Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 594

A shrill scream echoed in the void.

Faster than the screech, it's a flash of light twenty times the speed of sound. Chen Fan's mind, just caught the sound explosion, the electric light has instantly crossed dozens of kilometers, rushed to Chen fan.

"Get up!"

This time, chen fan did not dodge, but gently offered up his seal.

Five thunder seals!

It was refined by Chen fan after the five elements seal of the five elements immortal sect. It was born out of the five elements, but higher than the five elements. The thunder light of five colors, green, yellow, red, white and black, circulates on the five thunder prints.

It's crackling.

There seems to be a sound of lightning in the void. As soon as the seal appeared, the vitality of the five elements began to boil. On the sky, there were dark clouds gathering and thunder rolling.


Five thunder print, directly down a layer of colorful light curtain, cover Chen Fan in it. The seal of the five elements is known as "if you print it in your hand, you will never ask for it.". Although Chen Fan's five thunder seal didn't reach that level, it was close. The unity of attack and defense, change from the heart, far better than many magic weapons on the earth.


The blue electric light directly hit the five color light curtain.

There is a metal spear that rotates at a high speed. There are many mysterious runes with silver and white streamline spears. The tip of the spear struck the top of the light curtain, making a sharp sound, like a sharp blade across the glass.

"Pee, pee, pee."

The metal spear is like a drill bit, drilling through the five color light curtain layer by layer, trying to break in. But the five thunder prints are rolling in the void, and the five layers of light curtain are falling, as if there is no end.

In the end, the metal spear only ran through four layers, and in front of the last layer, he was unwilling to stop.

"It's impossible!"

Many black armor people who saw this scene with their own eyes turned pale at the same time.

The full force of the electromagnetic gun is enough to penetrate ten layers of steel plate. Before Chen Fan in mid air, people did not see how he was carrying. But now I can see with my own eyes that Chen fan stopped the attack of the electromagnetic gun by relying on five thin light screens. Does this not mean that each of the five light screens is as good as a half meter thick metal wall.

"If even the electromagnetic cannons can't hurt Chen beixuan, it's not in vain for us to wait."

A wave of despair sprang up in the hearts of all.

At this time, a voice as clear as running water rang out in the bottom of people's hearts.

"Stop him, I will use the spear of killing gods!"

The black Nixon's eyes lit up at the sound. But he knew that the last of the three wise men was the most powerful. It was said that he was close to the legendary state of turning spiritual power into a God.

Spear of killing God!

It is the final weapon developed by several special research departments in the United States. Due to rare raw materials, it is difficult to refine. So far, only five pieces have been made. Unexpectedly, the wise man brought one out.

"Everyone, go up together, at all costs, hold down Chen beixuan."

Black Nick, quickly through the messenger, the message to everyone.

"Bang bang."

I saw dark shadows coming to Chen Fan from all directions. Every step of these shadows on the earth is like a giant elephant. They are super fighters developed by the United States. They are already powerful, and their physical strength is comparable to that of fighting masters. Put on the "battle armor" again, and your strength will surge again, approaching gargerdan, the snow wolf king.

In particular, the armor is made of special metal, which is extremely hard. That is, the divine realm can not be broken with one full blow.

Dozens of quasi horizontal training spirit, hand together, that kind of power, simply can't imagine.

In particular, the silver clad Clark rushed in again. Like a streamlined silver drill, he broke through the sound barrier and ran into Chen Fan in the air. Obviously, he was ready to do his best.

Chen fan was indifferent.

Now that he has tried to find out the bottom card of the United States, chen fan will not keep it.


Chen Fan pinches the formula and prints a finger at the five thunder.

First the blue thunder appeared, and then it turned into yellow, red, white and black. And it turns blue again. Five thunder lights, together, turned into a layer of chaotic color of thunder.

This thunder light, a pure sense of destruction, surfaced in all people's hearts, as if representing the end of the world.

"Xiaowuxing shenlei!"


Prince Hotel, London.

While fighting in the countryside, Eddie lanster was sitting on the ninety ninth floor of London's most luxurious Prince Hotel. The whole restaurant in the air was empty, only lanster was with him.

"This time, thank you, Lord McCann, the lansters, for remembering your friendship."

Eddie raised his glass.

Opposite him was a middle-aged man with a gloomy face. The man has yellow hair, white skin, hooked nose and sharp eyes, just like an eagle.

Michael Bruni.

