Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 595

No matter the seaweed color long hair woman or Clark, seeing this scene, they are numb and can't believe it.

A whole army of soldiers.

The refining of Alderman alloy is very difficult. Even with the powerful national strength of the United States, it is only refining about 100 pieces of armor. Today, most of the family members here are killed by Chen fanru.

"How is that possible? Even armor piercing bullets can't pierce the armor of soldiers. "

The seaweed colored woman said to herself.

Next to her, there were seven or eight people in battle armor, with different looks, but with a strong breath. They all looked ugly.

One of the white haired men said:

"we have tested the armor of the soldiers. It can't be destroyed unless the wise use electromagnetic guns. The power that Chen beixuan controls is no less than that of the electromagnetic gun, and it is stronger and more powerful. "

These people, including Clark the silver armour soldier and Nick the black man, are the real members of the Ares team. As for those soldiers, they are just the cannon fodder subordinates.

Every one of them has the same breath as the divine realm, and each of them has stepped into the divine realm by relying on extraordinary power. Having the "supernatural body" that Adam admired for a long time.

But even they were terrified to see the destructive power controlled by Chen fan.

"Stop him anyway, it's hard for Clark to do it alone. Let's go together and buy time for the wise man. "

The white haired man said in a deep voice.

The others nodded heavily.

"It's your turn."

Chen fan holds five thunder seals in his hand and looks at Clark of silver armour indifferently.

Clark's expression, though wrapped in silver liquid metal, must be extremely scared in his eyes. The power of Chen Fan's control is beyond his imagination.


Chen Fan shakes Lei Yin.

Five color God thunder entangles, turns into a black and white thunder column, quietly shoots to Clark. Clark's "God of war" armor is much stronger than ordinary armor in strength and speed.

He broke the sound barrier and shot into the distance.


Lei Zhu swept past him and hit the ground directly. On the gravel ground, a deep hole appeared out of thin air. The hole was as thick as a thigh, but not as deep as the bottom. I'm afraid it was tens of meters deep. At the moment when they hit the ground, the earth was transformed into molecular energy by the annihilation of the five elements thunder.

Seeing this, Clark's pupils shrank.

Even he did not dare to use God of war to force Chen Fan's thunder pillar.

"Want to hide? It's not that easy "

Chen Fan's smile is contemptuous. With that, he held up Lei Yin fiercely and said:

"with this order, all five thunder will arrive!"


Between heaven and earth, as if to receive orders.

The dark clouds in the sky turned directly into five colored thunderclouds. Five buckets of thunder and lightning came down directly from the sky, pierced the air and formed this prison on the ground. These five thunderbolts are divided into five colors: green, yellow, red, white and black. They are Yimu thunderbolt, Wutu thunderbolt, Lihuo thunderbolt, Gengjin thunderbolt and kuishui thunderbolt.

"Five thunders in one, formation!"

Chen Fan shakes Lei Yin again.

The five pillars of thunder turn into a five color halo, which envelops Clark. The halo turns faster and tighter. No matter how Clark flies, he can't escape from the thunder.

"Damn it, you go to save Clark, I'll drag Chen beixuan."

Seeing this scene, the white haired man's face turned into a white shadow. Break the sound barrier and shoot at chen fan. His hands and feet seemed to turn into metal, shining with the light of platinum, and his hair was like a sword. The surging breath is gestated on the white haired man. He came across the sky like a sharp sword.

He even used a man as a sword to direct at chen fan. Its power is more than ten times that of Adam and Zeus.

"Spirit body?"

Chen fan was not surprised.

As early as seeing the transformation of Haizao long hair woman, chen fan knew that she was the existence of spiritual body. According to the earth's saying, it is the transcendent into the perfect state.

It's a pity that what they have cultivated is just a small spiritual body, not a real congenital spiritual body.

According to the hierarchy, spirit body can be divided into five levels:

entry level, Xiaocheng level, Dacheng level, consummation level and detachment level.

The first step for a congenital monk is to achieve spiritual accomplishment.

And Chen fan had already become a young emperor of the Qing Dynasty, comparable to the ordinary spiritual body. In the later period of Jin Dynasty, when he entered Shenhai, he even took charge of the five thunder seals. How could he even put these people in his eyes?

"Go away."

Chen Fan's face was indifferent and he brushed his sleeves.

A huge real yuan, like a blue light wall, ran across the sky to the white haired man. The white haired man used his hand as a knife to chop on the bare wall, but it was as if he were on the iron wall."Damn it, how can Chen beixuan be so strong."

The white haired man was anxious, but the wall of light was becoming stronger and stronger, just like an unbeatable tsunami.

At the end of the day, he was directly shot on the man with white hair. Although the white haired man's Jin Ling body is small and half of his body has basically turned into pure metal energy, he can't bear Chen Fan's blow. He is shot in the air and spits out blood.


