Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 604

It's a high-quality artifact, but it's a wonderful existence.

Guiyuan sword is extremely sharp and only inferior. With Lei Yin as the core, chen fan added seven or eight artifact materials, which could produce a medium quality artifact.

However, the "five thunder seal" is refined according to the immortal family's method. Although it is only the peak of medium quality, its power is not inferior to that of ordinary high-quality spirit weapons. In the hands of ordinary congenital monks, there are no top-quality spiritual tools. At least the disciples of the congenital peak or even the large-scale immortal sect can get the top-quality spiritual tools.

As for Lingbao, it's more terrifying.

What is "Lingbao"? The key is spirituality, the existence of organic spirit.

It's like the "white dragon" in the green dragon array, and it's even more powerful. The Lingbao with spirit is almost like a life, which is enough to suppress the orthodoxy of a sect or even a race. It can't be refined without Jindan friars.

Lingbao power is more terrifying.

Once the master is recognized, the gas refining monk holding the spirit treasure is enough to cut down the inborn! If Chen fan had a spiritual treasure in his hand at this time, he could fight directly to the United States.

What F22 fighters, B-2 stealth bombers, nuclear powered aircraft carriers and so on, one hit cut! Even a nuclear explosion may not break the protection of Lingbao.

In the hands of the general golden elixir friars, there may not be Lingbao.

"If this black ancient shuttle is a spiritual treasure. That means that there were golden elixirs or powerful gods on earth. But Lingbao has spirit. There is no life or spirit in this ancient shuttle? "

Chen Fan frowned slightly and looked carefully at the ancient shuttle in front of him.

The 33 cm long shuttle body is about the length of a child's arm, with streamline lines. On the black and dark shuttle body, it shines with a brilliant blue light, and seems to be invincible. In addition, it is no different.

Moreover, chen fan tried it several times and found that it had no other effect except that it could break ten times the speed of sound. It can't be like a real flying sword, such as the differentiation of sword light, the condensation of sword Qi and silk, the unity of man and sword, and even can't be incorporated into the body.

"It's definitely not a magic weapon. It's more like a weapon made by some super civilization of science and technology. But that scientific and technological civilization, spiritual power is very developed, so this weapon needs spiritual power to control, and it has very high requirements for spiritual power. The wise man was obviously not mentally strong enough, so he had to rely on the electromagnetic gun to launch

After all, chen fan's previous life spanned the universe for 500 years. He had seen countless civilizations and inheritances, and quickly analyzed the truth.

Chen fan has seen this kind of mental weapon many times in the universe.

Many super civilizations even abandon their physical bodies and turn them into pure spiritual bodies. They are able to control dozens of kilometers of warships to kill the enemy. A short shuttle is nothing.

"But the materials it uses are so strong that they are almost as good as Lingbao. It was made at that time and should have been equipped for the strong elixir. It's not easy to use at all levels. This is by no means what the United States can refine. It must be where they found it. "

Chen Fan shook his head slightly.

He did another experiment just now.

If you don't use the magic power of body protection, even Chen Fan's immortal body of the Qing emperor can't bear the blow of the ancient shuttle. There's a blood hole in the palm of your hand. The ordinary earth fairy is really a shuttle.

However, both the congenital friars and the earthly immortals have various means to protect their lives. The way of life is mysterious and strange. Naturally, they don't rely on the body to fight hard. This ancient shuttle can only be used as an assassin's mace. After all, its function is too simple and easy to crack, such as Chen Fan's space magic weapon and so on.

"But even if the function is single, the hardness and sharpness of this rival Lingbao are not enough. It can be regarded as a quasi Lingbao or Lingbao embryo

Chen Fan thought with a smile on his face.

Although he lost the thunder of the five elements God, he was not afraid to meet the earth immortal with this black ancient shuttle. And even without these cards, chen fan's fighting power is not inferior to that of the ordinary Dixian.

"By the way, the spear of killing gods is so powerful. What about the silver armor?"

Thinking of this, chen fan's eyes swept to the last silver metal ball.

The liquid metal ball, like a huge drop of mercury, is the size of a basketball, suspended in the void. With the previous experience, chen fan directly infuses his mind.

See silver metal ball, suddenly seem to boil like, mercury rolling, began to gradually elongate deformation. And then attached to Chen fan.

First the palms, then the arms, the arms, the chest, the thighs, the head. Although this layer of mercury looks very thick, chen fan feels like it doesn't exist when he is wrapped in it. He can even breathe and watch normally.


Chen Fan tried to hold the palm of his hand and hit it.


There was a burst of air explosion in the void, and the whole treasure house was like a whirlwind. An invisible fist seal is directly printed on the opposite bronze metal wall, making a deep impression on the metal wall, which is several inches deep and lifelike.

