Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 597

"Dada dada."

A series of Shipborne machine guns, like a chain of fire, swept over Chen fan.

A layer of golden armor appeared on the surface of Chen fan, and he blocked all these fist sized shipborne machine guns that could easily tear steel. If it's the tongxuan period, chen fan has to avoid three points in the face of these machine guns. But now, apart from nuclear weapons, nothing on earth can deter chen fan.


In a flash, chen fan turns into a rainbow that cuts through the sea. He rushed to the second frigate, ignored the many confused sailors on the frigate, and split out. A bright sword awn, from his hand, like a god sword from the sky.


In the eyes of the crowd.

The deck, which is more than 20 meters wide and made of steel, was split in the air by Chen fan.

The green awn of the sword, like the essence of the general, cut gold and iron, everything. There is a half meter thick steel plate, which is incised rigidly, and the fracture is as smooth as a mirror. As if it had been cut by a laser. Green awn a row, such as a knife cut butter.

The frigate broke in the middle.

The bow and stern of the ship sank directly into the sea. Dozens of missiles on the ship did not release any of them, but sank into the sea with the ship. Many sailors, even more crying, rushed into the sea.

"The second one."

Chen Fan's face said calmly, and his body jumped up again and rushed to another ship hundreds of meters away.

"Stop him, do stop him!"

General Coster's eyes are splitting.

These warships, each of which was his treasure, were where he relied as a brigadier general. If Chen fan sinks one by one, even if he survives, he will go to the military court.

"I can't stop it. Even the spear of killing God didn't stop him, let alone these missiles. "

Clark shook his head in despair.

Even now, he couldn't figure out how the spear of killing gods, which was enough to sink an aircraft carrier formation and penetrate a 10 meter thick steel plate, disappeared out of thin air? It was a treasure that the United States placed great hopes on to frighten the holy see or the legendary blood ancestor, but it disappeared for no reason.

"Damn, where's Tomahawk? What about harpoon missiles? What about the helicopter? Attack me, stop him

General Coster didn't listen to him at all. He jumped up and screamed wildly with his walkie talkie.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

In a hurry, a destroyer really started firing missiles.

I saw those missiles launched close to the sea, with a long tail flame, shooting hard at chen fan. However, the distance between the two is too close. Chen Fan easily let those missiles pass by with a random shake.

And these missiles, even one, directly hit a nearby frigate, blowing a big hole in the left chord of the frigate.

"Boom boom boom."

The sea was in chaos.

Many ships of the 17th special task force are leaderless. Some set sail to escape, some resisted in situ, some surrendered with white flags, some put missiles in disorder... The demons danced like the end of the world.

"It's over. It's over now."

General Coster dropped his hand feebly, and the walkie talkie fell to the ground. There was no spirit in his eyes and he said, "how can it be? How dare he fight against the Great America. Are you not afraid of America's revenge? "

"General, general, news from the European Command. The F22 and the bomber formation have set out from the German air force. They can arrive here in ten minutes at the most. They are carrying the latest type of medium and air dropped nuclear bombs. They ask us to resist in place for ten minutes. "

The Deputy came in a hurry with the information.

"Ten minutes... I'm afraid I can't resist three minutes."

General Coster had a bitter smile on his face.

No matter what the outcome of Chen fan, he is destined to go to the military court anyway.


Another warship was cut in half by Chen Fan with a flying sword.

Sharp sword, from head to tail, this frigate is hundreds of meters long. In front of the bright sword light, it is as vulnerable as paper. Finally, it is divided into two parts from bow to stern.

"The sixth."

Chen Fan said lightly.

He turned his head and looked at the only three destroyers left. He thought to himself: "Lin Shuming is 300 meters away from the sea. I don't know if my sword is 100 meters away from the warship

In fact, chen fan's sword is far more powerful than Lin Shuming's immortal power.

Of course, Lin Shuming is 300 meters away from the sea.

But how can the hardness of sea water compare with the hardness of steel warships? Chen Fan split the 100 meter warship with one sword. Lin Shuming had to change his mind for the terrible power.

After stepping into the later stage of Shenhai, chen fan's strength was no less than that of Renxian.


After the destruction of six frigates. Chen Fan didn't look at the other two destroyers. He flew to the flagship with his hands on his back and looked down calmly"I said, you can't escape."

At this time, Clark is still wearing silver liquid armor.

It's amazing that his arm has returned to its original shape. Chen fan was not surprised.

