Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 601

10 hours, 9 hours, 8 hours...

the ultimatum time of the United States is getting closer and closer. People all over the world who know this are holding their breath, waiting for Chen Fan's decision. The gambling table of the underground world has even reached the level of 10 billion US dollars. Most people will give in to Chen beixuan.

Finally in the last five hours.

News from the winter palace that Chen fan is going to board the Lincoln aircraft carrier and meet with US officials!

As soon as the news came out, it was a shock!

The world of Japanese martial arts is boiling like an ocean, and countless people are cheering.

"Chen beixuan surrendered. He finally could not bear the pressure of the United States and nuclear weapons and surrendered to the Great United States!"

In China, however, there is silence.

Although we have a premonition in our hearts, when the last moment comes, we still feel sad in our hearts.

"Even Chen beixuan, who is invincible, has to yield to the power of the United States?"

Hearing the news, countless people let out a long sigh.

Some people even said in the CIA underground Forum: "today is a day destined to go down in history. The strongest in the dark world surrenders to the overlord of the secular world, representing the whole dark world and completely succumbing to the secular world."

Not even the insight is leaving a message.

There seems to be nothing to say.


December 25, 2011, evening.

On this day, it is Christmas in the West. On the aircraft carrier Lincoln, which is located off the coast of London, there are lights and Christmas trees everywhere. There are also many American soldiers in santa claus clothes, and some beautiful women in cool clothes.

For the soldiers of the Lincoln aircraft carrier, the battle was just a demonstration.

"It's just one person. No matter how powerful it is, can it resist missiles and aircraft carriers? You see, as soon as we scared him, he gave in. Without supporting him for a day, we came to surrender. I don't think it's necessary to send out the whole Atlantic Fleet. "

Many American soldiers boast.

Meanwhile, the deputy director of the CIA, Mike Cain, who also boarded the aircraft carrier, seemed to be separated from the rest of the world. Now he still can't believe it.

Chen fan, who threatened to kill the White House and wash Washington in his face, gave in so easily?

"Is what he said before all empty threats, and when he saw the strength of the United States, he directly softened?"

McCann was puzzled.

But he doesn't need to think any more. Soon chen fan will come to the Lincoln. High level figures such as the commander of the US forces in Europe and the United States, the commander of the Atlantic Fleet, and the US ambassador to the UK have gathered on the aircraft carrier, waiting for Chen Fan's arrival.

"At that time, we have to stick to the conditions. He was asked to hand over all the weapons, including the electromagnetic gun and the Ares weapon he got from the Ares team, as well as the lifeliquid and the suspected super weapon. And follow our orders and get to the small island in the South Pacific and accept our custody. "

General George, commander of the European and American forces, said seriously.

The others nodded, too.

Chen fan has too many things that the United States covets.

Not to mention the life yuan liquid, super weapons and so on. Chen Fan's body alone has been the envy of many wise men and special departments in the United States.

Chen Fan's body is able to carry missiles, which is called the body of gods. Such a powerful body, if we can study it carefully, will be of great help to solve the mystery of the gods in the legend. Not to mention extracting genes to make a stronger super warrior.

"The lanster family seems to want to kill Chen beixuan."

The ambassador frowned.

"Hehe, compared with the national interest, what is the Lancaster family? However, after the completion of Chen beixuan's research, whether it is to launch a nuclear weapon, or to use a super electromagnetic gun or a laser gun, we can directly eliminate him. After all, his existence is indeed a threat to the Great United States. "

The commander of the Atlantic Fleet sneered.

At this time, the Secretary opened the door to report, chen fan came!


without anyone, chen fan came here alone, dressed in black.

"Dear Chen, you have made a very wise choice. Don't worry, the Great America is a country that keeps its promise, and we will keep it. " Admiral George met him with a smile.

Deputy director McCann, following the crowd, looks at Chen Fan with complicated eyes.

A day ago, chen fan swaggered in front of him and dominated his life. But one day later, he had to give in to the national prestige of the United States. What a change of events.

"I'm not here to agree to your terms. I just want you to witness one thing."

Chen Fan said lightly.

"No terms?"

Admiral George's face turned cold.

"What do you want us to witness?" frowned the ambassador next to him

"Watch a fireworks show."Chen Fan said calmly.


General George shook his head and sneered, thinking that Chen fan had come to amuse them.

"If you want to set off fireworks, I can order the soldiers to launch dozens of missiles to show you!" General George said haughtily.

"I don't like fireworks, you don't know."

Chen Fan shook his head slightly, then took out the five thunder seal, and in the eyes of the people, sacrificed the seal:


With a whoosh, the seal turned into a multicolored rainbow light and blasted away to an island in the distance.

The island, only a few kilometers around, is an uninhabited island at the mouth of the Thames. Only seabirds live on it, so it's impossible to live there. Just this morning, many soldiers held a cocktail party on the uninhabited island.

"What is he going to do?"

The crowd looked at it strangely.

Many soldiers still shake their heads and sneer, thinking that Chen fan is playing tricks.

And then very soon, their eyes widened, as if they saw something incredible.


Only one sound sounds like the thunder of countless bombs exploding at the same time. The sound is so loud that even people in the suburbs of London can hear it.

Then a bright light appeared on the uninhabited island. This group of light has five colors.

Green yellow red white black.

Five colors alternate reincarnation, colorful, and finally all into black and white.

Pure, as the color of the beginning of heaven and earth.


Only black and white light shrouded in a radius of five kilometers, after a flash, it quickly disappeared.

Then everyone was stunned and looked at the uninhabited island with lots of seabirds, trees and hills. By this time, it had disappeared out of thin air. Along with the sea water within a few kilometers, it also sank out of thin air.

It's like a beautiful picture, cut out by someone.

Those who witnessed this scene, whether they were the American soldiers of the Lincoln aircraft carrier, General George, deputy director McCann and others, or the high-level officials of various countries who watched this scene from thousands of miles away by satellite, lost their voices.

"How about the fireworks?"

Chen Fan looks back at General George.

And General George was a fool, like a stone carving.

There was a dead silence.

No one answered.


on the evening of December 25, 2011.

Chen beixuan was off the coast of London. In front of thousands of soldiers of the Lincoln aircraft carrier, he released the great five elements thunder and wiped an island from the earth.

When this thunder comes out, the world will be shocked!

(to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!