Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 590

"I'm sorry, but Ann doesn't drink."

As an assistant of Anya, AI Jingqi tries to help Anya out.

"Miss Anya, you must be clear. If beiqiong group wants to enter the European and American markets, some things must be compromised. I just want a glass of wine, and some people want the whole beiqiong group. Which do you choose? "

Eddie is still holding the glass and looking at Anya fiercely.

Anya has a struggle in her eyes. Compared with the development of beiqiong group, a glass of wine is really nothing. Especially after she has become a successful practitioner, not to mention Hennessy XO, it is pure alcohol, which can't intoxicate her.


Anya was about to agree when Chen Fan next to her suddenly said, "if you don't enter, you won't enter. They don't want it now. In the future, they will cry and ask us to sell it to them."

Chen fan is full of confidence.

The effect of lifeyuan liquid was too diluted to be seen at first. However, as time goes on, people who drink life yuan liquid will become more and more strong. They will not suffer from all kinds of diseases and live longer. In the future, they may even have the talent of spiritual root and even cultivation of immortals.

Because it has only been one or two years and the effect is not obvious. After three or four or four or five years. The effect of lifeyuanye will really show. At that time, Europe and the United States will not be able to sit still and take the initiative to open the market and ask beiqiong group to enter. Otherwise, they will miss the chance of evolution.

"Who are you?"

Eddie's eyes narrowed and looked at Chen Fan with a trace of haze.

As early as the life yuan liquid came out, the lanster family called together experts to study desperately.

Inadvertently, it seems that there is a strange force in the life primordial fluid, which can start the evolution of human beings. In particular, the proportion of people who drink life yuan liquid is more than 10 times that of ordinary people! It's a frightening number.

Since then, the lanster family has listed the life primordial fluid as one of the most important goals. In fact, Eddie is behind all kinds of attempts to win, the obstruction of the European Union, and count Downey.

He knew Anya was coming, so he specially chose this opportunity to come, and wanted to force Anya step by step, and finally got the formula of life yuan liquid. I didn't expect to be stopped by Chen fan.

"Xiao Fan, I just have a drink. It's OK."

Anya said with a smile.

"No, sister Ann, you don't know what kind of chips you have."

Chen Fan turned his back and glanced at the people: "although they are arrogant and reserved now, when they know the real effect of life Yuanye, they will kneel down, lick the feet of beiqiong group, and ask us to give them life Yuanye."

The earth is the exhausted Death Star. There is no way to practice, just like hell.

Life Yuanye is the only way for Chen fan to give this planet. Who can control the life Yuanye, who can control the key of human evolution in the future.

"Shut up

Count Downey and so on turned pale at the same time.

"How dare you be so presumptuous when you are talking to the great heir of the Lancaster family

Sir Brad said angrily. It seems that he didn't expect chen fan to be so bold.

The United States is the world's hegemon, and the lanster family plays an important role in the United States, controlling trillions of dollars of assets and controlling the political situation. In terms of power and status, the heirs of such a terrible family are more noble than princes and princesses. The lanster family can even overthrow the regimes of some small countries if they want to.

"Do you know who I am?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly and said with a smile.

"I don't need to know who you are, even if you are the crown prince of Japan or the top family members of China, it's no use." Eddie lanstrow, slow down.

The lanster family has the strength.

After he finished, he ignored chen fan and bowed to Anya: "Miss Anya, I'm looking forward to talking with you next time. If you change your mind, please contact me at any time."

Then he turned and left.

Watch Eddie lanster leave. Count Downey, sir Brad and others all shook their heads with a sneer, and left without looking at chen fan.

In an instant, only chen fan and Viscount York were left in the hall.

"Miss Anya, the Lancaster family, has a huge influence in Europe and the United States. Without his nod, beiqiong group will never be able to enter the western market. "

The Viscount of York frowned.

Anya is also struggling. This is really a golden opportunity.

However, after she glanced at chen fan, she quickly recovered and calmly said to Viscount York, "since the West does not welcome us, then beiqiong group will temporarily stop all business in the West."


Viscount York's eyes were wide open.

The European and American markets are the largest in the world. The loss of this market, which accounts for half of the world's GDP, is a devastating blow to beiqiong group, which is equivalent to breaking its own arm.

"Don't you think about it? There's no need to ask the board. "Said the Viscount of York anxiously.

RBS is preparing to help beiqiong group list in Europe and America. Viscount York is also preparing to salvage a sum of money in the listing. Unexpectedly, beiqiong group directly withdrew, which means that all his plans have gone astray.

"No, it's our chairman's decision."

Anya chuckles and looks at chen fan.

At the beginning, Anya was very tangled. But then she immediately reflected that beiqiong group was originally set up for Chen fan. No matter what Chen fan says is true or false, Anya values Chen Fan's opinion more.

