Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 603

When the world is in turmoil, chen fan has returned to the winter palace outside London.

Anya, xuedaisha, a Xiu and others all gathered around and looked nervous. Although they were tough in front of the British special envoy, they didn't know Chen Fan's card after all, so they were nervous.

"Don't worry, it's settled. In a short period of time, the United States will not dare to act rashly again. "

Chen Fan said with a gentle smile.


The crowd breathed a cool breath.

Li Xinru followed. Although she didn't know the specific news, she also saw the anxious appearance of everyone in the recent day. Natasha, with blonde hair and blue eyes and slender figure, looks at Chen Fan with a shocked face.

She's from the KGB, and she's naturally well-informed.

Almost front foot chen fan just left. Natasha was informed that Chen fan used a super weapon to flatten an island several kilometers around.

"How can human beings have such terrible power?"

Natasha's eyes were full of horror.

The king of blood wolf has been her existence standing at the top of the world. However, chen fan is stronger and destroys the city and the island. This kind of terror power, as strong as the United States, must be frightened.

"I'm going to shut up and think for a few days. Don't let anyone disturb me for the time being."

Chen Fan comforted several women, then declared closed and got into the quiet room.

From being ambushed to now, it's only more than 20 hours. Chen Fan hasn't sorted out the results of this battle from the beginning.

"This time, in terms of the loss, it can be described as heavy. Almost all the cards have been raised, whether it's the golden flame armor or the five thunder seal. In particular, I was prepared to leave the "five elements thunder" to the earth immortals or blood ancestors. In the end, I had to deter the United States and release it ahead of time. "

Chen Fanpan sat in the dark treasure house, thinking quietly.

The power of the five elements thunder is terrible, but after each use, you need to accumulate more than three months of energy before you can release a new strike.

"The United States is not a fool, even if they don't react now. After a few months and half a year, it will come back sooner or later. But at that time, I had "five elements thunder" in my hand again. Not afraid of them. Moreover, in order to provoke me to exist just for a few warships, the United States will think twice and not be fully sure that it will not do it again. "

Chen Fan sneered.

This time, the United States is trying to scare chen fan. If Chen fan doesn't listen, does the United States really dare to take him?

Chen Fan stayed in London, supported by Britain. His family members are protected by the Chinese nation, and the Dragon hall suffers a small disaster.

After all, chen fan had too many things to deal with the United States. He simply set off a fireworks once and for all, which immediately deterred the United States and other major countries in the world.

"However, it is not a matter to rely only on the" five elements God thunder "which is printed once a few months. It is fundamental to improve one's own cultivation. "

Chen Fan shook his head:

"if I have a congenital state. They fly directly to the White House and catch the president of the United States. If you don't believe it, these politicians are not afraid to die. If you can build a golden elixir, you will be as good as the five elements thunder in a single blow. You will destroy the city and the earth, and you will carry nuclear weapons in your body. All the countries in the world are not my rivals. "

Originally, chen fan wanted to beat Lin Shuming and destroy the arbitration department.

However, under the threat of the United States, chen fan's innate desire for promotion has rapidly increased:

"only by stepping into the congenital world can he really run rampant on the earth and never be threatened again. However, the accumulation of spirit liquid for thousands of years only pushed me into the later stage of the divine realm. If you want to break through the inborn, you need to accumulate at least three Dixian caves. "

Thinking of this, chen fan's eyes are firm:

"although the earth is the exhausted Death Star, I don't believe that only the master of Tibetan sword has a secret. After this new year's home, I'll travel in China and even the earth. I'll go up and down and turn the whole earth over. I'll have to accumulate enough resources to rush into the world at one stroke. "

Chen fan is more difficult to be born than other monks.

What he practised was the eternal life of the Qing emperor. Zhenyuan was abundant, which was several times as many as the monks in the same realm, and the natural resources he needed were also several times. But the advantage is that once the cultivation is completed, when they are promoted, their strength will soar, and the monks in the same realm are far from rivals.

As for the earth, none of the ten immortals is Chen Fan's rival.

"By the way, I haven't had time to see the results."

Chen Fan thought, quickly from the sword Hu, take out a few weapons.

Two intact electromagnetic guns, a black shuttle and a silver metal ball.

These are all the achievements of Chen fan, which can also be described as the U.S. Department of powers, which has accumulated more than half of his family's wealth for decades.

"Although the materials used in these electromagnetic guns are special, they are obviously synthetic from the earth. In its technology, there are traces of imitation. Obviously, it was imitated from a real electromagnetic gun, which is 20 or 30 years ahead of modern science and technology. "

Chen fan, after all, had been on the future Earth in his previous life, and had been with some scientific and technological civilizations.Imitation electromagnetic gun, 20 or 30 years ahead. But the real electromagnetic gun may be very advanced, surpassing the earth for more than 100 years. Even its power is far more powerful than that of an imitation electromagnetic gun.

