Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 610

For Chen fan, who has been practicing immortality for five hundred years, family love has been very indifferent.

He Daozhen immortal, to three thousand years for spring, three thousand years for autumn, long years, just called a spring and autumn. And mortals turn into dust in a hundred years. In a strict sense, they are two different levels of life. Consanguinity and so on. It's a simple matter for the cultivators to give up and rebuild their bodies.

So when Chen fan comes back, he only pays attention to those who have been good to him and want to make up for his guilt.

Chen Kexing, Wang Xiaoyun, Anya, Fang Qiong, Chen Huaian, aunt Tang... Chen fan doesn't have him in his eyes. It's in the face of parents to call Wang Zhongguo Wang Lao. As for Xue Hongmei, chen fan won't shout when she is killed.

"Xiao Fan, what do you call it. This is your grandfather and grandmother

Wang Keqin held back his anger and frowned.

"Who are you?"

Chen Fan looked at him in surprise.

Even Wang Keqin's city hall almost changed its color. When Chen Fan was a child, he met him several times. Just now I know it's his uncle, but now I don't know him. How can Wang Keqin not be angry.

"I'm your uncle, Wang Keqin."

Wang Keqin forced down his anger and his face sank like a waterway.

"You are not qualified to be my uncle."

Chen Fan finished, and no longer looked at him, his eyes leisurely looked at Wang Zhongguo sitting in the throne.

Even if Chen fan is so presumptuous, Wang Zhongguo is still sitting on the sofa, silent, calm, and can't see any fluctuation in his eyes. He deserves to be an old fox who is deeply obedient. Even chen fan can't see what he plans to do.

But Chen Fan didn't care.

What if Wang Zhongguo is as wise as the sea? In the face of power, still vulnerable. In the previous life, it was not the wise men of all nationalities who came to the top of the universe and oppressed the world, but the northern Xuanxian Zun who advanced bravely to prove the truth!

"Little sister, is that what you taught them?"

Wang Keqin does not dare to get angry with Chen fan, so he can only turn his head and look at Wang Xiaoyun.

Wang Xiaoyun was embarrassed, but he was obviously dissatisfied with the old lady's attitude, so he said nothing.

"Well, say less." Wang Zhongguo pauses on his crutch and says:

"since it's Xiaoyun's day to go home today, let's call the second and third together for a meal. It's rare for our family to get together. "

After all, Wang Zhongguo is dignified. Once he said this, Wang Keqin had to comply. Even the angry old lady could only turn her head and ignore chen fan and others.

Wang Chenchen, a little girl, looks at her and turns her big eyes. It's obvious that Chen fan doesn't dare to contradict Wang Zhongguo face to face, but it's OK. This is incredible in the Wang family.

"What's the origin of my cousin?"

Wang Chenchen's curiosity reached its peak.

When Chen Fan and others arrived in Yanjing, it was already getting late.

The dinner is in the small western style house at home. The chefs who cook for the Wang family are all national figures. A little soup and vegetables, can make Kung Fu, in the thumb tofu above, carve out a real as if fantasy Guanyin Bodhisattva.

After receiving the notice, all the Wangs came one after another.

Looking down from the mountain, you can see luxury cars converging from all directions to the north mountain. They are limited edition of Lamborghini, Ferrari and Bugatti Veyron. None of them is less than 5 million.

Wang Zhongguo has four sons and two daughters.

Wang Keqin, the eldest uncle, Wang Keshan, the second uncle, Wang Kefeng and Wang Kedong, the third uncle. The two girls are Wang Xiaolei and Wang Xiaoyun. Chen Fan's mother, second from the bottom in the family, is only slightly older than Wang Kedong.

With so many children, naturally there are more than a dozen young people, not to mention those who are attached to the Wang family.

Soon, a large group of people gathered outside the whole hilltop building.

"Mom and Dad, here we are."

Several uncles and aunts came together.

When they saw Wang Xiaoyun and others, they were not surprised. Obviously, they had been informed for a long time. They just looked at Chen Fan with a look of fear.

The Wang family has strict rules.

Many young people gathered outside the building. They did not dare to go in, so they looked through the window.

"I heard that's our sister-in-law, Wang Xiaoyun?"

"So that young man is Wang Xiaoyun's son? He looks pretty. The two girls next to him are so beautiful and very temperament. They are better than my girlfriends. I don't know how much. "

"Keep your voice down. It's said that my sister-in-law's family has a very good future. Even brother Wangcheng is afraid of mentioning them."

Many collateral, or the third generation of the younger Wang family, are eagerly discussing. Wang Xiaoyun's family is very strange to the younger generation. They haven't seen each other for more than ten years. The only people who know Chen Fan's real identity are the many elders of the Wang family and the core lineage like Wang Cheng.

In addition to many younger generation, there are several older young people.They are outstanding and seem to be estranged from the people around them. They are just some elites of the third generation of the Wang family. One of them is about 30 years old and is the center of the crowd.

"This is Chen fan?"

Wang Hao frowned slightly.

He is the son of his second uncle Wang Keshan.

