Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 587

Chen fan, like a dragon, ascends to the sky.

He is a hunter in long clothes. His black eyes are crystal clear and his whole body is green. He holds an ancient seal in his hand. The ancient seal is five colors and looks like an ancient seal used by the ancient emperor to judge the world. Countless mysterious runes are engraved with the whole seal. These divine patterns are as if they were not written, or as if they were thunder.


As soon as Chen Fan's ancient seal entered the sky, the whole thunder sea was aroused, and the surging five colors of thunder came from all directions. These thunder and lightning are formed by the induction and condensation of the vitality of heaven and earth. They are magnificent and carry out the long sky. Such momentum, at least it has to be made of top-quality spirit tools or spirit treasures, to attract such a big battle.


From Chen Fan's hand, the ancient seal flies to the center of Leihai. It's like a whale drinking water. Countless rays of thunder are quickly absorbed by it. Only a small seal the size of a palm expands rapidly, and soon it's half a meter in size, just like a door panel.

"Prick, prick."

Rows of thunder merge into the ancient seal, making the divine lines on it shine one by one, shining with colorful lights. The breath of the ancient seal rises sharply, as if it were like an immortal.

"This seal is based on the thunder seal of Tianshi Dao. It condenses seven or eight artifact of its own. Although it communicates with the five elements, it is better at manipulating the thunder of the five elements. Let's call it the" five thunder seal. "

Chen Fan said lightly.

As soon as he finished, Wu Lei Yin made a roar, as if in joy.

The five thunder god seals stayed in the air for half an hour, covering the thunder sea with a radius of 10 kilometers, but they were absorbed completely. Finally, the five thunder god seals seemed to have enough to eat and drink, like Chen Fanfei.

When Chen Fan received the seal and came down from the sky, the whole winter palace was silent.

Chris, the British envoy, seems to be a fool.

"That... So big Lei Hai, was sucked dry?" Chris said in a trembling voice.

You know, the five elements thunder sea covered a radius of 10 kilometers, and half of London was shrouded. The terrifying energy contained in it was that even mice and cats could sense it. They were trying to escape, and people were frightened when they came under the thunder cloud. Now, they are all collected by Chen Fan's weapons.

Although Chris doesn't know what Chen Fan's weapon is, he knows that "it" condenses huge energy at this time, just like an irregular bomb. Once it explodes, it will be enough to blow up half of London. At that time, the number of people killed or injured would be in the hundreds of thousands.

"Teacher, have you succeeded in refining?"

Ah Xiu and others happily gathered around.


Chen Fan nodded.

It took more than half a month to complete the refining of wuleishen seal. Although this seal is only a medium level spirit weapon, it has been engraved with twenty-five Dharma arrays by Chen Fanming. It is several times more powerful than ordinary medium level spirit weapons. In the future, as long as Chen Fanxiu is enough, he can refine it into a "Lingbao", just like Guiyuan sword, which has boundless potential.

"Mr. Chen, you have come out at last."

Chris Bauer rushed forward. "Please don't be on our territory, our people, when you refine super weapons next time..."

Chris spoke with a trace of low voice.

In his capacity as Deputy Foreign Minister of the United Kingdom, he is not polite to many heads of state of small countries. However, when he faces chen fan, he is very humble.

Xuedaisha and others watched, vaguely aware that with the success of Chen Fan's seal, his status rose again, and even the great power in the world had to be solemnly opposed.

"I'll inform your country of the next refining."

Chen Fan smiles.

"What, next time?"

Chris is stupid.


after the disappearance of the five color thunderstorm, people on the Internet just lament that the spectacle is gone, but the shock to countries around the world is quite different.

Us, Pentagon.

"Ladies and gentlemen, according to the energy meter carried by the UAV we launched at that time, the energy contained in this thundercloud is no less than that of 10000 tons of explosives, which is equivalent to many small nuclear weapons. You know, the atomic bombs that we exploded in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were only 20000 tons. "

When this information is on the table of the Secretary of defense of the United States.

This white haired old man, known as an iron minister, has a serious face. The old man has experienced countless wars in his life, such as the war of South Korea, the war of Haiti, the war of Panama, the war of the Cape of good hope, the war of Vietnam, the Gulf War...

but he has never been so intractable.

Nuclear weapons!

It is the most powerful force controlled by human beings, which can destroy any city or country in an instant. No matter how powerful the gods are or how powerful the five arbitrators are, their destructive power is still far from nuclear weapons.

When Lin Shuming was fighting with Chen fan, he entered the immortal Kingdom and broke the sea 300 meters with one sleeve.However, if this force is split on the reinforced concrete, it will break the building which is dozens of meters high. In an international metropolis like London, there are 100000 steel buildings. Can Lin Shuming spend 100000 times?

