Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 591

"How is that possible?"

Both Sir Brad and count Downey were stunned. He is the deputy director general of the Department of economy and industry of the European Union. How can he not know about the EU's economic resolutions?

"It was decided by the EU Joint Summit."

Eddie's face was gloomy when he put down the phone.

The crowd was speechless for a while.

The Joint Summit is the highest decision-making body in Europe. Once the decision is made, it means that no one in Europe can object to it. In front of the leaders of European countries, both Sir Brad and kirkel are too small. Even the whole Lancaster family could not control the European countries.

"What is the reason that the heads of state can agree to it. It's impossible. Isn't beiqiong a company of China? Is it the Chinese government that did it? "

Some suspect.

"The EU will not give in to China. There must be something that I don't know has happened." Eddie shakes his head. With a gloomy face, he dials another phone directly:

"Mr. Claire, don't you promise me that you won't let beiqiong group enter the European market?"

At the other end of the phone, there was an angry voice:

"I promised you, but you didn't tell me. Behind the beiqiong group is Chen beixuan! "

"Who?" Eddie was surprised:

"are you talking about Chen beixuan, the Chinese strongman who destroyed the Black Sea fleet of the European Union?"

Eddie didn't know that when he said this, everyone in the villa turned pale at the same time.

He was far away in the United States. Naturally, he didn't know. Recently, the whole Europe has been stirred up by Chen fan. In particular, chen fan was refining super weapons next to London, which scared London officials three times a day. Chen beixuan is a nightmare for count Downey and others.

"Yes, that's him." The person at the other end of the phone snorted:

"Chen beixuan asked to put beiqiong group into Europe as a condition for his departure. The heads of state naturally agreed that compared with Chen beixuan, a mere beiqiong group is nothing. I warn you, don't mess with beiqiong group any more. You and even the lanster family behind you can't mess with it. "

With that, the man hung up with a bang.

Eddie's face was livid with anger, and he was clutching the phone, hoping to hit the ground.

However, the man named Claire opposite is also a heavyweight official of the European Union, and the lanster family can only make friends. Although Eddie is the heir of the Lancaster family, he can't offend easily.

"Is it really Chen beixuan?"

Said count Downey, with a trace of horror.

The others, however, began to shake their legs.

Although they listen to Chen beixuan's name every day, chen fan is far away from them. It was a great power standing high above the rest of the world. And they are just a few members and directors. Can they be compared with Chen fan?

"This Chen beixuan is very powerful?"

After all, Eddie was far away in the United States, and the news he got was far less clear than that of the Europeans.

"It's more than fierce. It's a demon like existence." Count Downey laughs worse than he cries.

"Mr. lancet, I'll leave if I have something else to do." Said Sir Brad, suddenly rising. Then kirkel and others rushed to leave, as if hiding from the God of plague.

The Viscount of York watched, dumbfounded.

He thought that beiqiong group would give in before, but he didn't expect that the road would turn around in an instant.

"Is Chen beixuan the Chinese named Chen fan?" Thinking of this, viscount York shuddered and felt as if he had passed through the gate of death.

Soon, only Eddie and count Downey were left in the hall.

Eddie was livid.

Count Downey wanted to go, but he couldn't get away.

"What is the strength of Chen beixuan? Can you scare them like this? " Eddie gritted his teeth every word.

In count Downey's trembling voice, Eddie gradually understood what Chen fan had done in Europe.

He destroyed the Black Sea fleet, flattened the dark arbitration department, killed more than ten ancient families in one breath, and refined a weapon comparable to nuclear weapons. This series of things down, even Eddie can't help but open his mouth.

"Who are these people? It's a God. "

Eddie thought about it in his heart, but when he thought of Chen Fan's scornful eyes, he suddenly got angry, and a light of anger flashed in his eyes: "Chen beixuan, you are powerful, but you know, the overlord of the world is not you!"


Chen Fan stayed in London for another few days. After witnessing the signing of the agreement between the EU and beiqiong group, he was ready to leave. Unexpectedly, an unexpected person arrived.

"Mr. Chen, I come to apologize for what happened before."

Eddie's elegant appearance shows the details of the ancient family."It's over."

Chen Fan waved.

He didn't see Eddie like that.

"No, I've gone too far and offended the honorable lady Anya. Please do give me a chance to make amends. " Eddie kept bowing.

When things are abnormal, they are demons.

A few days ago, Eddie was very arrogant. He didn't pay attention to Chen Fan because he was the successor of the Lancaster family. Now he is so respectful?

