Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 607

Qin Yan'er is very upset recently.

Although in many people's eyes, she was born noble, came from the famous Qin family, and grew up pure and beautiful, with a peerless appearance. And the ability is also very strong, just went to Yanjing University, started from scratch, founded Yanran advertising company, later more ambitious into the film and television industry.

As a senior, she is worth more than one billion. She is one of the most famous beauties in the upper class of Yanjing. Many young men hold her in their hands and regard her as a goddess. Even the Qin family dotes on her very much.

But the goddess also has her troubles.

"Yiren, do you know? My grandfather didn't inform me. He chose a fiance for me! He didn't tell me until just now. Said that the fiance will come to Yanjing for the new year, let me meet that man and make a engagement... Isn't that a joke! I don't even know who the other party is. I don't know what he looks like. How can he do that, grandfather? "

Qin Yan'er, holding a white and elegant Apple mobile phone, complains to her friends in the distance.

Even when she is angry, she is also very beautiful, with every twinkle and smile. At home, I was wearing a big Batman shirt, small hot pants, showing two thin white thighs, and a little lazy between the eyebrows and eyes.

On the appearance, even more than Jiang churan, not inferior to the mature Anya and Fang Qiong.

"The fate of a big family is born in a rich family. Marriage will not be decided by itself. Unless you can find a very good boyfriend who can make Mr. Qin change his mind. "

Call according to person's boudoir, light say.

She was a young girl in a white dress and a ponytail. She was sitting cross legged in a quiet room of a bamboo house with her crystal clear feet. Although she is not as beautiful as Qin Yan'er, she is full of vigor and vitality, just like the chivalrous woman in martial arts novels.

"I envy you. Your Ye family doesn't urge you at all. And when you are young, you are a master of the realm. Even when my grandfather saw you, he was polite and said you were a heroine. In the future, you will be able to decide your own marriage. "

Qin Yan son envies a way.

"It's just different positioning. Our Ye family doesn't need to get married. It's just on their own. As a powerful family, you Qin family must marry and form allies with other big families in order to survive

Ye Yiren calmly analyzed.

"If I don't say that, I can't understand the great principles. Tell me what to do, Grandpa. He's so determined that it's useless for my parents to oppose him. It's going to be decided directly. It's like a fast husband on the other side. Looking at that, I wish I could be sent to that man's bed tomorrow! "

Qin Yan Er Jiao voice calls a way.

"First of all, which family is the marriage? What is called? What are the details? "

Ye Yiren put his attitude in order.

"I don't know who it is, but my grandfather won't say. But it seems that it's a member of the Wang family. Some time ago, Mr. Wang came to talk to my grandfather, and then he was very happy and answered on the spot. Damn it, if I know who is in the Wang family, I have to beat him up. "

Qin Yan'er waves a little pink fist and hums.

"Yanjing Wang family?"

Ye Yi's eyebrows wrinkled slightly:

"the royal city of the Wang family has been engaged for a long time. Other Wang Zhan, Wang Feng and others, according to reason, are not worthy of you. The Wang family has been in decline over the years, but the Qin family is still a top class family. In theory, it's high time for the Wang family's children to marry you. Mr. Qin, you shouldn't agree. "

"Yes, the Wangs and the Wangcheng are pretty good, and the others are too useless. Even if that King City, every time I look at Pian Pian politely, I'm more proud than anyone in my heart. I don't want to marry him. "

Qin Yan'er shakes her head.

"If it's not the royal city or the king fighting them, who can it be? It's impossible for the Wang family to find a collateral to marry you. " Ye Yiren, who was in white, frowned slightly:

"have you asked Xiao Xuan?"

Mentioning Xiao Xuan, Qin Yan'er flashed a trace of shyness on her pretty face and said in a low voice:

"I haven't talked about this with brother Xiao yet."

Xiao Xuan.

He is as famous as Wang Cheng, Li Mufan and others, and even surpasses Wang Cheng's half plan. He is generally recognized as the most outstanding figure of the Yanjing generation. The old Xiao family behind him is the head of many Chinese families. It is unimaginable that the Wang family and the Qin family can't compare with the Xiao family.

As a famous beauty and handsome guy in the upper circle of Yanjing, he grew up together from childhood. Qin Yan'er naturally has a trace of affection for Xiao Xuan. The two are regarded as golden children.

Even the Xiao family and the Qin family are already discussing marriage and preparing to let Qin Yan'er get married after graduation. Unexpectedly, such a thing happened suddenly.

"It's strange that Mr. Qin suddenly repented of his marriage and insisted on marrying the Wang family. Aren't you afraid to offend the Xiao family? On the other side of the Wang family, what can attract him, unless it's the one... "

speaking of this, ye Yiren has a meal.

"Except for what?" Qin Yan son asks a way in a hurry.

"It's impossible. That one is said to have a girlfriend. And in his capacity, he will not agree. " Ye Yiren shook his head, threw the absurd idea out of his mind, and advised:"Don't worry, after all, it hasn't been officially ordered. Maybe it's just Mr. Qin's brain fever. It's not too late to make a decision after meeting the other party. "

"All right."

