Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 596

Whether it's three electromagnetic guns or members of the nine ares team.

They are all the killer maces that the United States spent a lot of energy to establish and hunt for the existence of those divine places on earth. In particular, the spear of killing gods is known to kill gods.

However, chen fan easily crushed those supernatural bodies. In Clark's opinion, it was unthinkable that he killed three theologians.

"It's impossible, it's impossible..."

Clark was trapped in the five thunder formation and lost his soul.

Even the five chief arbitrators here, facing the spear of ten times the speed of sound fired by the electromagnetic gun, had to fight on the spot. The nine members of the Ares team, together with many black armour soldiers, are enough to surround and kill two or three immortals. But unexpectedly, it was easily crushed by Chen fan.

"It's your turn."

Chen fan takes back the shennian sword and looks at Clark.

Among the people present, Clark is the most troublesome. The silver white metal armor he was wearing had super strong defense. Even with Chen Fan's full strength, he couldn't break it easily.

"I don't know if you can carry it when you face the thunder of the five elements."

Chen fan light shock thunder seal.

I saw five thunder pillars, instantly combined into one, turned into a black-and-white chaotic thunder pillar, plummeted down.

The destructive power of terror diffused in an instant. That is enough to annihilate all matter. Only the friars of Jindan period can control the power of taboo, which ordinary congenital friars can't bear.


The black-and-white thunder pillar falls on Clark. The silver armor on his body started to burn like boiling water. It seemed that he was under great threat and began to shake violently, trying to resist the black and white thunder pillar.

But the five elements thunder is the power of destruction. It was created by friars of the five elements immortal sect to simulate the power of the universe at the beginning. It's just a science and technology war.


After hearing a scream, Clark's left shoulder and shoulder turned into smoke. He broke his tail to survive, gave up his left arm, and directly put the metal liquid in his left shoulder. His whole body broke the speed of sound and fled to the distance.

"You can't escape."

Chen fan was indifferent in his eyes.

He didn't catch up with Clark for the first time, but first put two intact electromagnetic cannons into his sword, and then he shot at Clark like a flash of light.

It's the secret of the immortal family.

This is a technique that Chen Fan mastered in the golden elixir period. He can turn his body into a state of virtual shadow, ignore the air resistance, and play far faster than usual. Even ordinary bullets and cannons couldn't hurt chen fan.

"It's a pity that there is a current in the electromagnetic gun, and there is also a Rune of killing the gods. Otherwise, I just need to use the" sweeping shadow formula ", even if it's 100 times the speed of sound, it won't hurt me."

Chen Fan sighed.

Although it looks strong, there are still many ways to control it. Apart from other things, the temperature of a nuclear explosion center can reach millions of degrees, or even tens of millions of degrees. There's a lot of light, heat, radiation, energy and so on. These are not just virtual shadow can withstand. It is the "Zuo Xu Shen" and others who have only the body of ghosts and gods. If they are hit by a nuclear bomb, they will turn their spirits into coke.


Chen Fan thought like this, but he didn't delay at all.

Clarke turned into a silver beam and blasted close to the ground. The speed was extremely fast, about twice the speed of sound. Mountain walls, vegetation, tree trunks, guardrails, buildings, and so on, are instantly pierced in front of this silver road. He was like a silver thread splitting the sky and the earth, all the way, pulling out a long shrill sound, as if a fighter plane skimmed the ground.

But Chen fan is faster.

See a virtual shadow, as if from the water across, quietly. The distance with Clark is getting closer and closer.

"20 kilometers, 15 kilometers, 10 kilometers."

Clark also seems to feel Chen Fan's pursuit, very anxious, speed desperately improve. It's a pity that the strength of war armour is limited after all. Even if he has vomited blood, he can't go any faster.

"This guy's target is on the sea?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly and looked into the distance.

On the horizon, a wide estuary began to appear.

London is very close to the North Sea, only about one or two hundred kilometers. The Queen Victoria Hotel agreed by Chen Fan and others is on the Thames River. Along the Thames, you can see the North Sea.


When he saw the North Sea, Clark was overjoyed. He rushed into the sky and turned into a silver ray, whizzing into the North Sea. After falling into the sea, he turned into a long silver shuttle, like a torpedo, chopping the waves with waves, ten li in a flash.

"Well, you think you can escape when you enter the sea?"

Chen Fan immediately set foot in Shanghai.

How powerful his body was, he walked directly on the sea, pulled out a long white mark on the sea, like a super large motorboat, and chased Clark."Five kilometers, four kilometers, three kilometers."