But this time, the United States did not use it. Obviously, it could not use it, or it was very inconvenient to use it. Chen fan even doubts whether they can start. After all, the real electromagnetic guns are all used in space war, and the energy they need is very high-end.

"The energy block used by the imitation electromagnetic gun is relatively low-end. Such an energy block can only be made by extracting at least one city's electricity, and it can't put a few blows."

Chen Fan took out the blue energy block, looked at it carefully, and then threw it.

In his eyes, these electromagnetic guns are extremely bulky, backward in technology and inconvenient in operation. But it's not something that can be developed by the modern earth. The United States must get some advanced technology, or alien civilization, prehistoric relics and so on.

"It's this short shuttle and metal ball. It's obviously not earth technology."

Chen Fan looks at the latter two.

The black short shuttle is made of unknown metal. It is only one foot long. It is carved with mysterious patterns. It is very old. It may even come from thousands of years ago. It seems that it's time-honored.

"They call it the spear of killing gods. In terms of its power, it is really enough to kill gods. Even the earth fairy can't stop the last blow. "

Chen Fan thought of the last shot, and his face became dignified.

Ordinary electromagnetic guns can't hurt chen fan. However, the final attack of killing gods was beyond 20 times the speed of sound. It was too powerful to imagine. The flight was electrified and could penetrate everything. Even if the body of the earth immortal collides with it, it will suffer a lot in an instant, or even fall. It is as strong as Chen fan, and it may not be able to stop it.

"Unfortunately, they don't know that this kind of non magic weapon attack has no effect on me."

Chen Fan smiles.

Of course, the spear of killing gods is powerful enough to sink the aircraft carrier and pierce the 10 meter thick steel plate. But no matter how sharp it is, it can't penetrate space. At that moment, chen fan made a "little Xu Mi Jue" to arouse the power of space, and directly put the spear of killing gods into the sword gourd. Only in this way can he have that incredible scene.

"Master cangjian is too stupid after all. The magic weapon of space is the best of all. It has infinite functions and can be attacked and defended. He only used it to raise flying swords. It's a waste. "

Chen Fan patted a small yellow gourd.

Raise sword Hu immediately buzzing up, this kind of space magic weapon, sacrifice refining to the extreme, even can put the sun in, extremely terrible. Even in the universe, space magic weapons are very precious, far better than the same level magic weapons.

"It's a pity that my cultivation now has only a little space power to open a big mouth of basketball. If it can last two or three meters, it will be enough to turn into the strongest barrier in the world. Even nuclear weapons will not be able to break through the space unless the golden age is reached. "

Thinking of this, chen fan shook his head.

"By the way, I don't know the origin of this spear. It doesn't look like a magic weapon, nor an artifact refined by gods, but more like a weapon made by some super civilizations. It seems to be a ownerless thing. It has never been sacrificed. It can only be fired as a bullet. I don't know if I can control it. "

Chen Fan learned the three wise men's techniques, so he separated a trace of divine thoughts and wanted to activate the spear of killing gods.


At the moment when Chen Fan's mind entered, the black shuttle vibrated and made a buzzing sound. Blue light bloomed from the mysterious pattern on the shuttle.

"Eh, can you activate it?"

Chen fan was surprised.

He felt the spear of killing God, like a thirsty lamb, devouring his thoughts, still unsatisfied and greedy. So we just put more ideas into it. Chen Fan reached the peak of Shenhai, and his mind was like a mountain or a sea, which was comparable to that of ordinary congenital monks.


With a strong idea, continuous infusion, black short shuttle, violent vibration.

The brilliant blue light became more and more powerful, even beyond the period of the wise man's manipulation, and finally turned into a blue light spear as concise as substance.

"Can't the mental power of those bareheaded blue blooded people give full play to its real power if they can't feed the black shuttle?"

Chen fan was even more surprised.

It was not until half of Chen Fan's thoughts were swallowed up that the spear of killing gods gave out a sense of satisfaction. Chen Fan tried to command with his mind. He only heard "whoosh".

The shuttle instantly broke ten times the speed of sound, and there was a small hole on the opposite wall.

This small hole is extremely dark and extends for thousands of meters all the way. Whether it is the metal wall of the dark treasure house, or the earth and rock on the ground, in front of this blue light shuttle, they are as vulnerable as air.

"I'll go. It's better than Guiyuan sword."

Chen fan is very happy.

If it was the Guiyuan sword, it would break three or four times the speed of sound at most, and barely drill one or two hundred meters under the ground. But this short shuttle, however, surpasses ten times the speed of sound, and it is kilometers in a flash.The power of this sword is several times that of Guiyuan sword!

"Is this a top-quality spirit weapon, or even a spirit treasure?"

Chen fan takes back the shuttle, and his eyes are uncertain.

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!