Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 609

Uncle Zhong is Mr. Wang's right-hand man.

His status in the Wang family was even higher than that of ordinary children, and even Wang Keqin was respectful to him. Young people like Wang Chenchen are more respectful when they see him. In the eyes of many outsiders, Wang Keqin's weight may not match uncle Zhong's sometimes.

Ordinary Yanjing clan leaders have to sell uncle Zhong three times, because every time uncle Zhong appears, he must represent the will of Master Wang.

"Mr. Chen, miss, when you come, you should inform me in advance. Let me make the arrangement early, as a result, you have been waiting for a long time at the foot of the mountain. I feel guilty. "

Uncle Zhong apologized sincerely.

The people nearby were stunned. In particular, Wang Chenchen covered his small mouth and his big eyes were full of disbelief.

Uncle Zhong is very dignified at home. He never smiles at his younger generation. When will he smile so gently and respectfully?

The other boys and girls are even more worried about what kind of iron plate they have hit? Even Zhang Yu, who was extremely angry, felt cold in his heart, and his intuition was not good.

"Uncle Zhong called them Mr. Chen and Miss Chen. Is their surname Chen, and that woman really Wang Chenchen's aunt? "

The elegant girl frowned slightly.

Things don't seem to be what she thought. If Wang Xiaoyun is the daughter of the Wang family, I'm afraid Zhang Yu's revenge will not be avenged. After all, it's just a small family in Hudong. They dare to contradict Mr. Wang's daughter. Maybe the patriarch of Hudong's family will take Zhang Yu to the gate of the king's family to apologize.

"But why did the young man say they were not from the Wang family? Is there any secret in it? And I really haven't heard that Mr. Wang has a daughter. "

The more girls think, the more wrong they are.

"It's OK. It's OK, brother Li."

At this time, Wang Xiaoyun quickly comforted.

Uncle Zhong's name is Li Zhong. I watched Wang Xiaoyun grow up. In this cold Wang family, it's better for her. Otherwise, the Wang family would not send Li Zhong to invite her home.

Chen fan, with his hands on his back, stood beside him, scanning the autumn leaves.

"What's going on?"

Uncle Zhong looks at chen fan and sweeps all the people present, as well as Zhang Yu with a pig's head on his face.

Many boys and girls were scared to death.

Zhang Yu didn't dare to hum any more. He covered his mouth and held back the pain. The girl carrying Prada was pale and shivering. Only Wang Chenchen said:

"Zhang Yugang just offended aunt Xiaoyun, so he was taught a lesson by his cousin."


Uncle Zhong's face suddenly changed and his eyes were like wolves. He wanted to swallow Zhang Yu alive.

Among the people present, only he knew how terrible Chen Fan was. Zhang Yu even dared to collide with Wang Xiaoyun in front of Chen fan. He was so impatient.

Uncle Zhong's glance made Zhang Yu tremble.

"Zhang Yu was just careless. Now that he has been taught a lesson, let it go."

A girl with simple and elegant temperament makes a comeback nearby.

She has a special identity, that is, even uncle Zhong has to sell her three cents. Zhang Yu and others immediately looked at the girl gratefully.

"This... Miss Xiao, I can't decide this."

Uncle Zhong hesitated and looked at chen fan as if asking for instructions.

If it's a trivial matter, it's in front of the girl surnamed Xiao and her family. Uncle Zhong agreed. But it was Chen fan that Zhang Yu provoked!

Although uncle Zhong didn't know much. But from that more or less information, we can see how overbearing chen fan is! Even ordinary countries do not pay attention to it. They are prone to murder and exterminate their families.

In the face of Uncle Zhong's eyes, Chen Fanli ignores him and talks and laughs with Fang Qiong.

They all looked at Chen Fan in surprise.

It seems that Chen fan is the most important person in the audience. For his sake, even the face of a girl surnamed Xiao, uncle Zhong dare not sell it.

"Who is this man? Even uncle Zhong has to look at his face? It's the top city of the Wangs, and that's all. " People were puzzled.

A girl surnamed Xiao, with her beautiful eyes, glances at chen fan.

"Xiaofan, you have to forgive others and forgive others."

Chen Kexing spoke.

Wang Xiaoyun next to him also called: "your grandfather is still waiting up there. It's not good to go with trouble when you see him for the first time."

When Chen Kexing and Wang Xiaoyun spoke, Chen fancai said faintly:

"that's all."

With that, without looking at Zhang Yu and others, he took Fang Qiong to climb the mountain.

Many bodyguards did not dare to stop him. Uncle Zhong immediately asked Wang Xiaoyun and others to follow him. Before he left, he glared at Zhang Yu.

After Chen Fan's family disappeared, the Prada girl exaggerated and cried:

"Chenchen, that's your aunt! It's so pompous that even Li Zhong looks at their faces. It's useless for sister Xiao to speak. ""It's really my aunt, but I'm not sure about specific things. I'll go up first and see you in two days. " With that, Wang Chenchen waved his hand and rubbed to keep up.

In the end, only many boys and girls remained in the same place, looking at each other.

"Forget about it?"

Next to a Yanjing family, Qian's son hesitated.

Zhang Yu didn't say a word and seemed unwilling.