When Viscount York sent them out, he still tried to persuade Anya to take back her decision. But Anya has made up her mind.

"Mr. an, do you really want to stop all business in the west?"

After going out, AI Jingqi said.

The western market, however, is the main direction of the company's top conference in the next five years. Now that it stops, it's ruining the future of the company.

After Anya nodded her head firmly, AI Jingqi looked at Chen Fan angrily:

"just because of his words, Mr. an would rather sacrifice the company's future. I love this guy too much. But this guy's out there making trouble and finding several female apprentices. He can't keep his mind at all. "

AI Jingqi is more and more angry, and her cheeks are bulging.

Chen Fan shook his head and said, "don't worry, sister an. He will come to us soon."

"I hope so."

Anya smiles and nods. In fact, she doesn't care too much.


in fact, this time is not very long.

That night, European Commission member Charles, with British special envoy Chris, came to the door to tell chen fan. Senior leaders of European countries have unanimously decided to agree to Chen Fan's request, allow beiqiong faction to exist in Europe, open its market to beiqiong group, exempt all taxes and give it MFN treatment.


At that time, Anya and AI Jingqi were also on the side. When they heard the words, their beautiful eyes were round.

"It can't be a joke."

AI Jingqi hit the tongue.

"Standing in front of you are the members of the European Commission, representing the will of the whole EU. How could it be a joke. " Chris complained.

"But... But..."

AI Jingqi was speechless.

Just before today, they begged their grandparents to enter the European market. For this reason, countless efforts have been made to give up all benefits except the formula of life yuan liquid. However, European countries are still arrogant and are not allowed to enter.

Why do you suddenly turn 180 degrees at night? In particular, the tax free and most favored nation treatment is just like a fairy tale. They don't have the same treatment in their own companies.

"I've heard that many pharmaceutical companies are against it?"

Chen Fan said with a smile.

"It's just a few small companies. They don't matter to the will of the whole EU." Charles said quickly.

No matter how powerful these pharmaceutical companies are, how many stakeholders they have. But in the face of national security, everything has to go backwards. Chen fan is carrying a nuclear weapon. He's staying in London. The British Foreign Minister's hair was white with anxiety, and he desperately wanted to send chen fan away.

Not to mention a few hundred billion dollar industry.

That is, the European Union can agree to the exchange of a small country's political power.

"It seems that there are still some successors of the Lancaster family who don't agree."

Chen Fan continued.

When he heard the name of lanster, Charles's eyelids jumped, but he still said in a righteous way:

"this is Europe, not America. Even the president of the United States can't teach the European Union how to do it, let alone the successor of the Lancaster family. Please rest assured, Mr. Chen, that the EU will carry out its commitment and no one can stop it! "

"Well, I want Europe to keep its promise. Otherwise, I may have to come to Europe often. After all, the black Duke is not dead

Chen Fan shrugged.

Charles had a bitter look on his face. He patted his chest and promised a lot.

For example, to solve the problem of beiqiong group's building address, we can recruit staff and provide wages on behalf of them, and the senior executives of beiqiong group enjoy the right to govern outside the law, and so on.

After Charles and others left, AI Jingqi woke up and stared at Chen Fan with beautiful eyes:

"did you really let them agree? I'm not dreaming

"I said, he came back and begged us." With that, chen fan turned to Anya and said, "the future group will sell the life yuan liquid from Europe and America, dilute it to me twice, and increase it ten times than the domestic price. If you like to buy it or not, we don't want to sell it. "

"All right."

Anya covered her mouth with a smile and her big eyes were full of laughter.

AI Jingqi people beside, has been silly, just feel that his head is not enough....

in a luxury villa on the outskirts of London.

Eddie lanster is beating his legs, holding his glass, leisurely facing count Downey and other humanitarians: "that Chinese woman, she won't stick to it for long. If she loses the western market, she will lose her future."

"Congratulations to master lanster, the recipe and beauty are both here!" Count Downey raised his glass and laughed.

Eddie laughed when he was in bed.

Viscount York was down there, shaking his head slightly.

In his opinion, what Anya said this afternoon was just angry words. When she calms down, she will know how to choose.

"This is the power. In the face of the power of the lanster family, the beiqiong group is too weak to resist." Viscount York sighed.

When Eddie lanster is satisfied, his mobile phone rings. As soon as he answers the phone, his face turns Crazy:

"what? The European Union has unanimously agreed to allow the beiqiong group to enter the WTO

As soon as the words came out, the whole villa was silent.

PS: the second one is offered, and the author continues to write the third one. QQ readers can't see the latest chapters, or those who skip chapters and lack chapters can delete the novel from the bookshelf, add it back, and then they can see o (∩)_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!