Qin Yan son helpless way.

After calling her best friend, she thought about it and finally summoned up the courage to dial a number:

"brother Xiao? I'm Yan'er. I want to discuss something with you... "


Chen fan doesn't know. Because of his arrival, Yanjing has been disturbed.

It's hard for the family to go on a long journey. Instead of taking a plane, they took a self driving tour in an extended off-road vehicle. From Jincheng to Yanjing, there are many places of interest and scenic spots along the way.

"Xiaofan, why did Mr. Wang suddenly let us go to Yanjing for the Spring Festival?"

Chen Kexing asked as he flipped through the newspaper.

"What else can I do? It's not dad who wants to win over Xiao Fan when he sees that Xiao Fan is so powerful now. My father, I know best. In his eyes, only useful and useless people. He can't scan a useless person. "

Wang Xiaoyun said indignantly.

"Wang Zhongguo is as deep as the sea, starting from scratch to create such a big Yanjing family. He always takes three steps at a time. He never plays chess for no reason. There must be deep calculation behind him. "

Chen Fan said casually as he drove.

In the last life, chen fan did not meet his grandfather. But I have heard of many of his deeds. Among the major families in Yanjing, the Wang family has the weakest foundation and the weakest strength. But it is Wang Zhongguo's foresight that makes him stand among the top class.

After the death of Wang Zhongguo, the Wang family rapidly declined and collapsed.

"Yes, I can rest assured that you have this insight."

Chen Kexing nodded.

Wang Xiaoyun next to him rolled his eyes and said, "don't instill that into your son. You've been fooling around all your life in Surabaya. Your son is now Chen Liuguo. He talks with the British Prime Minister and the US commander in chief. Do you know that? "

Chen Kexing is too weak to argue with his wife, so he can only keep on reading newspapers.

Fang Qiong, an Ya and others all chuckled.

The SUV drove all the way north.

Soon to Yanjing. As the ancient capital of the thirteen dynasties and the center of China, Yanjing is magnificent and has a huge urban area. Fortunately, there is Wang Xiaoyun in, seven around eight around, finally found the Wang family.

The Wang family is located in the villa area on the hillside of the north mountain of Yanjing, where the top families of Yanjing gather, so they are heavily guarded and equipped with many security guards for a long time. Chen fan and his party were stopped at the foot of the mountain.

"Hello, uncle Zhong, we have arrived."

Wang Xiaoyun calls.

After getting the news that uncle Zhong will come down soon, chen fan and others will wait at the foot of the mountain.

"Xiaofan, it's so beautiful here. If we can buy a villa on this mountain in the future, and see the red maple leaf scene in ten miles, and match it with the snow scenery, it will be so beautiful."

Fang Qiong nestles up to Chen Fan and looks around.

The north mountain is full of maple trees. At this time, it's autumn and winter, and everything is killing. Maple leaves are full of frost. It's very beautiful.

"Well, I'll take this mountain and give it to you."

Chen Fan said with a smile.

A group of young girls passing by immediately sneered: "on the north mountain, there are basically top Chinese families. If you want to wrap the whole North Mountain, it's useless to take 10 billion."

This group of young girls, each dressed gorgeous, bearing extraordinary.

They drive a top class sports car, but they all stop at the foot of the mountain and walk up the mountain. The guard at the foot of the mountain obviously knew them and didn't stop them. They were obviously the younger generation of the major families.

Chen fan light smile, no excuse.

In his state, how can he argue with a group of ignorant children? It's really annoying. Just slap it to death.

Seeing that Chen Fan didn't speak, the young man who spoke was immediately dissatisfied.

He is tall and handsome, with a domineering look on his eyebrows:

"Hey, do you know where the north mountain is? I don't want to make comments here. I don't want to see who I am. Leave now, or I'll call security

As soon as the boy said this, Wang Xiaoyun and others frowned slightly.

Before that, it can also be regarded as children's jokes. But now it's a provocation. Chen Jiawei shocked Jiangnan and Zhonghai. Wang Xiaoyun, Fang Qiong and others, who have been in high positions for a long time, have ever been humiliated face to face like this?

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, shining a little cold. He was about to start and teach the boy a lesson.

At this time, one of the young girls, a cute and elegant 16-year-old girl, suddenly cried:

"aunt Xiaoyun? Are you aunt Xiaoyun? Why didn't you inform your family when you came to Yanjing? "

Wang Xiaoyun was stunned and looked at the pretty girl carefully. After a long time, he hesitated and said, "you are my little brother's daughter, Chenchen?""It's me, aunt Xiaoyun. Is this my little uncle and cousin?"

Wang Chenchen said.

The domineering teenager frowned and said, "Wang Chenchen, do you know them? I haven't heard that there is an aunt named Wang Xiaoyun in your Wang family. "

Wang Chenchen hesitated and didn't know how to answer.

When people around her saw her hesitation, they suddenly realized it.

"It's from afar."

The boy shook his head slightly, with a trace of contempt in his eyes.

PS: the second one, there's no manuscript left. I don't know if I have a chance to code in the evening. If I don't have a chance, I can only come back and explode^_ ^(to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!