Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 586


When Chen Fan was practicing the seal of the five elements, a ray of thunder fell directly from the nine heavens and exploded over the winter palace. The thunder was rolling and the sound spread for hundreds of miles. This is just open, and then, the second, the third lightning, one after another, over the winter palace, as if there was a thundercloud, dark clouds, lightning around.

Snow on behalf of sand and others have long received Chen Fan orders, not panic.

However, countless Londoners who saw this scene were greatly surprised, and countless spies lurking near the winter palace were even more shocked.

"What is Chen beixuan doing?"

"Is he going to be promoted to Dixian? But he just broke through. "

"Look at this, it's a bit like our country experimenting with super electromagnetic weapons."

Many lurkers were surprised.

Among these lurkers are the strong in the dark world, the spies of the major power families, the intelligence agencies of the EU countries, and the spies of other countries in the world.

At this time, chen fan's pressure on the earth loomed like a new dominator of the dark world. His every move has attracted the attention of major organizations and forces all over the world.


As the days went by, the thunder cloud grew bigger and bigger, and finally shrouded the whole eastern suburb of London. Among them, electric snakes were everywhere and thunder roared. At this time, more than ten thunderbolts would explode together. Almost like a sea of thunder.

The news even shocked the official departments in London.

British officials repeatedly came to the door to see Chen fan, but they were all blocked by xuedaisha. However, xuedaisha revealed that this was caused by Chen Fan refining a super weapon. There is no need to panic and it will not harm the citizens of London.

"What kind of super weapon can lead to such large-scale lightning? It's already super lethal. "

As soon as the news reached the ears of the intelligence organizations of various countries, the Brussels command center, the Pentagon and other places were in hot discussion.

Chen Fan's combat power, though powerful, was only a single destructive power. But now, the treasure he refined has attracted thunder clouds, covering a radius of ten miles, which is half of London.

This is the boundary of nuclear weapons.

Even if it's just the smallest nuclear weapon class, it also instantly touches the sensitive nerves of several major powers in the world.

"Send intelligence personnel to inquire as hard as you can!"

Countries quickly made up their minds.

Then xuedaisha and others ushered in wave after wave of spies. Some of these spies are top killers, some Japanese ninjas and some high-tech spies.

All in all, there are many different ways.

But at this time, the winter palace has turned into an iron wall. Xue Daisha, a Xiu, Yu Wenjing, and many beiqiong real people. And the new dark guard Shiloh. It is even more difficult for a deity to sneak in.

"Poof Pooh."

Xuedaisha waved a long sword, blood awn in the air, and chopped a spy who was dressed in optical camouflage and almost integrated with the wall into two pieces with one sword. Then he turned around and said:

"recently, there are more and more spies, and they can hardly be killed."

Ah Xiu came from her side. Her petite body seemed to contain the power of Tyrannosaurus Rex, just like a female Tyrannosaurus Rex. She had just smashed a Japanese man to pieces.

"The teacher's power of refining magic tools is too big, covering half of London, which is basically to the level of destroying the city. How can those world powers not panic? "

Ah Xiu shook his head.

The development of modern society has been extremely huge.

A master level master can smash a car with one punch. If he wants to tear down a city, he may not be able to do it for ten years.

It's the strong one in the divine realm. It looks strong, but with one full blow, the building with a height of tens of meters will collapse at most. In a city with millions of people, there may be hundreds or thousands of such buildings. If they are destroyed, they can be exhausted to death!

Even modern technology, the most powerful conventional weapon.

For example, the father of bombs in Russia, the ancestor of bombs in the United States, and so on, the coverage is only a few hundred meters, just a small area. But like golden city, there are 4000 districts! That is to say, it takes the father of 4000 bombs to clear all Russian stocks.

But nuclear weapons are different.

Even ten thousand tons of nuclear weapons can easily destroy a small city. One hundred thousand tons and one million tons of nuclear weapons are enough to wipe London and New York from the earth. The scope of an explosion is tens of kilometers, and tens of millions of people are killed and injured at any time!

In fact, the great powers in the world are not afraid of the destructive power of the gods and masters. But what Chen fan is showing now is quite different. Once this thunder sea breaks out, it will cover a radius of several kilometers, and the number of casualties may exceed 100000, which is close to the level of nuclear weapons.

"I hope the master can refine it earlier, and then drag it on. The British might have to use their troops to attack. "

Xuedaisha shook his head.

Next to our capital, there are nuclear weapons in production.Britain can still sit still, just look at the invincible face before chen fan. But if this thunder sea continues to expand, more and more people will be alarmed, and the British officials will not be able to help it.

"I don't know what treasure the teacher is refining. It's so powerful."

Even ah Xiu is secretly hitting the tongue.

