Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 593

Chen fan is very angry.

It's not just the enemy, it's the self. Knowing clearly that the opponent dares to come at this time, he must be fully prepared. He dares to provoke him only when he has a card. But it's still too careless.

"If I hadn't had the golden flame armor just now, I would have had the immortal body of the Qing emperor. I'm afraid I would have been badly damaged." Chen fan was wrapped in a golden flame, his breath was overwhelming, and his eyes were cold:

"it seems that I didn't kill enough, but someone still dares to provoke me. This time, we must not stay, we must kill all! Completely intimidate the opponent. "

In this way, chen fan's speed is faster and faster, with a long whistle, like a bright golden meteor, towards the direction of the electromagnetic gun.

"Not good."

The bald man, seeing that Chen Fan was not dead, suddenly changed his face. His blue eyes were full of panic. He quickly tried to insert the metal spear and start the electromagnetic gun. But Chen Fan's speed is so fast that it's too late.


Chen fan was hundreds of meters away, and he pointed to the sword and cut it in the air.


In the void, it seems that there is a blue lightning.

This blue electric awn, across the sky, across hundreds of meters in a flash, has been split to the bald man's head between the fingers. The fierce knife spirit is overwhelming. Before the end of the knife, there was a shallow scar on the ground.


The bald man raised his head fiercely. In his eyes, blue awn won. A bright blue light net appears in the void. This blue light net is purely condensed by the vast spiritual power. It's like steel, enough to cut a car to pieces. Spiritual power has reached the level of interfering with reality. In the underground world, it is no longer called a spiritual master, but is honored as a "spiritual master".

The bald man in front of him is obviously a rare "divine master".

There are few spiritual masters, far less than martial arts. And a higher level of spiritual master may not produce one in a hundred years. There was no divine master in the list of gods hundreds of years ago, but once it appeared, its power was extremely terrible.

Apart from other things, this cohesion, like the spiritual wall of substance, is enough to stop most of the divine realm.

Unfortunately, he is facing chen fan.


In Chen Fan's hand, the blade was so sharp that it turned into ten feet long. It was as thin as a cicada's wing, almost in a line. The bright blue light, like a flowing water, easily splits the blue light net and cuts directly at the bald man.


The bald man yelled, and the blue awn in his eyes was urged to the extreme. The blue ripple visible to the naked eye rushes to Chen Fan's eyes in an instant. It seems that it wants to turn into Chen Fan's brain and control Chen Fan with mental power.

The spiritual master can control people with his mind, not to mention the more terrifying master? It is said that there was once a master who worked for Germany during World War II. At a glance, you can control the thinking of tens of thousands of people and control the army of a division, such as waving your fingers and arms.

This surging spiritual power, like a tide, surged to Chen fan, more powerful than any strong man chen fan had ever seen.

"Ha ha, mole ants are so common that they dare to compete with me."

Chen Fan disdained to smile, eyes flash, then, two Zhang long blue god awn, inch by inch burst open, in the void issued crackling explosion sound.

The blue ripples of the bald man collided with Chen Fan's blue god awn. It was like two sharp swords splitting into him. Instead of controlling chen fan, he was attacked by Chen fan all the way into his mind. Suddenly, his body was stiff, and there were blood stains in his nostrils and ears.


Just a knife cut off, bald man with a head, was born split into two, the grand spirit, but also by Chen Fan's spiritual power into pieces.

"The first one."

After Chen Fan killed people, without stopping, he directly rose up and chased the other two sides.

"No, three wise men are in danger."

The two people on the hillside turned pale at the same time.

"Nick, I'll stop him first. You'll lead the Ares team and come later."

The blonde man gave a soft drink.

A silver white metal liquid permeates from his body and forms a silver white armor on his body. The armor completely enveloped him, like a silver metal robot.

The blonde man stamped his foot fiercely, and his body shot out like a silver arrow. He broke the sound barrier and shot at chen fan.

"All right, Clark, you have to be careful."

The black man shook his head slightly, opened the box behind him and quickly put heavy black armor on him. Behind him, dozens of men in black armor also came with heavy steps and galloping.


Chen fan has run to the second electromagnetic gun.

The man operating the electromagnetic gun was also a bald man with blue eyes and a silver robe. His skin showed light blue blood vessels. It's even more powerful than the one before.But Chen Fan's full power is so terrible. This knife is not only a bald man, but also the electromagnetic gun beside it.


