Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 598

Chen beixuan has collided with the US Army!

When the news came out, the whole world was shocked.

The United States is the overlord of the earth. Since the 1950s, the United States has been the world's top superpower. Its powerful control forces forced the Vatican to retreat, the dark arbitration department to bow down, and the Soviet Union to disintegrate. That is to say, Europe together is not an opponent of the United States.

Chen fan, the first person in the world, has the reputation of Chen Liuguo. One more man broke the Black Sea fleet and destroyed the arbitration department, which made Europe have to stop making peace. The collision of these two super existence, just like Mars hitting the earth, instantly exploded the world!

"Really? Chen beixuan has just fought with Europe, and now he is fighting with the United States? "

"The United States is not Europe. All the broken ships in Europe, together with all the navies, may not be the opponents of the second fleet of the United States. This is the real hegemony of the world. One man suppresses the global existence! "

"Is Chen beixuan out of his mind? With his current ability, he really angered the United States, thinking that the United States did not dare to launch nuclear weapons? "

Those who knew the news shook their heads.

No one is optimistic about Chen fan.

Maybe Chen Fan's individual strength is very strong, even can shake an ordinary fleet. Even Europe would not fight him.

But America is different!

Russia is decaying, Japan is declining and Europe is aging. But America is the sun of the day! Its navy and air force together, can single pick the world, it is the world's only superpower, the world police. As strong as the rising China, it will have to wait another 10 or 20 years to challenge the United States.

On the CIA underground forum, there was even more noise.

"Is the message clear? Why did Chen beixuan go to war with the United States? "

Some people wonder.

No matter chen fan or the United States, few people in the world dare to provoke. Their war can't be opened easily. Once it is opened, it will destroy heaven and earth.

"It is said that the United States used the Ares team to encircle and kill Chen beixuan, and then Chen beixuan chased him all the way. Finally, he chased the 17th special mixed formation in Beihai, and killed the 17th special mixed formation easily."

The person that knows the news, answer a way strangely.

Most of those who heard the answer also shook their heads with a bitter smile.

Just because you saw a fleet, you cut it off? You know, that's the fleet of the U.S. Navy. That's the 17th crew! One formation can easily crush the navy of a medium-sized country!

"America's Ares team? I didn't expect that they finally used this card. "

More people who know the inside look dignified.

"What is this ares team? Never heard of it. Doesn't it mean that there is no divine land in America? "

This generation of demon hunters, black and white asked strangely.

"The United States really does not have a divine realm, but they can cultivate themselves! With the resources of the world controlled by the United States, especially their advanced technology, it is not difficult to create a few divine realms. "

Crimson Wing's leader, blazing angel, responded.

"It's true that Britain has developed many blood soldiers by relying on the arbitration department and using biotechnology. Russia created the blood wolf guard with the wolf gene. The technology in the United States is far more advanced than they are. It is said that the United States is mainly engaged in extraordinary fields and science and technology fields. They set up super schools to train super talents from an early age. It is said that there are quite a few powers under the U.S. Department of defense. "

The emperor explained:

"in addition, it is said that the United States has also obtained several super armor, which are called the God of war. Once put on, it is invincible and has the power of beauty fairy. Even the God level strong can't break it. But it's just a legend. "

People in other forums, looking at the news, are extremely distracted.

The power held by the United States is one of the top secrets in the world, which is rarely disclosed. But just looking at the fear of the United States of many top powers, we can see the strength of the United States.

"This is not a legend. The United States did get some super armor from some prehistoric relics. In internal experiments, people armed with ares can carry small nuclear weapons without dying. Of course, they can't get close to the nuclear explosion center, just outside. "

The discerner came out.

"What? Is there such black technology in the United States? "

The whole forum is in an uproar!

"Sir, the United States has such technology. Why didn't we know about it before?"

Asked the devil hunter, black and white.

"In the eyes of the United States, except for the other four big powers, as well as the Holy See and the dark arbitration department, other people are just like ants, which is not worth paying attention to at all." The insightful man shook his head:

"whether it's the Ares armed forces, the Ares team, or even the electromagnetic gun developed, it's just to deal with the Holy See, the arbitration department, and the possible existence of the immortals. This time, if Chen beixuan had not refined that terrible weapon in London, the United States would not have made up its mind. "

I listened to him.

Many strong people in the dark world sitting in front of the screen all smile and shake their heads.Yes, the 180 US military bases all over the world alone are enough to easily suppress many dark forces and even ordinary divine places. Even the strong masters can't hold down the guns and helicopters, and the strong Shenjing can't hold back the missiles.