"The dark treasure house was made by the blood ancestor and several arbitrators with countless efforts. The metal walls above are all engraved with protective array, which can't be broken. I only used one part of my punch just now. I didn't expect it to be so powerful. "Chen fan was slightly surprised.

He felt as if his power had been increased, at least tripled.

Chen Fan continued the experiment.

"Bang bang."

When Chen Fan's strength increased to more than 70%, the whole dark treasure house vibrated violently and made a creaking sound, as if he could not bear the burden.

"It seems that this mercury armor has a limit of increase."

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

When using 10% force, it can be doubled. When it comes to 50%, it will only double. At 70%, it's only half. It is estimated that when Chen Fan gives full play to his strength, he can only increase by about 30%.

But 30% is terrible!

Under normal circumstances, chen fan can easily crush the peak of the divine realm, kill the half blood clan and fight against the immortals. Another 30%. It's just that the common immortals may not be able to beat chen fan.

"And its defense is also very strong. In addition, the golden flame armor and my body are small nuclear weapons. I dare to carry them hard. As long as they are not hit by the nuclear explosion center, they should be OK."

Chen fan is happy.

This mercury armor, and the black ancient shuttle, should all come from the same civilization. All need mental manipulation. In Chen Fan's opinion, if a congenitally strong person uses these two pieces of equipment, he can even fight Jindan a few times.

"These two pieces of equipment are at least enough for me to use."

Chen Fan happily took the two treasures into yangjianhu. With these two treasures, even if Xuezu came, chen fan was confident that he would stay.

Then, chen fan took out a magic crystal and began to practice with his eyes closed to absorb the pure magic power.

These hundreds of divine power crystals are all from the dark treasure house. Although they are not enough to push Chen fan into the congenital world, they can make him reach the peak of the gas refining period, which is half a step closer to the congenital world and greatly increase his power.

"Hissing and tearing."

Strands of golden air flow out of the crystal and inhaled into Chen Fan's body. Each golden air stream is the purest power of the gods, with more than a hundred poly elixirs. If Lin Shuming was given so many magic crystals, it would be enough to push Lin Shuming to the immortal. Unfortunately, chen fan needed too many resources.

"Hoo Hoo."

With the practice step by step, chen fan's body surface began to bloom green, and his body was as bright as a diamond. In the bone marrow like sapphire, a little bit of gold thread penetrates into it, making it harder and stronger.

Chen Fan's strength is growing with each passing day.

When Chen Fan was practicing in seclusion, the whole world was restless for him.

For hundreds of years, although there have been many changes in the list of gods, the first one has always been controlled by the Vatican's adjudicator and ye Qingcang of Kunlun. Now that Chen fan has reached the top, there are two Chinese in the top three.

But at this time, no one has the slightest objection to Chen fan.

"This is Chen Liuguo, the sixth country in the world!"

"Chen beixuan destroyed the city, destroyed the island, and defeated the superpower with one man. Who in the world can match him? Only those big countries with a population of over 100 million can stand up to Chen beixuan! "

Countless people exclaimed.

For others, God's number one is the supreme glory.

But for Chen fan, it seems that putting him on the list of gods humiliates him. That is to say, all the strong men on the God list may not be America's rivals. How terrible is it that Chen fan is alone against the United States?

China, Kunlun.

Ye Qingcang didn't say a word and didn't get any news. He seemed indifferent to this.

And in the Vatican, in an old monastery where the Vatican is.

There are two people talking.

"Sir, Chen beixuan is the number one on the list of gods." A handsome middle-aged man with a tall body and blond hair, dressed in simple armour, bowed slightly.

On his armor, he seemed to have a hazy white light. His golden hair was like a raging flame, and his breath was magnificent. He was no inferior to the five chief arbitrators, and even better than the black Duke.

It's a legend that the Holy See's inquisition is a giant and adjudicator who has been ranked the first in the list of gods for decades!

But at this time, the middle-aged man bowed respectfully to an old man in hemp clothes.

"Cough, don't worry about him. Neither Chen beixuan nor the United States are the enemies of the Vatican. They are just worldly beings. After a hundred years, the Vatican will still exist. Where are they? "

The old man coughed and gasped, "we have only one goal from beginning to end. Eliminate the blood ancestors, complete the teachings of the saints, and wipe these dark races from the earth. "

When it comes to blood ancestor, the judge's face becomes serious:

"according to the news, the black Duke seems to want to wake up blood ancestor. But thousands of years have passed. Is Xuezu still alive

"He must still live in the world. You have never experienced that era, and you can't imagine the power and terror of Xuezu."In the eyes of the old man, it seems that he has gone through countless years with mystery and profundity:

"prepare well, this is the last war! It's not too far away from the recovery of Xuezu. "

"Yes, sir."

The adjudicator bowed his head.


half a month later, when Chen Fan's sacrifice was almost finished, a guest came to the door and brought important news.

PS: the third one is presented, and the author continues to write the fourth one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!