Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 605

The man who came was Russian Marshal Oleg.

He had white hair, steel needles, an old uniform, and a straight body like a sword. As the guardian of Oleg's Russia, there was nothing that could move him, but now he was serious.

"Mr. beixuan, according to the KGB and the blood wolf guard. The black Duke seems to want to wake up the blood ancestor. "

Oleg bowed slightly, respectfully.

Today's Chen fan is respected by the earth and is on an equal footing with the great powers of the world. Even if he is stronger than Oleg, he must be more respectful to Chen fan.

Especially when Oleg looked at chen fan, he felt that his skin was more and more crystal clear, his star eyes were deep, his body was slim and strong, his hair was as long as ink, as if the God King had come into the world, and his breath was a bit misty. He seemed to rise from the ground at any time.

"My Lord, you are getting closer and closer to the land of immortals."

Oleg became more respectful.

Oriental immortals only exist in legends. Like blood ancestors and saints, they all belong to mythology. If Chen fan can prove the immortality in the world of mortals, the United States will be frightened.

"Confirm that the blood ancestor is still alive?"

Chen Fan said calmly.

Before today, chen fan was afraid of Xuezu. But now, he has absorbed dozens of divine power crystals and made great progress in his cultivation. With the mercury armor and the spear of killing gods, the blood ancestor is no longer in the eye.

"I don't know. It was more than 100 years ago that the blood ancestor was born. Only one blood descendant will disappear. After all, he survived for a long time, and even died in deep sleep. "

Oleg shook his head.

Although he is a descendant of the dark wolf race, he knows that these dark races are all long-lived. In particular, the blood ancestor is pure blood and has a longer life span than the earth immortal. But thousands of years is too long. Even the Jindan monk may not be able to live that long. No one can guarantee that Xuezu will be exhausted in his sleep.

"Well, what if Xuezu is still alive? As long as you dare to come, I will dare to cut off his head, take his blood essence and refine precious medicine! "

Chen Fan snorted coldly.

The pure blood dark race, each is a treasure. In the eyes of those who cultivate immortals, it is a great medicine.

Oleg shivered.

It's so terrible that he wants to refine the blood ancestor into medicinal materials! It's so cruel!

Oleg quickly said: "my Lord, the place where the blood ancestor sleeps is most likely in the blood sea of ancient Romania. The black Duke has been wandering by the blood sea recently. Shall we go and find out?"

"The sea of blood? What is this place? "

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

"The sea of blood is located in the depths of the Carpathian Mountains in Romania. It is said that it used to be the capital of a kingdom, and finally turned into a whole sea of blood. It is extremely dangerous, and those who enter will die."

Oleg explained:

"moreover, the blood sea is one of the seven life Jedi on the earth, which is as famous as Kunlun burial Valley, Changbai mountain dragon pool and Babylon's Magic Cave. They are all forbidden areas for living beings. They must not enter. Even in the glorious age of the saints a thousand years ago, they dare not easily set foot in these Jedi. "

"Kunlun burial Valley? Changbai mountain dragon pool, Babylon Grottoes

Chen Fan listens to these names, suddenly in the heart move.

Li Changsheng once told him that Xianmen is located in the depths of Kunlun and the coast of the East China Sea. Is there anything strange about these places? Where is the fairy gate? Or is it the remains of ancient immortals?

Chen fan was immediately moved.

At this time, he has reached the peak of refining Qi, and the divine power crystal will soon be used up. At that time, he can only find other resources to seek a breakthrough. Since these places are known as Jedi, there must be some secrets to spread.

Seeing Chen Fan's eyes turning, Oleg urged him:

"my Lord, these places are illusory and extremely dangerous. It's said that there was once a fairy who fell in it. "

"For example, the burial Valley in Kunlun was not originally called this name. But it is said that the Chinese immortals fell into it one after another, and finally it was named funxian valley. There are also the demon caves in Babylon, which exist for more than 5000 or 6000 years. They are older than human history and full of unpredictable dangers. Once the British Empire sent a division of troops to the demon caves, they were swallowed up and never came out again. The British military simply destroyed the entrance of the grotto with explosives. Even...

speaking of this, Oleg gave a little meal.

"Even what?" Chen Fan raised his eyes.


Oleg breathed a sigh of relief and focused his eyes as never before:

"even after the Soviet Union fought against the United States for decades, we found clues, trapped the best spies and got some clues. It is very likely that the United States has excavated the Mayan temples among the seven Jedi, from which it has obtained technology beyond modern times, and will dominate the earth. But the United States must have paid a heavy price, otherwise it would not have been deadlocked with us for decades. "

"Of course, it's just speculation. We don't have any substantial proof." Oleg shook his head slightly.