"Ha ha, Chen beixuan, what a prestige. When he came to Yanjing, he beat Zhang Yu, a Zhang family in the east of the lake, at the foot of the mountain. When he came up, he didn't even call his grandfather. He made grandma angry like that. What's more, he didn't deserve to be his uncle. I don't care about our Wang family at all. "

Wang Ben, Wang Hao's brother, hummed coldly.

"At least, they are Chen Liuguo, who is said to be a big figure in the European Union. We Wangs all have to invite him. The old man is afraid of him. If you want to make trouble with him, maybe they won't admit it. "

Next to the third uncle's son, Wang Hu, said strangely.

As they spoke, they glanced at a man and a woman nearby. It was obvious that they were the real leaders of the young generation of the Wang family.

Wang Cheng.

The son of Wang Keqin, the top grade of the Wang family, is Yanjing. They are all the leaders of the third generation of the major families.

The heroine with short hair next to him is Wang Cheng's fiancee, Han Junli, who was born in the Han family of Yanjing and Han juntu's sister.

"Who knows whether it is true or not to shake the European Union and Chen Liuguo."

Han Junli's beautiful eyes sparkle.

Several people present knew that because of Chen fan, the Han family had banned Han Hongkun, the second youngest of the Han family, for several years. Although it was released for a period of time, after Chen Fan was killed from Russia, the Han family was so scared that Han Hongkun was banned again. This time, he was even more closed. No one was allowed to contact him. It was like death row.

As Han Hongkun's sister, how can Han Junli not hate chen fan?

"No matter whether he is bragging or not, he is a big man who can be on an equal footing with the heads of Yanjing's major families. Just look at my father-in-law's family and my grandfather's attitude. I'm still respectful to him. "

Wang Cheng is beside him.

Chen Fan's detailed information is only available to the major national intelligence departments and dark organizations, even the Wang family. I only know Chen Fan's previous deeds and the latest news, but I'm not very clear that they have been suppressed by the United States.

But even so, chen fan defeated Japan, oppressed Russia and shook the European Union. How shocking is this?

"Hey, hey, we want to be respectful. They don't recognize this family at all."

Wang Ben was indignant.

The Wangs, after all, have been high above the world for too long. They are too far away from the dark world. They have less awe for the strong at the top. Even if you know the origin of Chen Fan's identity, you can't suppress the pride and resentment in your heart.

At this time, Wang Kefeng, the third elder, went out to call Wang Cheng and others.

As soon as they entered the room, they felt that the atmosphere was not right.

Chen fan, Fang Qiong and an Ya stand in front of the deep window with their backs to the people and look at the scenery at the foot of the mountain. They seem to ignore the Wang family completely. Wang Xiaoyun and Chen Kexing, on the other hand, were embarrassed to sit on the sofa. The second generation of Wang family around them were all dissatisfied. The old lady's face was livid and depressed.

"Small town, your sister-in-law's family has come all the way. You can arrange for them to live in villa No.5 on the hillside of Beishan Mountain tonight."

Wang Keqin said.

"Yes, father."

The city of kings should.

The dinner was in a hurry, and no one spoke on the whole table. Outside the small building, it seems that many minor people are also affected and dare not speak. The old lady was even more angry and didn't drink a mouthful of water. Only chen fan still looks as usual and talks with Fang Qiong and Anya.

After the dinner, Wang Cheng left with Chen fan.

Wang Kefeng, the most hot tempered, patted the table and said, "what do you really think you are? It's just a rash man. We are his own uncles. As a result, not only did he not shout, he didn't see us at all. Even his grandmother and grandfather didn't call him. He was so lawless and disrespectful that he didn't have any education. I really don't know how Xiaoyun taught him. "

"Yes, it's too presumptuous. I really think I am the head of a big country and the president of a country! It's just that the martial arts carry him up and brag. " Wang Keshan hummed coldly.

When they get angry, they never think about it.

Twenty years ago, they swept Chen Fan's family out of the house and didn't recognize Wang Xiaoyun. I haven't made a phone call for more than ten years, so I completely abandoned it. Now I see that Chen fan is born, and I want to flatter chen fan, but I can't bear to be a prostitute, and I want to build a memorial archway.

Wang Zhongguo's face was as deep as water and said nothing.

"Old man, you have to take care of this. You are his grandfather, and Keqin is his uncle. What did he say? He's not qualified to be his uncle. He really thinks he's too good! It's all in heaven. "

Old lady Xue Hongmei, her angry lips trembled.

After seeing chen fan off, Wang Cheng, who came back, heard this, but also had a haze in his eyes.

"Wang Cheng, you are the future helmsman of the family. What do you think?"Wang Zhongguo crutches on the ground, slowly said.

"Grandfather, I understand what you mean. But my aunt's family is too rebellious after all. Such a person is a double-edged sword, even for our Wang family. If you are not careful, you will hurt yourself. What's more, our Wang family is also a powerful Yanjing family. Why do we ask him so much? "

Wang Cheng hesitated and finally spoke.

All the Wang family around nodded, unable to understand.

"That's because you don't know the latest news." Wang Zhongguo closed his eyes and sighed, as if surprised and puzzled. "Just half a month ago, he fought with the United States and forced the United States to bow down."

As soon as this remark came out, the whole audience suddenly turned pale.


Wang Cheng was even more surprised.

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!