Since Clark is a super soldier made in the United States, he is no worse than the Russian blood wolf guard and the British blood soldier. It's not difficult for them to regenerate.

"If you present this armor and tell us its origin, I can spare your life."

Chen Fan scanned the silver armor with great interest.

Even now, he is slightly surprised.

You know, even the half blood black Duke and others, can't carry him a punch. This silver armor has been under Chen Fan for so long. In terms of hardness, it is comparable to the innate body.

"If you want to be armed by the God of war, come and get it."

Clark raised his hands, mercury like liquid, quickly converged into two sharp knives.

He made two huge marks on the steel deck with the sole of his foot, and his body had instantly broken the sound barrier, shooting at chen fan like a bullet.

"It's interesting."

Chen Fan gave a faint smile.

His hand, like a white jade, was printed lightly, and the last one came first, and he patted Clark directly on his chest.


Clark, like a missile, shot back faster than before, and instantly hit another destroyer. The ship, which is tens of meters high, is directly knocked out of a huge hole.

"It's useless. With your strength, even if you add this armor, it's not my opponent."

Chen Fan's hands are on his back, and his eyes are as ethereal as ever.

Clark's own strength is at the level of gargerdan. Even with this strange armor, the body is close to the immortal, but in other aspects, it is still far behind chen fan.

But Clark didn't listen at all, and was obviously going to fight to the death.

Many sailors witnessed a scene of surprise.

I saw a silver figure flying up from the sea or ships from time to time, rushing to Chen Fan in the air. Then he was like Chen Fan playing baseball and flew out in an instant, but he struggled again like an immortal Xiaoqiang.

"You want to delay?"

After seven or eight times in a row, chen fan frowned slightly.

The place where they fight is not far from the British coast. If the United States sends support to several military bases in Europe, it won't take a few minutes to get there. This time, those fighters will definitely carry nuclear weapons, otherwise they will not be able to deter chen fan.

Seeing that Chen Fan guessed it, Clark rushed up without covering it up, with a look of dying together:

"go to see God with me."


Chen FanMei's head jumped and was about to make a move.

Suddenly in the heart rises the warning sign, the body shape fiercely turns into a fluid light phantom, shoots outward.


A silent explosion, instantly sounded.

I saw a huge black ball emerge out of thin air within a hundred meters around Clark. All the creatures in the black sphere, including the sea water, were destroyed in a flash.

The black ball came fast, went fast and dissipated quickly.

Clark has disappeared, leaving only a huge hole in the sea, and the avalanche of water, which still shows the reality of the scene.

"This is...

many sailors who saw this scene, including general Coster, were stunned, as if they saw a myth.

It was just like the end of the world. They had never seen it on any weapon.

"Energy bomb!"

Chen Fan appeared on the edge of the explosion, his face slightly low.

If he didn't run fast just now, he would have been involved in the explosion. Even if he had the golden flame armor, he would suffer a heavy blow from the energy bomb. After all, it is the existence of almost annihilation force, which is the explosion of pure energy. Its power is close to nuclear explosion, but its scope is very small.

"I didn't expect that he was carrying an energy bomb, ready to explode at any time?" Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly. "Electromagnetic guns, silver armor, energy bombs. This is not the power of modern technology in the United States. Even if the United States develops it for another 100 years, it may not be able to do so. It seems that the water behind the United States is very deep. No wonder old Qinglong warned me. "

Although he thinks so, chen fan is not afraid at all.

At this time, he is only one step away from nature. As long as he takes this step, he will be allowed to move freely from the earth. Even if the United States finds an alien warship, it is not his opponent.

"Well. That armor wasn't destroyed? It seems that its level is higher than I expected. "

Chen Fan suddenly found that the explosion center, a head size silver sphere, suspended in mid air.

He took it into his hands, and then in the eyes of cowster and others, he brushed three knives, cut down the last three destroyers, and then left.When a large number of us fighter planes come whistling with nuclear weapons, what they see is the appearance of a wrecked ship.

"The 17th swath formation was badly damaged, three destroyers and six frigates sank, more than 500 soldiers died... I'm guilty!"

After being rescued ashore, general Coster wept.


December 24, 2011, Christmas Eve.

On the outskirts of London, Chen beixuan annihilated the US ares team, then killed nine US warships, and the 17th special fleet was completely annihilated.

The news spread out, the whole world in an uproar, the United States angry!

PS: the author updated it at noon. It's very early today. My friends, please ask for the monthly ticket. We are about to fall. O(∩_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!