Chen fan stopped and said with a smile: "Oh? How do you want to make amends? "

"I'd like to invite you two at the Queen Victoria Hotel. Please be sure to come."

Eddie stooped.

Queen Victoria Hotel is a very famous scenic spot in Britain. It is located on the banks of the Thames River outside London, where you can see the tower of London. It is a place where many foreign dignitaries stay.


Chen Fan thought about it and agreed.

After Eddie left, Anya frowned and said: "little brother, I feel that this person seems to have bad intentions. Let's not go."

"I'll know when I get there. Moreover, all schemes and schemes are vain in the presence of power. "

Chen Fan's eyes sparkle.

In the afternoon, chen fan drove a silver gray Rolls Royce to the Queen Victoria Hotel. Because this trip may be dangerous, chen fan left Anya in the winter palace.

The Queen Victoria Hotel, like a towering white tower, stands on the banks of the Thames River. From downtown London, you need to drive 20 to 30 kilometers along the river.

Just as the hotel was just around the corner. A rocket suddenly came from a distance.


The rocket was powerful and fast, like a missile, and it hit the car in an instant. This is worth millions, so-called bulletproof Rolls Royce limited edition, directly exploded into a ball of fire, the sound shook the night sky.

"That's it?"

On a hill, a slender woman in a black tights and seaweed hair said strangely that beside her, there was a strong man who was two meters tall. The strong man is carrying a large rocket launcher on his shoulder, and the sound of the urn is like this:

"this is a special rocket launcher named killing God I, which is filled with a large amount of armor piercing rockets. He is a strong man in spirit. If he is hit in the front, he may not survive."

"But Chen beixuan is not an ordinary divine realm, otherwise he would not use our ares team."

The woman with seaweed hair shook her head.

"Team Ares, is that your code name?"

A voice suddenly came from behind them.


The seaweed colored woman was startled, and her body turned violently. She had two black daggers in her hand, shining with dark light. She was as strong as a cheetah. The strong man next to her directly picked up the bazooka and smashed it like a giant stick.


Chen Fan's one hand gently pressed the rocket launcher. No matter how hard a two meter tall man tries, he can't break free. The other hand grabs at the void and grabs the seaweed colored woman in the void.

"How dare you two attack me?"

Chen Fan shook his head slightly.

Although these two men are strong, they are at the master level. Chen fan at this time a finger, can easily crush to death: "I thought, lanster has what ability, send you?"

"Ha ha?"

The seaweed colored woman, caught by Chen fan out of thin air, suddenly sneers. He turned into a stream of water and broke away from Chen Fan's palm. Then he condensed in front of Chen fan again. His hands stabbed like the wind and hit thirteen in an instant.

And the two meter tall man was a roar.

His figure soared, turning into more than three meters high. His whole body was as if he had been smeared with a layer of golden light, and his muscles puffed up, no less than Tongshan. His strength soared. He pushed Chen Fan's hand away and smashed it in the air. There was a series of explosions in the air. It was like thunder. We can see the power of the strong man's fist.


Chen fan was slightly surprised. He didn't think that there was such a change.

However, even if their strength soared, they were close to the divine realm, and they were not in Chen Fan's eyes. Chen fan reaches out a finger and flicks it to break the dagger in Haizao's hand. Another finger wind hits Haizao's chest directly, bumps her chest and shoots back tens of meters.

Then, with a light blow, chen fan beat the strong man with his fist to fist.


Strong enough to break the iron wall, empty handed to dismantle the tank's fist, Chen Fansheng was discounted. The strength of the fist is like the collapse of Mount Tai, which is fiercely printed on the shoulder of the strong man and blows him out directly.

In a flash, the two ares team members were defeated in an instant.

"Just the two of you dare not come to me. What about the others? How dare you come out? "Chen fan, with his hands on his back and a flash of body shape, stood in front of the seaweed colored woman and said faintly.

"Ha ha, you will see them soon."

The woman with seaweed color and long hair smiles strangely. Her body turns into water and penetrates into the ground. Then came a sharp whistling.

The sharpness of this howling sound is unimaginable.

Chen Fan's pupil suddenly shrinks, and the divine sense senses that an object is shooting at him at an unprecedented speed. This object is like a metal spear, but it has ten times the speed of sound. It is faster than a flying sword. Even Chen Fan's divine sense is too fast to capture Tao. It has the power to penetrate steel.

This is their real killing move!

PS: the third one is presented, and the author continues to write the fourth one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!