Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 599

When mckenne put down his cell phone with a heavy face.

Eddie asked anxiously:

"Sir, did you hear me wrong? Was the message wrong?"

"It can't be wrong." McCann shook his head with a stiff face. "The Ares team, including dozens of black armour soldiers and three wise men, has been completely destroyed. Chen beixuan went all the way to hunt down Lord Clark and sank nine warships of the 17th special fleet to meet him in the North Sea. "


Eddie was stunned.

The news was like a bomb, which blew him up in an instant!

He's just an heir to the lanster family. When did he get involved in such a big event?

That's a fleet of nine warships! You know, in the Pearl Harbor incident, when the Japanese attacked the United States, only 40 ships were bombed and sunk. Now Chen beixuan has wiped out a quarter of Pearl Harbor in one breath. This is to declare war on the United States!

"It's over, it's over. How can I explain this to my father and grandfather?"

Eddie didn't know what to do.

Such a big event, that is, the head of the Lancaster family, may not be able to bear, let alone he is a young man?

McCann's face was as black as charcoal.

The fall of Ares has dealt a heavy blow to many American powers, and the sinking of the 17th special task force will shake the United States. Even the president and many members of Congress have to ask questions. As the deputy director of the CIA, he is destined to be questioned in Congress.

"No, I have to go back to the headquarters immediately and report it to the director."

As soon as McCann got up, he saw the ghost on Eddie's face.

"What's the matter?"

McCann was slightly puzzled. A young man with black hair and black eyes came leisurely and sat down next to Eddie.

"What are you..."

as soon as McCann was about to scold him, he saw the young man's face, which made him look like a nightmare. Suddenly, he looked like a duck whose throat was strangled. He couldn't say a word. Next to him, Eddie was shaking with fear.

It's Chen Fan they were just discussing!

"Dear Mr. Chen, some things may be misunderstandings. The United States and China have a deep friendship. Don't let a little friction affect the friendship between your two countries..."

McCann said difficultly.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not here to kill you. By the way, let your bodyguard put away the gun. It's just a pile of plastic toys in front of me." Chen Fan said casually.

Let's leave it alone. McCann and others are scared to death.

Chen Fan picked up the glass, poured in the mellow wine, and said faintly, "Eddie lanster, you invited me to a banquet, but set up a bureau to kill me. What do you say I should do?"

Eddie's face trembled, and his whole body trembled so violently that he couldn't speak.

Before today, he was just in front of Chen Fan with high spirits, because Eddie believed that Chen fan would never dare to kill him, nor would he dare to offend the great Lancaster family and the United States.

But now, chen fan has even killed the 17th special task force, and it's almost time to declare war with the United States. How can he even regard the successor of the Lancaster family in his eyes.

"I once let you live, but you don't know how to cherish it."

Chen Fan shook his head slightly.


He snapped his fingers, and a golden flame came out of his fingers and shot into Eddie's body in the frightened eyes of the people around him.


Eddie lanster didn't even shout out. In an instant, even the clothes on his body were burned into smoke by the golden flame, including his soul. There was only a faint outline on the seat, which seemed to indicate that this man had existed.

There was a dead silence.

No matter beautiful and elegant blonde maids, or those armed bodyguards, they all face fear and shiver.

They are just ordinary people. When did they see this horrible scene?

A living man was burned to ashes.

"Go back and tell the Pentagon and the United States that once the war starts, it will not end easily. I'll go to Washington and meet you in the White House and Congress. "

Chen Fan smiles at McCann, drinks all the wine, and then disappears.

It took a long time for someone to say:

"he's gone?"

"My Lord, what shall we do? Would you like to contact the British authorities? " A bodyguard asked cautiously.

"Don't do anything, don't say anything, rot everything you see today."

McCann stood up with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

Chen Fangang is threatening the top management of the United States? You want him to deliver the message? Did Chen beixuan eat bear heart and leopard's gall?

But McCann vaguely knew that if Chen Fan really pulled down his face and engaged in sneak attacks and retaliation, it was estimated that the president and many members of Congress would no longer dare to appear in public and would have to hide in underground facilities every day to tremble."What's the matter?"

McCann gave a wry smile.

As for Eddie's death, he didn't even look at it. In the wrestling between the world powers and Chen fan, not to mention only one successor, the whole lanster family is nothing.


when the news came that the 17th task force was destroyed.

The Pentagon is furious.

Messages are sent from Washington to the world.

Many nuclear powered aircraft carrier formations stationed in Virginia, New York and the Caribbean began to set sail one by one, converging to London. Half of the Atlantic Fleet's warships are moving.

The troops stationed in Europe and the United States are in a state of first-class alert.

Countless fighters and bombers are always full of ammunition, ready to take off for combat, and even nuclear weapons are unlocked. The F22 stealth fighter and the B2 stealth bomber Cruise off London every day. They are equipped with nuclear weapons that can easily flatten Europe.