The United States has developed these only to prepare for possible enemies.

"So even the super armor and the electromagnetic gun didn't kill Chen beixuan?"

Suddenly someone hit the tongue.

Other people smell speech, it is a shock!

Yes, since the United States dares to do it, it must do its best to take out all the money it has developed for decades. If it wants to kill chen fan, it must do it. In the end, the whole army was annihilated, and Chen Fan chased and killed the fleet in the North Sea, killing and sinking nine warships.

"More terrifying than you think." "According to the information I have, the United States has used dozens of sets of combat armor, and its defense power is close to the divine realm. One God of war, nine supernatural gods and three electromagnetic cannons. It is said that the man in charge of the electromagnetic gun is a mysterious wise man, who can attack at more than ten times the speed of sound with the existence of the divine division. But these, not to mention killing Chen beixuan, didn't even hurt him! "

The whole audience was silent.

No matter the dark strongmen, the head of the mercenary regiment such as emperor zhanhuang, or the intelligence personnel of various countries, they are all speechless.

He has a supernatural body, a team of warlords, dozens of warfighters and a master of mind. These combat effectiveness together, enough to easily crush the dark arbitration department! But it didn't hurt chen fan. Is this man a man or a God!

"Maybe only nuclear weapons can really threaten Chen beixuan."

Finally, the observer said quietly.


it's not just the dark forums on the Internet.

The other big powers are even dumbfounded.

"Chen beixuan killed and sank the American warship?"

Kunlun base, white tiger heard the news, directly jumped up: "this guy is too strong, even the United States dare to provoke, it is the world's number one hooligan!"

Only the United States has ever beaten others. No one has ever beaten the United States!

The United States, as a country, will never suffer a loss. If it suffers a loss, it will retaliate. For the sake of a mere 911, he bombed Afghanistan into the stone age. The plane bomb had been bombed for more than ten years, but he still didn't give up.

Can the United States give up when a special mixed formation team is bombed and sunk?

"Minister, the United States is bound to retaliate. Chen beixuan is a Chinese. We can't just stand by."

Rosefinch pretty face is full of anxious way.

The more powerful they are, the more they know about the terror of the United States. This is the only superpower on the earth. The power accumulated over the past decades is overwhelming! Whether it is the arbitration department or other countries, they are far from the United States.

"Don't worry, General Chen is a member of China's military. China won't sit back and ignore him!" Minister Xiao got up and said, "I'm going to meet with the leaders. Even if I can't help General Chen, his relatives in Jiangnan will never allow the United States to move half a cent.

In addition to China, the senior officials of France, Japan, Russia and other countries were also stunned.

There are those who shake their heads and sneer, those who gloat, and those who praise their courage.

But no matter who, will closely look at Europe, look at London, look at the dark haired boy.

"If Chen beixuan can survive this disaster, his name of the six kingdoms will be solid, and he will be able to really stand on an equal footing with the five great powers and look down on the world!" Among the numerous dark organizations, some leaders sighed.

Other people, too, nodded with lingering fear, looking forward to it in their eyes.

One man against one country, shake the world hegemony!

What an extraordinary look is this? It makes people want to replace it with their bodies.


not to mention the response of the world.

Chen fan first returned to London after flattening the 17th fleet. He did not forget who was the culprit who led him out this time. In theory, though, Eddie is just an heir to the lanster family and has no power to command the U.S. Department of defense.

But Eddie certainly played a leading role in it.

"If you dare to invite people to kill me, don't blame me for killing you!"

Chen Fan looks at the hotel in the distance, his eyes cold.

Prince Hotel, London, UK.

Eddie is sitting in a luxury restaurant on the 99th floor with the deputy director of the CIA, Mike Cain, while eating the best French fried foie gras, drinking the red wine of Bordeaux manor, enjoying the elegant and beautiful maid service nearby, and talking.

"Is it really all right, Mr. McCann?"

Eddie was still a little worried.

"Little Eddie, don't worry. Even an angel is there, it can't stop the siege of Clark and others." McCann has a plan.

At this time, the phone rang, and he said with a smile:

"you see, the good news is coming."With that, McCann takes out his cell phone, turns it on, and his face turns Crazy:

"what? The whole army of the Ares team has been destroyed, and Chen beixuan is not dead? "

With these words, the whole restaurant was silent, and Eddie's face went crazy.

PS: the second one is here. The author continues to write the third one. My friends, ask for the monthly ticket. The double monthly ticket ends at 12 o'clock_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!