Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 602

When the five ray seal was refined, it absorbed the thunder sea all over the sky and stored the energy of the "five elements God thunder".

This is not Chen Fan's small five thunder skill. It's a real "five elements thunder" that can only be controlled by Jindan friars. It represents destruction and destruction

When the five kinds of thunder are combined, they can evolve into the terrible energy at the beginning of the universe. The power contained in the five thunder seal is even more comparable to that of the golden elixir. When the five elements thunder broke out completely, the heaven and earth turned pale.

The whole void is black and white.

In front of this pure annihilation force, trees, soil, sand, mountains and sea water are all annihilated into particles. In people's eyes, it is that a part of the world is missing out of thin air, just like being dug away, and a huge hole appears on the sea.

This pit, like a inverted bowl, is five kilometers in size. All life and material in it disappear.


The surging sea water poured into the huge hole from all directions, and the vast waves quickly filled the huge hole. Soon, the wind was calm and the waves were picturesque.

In front of everyone's eyes, there was only a calm sea.

As if the island never existed.

"Dada dada."

Someone's teeth started to chatter.

The most terrifying weapon in the world is nuclear weapons, but as strong as nuclear weapons, it is impossible to blow up an island out of thin air. What's more, the momentum and sequelae of the nuclear explosion are so great that people would have been far away, instead of watching an island disappear like now, and it took only half a minute.

"What kind of weapon is this?"

Many generals were stunned.

Even the space-based weapons and laser weapons secretly developed by the United States do not have such terrible power.

Before the outbreak, it was quiet.

When it breaks out, blink.

After the outbreak, there was no trace.

Such weapons are the dream of all generals. It's not as powerful and powerful as nuclear weapons. It's not as powerful as bombs. It's not as troublesome as laser weapons. It's just like an expanded version of Clark energy bomb.

It's just that the energy bomb can only explode for about 100 meters, while the five elements thunder can cover a five kilometer radius in one breath.

"It's called five elements God thunder. It's my magic weapon. Do you want to see it again?" When Chen Fan waved, a colorful light came from the distance and appeared in his palm.

The eyes of all the people around are all focused on this simple and grand seal.

"No, No."

Admiral George shook his head again and again, with a look of fear in his eyes.

Even though he is the commander of the troops stationed in Europe and the United States and the general of the air force, in front of Chen Fan's power to flatten an island, he also feels a sense of panic and fear, just like facing the gods. In addition to the gods, who can have such a terrible power of destruction?

General George is looking at chen fan.

The eye is no longer a person, but a mobile human atomic bomb!

"My God, who proposed to destroy him? We are not fighting with Superman or warlock at all. We are facing a powerful existence that is close to a god!"

As long as he thought that Chen Fan could destroy an island with one blow, General George was afraid.

His command of the Lincoln aircraft carrier, as well as the many fleets, can not resist Chen Fan's attack! Even if all US aircraft carriers come here, it will be in vain to face this kind of weapon that can annihilate material.

"In that case, please tell the Lords of the United States for me again. I hope this is the first and last time. Don't let me go to Washington in person. A lot of things will be difficult then. "

Chen Fan calmly said, put away five thunder seal, negative hand and go.

Many of the navy soldiers standing in front of him, as if they saw God and spirit, retreated respectfully and fearfully.

In this way, chen fan left in the eyes of thousands of American soldiers. Around more than ten warships, many fighters, no one dare to stop.

In the face of the power of the five elements God thunder to destroy the city and the island, they dare to take action only when they have a brain pumping.

"So that's his card?"

Deputy director McCann stood in the crowd with a wry smile on his face.

He thought chen fan would give in to the power of the United States, but Chen Fan prepared such a big gift for the United States.

"Yes, if I master the power of such gods, what would the United States be?" McCann's eyes swept over the calm sea, growing more frightened.

This is comparable to the power of nuclear weapons!

Although the United States also has a lot of nuclear weapons, those nuclear weapons can not be used at all, that is, the current president does not have the power to use nuclear weapons at will. When this power is in the hands of a man, he is not a God. Who is a God?

.....Us, Pentagon.

"It's terrible, it's terrible."

Through satellite and UAV cameras, all the generals who saw this scene lost their voice. Even the white haired defense minister, who is famous for his iron hand, has his pupils shrinking.

"I didn't expect that in addition to nuclear weapons, there is such a terrible power in the world."

Many generals shivered.

The scene of the disappearance of the island had a great impact.

It's just like being grabbed by the gods and vanishing out of thin air without any dust, gravel, tree trunks and so on. This kind of terrible destructive power is much more powerful than the nuclear bomb. After all, the nuclear weapon may not be able to explode tens of meters of reinforced concrete shield.

"Dada dada."