The nuclear submarines belonging to the second fleet went out of the port directly and soon disappeared. One submarine launched missile was on standby.

A big fight is imminent!

In the face of American anger, major powers such as Europe, Russia and China quickly held military meetings, and spokesmen from various countries spoke continuously, demanding that the United States keep calm and not let the situation escalate.

The British Prime Minister summoned the U.S. ambassador three times a day and asked the U.S. to exercise restraint!

Among all the countries, Britain is the most anxious and eager!

The battle started at the London boundary, and the 17th special task force sank off the British coast. In any case, Britain could not get away from it. Originally, Britain wanted to turn a blind eye to this matter, but the current situation -

if the Ares team can kill chen fan, Britain will be happy. If it can't, it has nothing to do with Britain.

Unexpectedly, the war between the United States and Chen Fan started with Britain as the center.

"In any case, we can't let the United States drop a nuclear bomb on our territory. Chen beixuan is in London. If the United States drops a nuclear bomb, how many people will die in London?" Within the British Ministry of defence, many generals were in a row.

"Or shall we let Chen beixuan leave England?"

Said a major general of the air force.

"No way! If Chen beixuan stays in London, we have to protect him and carry the United States for him. If he left and went to a place where there was no one, the United States might really dare to throw nuclear weapons. "

Another lieutenant general scoffed.

This is the most difficult part when the world's great powers face the top powers.

As long as Chen Fan stays in a densely populated area, even in the United States, he has to be put to death. After all, he can't be buried with tens of millions of people in order to eliminate chen fan. This is not World War II, nor is Britain a defeated Rb, nor is the president of the United States afraid to give such an order.

"I immediately met with the prime minister and asked for a dialogue with the Pentagon. This matter must be resolved peacefully."

Lawrence, the British defense minister, said, rubbing his eyebrows.

In fact, not only Britain, China, Russia and other countries have contacted the United States one after another to ask the United States to solve the problem by peaceful means.

The United States directly sent out a message:

"asking Chen beixuan to give his life Yuanye and the super weapon that made Leiyun, and at the same time making a public apology. And enter the designated area, accept the custody of the United States, imprisonment for 10 years, in order to redeem his sins

"It's impossible to hand over super weapons and be imprisoned for ten years?"

After receiving the news, both the northern Qiong faction and the Chinese warriors shook their heads.

"Who knows what America wants? If the master really enters their designated area, such as an island or a desert prison, what will the United States do if it directly drops a nuclear bomb? " Xuedaisha said calmly.

"And the teacher did nothing wrong. Why should he be imprisoned? It's the Pentagon that should apologize, those who ordered the siege of teachers! "

Ah Xiu said indignantly.

Chen Fan went to the banquet, but was besieged by the Ares team.

Hearing the news, ah Xiu and others were filled with indignation and fear. Fortunately Anya didn't go with her, otherwise Chen Fan might not be able to keep her.

"What about Mr. Chen's opinion?"

Chris, the British special envoy, looks at chen fan, who is like an old monk.

Chen Fan didn't say a word, but Anya beside said coldly:

"our opinions are my younger brother's. Please tell the United States that it will fight if it wants to! The North Qiong school will not be afraid. "

Finally, the British special envoy, with a stomach of helplessness, shook his head and left the winter palace.


after receiving the reply from beiqiong school, the United States was furious.

"Drop the nuclear weapon and destroy him!"

Some hawkish generals yelled.

The B-2 stealth bomber, carrying a nuclear bomb, suddenly entered London and flew around the winter palace. Although it only made a tour and then left, it still made the British government very angry.All kinds of pressure came from all directions to beiqiong.

Families, groups, companies, the dark world, and so on. The whole North Qiong faction was in a panic. Some US warships even sailed into Xingzhou. The US Pacific commander reprimanded president Xingzhou face to face and wanted to bombard Longtang.

North Jon Payton was in a state of turmoil.

Many opponents, such as Hongmen, Japan's wudaojie, Thailand's Jiangtou Jie and so on, gloated.

"Chen beixuan is arrogant and domineering in the world. He often kills people and exterminates his family. I didn't expect that he has today!"

A sneer came from Hongmen.

Japan's military and Taoist circles are even more jubilant like the ocean:

"the United States is finally going to take action. It's long time ago to wipe this damned bastard off the earth!"

At this time, the martial arts circle of China was silent. No matter Lu family, Gu family, or other martial arts people, they were silent. In the face of the huge power of the United States, the power of individuals is too weak.

And Chen fan, after answering, did not have any movement, more worrying.

"Is Chen beixuan really going to give in?"

Some people are worried.

PS: the third watch is here. The author continues to write the fourth watch. My friends, there are only three hours left to ask for the monthly pass_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!