When Chen Fan stamped his feet again and wanted to soar into the sky.

A silver streamlined robot rushes to Chen fan.

"What is this?"

Chen fan was slightly surprised and hit him with a punch.

Unexpectedly, the silver man didn't dodge. He spread his hands and wanted to hold chen fan.


Chen Fan's face was slightly cold, his fist power exploded, and he was three points faster in an instant. A straight punch was printed on the silver man.


Chen Fan didn't fight the silver man out with this punch, just made a fist mark on his chest. But then the punch mark quickly disappeared.

"How is that possible?"

Chen fan was slightly surprised.

The blow he made with all his strength was enough to blow up a warship, that is, he could not carry Chen Fan with all his strength. This weird silver robot is OK? Does it not mean that his body has surpassed half blood?

"Come again!"

In Chen Fan's eyes, he was full of fighting spirit. His body swayed in an instant. In an instant, he broke the sound barrier nine times in a row and hit nine fists in the void. Every punch hit the silver man.


The silver man couldn't bear it. He was directly hit by Chen Fan and flew backward for one or two kilometers. Like a shell, he hit a small hill and knocked that hill out of a human hole.

But then, the silver man climbed out of the cave, shook his head and continued to rush to Chen fan.

"What the hell is this?"

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

This silver metal robot is just like an immortal Xiaoqiang. No matter how far Chen Fan flies it, it will recover quickly. After several punches, chen fan vaguely understood.

The silver armor on its surface is like a flowing liquid.

No matter how powerful Chen Fan's fist is, when he hits this layer of silver liquid, it will shake like a water wave at most, and then it will be removed quickly. Now it seems that even Lin Shuming's Dixian sword may not be able to break this layer of silver armor.

"Can this be technology developed by the earth? Even if the United States develops for another 100 years, it will not be able to do so. "

Chen Fan didn't believe it.

This superb armor technology vaguely reminds chen fan of several super civilizations he saw in the universe in his previous life. Although compared with those super civilized super armor, this kind of silver armor is still relatively immature, but it has already taken shape.


Chen Fan's finger is like a sword, and the green sword is like a sword.

But the metal on the silver body surface, I don't know what alloy it is, is harder than the armor of a warship. Chen fan just smashed the silver man into the ground for more than ten meters, but he couldn't break the armor.

"Damn, what devil is this?"

Chen Fan didn't know. His punch almost scared the blonde Clark to death.

His silver armour, called "war god armed", is the most powerful existence of the whole war god team.

There are only two or three in America. Once armed with Ares, they can't be killed with laser guns or electromagnetic guns. The United States has done experiments, and the Ares armed forces can even carry a nuclear explosion and advance ten kilometers until they are close to the center of the nuclear explosion.

These armor pieces can be regarded as the national artifact of the United States.

If it wasn't for the purpose of sniping chen fan, they wouldn't have used it at all. But did not expect, chen fan's blow, almost broke the God of war armed. How can a blonde man not be scared to death.

"That bastard Nick, if he doesn't come again, I'll be killed by this man as a basketball."

Clark screamed in his heart.

At this time, black Nick finally rushed into the battlefield.

Only dozens of robots in black armor, like shield holders, joined the battlefield. Their armor is as heavy as a mountain. The weapons in their hands are also different.

There are long knives, sharp swords, rocket launchers, electromagnetic guns, shields and so on.

These ten people are not scattered, but are well-trained and cooperate with each other. Like a complete team, they surround Chen Fan layer by layer.

"This is the real ares team."

Chen Fan's eyes were cold.

The armor these men wear is one level stronger than the French Poseidon armor. The Poseidon armor can't even hold Chen Fan's fist, but their armor can hold Chen Fan's fist. This means that after these people put on the armor, they are close enough to the strength of horizontal training.

"Dozens of quasi horizontal training fairyland, one quasi congenital, and three electromagnetic cannons with attack comparable to congenital. Is this the bottom card of the United States?"

Chen Fan's pupils are deep and indifferent.

Although these people only have the same physical strength, they are far inferior to the real congenital or transverse spiritual state in other aspects. But combined with each other, it seems that they are really inborn strong."Bang!"

The last electromagnetic gun, fire again.

This time, chen fan didn't dodge. A flash of five color streamer appeared on his head, blooming with bright electric light. The operation of five color electric light was like the opening up of chaos and the beginning of the universe.

Five thunder seal!

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!