Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 592

Ten times the speed of sound!

The speed of sound is 340 meters per second. Ten times the speed of sound is 3400 meters per second. I want to fly three or four kilometers in a second. This speed is even faster than that of ordinary missiles, much faster than that of cannons. The long-range attacker obviously knew that Chen fan had the mental ability to detect, so he made a fatal blow 20 kilometers away.

Twenty kilometers, five seconds in front of ten times the speed of sound.


Even before the shrill sound, the metal spear, with a touch of blue light, broke through the void for 20 Li and shot at chen fan. Even before he gets close, chen fan can already feel the incredible energy and invincible sharpness of the spear tip, which is almost comparable to Lin Shuming's Dixian sword.


In a flash.

Chen Fan's face was not happy or sad, and his spirit entered a magical realm. All his thoughts, as if scattered into the void, are linked with the whole sea of heaven and earth. Every trace, every angle and every stream of air of that metal spear are clearly printed in Chen Fan's sea knowledge.

His whole body's true yuan, boils like the sea, the body from inside to outside, blooms the bright blue light. The body is crystal clear, the blood is as silver and mercury as the river of the Yangtze River. The surging power is instantly gathered in the fist.


Chen Fan punches.

He was like a mirage. He came first and hit the spear point in an incredible angle.


It's like the metal sound of two huge hammers hitting each other. From the fist and spear point, there is a huge sonic boom cloud. The surging cloud ring surged in all directions. The sand, vegetation and guardrails with a radius of tens of meters are all blown up by the current, and the sand flies away like a storm.

It is only when the sound explosion cloud is dispersed that the scene can be seen.

The metal spear, more than one meter long, is a streamlined shuttle with many mysterious runes engraved on it. Each Rune also blooms blue light, and the whole body is made of silver white metal, unknown and mysterious. The point of its spear and Chen Fan's fists are still shaking violently. It seems to run through Chen Fan's body, and a bright electric light lights up, like an electric dragon, swallowing forward.

But Chen Fan's fist was wrapped in a golden flame and green awn. Like a golden ball of light, the spear point and current are blocked. About a few seconds later, the metal spear let out a whine, the current ran out and crashed to the ground.

And Chen Fan scattered the golden flame in his hands, showing a white and delicate fist, and was not hurt.

"How could it be?"

All the people who saw this scene were disgraced.

"That's a god killing weapon! It's a sharp Rune blessed by a wise man. It's made of space metal. It's fired by an electromagnetic gun. It's a blow with a speed of more than ten times the speed of sound. Even the aircraft carrier can pierce, even the gods can be killed, but Chen beixuan stopped him? "

The woman with seaweed color and long hair screamed inconceivably.

Her pretty face was full of shock. And next to the three meter tall man, at this time the arm fracture has recovered, urn voice: "don't talk nonsense, ready to fight, he has come!"

In fact, as early as when the metal spear fell, chen fan was in a flash, broke the sound barrier, and immediately chased the spear. His mind had already covered that position.

Only 20 kilometers away.

A weird, three meter long, streamlined black electromagnetic gun was there. The electromagnetic gun is full of the beauty of science fiction, as if it is not like a real weapon.

Next to the electromagnetic gun, a long bald man with translucent skin and blue blood vessels can be seen. He is shining electric light with both hands. He takes a silver white spear from the ground out of thin air and thrusts it into the electromagnetic gun.

"The earth already has such an advanced electromagnetic gun?"

Chen fan was surprised as he ran along.

The electromagnetic gun is basically the standard configuration of the space civilization. Only those civilizations that build space warships and fight in the void can develop a complete electromagnetic gun.

Although the earth's electromagnetic gun, far less powerful than the electromagnetic gun of the universe civilization, can only have ten times the speed of sound. And the electromagnetic gun of the cosmic civilization can even reach 100 times, 1000 times the speed of sound, and penetrate thousands of miles in one blow. But the power is strong enough, that is, chen fan is unprepared to be hit, and he will be hit hard in an instant.

As soon as Chen Fan ran three kilometers, he saw a strong man blocking the front.

"Get out of here!"

This time, chen fan didn't keep his hand any longer. He just hit it with one punch. It was like a dragon dancing in the air, and the green fist rose above the sky for nine days.


The strong man only had time to cross his hands, and the whole person, as if hit by a locomotive, flew out sideways and upside down. In an instant, he bumped into a huge stone 30 meters away and crushed it. And his whole hands, his chest is deeply sunken, his whole sternum, ribs and internal organs are broken.

After a fight, chen fan did not leave any body shape. With a sharp whistling sound, he pulled out a long white mark and continued to chase the electromagnetic gun. In the field, only this electromagnetic gun can threaten chen fan."Stop!"