The story of Mayan remains has been circulating on the earth.According to an ancient legend, there was a very developed Mayan civilization in America. Their science and technology are extremely prosperous, far beyond modern civilization, but eventually, somehow, they perish. The Mayans left behind prophecies.

2012 is the end of the world.

At the end of the fifth solar age, human civilization will end on that day.

But this, together with aliens, gods, demons and so on, is just a myth, which has never been confirmed. But since chen fan knows that there are gods, earthly immortals, blood ancestors and saints on the earth, why can't there be another super civilization?

"Mayan temple? Beyond modern technology

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed.

He thought of the spear and the mercurial armor.

Obviously, none of these can be achieved by Earth Science and technology. They must come from some products of super civilization. Even those two electromagnetic guns should be imitations.

Since there may be ancient immortal civilization and gods on the earth. There used to be a super human civilization, and it was not difficult.

But it can be seen that the earth in ancient times must have been very developed. The culture of cultivating immortals is at its peak, the gods walk in the world, and the super civilization drives the spaceship across the world. But somehow, it disappeared one after another. In the end, there is only a little remnant of the inheritance, spread in the world. Even the most common method of cultivating immortals has been lost.

"This earth is really more and more interesting. When I came back, why didn't I find out? "

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

In the last life, chen fan was more than 100 years old when he was in the period of cultivating and transforming. He once crossed the starry sky, went back to the earth with great pains, and took Fang Qiong's body back to his hometown.

At that time, chen fan was too sad and wanted to accompany Xiao Qiong. He spent 20 years peacefully on the earth and hardly used his magic power. Even the divine consciousness just swept a few times and didn't pay much attention.

Of course, it could be the ruins and the Jedi that disappeared later. After all, more than 100 years later, the cultivation environment of the earth is much more difficult than it is now, and it has become a death star.

"But even if the United States gets alien civilization, what is it? I don't know how many super civilizations I destroyed in my previous life? "

Chen Fanxuan snorted coldly, and his face was proud.

How can beixuan xianzun regard a country of the earth in his eyes.

After learning about the seven Jedi in detail, chen fan asked Oleg to detect the sea of blood all the time. If there was any change, he would be informed.

After sending Oleg away, chen fan is ready to leave for China.

After all, the new year is approaching. This may be the few Spring Festival he can spend with his parents. Chen fan must cherish it. Exploring the sea of blood and other Jedi can be carried out in the next few years.



A burst of low breaking sound, a Boeing 737 aircraft, stopped at the Zhonghai International Airport.

From the plane, a group of people came down.

Headed by a man and a woman, the man is tall and handsome, slender. Women are graceful and graceful, with beautiful posture. There are also a large number of beautiful men and women behind. It is Chen Fan and Anya and others.

"Dad, mom, little Joan, why are you all here?"

Chen Fan looks at a group of people standing outside the apron in surprise.

Not only Wang Xiaoyun, but also his father Chen Kexing and girlfriend Fang Qiong. And Lu Yanwu, Zhou Jingyi and others, all come. All the people in Zhonghai sent by beiqiong came out. Chen fan even saw Hua Yunfeng and Xie Yan who came from Longtang.

"Even you are here? Is the Dragon hall OK? "

Chen Fan looks at Xie Yan.

"The battle of the sect leader shocked the earth and forced the United States to give way. Now who dares to provoke us beiqiong sect and Longtang?" Thank you and be respectful.

If at first he was forced by life and death to serve chen fan.

At that time, he was convinced.

The United States has been domineering on the earth for decades, hitting whoever it wants. The destroyed country and divine realm are beyond recognition. Countless God level strong people were forced to close the mountain and hide in the world. The dark world is completely overwhelmed by the secular world.

But Chen Fan destroyed the city, forced the aircraft carrier back, and shocked the United States.

For the dark world and many God level strong people, what a proud thing. If there's any news, it's not only Xie Yan and others who will pick up the plane now, but also half of the martial arts and Taoism circles in China.

"You are all Chen Liuguo now. I read on the Internet that they all said you ranked sixth in the world. The U.N. Security Council should give you a top seat and let you sit in the meeting. "

Fang Qiong covered her mouth and snickered.

"These guys."

Chen Fan shakes his head funny.

Now the network is more and more active, and there are many martial arts forums and dark forums. Even Fang Qiong has learned to go to the forum, and even the beiqiong school has set up a website called "beiqiong home" to announce some matters of the beiqiong school to the martial arts circle.

Chen Fan fights with them for a while, and suddenly finds that Wang Xiaoyun and Chen Kexing are both dignified and unsmiling."What's the matter? Is dad not well yet? Has the curse been eradicated

Chen fan asked in surprise.

How can beixuan xianzun still have a curse?

"Your father-in-law has sent someone to Jincheng now."

Wang Xiaoyun's face was complicated.

"Grandfather?" Chen Fan's eyes narrowed:

"Yanjing Wang family?" (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!