I'm afraid he'll be exhausted after a hundred hits.

The black Duke and other chief arbitrators, though physically strong and capable of breaking the speed of sound, could also spit blood if they were asked to tear down the building with their bare hands.

But nuclear weapons are different.

Ten thousand tons of nuclear weapons can flatten a small county.

100000 tons and one million tons can even destroy large cities. As for the tens of millions of tons above, it is enough to blow up such super metropolises as London and New York into huge pits. The Soviet Union had madly tested a 100 million ton super nuclear bomb, and its power was even more unimaginable. No one survived within a hundred Li, and the sound shocked three thousand li!

In the face of nuclear weapons, the power of the divine realm is like a child. Therefore, no matter whether the Ministry of arbitration or the Vatican retreated and closed the mountain, and no matter how invincible Chen Fan was and how powerful he was, the five great powers never paid attention to him.

But today, chen fan's power over London has made the United States unable to sit still.

"If the energy level reaches 10000 tons, doesn't it mean that it is enough to blow up a city where 100000 people live?"

Many generals looked at each other.

Ten thousand tons of nuclear weapons are not in the eyes of generals. There are thousands of one hundred thousand tons and one million tons of nuclear weapons in their hands. But those nuclear bombs are safely locked in the missile library, and no one can use them except the president's order.

The five thunder seal is in Chen Fan's hands.

It's like a gun is held by a person, and this person, who is a revealer, is prone to kill people.

How can the United States rest assured.

"If China offends Chen beixuan one day, and he releases this 10000 ton super weapon in New York or Boston, the immediate loss will be calculated in terms of 100 billion or even trillions of dollars, and the number of casualties may be ten times or even 100 times that of the September 11 incident!"

The experts reached a conclusion.

All the generals turned pale at the same time. They were white haired ministers, and their pupils shrank.

What is the concept of a hundred 911 events?

"Our country can never afford such a danger! Either destroy Chen beixuan or recruit Chen beixuan, there is no third way to choose! " The white haired defense minister is very serious.

You're not wrong.

But if you threaten me, then you are wrong, and it is a big mistake of life and death. If I don't get rid of you, I can't sleep! It's like a peaceful dormitory where someone suddenly takes out a knife. The knife may not stab me, but I will be afraid.

"Your Excellency, I request to use the war god's arms and carry the weapon of killing gods to destroy Chen beixuan!"

A major general stood up.

"I agree!"

The air force Lieutenant rose.

"I agree too!"

The major general followed.

Many generals rose in succession, accounting for nearly half of the total staff. Only those powerful generals are still sitting there, looking at you with solemn eyes.

With white hair and a straight iron wrist, the minister gently tapped his fingers on the table. After a long time, he said, "send the CIA first, mainly to win over. It doesn't matter how much money he wants or what company's shares are hundreds of billions of dollars. Even if he wants the control of a country, he can give it to him. But if he doesn't agree... "

speaking of this, the iron hand minister's eyes are cold:

" start immediately and carry out the decapitation plan! "


All the generals stood up.


not only the United States, but also the great powers of the world, such as Britain, France, Russia and China. This kind of instrument for measuring energy is being developed secretly by various countries. Not only the United States has obtained the data, but several countries have also obtained the detailed data of Lei Hai.

"The energy of 10000 tons of explosives is comparable to that of small nuclear weapons. How did Chen beixuan do it?"

In the Kunlun base, Minister Xiao's hands trembled as he looked at the report.

No matter how powerful the divine realm is, it's as strong as a missile. A missile can carry dozens of tons of explosives at most. In addition to nuclear weapons, there is no other weapon on the earth.

"Minister, it seems that we have always underestimated Chen beixuan."

Xuanwu is the most important way.

Chen fan was a tough man, but he was not in the eyes of the five powers. Even if Russia had a truce, it was just not willing to fight with Chen fan again, so that the United States could find a bargain. The EU's pursuit of peace is not afraid of Chen fan. It just feels that it is meaningless and has no real interests to fight with Chen fan.

But now it's different. Chen fan has real weapons in his hands, which are enough to threaten the great powers in the world.

Even if it's just a 10000 ton nuclear bomb.

However, it also makes many big countries fear. Even if they are as strong as the United States, they have to open their eyes and look at chen fan."Nuclear weapons are the most sensitive nerve of the United States. Iran and Libya want to develop nuclear weapons. They have been punished for decades. Without our protection, they have been blown to pieces by the United States. This time, Chen beixuan is in trouble. "

The white tiger shook his head.

Minister Xiao did not say anything, but held the information tightly.

And in the rosefinch's beautiful eyes, there was a flash of worry.

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