Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 608

A big family like the Yanjing Wangs.

Naturally, it can't only have its own children. It has many collateral branches all over China. The status of collateral and direct families is obviously different.

If it's Wang Chenchen's aunt, it's Wang Zhongguo's daughter. It is estimated that few people dare to offend, but if it's just an ordinary sideline, Zhang Yu doesn't pay attention to it.

The domineering boy, named Zhang Yu, is the son of Zhang Jia in Hudong.

East Lake is a district of Yanjing, east of Kunming Lake. It has always been famous for its rich people. Zhangjia is able to dominate the East Lake, which shows its financial strength.

In Yanjing, although Zhang's family is not as rich as Wang's and Xiao's, it is also a big family. However, Zhang Yu, Wang Chenchen and others are the youngest. They are only 16 or 17 years old and still in high school. They have no access to the core family affairs. However, influenced by the family, the relationship between status is very clear.

"It's far away."

Several other boys and girls around also nodded, with a trace of arrogance.

They were all born in a large family in Yanjing. They were just Wang's collateral family, and they were not in the eye of Zhang Yu and others.

"Chen Chen can call her aunt. We can see that they are still close, but they are very strange. Obviously they haven't seen each other for a long time. I don't think it will be taken seriously by the Wang family. If you don't get the approval of Mr. Wang, what about your aunt? "

Standing beside Wang Chenchen, a girl with a light temperament and a plain face, looked on coldly.

Although the girl didn't do it, she didn't say a word. But in the crowd, it is the center. Her appearance is even better than that of her partner with exquisite makeup. If she is making up, she will be absolutely amazing.

In any high school, such a watery cabbage is an absolute school flower and is sought after by people.


Wang Chenchen tried to explain several times, but he didn't know how to explain.

In the Wang family, Wang Xiaoyun and Chen Fan belong to a taboo. For more than ten years, almost no one has mentioned it. Up to Wang Zhongguo, down to Wang Keqin and others, they did not mention a word, as if this daughter and grandson did not exist.

Wang Chenchen also met Wang Xiaoyun once when he was very young, and then he never met again. Only recently, the names of Chen Fan and Wang Xiaoyun appear on the table from time to time.

Wang can feel it clearly.

At first, it was contemptuous of the elders to mention the Chen Fan family. Then gradually turned to half contempt and half jealousy, now seems to turn into a trace of fear!

Yes, Wang Chenchen. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!