things were not good, they accepted it. However, his way of counseling was strange, but he eventually succumbed to the power of the Xiao family.

"The Xiao family is really the largest family in Yanjing. The little schemes of the Qin family and the Wang family are wrong."

The older generation sighed.

The next day, a shocking news came.

Mr. Qin led all the senior officials of the Qin family to climb the gate of the royal family in Beishan and propose to the royal family.

When the news came out, Yanjing was shocked, and countless people were stunned!

PS: the first watch is presented. The author continues to write the second watch. The outbreak begins_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!