Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 612

Qiushui Pavilion is located on the Bank of Kunming Lake.

At this time, it is dusk. The pavilion is resplendent and bright with lights for a long time. Looking through the antique door bar, you can see a beautiful looking maid in a palace robe, carrying all kinds of drinks and meals.

These maids, in terms of appearance, are all excellent, at least they are the standard of school flower. If you take out any of them, they are all girls in the eyes of countless people.

"Old children are born lowly. Although they are the top rich, they have the same taste."

Wang Cheng shook his head slightly with disdain in his eyes.

The royal city at this time is the real royal family. No matter how modest he pretended to be, his pride could not be erased. Chen Fan leaned against the car and said nothing.

If it wasn't for his mother's life, and if he wanted to see what medicine the Wang family sold, he would not come to any junior dinner.

"Wang Shao, Wang Shao, how can you call me Xiao Tong when you come?"

I saw a fat man in rich clothes, full of sweat rushed out. When the pretty maids around saw him, they all bowed down and showed a lot of snow-white skin. They called out in a delicate voice:

"general manager Tong."

Tong Zhouliang is a famous tycoon in Yanjing.

Chen fan, who knew him in his previous life, often made it to the top 30 of the Forbes rich list. In terms of value, he also had tens of billions. However, when he faced Wang Cheng at this time, he was very respectful, just like his elders.

"I said, old boy, you must change your taste. I don't dare to bring guests here for the decoration and the show. "

Wang Cheng snorted.

"Change it, change it." Tongzhouliang with this said, eyes sweep to chenfan: "Wang Shao, this is?"

"My cousin, chen fan."

Wang Cheng opens his mouth.

"It's Chen Shao. Please come in. Qin Shao and Hao Shao are here. "

Tong Zhouliang was flattered.

With Tong Zhouliang in front and respectfully leading the way, two rows of dozens of beauties in palace costume bowed together.

"These are all from the universities in Yanjing. At least they are key and famous universities. They have both talent and appearance, and they are beautiful and obedient. Cousin, if you want, you can take it directly. "

Wang Cheng is quiet on the face, but he is slightly proud in his heart, aiming at chen fan.

I want to see the shock or greed on Chen Fan's face. No matter how he reprimanded Tong Zhouliang, he was really rare in China.

But Chen Fan's face was flat, as if all the clouds were in front of him.

"At this level, do you want to surprise me? There are some stars in the past life, in order to survive from me. I found a beautiful star and put it in front of me. There are all kinds of people, even Yuanying nun and Tianzong goddess. I didn't even blink. "

Chen fan was amused and could not help shaking his head slightly.

Without the support of Wang family, Wang Cheng may not be able to join the ranks of young and old people in Yanjing. In contrast, Han juntu is a little better.

"Strange, isn't he lusty?"

Wang Cheng was surprised.

At this time, after a corridor, we finally arrived at the main hall of Qiushui Pavilion. The appearance of Qiushui Pavilion is a small building. In fact, there are different things in it, just like palaces.

The whole palace is very wide. The tall golden red lanterns make the main hall bright.

A group of beautiful men and women, each holding a glass, chatting in the hall, basically no more than 30 years old, are really the younger generation of the major families. Chen fan even saw Wang Chenchen and the group of people he saw in Beishan yesterday.

"Is he here?"

When Prada girl saw chen fan, her face suddenly went crazy. Next to Zhang Yu, wearing a hat, his face is still red and swollen. Seeing chen fan is like seeing ghosts.

"The key is that Wang Cheng is with him. It seems that he has a very high position in the Wang family."

The girl surnamed Xiao frowned slightly: "Chenchen, did you find out who he was last night?"

"He is really my cousin, but I'm not sure about the specific information." Wang Chenchen said, feeling guilty.

Although she didn't know Chen Fan's identity, she saw Chen Fan contradict Wang Keqin and the old lady with her own eyes. Even Mr. Wang couldn't help taking chen fan. Such a bull, too powerful, Wang Chen Chen simply admire the five bodies.

"I can't even inquire about Chenchen. It seems that his origin is more mysterious than I imagined. Is it the low-key minority of local people? However, there are very few local families with the surname of Chen. It seems that there is only a golden city... "

while the girl surnamed Xiao was thinking about it, Zhang Yu next to her suddenly said:

" isn't that Qin Tian Da Shao? How did he find that man? And it seems that they are looking for trouble. "

When they heard the words, they immediately read them.

Sure enough, seeing Qin Tian, the eldest and youngest of the Qin family, he rushed to the King City in anger. His eyes were like wolves. He looked at chen fan and squeezed out from his teeth and said, "King City, is this the man you want to marry my sister?"

"Marry your sister?"

Chen Fan frowned slightly, puzzled.

"Ha ha, you still deny it! This is full of Yanjing. Who doesn't know that my sister Qin Yan'er and brother Xiao Xuan were born together. I've been engaged for a long time, and the wedding will be held soon. I didn't expect that you Wang family would have to marry my elder sister, and even talked to the old man. Do you really think this news can be kept from everyone? "Qin Tian sneered.

"What? Wang family wants to rob Xiao family's marriage? Is that man going to marry Qin Yan'er? "

The news suddenly fell like a bomb in Pinghu. It shocked everyone.

