Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 606

Yanjing Wangs!

This is a very long memory for Chen fan.

Chen Fan's impression on Yanjing and even one of the top families in China is not good.

In his last life, his mother Wang Xiaoyun was born in the Wang family, but his marriage to his father was hindered by the Wang family. When Chen Fan was brought by his parents to the gate of the Wang family as a child, he saw the cold eyes of his uncles, aunts and grandmothers, and the sarcasm of his cousins and cousins. Even after two generations, he never forgot.

Especially when Wang Xiaoyun died and Jinxiu declined.

The Wang family even looked on coldly and did not lend a helping hand.

Watching the decline of Jinxiu, when Chen Fan's mother was buried, none of the senior people in Yanjing had ever come. The last one was Chen Fan's cousin, the third generation of Wang family.

"It has been four or five years since I was born again. It is impossible for the Wang family to say that they don't know. However, it is only today that the United States is forced to retreat and climb to the top of the world when we are in weijiahai that the Wangs suddenly send someone to come. The implication behind this is intriguing! "

Chen Fan showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

He doesn't have to guess, he can know Wang's abacus.

No matter how strong Chen Fan was, he was not in the eyes of the superior Wang family. He thinks that he is just a warrior, a maniac and a wild man. He can only be a hero for a while. Sooner or later, he will provoke a big country and destroy himself.

But now, even the United States can't hold Chen Fan down.

The name of Chen Liuguo is even more powerful in the world, equal to the British Prime Minister and the Russian emperor. At this time, the Wangs can no longer ignore Chen Fan's power, they must treasure it, and even make friends to take advantage of it.

"Xiaofan, your grandfather sent us to Yanjing for the Spring Festival. What do you think? Of course, if you don't want to go, I'll turn them down and say that you've just come back from England and need to rest for a while. I'll talk about it later. "

Wang Xiaoyun is understanding.

Although she said so, chen fan can still catch a trace of expectation from Wang Xiaoyun's eyes, and can't help sighing in her heart.

No matter how the Wang family treated Wang Xiaoyun in the last life, it was her parents, her brothers and sisters. Wang Xiaoyun has lived in that family for more than 20 years. He is connected by blood. How can he be easily cut off?

In the past, Wang Xiaoyun didn't want to go, because he didn't want Chen Kexing and Chen fan to be treated coldly by the Wang family.

But now, the Chen family has the beiqiong group, and Chen fan, the God, ranks first and sixth in the world. Naturally, Wang Xiaoyun wants to take them to Yanjing to show off their evil spirit in front of their brothers and sisters.

"Just make up for my mother's regret! After all, I couldn't let her go to the gate of the king's family. " Chen Fan sighed in his heart and then said firmly:

"go, why don't you go?"

"Mom and Dad, we haven't been to Yanjing for more than ten years. This time we should make up for it." Chen Fandao.


Wang Xiaoyun's eyes are bright.

After Chen Fan nodded to confirm, she was even more happy with a smile on her face. She directly hugged Chen Fan in her arms and gave him a hard kiss, which made Chen Fan embarrassed. Wang Xiaoyun is also eloquent. What's the matter with my dear son? Do you have any opinions?

"Xiao Qiong, please come with me and meet the old man."

Chen fan reaches out his hand and holds Fang Qiong's slender hand.

Fang Qiong, who is usually very generous, lowers her head shyly. When Chen Fan takes her to Yanjing, she basically meets her parents and decides the wedding, so it's almost time for a wedding banquet. Chen fan has an idea in his heart, but it's not time to say it.

"Of course, all of us have to go, including your sister Ann. The air pressure has been in my heart for more than ten years, and it can finally come out."

Wang Xiaoyun waves his small fist in high spirits, not like an adult in his forties.

Chen Fan caters with a smile and squints his eyes.

"Old man Wang Zhongguo, Uncle Wang Keqin, and cousin Wang Cheng... I don't know if they look like the last generation. Don't let me down."

Soon Chen Fan met the Wang family.

A middle-aged man in his fifties, smiling and meticulously dressed.

Uncle Zhong.

Chen Fan's grandfather Wang's secretary, who has been with him for decades, is almost the spokesman of the old man. His weight in the Wang family is no less than Chen Fan's uncles, and he is also a very important figure in Yanjing.

"Xiaofan is so big in the twinkling of an eye. Xiaoyun, when you brought Xiaofan to Yanjing, he was only five or six years old. Who knows, in a twinkling of an eye, he has become a big man. "

Uncle Zhong sighed.

Although he said so, uncle Zhong's attitude was very low and polite.

Such as him, how can he not know Chen Fan's current status? Whether Chen Liuguo is joking or flattering, chen fan is really a big shot now. Looking around the world, there are only a few.The United States is even willing to use the power of one country to win over Chen fan, which shows the weight of Chen fan.

"You're welcome, uncle Zhong."

Chen Fan's face is wearing a smile, not far, not near. "The old man sent uncle Zhong this time. Don't you know what to say?"