A rapid sound of footsteps came.

With high heels, black frame glasses and military uniform, the handsome and valiant female officers came with thick information:

"report minister, the test report has come out. According to supercomputers, the attack range of unknown weapons is about 5 kilometers, which is equivalent to the killing range of 50000 tons of atomic bombs. But when it destroys matter, the energy it produces cannot be calculated. If you want to completely blow up an island with a radius of several square kilometers, you need at least 5 million tons of hydrogen bombs, and it may not be possible to do so. "

Hearing the news, the whole command hall was silent.

The 5-million-ton hydrogen bomb is already a large-scale nuclear weapon, and up to 10 million tons. The United States has not produced many such nuclear weapons, one of which is enough to destroy a mega city!

"I see."

After a long time, white haired minister Arnold waved.

After the female officer stepped down, an army lieutenant asked cautiously, "Your Excellency, what shall we do next? Do you want Chen beixuan to continue to obey orders, or do you want to directly attack and drop nuclear weapons? "

"How? For London? "

Minister Arnold gave the fool a cold look.

Even if Britain declines again, it is one of the five great powers. London is a metropolis with tens of millions of people. Anyone who dares to issue this order will have to go to the military court the next day to accept the most serious massacre accusation in history!

"Stop, order the Lincoln to return, the Atlantic Fleet to its base, and the Air Force stationed in Europe to its original position." Minister Arnold said slowly.

"Sir, we have lost a special task force, more than 500 soldiers. Can we just let Chen beixuan go?"

There are hawkish young general, unconvinced to stand up.

"What if not? Can you guarantee that Chen beixuan's super weapon can only be used once? Can you guarantee that the next time you use it, you will still be facing an unknown island instead of falling in Washington or downtown New York? Can you promise! "

Minister Arnold looked at the young general like a sword.

The young general was sweating.

Although he would like to say that Chen beixuan's super weapon may only have one attack, he does not dare to gamble and has no courage to gamble. Neither the US nor the Pentagon can afford to lose the bet.

"Even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance that Chen beixuan can release a second attack, we in the United States can't bear the price, at least for now."

General Arnold shook his head.

In the eyes of many generals, he bent down, as if he were an old man in his old age.


whether in the Pentagon or in the command centers of Russia, France and China, there have been bursts of startling calls.

"Chen beixuan has such a card. Why didn't he say it earlier?"

The rosefinch cried angrily.

If she knew that Chen fan still had such a weapon, she would never be anxious. This is comparable to the destructive power of nuclear weapons. As long as Chen fan still controls this power one day, the United States will be afraid to attack him one day.

Nuclear weapons have always been used to deter each other.

The biggest threat of the atomic bomb is on the launching pad.

"Chen Liuguo! Chen Liuguo! Chen beixuan defeated the Western allied forces, forced the US Army to retreat, and took control of this super weapon. He deserves the title of the sixth in the world. "

The white tiger shook his head.

Minister Xiao and others were silent.

No one can think that Chen fan actually has super weapons in his hands, and the power is so terrible, it's like annihilation bombs in science fiction movies.

"After today, no one should dare to provoke Chen beixuan easily."

Minister Xiao sighed.

After that night, chen fan was famous on the earth and completely ranked among the most powerful in the world. As a person, he stands on an equal footing with the five great powers and stands on top of the world, becoming a chess player, not a chess piece, on the chessboard of the earth.

Japan's military and Taoist circles, Southeast Asian people, Hongmen and others were all silent.Xingzhou, Longtang.

Xie Yan and others watched the U.S. warships, in the ultimatum of the last moment, in a hurry to evacuate, the Dragon hall people immediately issued a burst of unbelievable cheers.

Guo wennuan came up and asked in a soft voice:

"dragon master, do you know why the US army retreated?"

"I don't know why they left, but I know that the gatekeeper won!"

There was a smile in Xie Yan's eyes.

Even the US military has to bow in front of Chen fan. After today, who can control the momentum of the northern Hainan faction?


December 26, 2011.

While the dark world is still silent in Chen Fan's surprise of destroying the island and retreating from the superpower, the CIA special management office released the latest list of gods.

Chen fan, who surpassed Ye Qingcang of China and the ruling of the Holy See, ascended to the top of the list of gods.

Looking at the golden name, everyone knows that a new myth has been born. And this myth, unprecedented, surpasses all above, just like a god!

the sixth volume is the end of "contemporary mythology".

Whoa, guys, volume six is finally over! The author is finally going to write the long-awaited Volume 7. The climax of the earth is about to begin.

Release the notice for the next volume:

Volume 7 "congenital!"

Copywriter: Yu Qi runs in the sky for 90000 Li, with a sword across the world! (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!