Qin Yan'er is the goddess in Yanjing's eyes of countless CHILDES, but she has always been in love with Xiao Xuan, many people sigh. However, only Xiao Xuan, the youngest in Yanjing, is worthy of her.

But now, all of a sudden, the Wang family came out to cut off the Hu. A young man with ordinary appearance wants to be Qin Yan'er's fiance. Who can be surprised?

"This is big news. It's absolutely going to make Yanjing a sensation."

"Tut Tut, this man is really brave. Can he rob the woman of boss Xiao Xuan?"

"The Xiao family is generally recognized as the largest family in Yanjing. By contrast, the Wang family is far behind. Wang Cheng is no match for Xiao. "

People talk like a tide, one after another with the eyes of schadenfreude at chen fan.

Zhang Yu and others were completely shocked.

"Chenchen, does your cousin want to rob brother Xiao Xuan's woman?"

Wang Chenchen's companion said, aiming at the girl surnamed Xiao. Who doesn't know that Xiao Xuan is the girl's brother, but with the girl's worship of Xiao Xuan, how can she accept that her sister-in-law has been robbed?

Sure enough, the girl surnamed Xiao had a cold face and frosty eyes.

"I don't know."

Wang Chenchen was silly. Seeing that the girl surnamed Xiao was about to get angry, she quickly took her hand and said, "sister Xianzhu, don't be impulsive. My cousin seems to be very powerful. Even my grandfather and uncle dare not provoke him. "

Wang Chenchen's words are true.

But listening in other people's ears is like a joke. What kind of people are Wang Lao and Wang Keqin? How can they be afraid of a young man in his twenties.

"Well, you Wangs can call me sister if you do such a thing?"

Xiao Xianzhu gave a cold hum.

And at this time, the scene in the hall, has been a hair trigger.

"I don't know anything about it. Little boy, I have a girlfriend and I'm getting engaged soon. Don't bother me

Chen Fan waved his hand funny.

Qin Tian's white face turned red and swelled like a tomato. He wanted to hit Chen Fan in the face. He is short and has a baby face, so he hates people saying that he is a child.

"Qin Shao, calm down, calm down. It's something that Mr. Qin has set down. It's useless for you to oppose it any more. "

Wang Cheng is beside to add fuel to the flames.

"Ha ha."

Sure enough, Qin Tian laughed angrily and looked at chen fan and said, "do you think my grandfather will do it? My sister won't agree to marry you when she dies. And brother Xiao Xuan knows about it. Can the Xiao family let you go? I tell you, my sister is coming soon, and you still have a chance to go back. "

With that, Qin Tian sneered.

Chen fan was listening and his eyes flashed.

He finally understood the intention of the Wang family. His feelings were to use him as a gun. I couldn't help shaking my head and sneering: "I thought the Wang family had corrected a lot. If they really touch my mother with their family affection and make up for the grievances of my parents over the past 20 years, I may not be able to help them. As a result, I still want to do everything possible. Do you think I will be afraid to kill people because of my family affection? "

"Cousin, it's all my fault that I didn't inform you in advance."

Wang Cheng patted his head and said:

"since I knew that you and your aunt had suffered a lot, my grandfather always wanted to find an opportunity to make up for your family. Just as it happens, my grandfather's comrade in arms Qin Lao has a granddaughter, who is very beautiful. She is the most recognized beauty in our Yanjing circle. You can see her right away. She is absolutely beautiful, and her appearance, family background, talent and learning are all top-notch, worthy of your cousin. "

He looks very sincere and good for you.

"For this, our Wang family also offended the Xiao family. Grandfather also pulled down the face to ask old comrades in arms. But you can rest assured that this is what the Wangs should do to compensate for the grievances of my sister-in-law's family, and my sister-in-law will be very happy to know. " Wang Cheng continued to pat his chest.

Ordinary people may have been cheated by the King City.

After all, it was the Wang family who introduced the first beauty of Yanjing to Chen fan, and offended the Xiao family of Yanjing. If it is Chen Fan's previous life, even if not, he will appreciate it and shed tears of gratitude.

But Chen Fan of this life has seen through the indifference of the Wang family for a long time. How can he eat this?

"Hum, since you Wangs are looking for death, I will not stop you."

Qin Tian was beside him, sneering.

Xiao Xianzhu's face is as cold as ice. He can scrape off the frost. His eyes look at Chen Fan fiercely.

Others gathered around and watched the scene. Many people's eyes are full of envy and hatred, as if they want to replace chen fan. After all, Qin Yan'er's popularity is too high. She is the first beauty in Yanjing.

At this time, a sudden noise came from the door.

"Miss Qin is here, followed by... Xiao Xuan?"As soon as the voice came out, the whole audience was dead.

Everyone didn't expect that Xiao Xuan, who was always at the top but never at the end, was on the scene. This is a collision between Mars and the earth!

In the hearts of all people, there is an expectation.

I saw a pair of beautiful men and women, in the eyes of countless people, stepped into the hall. The man is tall and handsome, with a strong bearing, like a natural leader. Women's appearance is peerless, the face pure and charming combination, enchanting disaster.

It's Xiao Xuan and Qin Yan'er. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!