At this time, another person stopped in front of Chen fan.

The man was dressed in thick black armor, more than two meters high, standing in the same place, his feet deep into the sand. His whole body was covered with armor, and there was no gap. Even in his eyes, there were two pieces of blue crystal. Armored man with a metal knife, a shield, like a mountain across the front.


Chen Fan did not mean it and hit again. But unexpectedly, he was stopped by the shield holder when he hit the tank enough. Although the shield holder stepped back ten steps, and there was a faint metal fist mark on the shield, he was not hit by a fist.


Chen fan was slightly surprised.

With his fist, although he didn't use all his strength, he couldn't bear it.

The shield bearer in armor didn't get blasted by Zhenyuan, but just stepped back ten steps. It's enough to be in the top ten of the list of gods. Especially the alloy shield in his hand can block Chen Fan's fist seal? This is incredible? You know, even half a meter thick tank armor can't hold Chen Fan's fist.

"Come again!"

Chen Fan's body shape is like a dragon and snake. The bright Zhenyuan bursts out in his hands. His whole body turns into a dragon about ten feet long and pours at the shield holder fiercely.

This time, chen fan did not keep his hand and hit hard!

It is the five chief arbitrators who are here that all want to hear about it. The shield holder's pupils were shrinking. Just now, chen fan hit him with a punch, and he was about to vomit blood. Although he was protected by alloy armor, his body was also shocked to numbness. Chen Fan's punch now is far more powerful than the previous one. I'm afraid he will be blown up by Shengsheng!


At this time, another sharp howl sounded.

A blue streamer, with the speed of far supersonic and the power of terror, came to Chen Fan in an instant. Along the way, all kinds of rocks, vegetation, guardrails and so on seem to be vulnerable before the streamer of destroying heaven and earth.

"The attacker is definitely a spiritual master, and may even be the existence of spiritual ecstasy."

Chen Fan reacted instantly.

At this time, he is moving at a speed beyond the speed of sound. Most people can't even capture his body shape, not to mention aiming at him. However, the bald man who manipulated the electromagnetic gun was able to accurately capture Chen Fan's movement track, which represented his mental strength, even if not as good as Chen fan.


Chen Fan didn't carry it hard this time, but in a flash, his body was like a mirage, out of the void, and let the metal spear flash in front of the shield holder.


The shield holder's face changed wildly. It was too late to raise his shield.

Under Chen Fanyi's hand print, he smashed the alloy shields as if he had made a breakthrough. Yu Li even smashed the armored men with black armor into meat cakes.

Then, with the help of this force, chen fan sprang up and rushed straight to the sky to rush to the electromagnetic gun. In the middle, the seaweed colored woman wanted to sneak attack. Chen Fan cut her hand into water and ran away.

In the sky, I saw a blue meteor, cutting through the air, with a long whistle.

Ten kilometers, seven kilometers, five kilometers.

Closer and closer, chen fan can see that the bald man is still putting the third metal spear into the electromagnetic gun. But it's too late. Chen fan can absolutely crush him and the electromagnetic gun into pieces before the third attack.

At this time, chen fan suddenly saw the bald man, stopped the action in his hand, and looked over fiercely. Blue eyes, with a sneer smile, seem to say:

"you've been cheated."

"Not good."

Chen Fan's face changed.

In his mind, he instantly sensed that there were two more metal spears coming from the left and right directions tens of kilometers away. These two metal spears, the speed of flight, far better than before, did achieve a terrible 20 times the speed of sound!

What is the concept of 20 times the speed of sound?

It's 6.8 kilometers per second. It's 20 kilometers. It only takes three seconds to cross. This speed is even beyond the limit of human reaction. Even chen fan can catch it, but he can't react in mid air.

"Bang, bang!"

See these two blue light, like cross lightning, fiercely hit chen fan. A violent blue current burst up in the void, just like a bright electric group.

"Chen beixuan is dead!"

More than ten kilometers away, on a hill, they were standing side by side.

One of them was blonde, the other was black. But the breath on both of them was terrible, especially the sign on the chest. It's like the sword of the God of war.

"One wise man is seduced, and the other two will kill. This is a god killing weapon developed by our ares team for decades, specially for dealing with the five chief arbitrators and possible gods. Even the real gods can't bear it, let alone Chen beixuan? "The blonde man shook his head.

The other black man's eyes were filled with regret.

While they were talking and laughing, there was a roar of anger in the middle of the day. A golden light suddenly broke away from the blue electric ball and shot at the direction of the electromagnetic gun at a speed several times faster than the speed of sound.

"What's this?"

The pupils of both men contracted at the same time.

PS: the first one is presented. The author continues to write the second one. My friends, the author finally adjusts and the outbreak begins_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!