One day.

Two days.

Three days.

The thunder sea over the winter palace became more and more prosperous, and it was divided into five colors. The five colors of thunder and lightning, green, white, black, red and yellow, entangled each other and split the thunder cloud into five parts.

Not only the Londoners but also the people on the Internet were surprised by this wonderful scene.

"London is known as the fog capital. It's not that the haze is too serious. It's mutated."

There was schadenfreude.

"I think it's the birth of natural resources and local treasures, or some Taoist friend is going through the great calamity. I'll go there as soon as possible, and we can't miss this one thousand year old immortal fate."

This is the reason why I'm fascinated by Xiuxian's novels.

"The niece of my cousin's second eldest brother's wife is in MI6. She secretly told me that the British authorities are experimenting with doomsday weapons and are ready to destroy the world at that time."

This is a rumor monger.

In any case, with more and more strange scenes in recent years, the number of mysterious parties on the Internet is gradually increasing. Many people are beginning to believe that there are gods and vampires in the world.

"Mr. Chen beixuan, his weapon refining must be stopped immediately! What he did has threatened the safety of London and even the British Empire. The British Empire will stop him at all costs! "

British official envoys came to the door, and their words became more and more tough. In the end, they had already threatened.

Before, even if Chen Fan broke the Black Sea fleet and killed so many nobles, Britain and France never thought of using nuclear weapons. After all, chen fan is only one person. No matter how big his threat is, how big can it be? It's just a few aristocrats and rich businessmen. Compared with the whole country, it's insignificant. Even the EU is trying to appease chen fan.

But now it's different.

Chen fan is refining weapons of mass destruction on the edge of the capital, which is just like the Soviet Union's bringing missiles into Cuba, poking the chrysanthemum of the United States. At that time, President Kennedy of the United States had already declared:

"regardless of the world war, blow up the whole earth back to the stone age, and never allow the Soviet Union to deploy missiles in Cuba."

The world's major powers are more concerned about their own national security than the sky. Anyone who dares to violate this line will fight back without hesitation, even if they use nuclear weapons for this purpose!

"You know, Mr. Chris, you are challenging a myth of the time!"

Xuedaisha responded coldly.

"Your Excellency Chen beixuan must also be aware that he has touched the national security of the British Empire, which is higher than economy, politics and everything. We will never allow him to go on! "

Chris, Britain's special envoy, also made no concession.

Chris Bauer, under secretary of state for foreign affairs of the United Kingdom, has been a member of the house of Commons for several terms. What he said was almost equivalent to the official declaration of Britain.

"This and the death of the EU special envoy are two concepts. The death of the EU envoy is only a matter of face. But now, Mr. Chen beixuan is threatening the safety of our country. Britain will fight at all costs! "

"Said Kesley Bauer.

As a great power in the world, he claimed that he would not hesitate in the first World War. Even beiqiong's faces were dignified.

Although Britain is among the five major powers, it has the weakest strength and the smallest military strength. But after all, it is a powerful country with complete nuclear arsenals, especially its cousin, the United States, which is the world's hegemony.

Although the beiqiong faction is now at its peak, it is still far behind these world powers.

"I don't know when the master will be able to practice well."

Xuedaisha was also anxious.


At this time, a bright column of light, shot down from the sky, fiercely through the ground, straight down, I'm afraid it's a hundred meters deep. This light column is made of thunder and lightning, and its color is divided into five colors. The power of the five colored thunder pillars is earth shaking, as if they are shooting through the world. All over the sky, the thunder sea is converging to the thunder pillar, which makes the thunder pillar stronger and stronger.

"This is...

in front of the power of destroying heaven and earth, Chris Bauer looks heavy:" is Chen beixuan crazy and ready to explode his super weapon next to London? "

Chris was cold at the thought.

London is a metropolis of tens of millions of people. Once the power of Chen Fan's super weapon explodes, tens of millions of people will die, even 100000. It is estimated that Britain can only use nuclear weapons, and the whole world will destroy chen fan.

After all, thousands of people died in the United States on 9 / 11, which resulted in a ten-year war to destroy two countries.

In Britain, it's ten times as much.

"It was the teacher who finally made it."

Yu Wenjing was beside him with a smile of joy."Refined? What do you mean

Chris was surprised when he saw a figure rush out of the thunder pillar. The figure, holding a colorful ball of light in his hand, ran straight into the sky and into the thunder cloud. A long cry came from the thunder sea:

"today's magic weapon is perfect, it should surprise people all over the world!"

Sound like rolling thunder, shaking a hundred miles!

PS: the second one, the author continues to write the third one. QQ reading can't see the latest chapter, or skip chapter missing chapter friends, you can delete the novel from the shelf, add back, you can see. O(∩_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!