"It's mainly Xiaoyun and your family. They haven't been to Yanjing for a long time. The old man and the old lady miss you very much. Your uncles and aunts all shout that they haven't seen Xiaofan for a long time. They are eager to see you."

Uncle Zhong said with a smile, friendly.

But Chen Fan showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

How can chen fan not be clear about the character of the Wang family? It's a real rich family, cold-blooded and merciless. If Chen Fan's family is as ordinary as they were in the previous life, I'm afraid the Wang family will not even pinch him. Now when Chen fan gets up, he can only say what he really misses. He owes uncle Zhong what he can say.

But Wang Xiaoyun was excited. He rarely met his family. He took uncle Zhong's hand and asked questions about Chen Fan's grandparents' health, the development of his brothers and sisters, and the recent situation of his nephews and nieces.

From the mouth of Uncle Zhong, chen fan gradually has a clear outline of the current Wang family.

Although the Wang family is still the top elite in Yanjing, it has gradually begun to decline since the old man retired. Now the Wang family is mainly supported by Chen Fan's uncles.

My uncle Wang Keqin developed best, but he became a deputy in Yanjing. The other uncles are mostly in the middle class, which is too shabby compared with the top Wangs.

In the third generation.

Wang Cheng, chen fan's cousin, has a strong momentum of development and is now regarded as the leader of the young generation in Yanjing. At a young age, he led several major international trade projects, and his character, ability and skill were appreciated by the older generation of Yanjing.

"King City?"

Chen fan is holding tea in his hand, and his eyes are smiling.

In the last life, at about the same time, chen fan's mother Wang Xiaoyun passed away. The Wang family only sent Wang Cheng to come. At that time, the people around Wang Cheng were all the important figures in Jincheng and Zhonghai, which Chen Fan could only look up to.

But this life.

Chen Fan's contacts are not the heads of state of great powers, or the presence of American generals. In his eyes, there is no such trifle as King City.

"Compared with Xiao Fan, Wang Cheng is nothing. "

zhongshulian was busy.

Wang Cheng may be a very outstanding figure of the younger generation. He is highly respected by the younger generation in Yanjing and has a strong appeal. Even compared with Lin's breaking the army, Wang Cheng is not inferior or even better than half a chip.

But in front of Chen fan, he is too far away.

Wang Zhongguo, chen fan's grandfather, is inferior to Chen fan.

Wang Xiaoyun listened, smiling, which mother, do not want to listen to others, praise their children?

Uncle Zhong said another word for a while, and finally decided the time to go to Yanjing before he got up to leave. Before he left, he said with a little hesitation:

"Xiaoyun and Xiaofan, the matter of inviting you to Yanjing was decided by the old man alone. He hasn't told the rest of the Wang family for the time being. If you arrive, you can come to me directly if you encounter any difficulties."

"Don't worry, uncle Zhong. It's OK."

Wang Xiaoyun didn't care.

Now chen fan has a bad reputation, but she doesn't believe it. There are still people in the Wang family who dare to embarrass them. The old man who lives on arsenic is impatient.

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Never underestimate the lower limit of some people, because jealousy and hatred can sometimes deceive reason. And the Wang family suddenly invited, who knows Wang Zhongguo that old fox, what medicine does gourd sell?

However, chen fan is not prepared to tell Wang Xiaoyun about these words. Anyway, he is now stepping into the peak of Shenhai, which is only half a step away from nature, and there are few things to worry about. Who dares to say no to the Wang family?


as the Spring Festival in 2012 is approaching.

So Chen Fan was in Jincheng. After a few days with him, he was ready to get up and go to Yanjing. This time, he was accompanied by Wang Xiaoyun, Chen Kexing, Anya and Fang Qiong.

As for Xue Daisha, a Xiu and others, chen fan stayed to guard Europe and China seas.

Anyway, with his personal protection, no one can hurt his parents in front of him.

"Xiao Fan, your grandfather is not a fuel-efficient lamp, he is a man with far-reaching wisdom and a sea of strategies, otherwise he will not be able to build such a big Wang family. Yanjing is the capital of China with complicated relations. When you go to Yanjing, you should be more careful and think twice about everything. "

Before leaving, while playing chess with Chen fan, Chen Huaian advised.

"Don't worry, grandfather. They have all kinds of strategies and means. Can they resist my sword?"

Chen Fan gave a faint smile.

Today, even the United States has nothing to do with Chen fan. It's rare for him to live on the earth.

"Yes, yes, it's my grandfather. The powerful Meidi has to give way in front of my grandson. What's a mere Wang family? Even the dragon pond and tiger cave can't trap you, the ancient Tyrannosaurus Rex! "Chen Huai comforts Xu and laughs.


January 15, 2012.

Chen fan and his family set out for Yanjing.

This is his first visit to the center of China.

PS: the author stayed up late last night and wrote two chapters. He had to leave at dawn. Last year's meeting, I don't know if he could last until the night when he was coding^_ ^。 By the way, I recommend a friend's novel, the strongest pit force system, written by an old driver, super dirty. O(∩_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!