"So what? Don't you see even Mr. Wang waiting on it? Can the Zhang family in the east of the lake provoke the king's family in Yanjing? " The girl surnamed Xiao said coldly: "Xiaoyu, please come to the door to apologize in two days. Don't think about revenge any more. You can't provoke them

Although the girl's age is the youngest among all the people, it's only natural that she is bossy and looks like a big sister.

Zhang Yu's eyes flickered, and finally bowed his head and said, "I listen to sister Xiao."

The girl surnamed Xiao looks at the direction where chen fan and others are disappearing. Her eyes are full of doubts and bewilderment. She can't help shaking her head:

"it seems that there will be another dragon crossing the Yangtze River in Yanjing."


the story of Zhang Yu is just a small episode.

Chen fan and others, all the way up, finally to the top of the mountain, only to see an old villa. The villa is very old. It used to be a small western style building with only three stories high. It is on the top of the north mountain and overlooks the whole city.

Yanjing Wangs, finally arrived!

A solemn middle-aged man was standing in front of the door, waiting for the crowd. His face is similar to Wang Xiaoyun in three aspects. Chen fan knows that it is Wang Keqin, chen fan's uncle, who is now the pillar of the second generation of the Wang family.

"Xiaoyun, Kexing, here you are."

Wang Keqin nodded, a smile on his face.

"Big brother."

Wang Xiaoyun's eyes are slightly red.

With this cry, Wang Keqin's face suddenly softened. He seemed to think of the time when he had grown up with his younger sister. He could not help sighing: "go in quickly. The old man is waiting for you."

As he said this, his eyes swept past Chen Kexing, as if he was still very reluctant to see him. Only Chen Fan was afraid.

Wang Xiaoyun can't control her feelings and pushes the door in. After all, she hasn't seen the Wang family for more than ten years.

In the hall, on the old sofa, sat an old man with white hair. The old man is nearly 80 years old, but he is still dignified, just like the parents of an ancient family. Next to him was an old lady with silver hair.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back."

Wang Xiaoyun, red eyed, couldn't help crying.

"Just come back."

The old man nodded, with a slight fluctuation in his unshakable eyes.

And the old lady Yinsi next to her muttered a little discontentedly: "I'll come back as soon as I get back, and I'll bring the two surnamed Chen to our Wang family to demonstrate?"

Although the old lady's voice is small, chen fan and others are all immortals. How can they not hear her.

Chen Fan's eyes suddenly turned cold.

If anyone in the Wang family has the most prejudice against him, there is no doubt that this old lady, Wang Xiaoyun's mother, chen fan's grandmother, Xue Hongmei!

Xue Hongmei was born in a big family in the Republic of China. She has been a young lady since she was a child. She attaches the most importance to the lineage of the eldest and the youngest. She values her family style more than anything else.

When Chen Fan came to the door with his parents as a child, the old man didn't say anything, but Xue Hongmei looked down on Chen Kexing from the bottom of her heart and never gave chen fan and his son a good look. Other children and grandchildren, daughter-in-law affected by her, naturally did not look good to Chen Fan's family.

"I remember that when I was a child, I was insulted by some Wang family members, saying that I was a bastard. I couldn't get angry and had a fight with them. As a result, my grandmother was indiscriminate and inclined to her own grandchildren. She directly said it was my responsibility and forced me to apologize. My angry mother would never go to the door of the Wang family again. "

Chen fan can't help recalling.

Although hundreds of years have passed, chen fan still remembers the scene.

When I was four or five years old, I stood alone in the lobby, covered with bruises and a face of dust. Many aunts ridiculed and said that the rural people really have no quality. The old lady is full of disdain, did not look at chen fan, only to comfort his grandson.

Their parents, on the other hand, watched anxiously, but could not say a word.

Finally, he was forced to bow his head and looked at the proud eyes of the Wang family. Chen Fan swore in his heart at that time. Sooner or later, he will go to the gate of the king's house and let them look up to him.

But in his previous life, chen fan was so mediocre at the age of 30 that his mother died and her father grew old that Xiao Qiong was forced to leave. By the time Chen Fan returned to earth, the Wang family had already turned into dust and could not be found.

"Xiaofan, what do you think? Call grandma and grandfather

Wang Xiaoyun's words awakened Chen Fan from his memory.

Looking at the sofa, Wang Zhongguo, who is not angry, and the old lady with disdain and a trace of fear.

Chen Fan nodded to Wang Zhongguo"I've met Mr. Wang."

As for the old lady Xue Hongmei, chen fan didn't even glance at her. She looked like the air.

As soon as he said this, people in the hall suddenly changed their faces.

Uncle Wang Keqin, is a flash of dissatisfaction in the eyes. The old lady was so angry that she trembled all over. All the jade bracelets she played with fell to the ground and smashed to pieces. Wang Chenchen, who rushed in from the outside, was even more dazzled and couldn't believe it.

On Wang Xiaoyun's face, there was a trace of helplessness and humor.

In the hall, only Chen Fan stood up and looked down.

He who is good to himself is good!

I am evil, for evil!

No matter you and I have thousands of relationships, all kinds of blood, I don't recognize you!

PS: the first one will be presented, and the author will write the second one. After a day's driving, I finally got home and began to work hard on coding. Today, I'm going to renew o (∩)_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!