Deputy director of the CIA, head of the European Bureau. He is in charge of the intelligence work of the CIA in Europe. He has been in this position for decades. He plays an important role in the CIA. He once planned the drastic changes in Eastern Europe and overthrew the regimes of more than ten European countries. His reputation, now heard by many small heads of state, will change color."Minister Arnold ordered us to contact and negotiate with Chen beixuan. But I don't know that the existence of Chen beixuan is like a time bomb. We have no means to control him. We'd better eliminate him directly. "

McCann shrugged.

"Sir, Chen beixuan alone defeated the Black Sea fleet and destroyed the dark arbitration department. Are we really capable of destroying him? " Eddie frowned.

"Dear little Eddie, you are just an ordinary person after all. I don't know how long we have prepared for today, the CIA and the special departments."

McCann shook his head and said with a smile:

"since the dark arbitration department and the Holy See retired 50 years ago, we have started to set up several special research departments, and set up the Ares team, which specializes in developing methods to kill the divine realm."

"For this reason, we have developed the 'combat armor'. This is the second generation of combat armor, which is one era more advanced than the French Poseidon armor, not to mention the Russian biological armor." McCann pointed out:

"in addition, we integrated the genes of the British arbitration department, the Russian blood wolf guard, and many flesh and blood families, extracted the super serum, and produced a group of super soldiers. When these super soldiers put on their battle armor, their power is comparable to that of God level strongmen. "

"And that's just part of it. The real Assassin's mace is three electromagnetic cannons that are enough to kill gods, as well as the God of war. Even if there are gods, they can kill them, not to mention Chen beixuan. "

Speaking of this, there was a proud smile on McCann's face.

That's pride in the technology that great America has.

"I've heard of this. It's said that the man who controls the electromagnetic gun is a legendary wise man. Each of them was born a spiritual master. The best of the wise men is the master of divinity. Is there a master of divinity

Eddie's eyes lit up.

"It's not only the master of jingnian, but also one of the wise men's deputy leaders. He is also carrying a spear to kill gods. No matter how powerful Chen beixuan is, he will die this time."

McCann laughs.

"Even the deputy chief is here?"

Eddie's face moved.

Only he, a member of the American family, knows the status of the wise in the United States.

It is said that the wise men come from a mysterious race. That race, with blue blood in body and terrible spirit, once stood on a par with blood clan and wolf clan. It is with the help of the wise that the United States will, in the last hundred years, develop rapidly in science and technology and become the world's hegemony.

"Even the wise deputy leader has come, but Chen beixuan is going to die."

Eddie shook his head slightly, his eyes full of schadenfreude.

"Here, cheers!"


a real five elements thunder can destroy a few miles in a single blow, which can only be used by the strong of Jindan level. Chen fan is just the peak of Shenhai at this time. He can only barely simulate the power of the five elements divine thunder, which is called "little five elements divine thunder".

But even if only a trace, the power is still too terrible to imagine, enough to destroy everything.


See a black and white chaos thunder light, shoot out from five thunder prints. This column of chaotic light, swept through the place, whether it is sand, soil, or even air, are quietly annihilated. It's like ice in boiling water.

And many black armour soldiers haven't had time to shout. As soon as he touched the chaotic light column, his armor was missing. The whole person was directly destroyed by the light column, and even no trace was left.


Chen Fan held five thunder seals in his hand and swept around. Suddenly, there were more than ten black armour soldiers who were turned into smoke.

"What is this?"

Black Nick's face went crazy and he screamed out in disbelief.

And the other black armour soldiers, who witnessed this scene with their own eyes, were as cold as ice.

Their physical body is comparable to that of the master of horizontal training. The armor on their body surface is made from the "Alderman alloy" secretly developed by the United States. This alloy is the hardest metal that can be synthesized on earth. Ordinary divine realm can't leave a mark on its surface with a single blow. One soldier wearing it is enough to defeat thousands of people.

The tens of Ares team can be said to be the bottom card of the United States. With dozens of people coming out together, we can easily wipe out all the forces outside the five powers.

But in front of Chen fan, they are just like ants, vulnerable. How can it be?

"What is the treasure in his hand? Is it that super weapon? "

Black Nick had a deep fear in his eyes.

But at this time, when he regretted, it was too late.

Chen Fan's eyes are not happy or sad, and his hands are like a god standing high above the nine heavens. The chaotic thunder pillars transformed from the thunder of the five elements never stop falling.

Ten, twenty, thirty!

In an instant, the whole ares team, including black Nick, was destroyed.All the people who saw this scene lost their voice, as if they were under the magic of silence.

PS: the third watch is here. The author continues to write the fourth watch. Today, there will be a big outbreak in the fifth watch_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!