Seeing this scene, several other people turned pale at the same time, and the seaweed colored woman screamed out.

"Don't worry about me. Break that thunder post and get Clark out."

Cried the white haired man.

"Bang bang."

Attack with different attributes from each ares team member. They have different spiritual bodies and different powers of control. There are flames, black water, wind blades, lightning and so on.

Xiaocheng of spirit body is equal to Chen Fan's power when he defeated snow wolf king in wolf valley. In general, they are not rivals.

But Chen fan is not a general divine realm, that is, the earthly immortals came into the world, and he has to fight again.

"A group of ants."

Chen Fan snorted coldly, and the thunder seal in his hand shook again.


A bucket of thick pillars of thunder, from the sky down, the five color pillars of thunder, with a very terrible energy. Even when the earth immortal saw it, he had to look dignified. Even those half blood arbitrators can't bear it, not to mention the members of the Ares team?


Even if the members of the Ares team wear the armor made of Alderman alloy, can they hold the power of the five thunder seals?

In every pillar of thunder, there is the energy of terror. People who are being chopped, even people with armor, are cut into ashes. Seeing this scene, the white haired captain was about to crack his canthus:


It's too late.

"Boom, boom!"

Thunder pillars come down from the sky one after another. The speed of thunder is close to the speed of light. No one in the world can avoid it, even chen fan. These ares team members, naturally, could not escape and were cut into coke one after another.

By the end of the day, the white haired captain was dead.

It took decades for the United States to collect countless extraordinary people. Through special experiments and sera, more than a dozen of them were pushed to the level of "extraordinary Divine Body". But here, seven or eight of them were directly eliminated by Chen fan.

The whole special sector of the United States will be greatly weakened and retrogressed for decades.

"By the way, there are the wise man and the spear of killing gods."

The white haired captain thought of it fiercely, looking forward to the last wise man.

At this time, it seems that with his reading, an unprecedented grand shrill sound suddenly sounded.

In fact, there was no shrill whistling among the people present. Because the weapon that screamed had already rushed to the public with a speed far beyond the speed of sound. They can only sense the fluctuation of vitality and guess the explosion of the sound.


Compared with before, the dark blue light of bright does not know how many times, explodes in the void.

It's impossible to describe the speed of the light in words.

Ten times the speed of sound? Twenty times the speed of sound? Thirty times the speed of sound?

Even Chen Fan's eyes and lingjue can't catch it. Almost as soon as I thought about it, the light had already shot in front of Chen fan. Only God can see clearly.

This is a weird black metal shuttle.

Different from the Silver White Spear before, this metal short shuttle has more simple and primitive patterns carved on it. It's not like modern sculpture, it's from thousands of years ago. It contains more than ten times more lightning power than before.

The bright blue light almost turned into a pillar of light, with the power of cutting everything and penetrating everything.

Even Chen Fan's immortal body of the Qing emperor can't bear the blow. This is the real power to kill the gods.

But at this time, chen fan's face showed a smile:

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

With a wave of Chen Fan's big sleeve, the void vibrated, and the spear of killing God disappeared out of thin air.

"How is that possible?"

To see this scene, whether it is the blonde Clark, or the white haired captain, are staring big eyes, incredible. Is the spear of killing gods gone?

But Chen fan doesn't give them a chance.

Chen Fan hit the white haired captain and crushed him to pieces. Then shennian shot along the direction of the electric awn, quickly across the distance of 20 kilometers, caught the firing of the wise man.

This bald man is bigger than the previous two, and the blue light in his eyes is more profound. He almost condenses into one. He is one step away from congenial spirit.

But as soon as he touched Chen Fan's mind, his pupils suddenly changed and he cried:

"please stop, it's a misunderstanding...

" it's too late. "

Chen Fan's idea turned into a seven inch silver knife.As soon as the knife came out, it suddenly split the void like a rainbow, and cut off the spirit of the bald man. Although the bald man is only half a step away from the congenital spirit, how can he resist Chen Fan's "shennian sword"?


The big head of a bald man, it's going to explode.

His blue spirit, just in time to utter a scream, was directly cut into two by shennian's knife. Before he died, a sharp voice came from his spirit:

"the master will avenge me..."

it's a pity that Chen Fan didn't care what he said. As soon as the sword of divine thoughts was stirred, his spirit was completely broken into pieces.

Between the fingers.

It's like killing a chicken to kill nine supernatural bodies and one supreme master.

All that's left is Clark in the five thunder team.

All the invading enemies were annihilated and only one remained.

PS: the fourth watch is here. The author continues to write the fifth watch. My friends, please ask for the monthly ticket_ ∩) O

(to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!