Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 600

"Chen beixuan will give in at last."

The Japanese warrior swore in the Forum: "no matter how strong Chen beixuan is, he will have relatives, friends and subordinates. If the United States sent special forces to kidnap his relatives or girlfriend, what can Chen beixuan do? Does he dare to rush into New York or Washington? "

"Chen beixuan will never accept this treaty. Who can guarantee that the Americans will keep their promise when they hand over their magic weapon and imprison themselves for ten years? "

The Chinese soldiers responded indignantly.

"If you don't accept it, just wait to be bombed by nuclear weapons. Chen beixuan can't stay in London all his life. Britain will not protect him endlessly

Japanese soldiers sneer.

Seeing this sentence, many people are silent.

Yes, compared with the power of the United States. Whether Chen fan or beiqiong school is too small.

Even the discerner shakes his head.

There are many dark strongmen in the CIA forum, none of them speak, you find. In front of the United States, chen fan has too few cards. Even if he is allowed to kill, there are so many congressmen, administrative officials and millions of troops in the United States. When can Chen Fan kill them?

"Look at Chen beixuan's choice."

The discerner sighed slightly.

It seems to be lamenting the fall of an invincible strong man.


Zhonghai, beiqiongge.

Among the beiqiong school, there is also a gloomy situation.

Hua Yunfeng, Wang Xiaoyun, Zhou Jingyi and others gathered together.

"The U.S. has issued an ultimatum, requiring the owner of the gate to arrive on the Lincoln aircraft carrier in the sea off London within one day and accept the supervision of the U.S. Army."

Hua Yunfeng frowned.

"The United States has gone too far. We are really in a hurry. It's a big deal to fight with it."

Several elders of the medicine God Valley scolded angrily.

"It's not that easy. How do you spell it? There are thousands of cities and hundreds of millions of people in the United States. Even if you can kill ten thousand people a day, you have to kill for a hundred years! Presidents, congressmen and the like are just spokesmen. If you kill them, the Americans can choose another batch. It's useless. "

Zhou Jingyi shook her head slightly.

"Now the only thing to see is whether there is power in the hands of the sect leader that can make the United States fear. At that time, the United States also clamored to drop nuclear bombs on China. In the end, China developed a nuclear weapon, and then the United States stopped. "

Hua Yunfeng said slowly.

"Although Xiaofan is powerful, there is still a long way to go from the nuclear weapon level."

Wang Xiaoyun worried.

Since his debut, chen fan has repeatedly shown his amazing destructive power despite numerous wars. But the most powerful was the first battle with Lin Shuming. They often split the sea for hundreds of meters. Although such destructive power is strong, it is far inferior to that of a nuclear bomb.

"Then there's no way. It's up to us leaders to see if they are afraid of death."

Hua Yunfeng sighed.

Others can only lament.

In the Dragon hall, Xie Yan's face is as deep as water.

He stood with his hands down. Through the glass of the Longtang building, he saw the swaggering U.S. warships hundreds of meters away on the coast.

"The dragon master, the Pacific Fleet Command of the United States, has issued an ultimatum to ask us to leave the Longtang building, hand over our weapons and accept their inspection within 24 hours. He said, "we are suspected to be an illegal organization and related to Al Qaeda."

His men report carefully.

Many senior officials of the Dragon Hall who stood behind Xie Yan were angry.

"Our Dragon hall has been based in Xingzhou for 50 or 60 years. Wu Guanchao, the thunderman at that time, did not dare to humiliate us like this." Another master with a hot temper slapped his hand on the table and broke the top Huali wooden table into pieces.

"The other side is the United States, the only superpower in the world, the overlord of the earth, who has the qualification."

Xie Yan back hand, light way.

"Dragon master, what does the Li family in Xingzhou say?"

The head of the Guo family asked cautiously.

"It's no use. At that time, the reason why Xingzhou was able to build a country was to rely on the support of the United States. The Li family's government is full of American people. Even the army is held by American officers. Now the U.S. aircraft carrier fleet has arrived at Xingzhou. How dare he resist? "

Xie Yan shook his head slightly.

When they heard this, they all lamented.

Compared with the United States, Star Island is too small. An aircraft carrier formation of the United States can easily level the star continent. President Xingzhou and others, as long as they are not stupid, will never dare to be enemies with the United States. He hasn't personally brought his troops to the Dragon hall yet. He has already looked at the past.

"None of these politicians can be trusted!"

The hot tempered master of the Dragon hall angrily scolded, then worried: "dragon master, what shall we do next?"


Xie Yan closed his eyes.Black scabbard wooden sword, in his back issued bursts of unwilling sound, finally can only return to calm.

Although Xie Yan practiced the nine Li sword Sutra, it is now the early cultivation of Shenhai. But with his ability, in the face of the U.S. Navy Fleet, it's like a mantis arm pawns a cart, a missile can send him to death.

"Master, there's nothing I can do."

Xie Yan sighed in his heart.

Seeing this scene, Guo wennuan, standing beside him, was full of worry in her beautiful eyes.

Although Chen fan has only a few friends with her, Guo wennuan always remembers chen fan. Nowadays, she is aloof in Longtang, and many people regard her as Chen Fan's lover. No matter from the perspective of himself or his family, Guo wennuan is looking forward to Chen Fan's winning.

"You can do it."

Guo Wenmei looks to the West.


it's not just CNOOC and Xingzhou. In Jincheng, Linzhou and Hong Kong Island, countless people worry about Chen fan.

Kunlun base.


Rosefinch got up in a hurry and was about to push the door.

White tiger quickly came forward to hold her: "rosefinch, what do you want to do?"

"I'll persuade Chen beixuan not to do stupid things. If it's a big deal, apologize. However, the conditions of the United States are too harsh, and we can never agree to the one of imprisonment. Even if you agree, you have to choose a big city with dense population. "

A red lipped rosefinch in a fur coat said anxiously.

"I'm kidding. Now the eyes of the world's great powers are focused on London. You're just a Kunlun general. You don't even have the qualification to enter. "

Minister Xiao snorted angrily.

"What should we do, Minister? You must have a way."

The rosefinch turns her head and looks forward to minister Xiao.

"There is a gap between China's national strength and that of the United States. At most, it can only protect General Chen's relatives. If we go any further, we will have to compete with the United States. We may not be able to compete too hard. "

Minister Xiao said helplessly.

That's America, the world leader.

On this planet, few can compete with the United States. As strong as China, it must also join hands with Russia to deal with the United States.


when the rosefinch was full of disappointment, Minister Xiao suddenly wanted to say nothing.

"Except for what?" The rosefinch's eyes brightened.

"Unless Chen beixuan's super weapon is true. But it's impossible. At that time, we just detected the energy data in the thunderstorm. Energy data is not equal to power. There are hundreds of millions of nuclear bombs in the sun, but who can control the sun? "

Minister Xiao shook his head.

Rosefinch suddenly fell into despair.

No one has seen the super weapon that Chen Fan refined in London. I don't know its real power. In the first World War of Ares team, although it appeared, it did not show the power of moving mountains and rivers. Countries around the world are already wondering whether Chen fan does not have the so-called "super weapon" at all.

"That's all. I'll do my best to listen to the destiny."

Xiao Bu sighed. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!