At this distance, chen fan almost raised his hand to attack Clark. At this time, a fleet suddenly appeared in front of him. Clark's body was in a flash and flashed directly into the fleet. Then, a voice sounded:

"stop coming. This is the Atlantic Fleet of the United States, the second fleet and the 17th special task force formation. In the name of the United States of America and the Navy, I order you to stop! "

With the sound comes a row of shrill naval guns, in front of Chen fan, pulling out a barrage.

Chen Fan squinted and looked at it carefully.

Sure enough, this is a warship formation.

There are three destroyers, five frigates and an amphibious landing ship. In the sky, several armed helicopters are circling, heavily guarded and equipped. This special task force alone has half the strength of the Black Sea fleet.

This is actually quite normal.

The second fleet of the United States has two aircraft carriers, with 30 to 40 ships of all sizes. Once launched, a fleet might be able to compete with France and Britain. The United States has seven fleets and 11 aircraft carriers. It is claimed that a country can single out the navies of the world. The navies of all the other countries add up to nothing more than an opponent of the United States.

Clark only breathed a sigh of relief when he fled to the flagship of the 17th swath formation.

"Sir, I'm the commander of the 17th formation, Mr. Coster. My ship has been ordered to meet you. Where are the other adults? "

A brigadier general came forward with a respectful salute.

This mission was jointly planned by the CIA and the headquarters in Europe. It is said that even the iron hand minister and the Pentagon are paying attention to it. General Coster is just a brigadier general. How dare he neglect him.

"My other partners have fallen into the hands of Chen beixuan."

Clark heard the words, his face muscles trembled, and his voice trembled.


General Coster's face went wild.

He knew that there were more than ten members of Ares team, three noble wise men and dozens of armored soldiers in this operation. So gorgeous lineup, unexpectedly all fell?

"Was it the man outside who killed him?"

Coster turned to look.

Seeing chen fan stop three kilometers away from the 17th special task force, he seems to be hesitating.

"I need you to contact the headquarters in Europe immediately, mobilize the F22 fighter and aircraft carrier formation, and ask the nuclear submarines and strategic bombers to come. This opponent is more terrible than we think. "

Clarke, silver armour, said quickly.

Even the electromagnetic gun didn't work for Chen fan. Clark believed that only nuclear weapons could deter Chen Fan except for the legendary immortal.

"Don't worry, sir. This is the Atlantic Fleet, the maritime territory of the United States of America. No country, no race, can challenge the Great America

General Coster said with confidence.

Although the fleet he led was only half that of the Black Sea fleet. But general Coster never worried.

Since the dissolution of the Red Navy of the Soviet Union, no country or fleet in the world has been able to challenge the United States on the sea. With 11 US aircraft carriers running across the seven oceans, one carrier fleet can suppress a country. It is as strong as Huaxia. Facing several US aircraft carrier fleets, it has to be stern and be like a great enemy. Coster believed that Chen fan would never dare to provoke the US military.

"General, you underestimated Chen beixuan."

Clark's face changed wildly.

"Believe me, sir, he would never dare to rush in..."

before he finished his words, he saw chen fan, who was several kilometers away, rushing towards the 17th special task force like a mighty steel train.

"How could... How could he dare to be against the Great America?"

Coster was so stupid that he couldn't believe it.

And the Deputy next to him quickly took out his walkie talkie and yelled, "enemy attack! Attack! All fleets, fire together, never let him near

"Boom boom!"

Dozens of naval guns fired at the same time, and one missile, like a sharp arrow, tried to stop chen fan.

But it's too late.

Chen fan is too close to the 17th special task force. The speed of sound is 340 per second. They are only three kilometers away, almost less than ten seconds away.

In a moment, chen fan had already rushed to the first fleet.


Chen Fan's fist is like a raging wave. The surging Zhenyuan turns into a dragon dancing in the air. The dragon is ten feet long. In the blue light, the scales, the head, the body and the claws will appear, just like an ancient beast.


In the eyes of many naval officers and men.

The blue dragon tore open the steel and tore the frigate weighing thousands of tons into two pieces from the middle. Tens of meters of steel hull, in front of Chen fan, like a piece of paper, was easily torn.The first warship was crushed by Chen fan.

Both Clark and general Coster were stunned and couldn't believe it.

"Is this... A declaration of war on the Great America?"

General Coster said, shaking his lips.

Other people's faces were livid with shock in their eyes.

And this is just the beginning.

PS: after five o'clock, my friends, how about monthly tickets_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!