Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 588

"This five thunder seal is beyond my imagination."

After seeing off Chris, chen fan sits in the main hall of the winter palace.

Five colors of ancient seal suspended in front of him, blooming with a ray of thunder. Five colors of thunder light, with the birth and death, life and death, contains the power of destruction of terror.

"The five thunder seal I refined originally thought that as long as it could release all kinds of thunder methods, it would be very powerful. But I didn't expect it to absorb the power of the whole thunder sea and have a chance to release the "five elements thunder."

"You know, even in the five element immortal sect, the five element God thunder is a destructive force that can only be controlled by at least the golden elixir level. Because the thunder method is one of the most powerful Taoist methods in heaven and earth. The five kinds of gods and thunders are combined with each other, giving birth to the destructive power of the universe explosion at the beginning of heaven and earth. Once it breaks out, I'm afraid it will collapse within ten miles. Its power will never be inferior to that of small nuclear weapons. "

Chen Fan thought quietly.

"But there's only one chance. If you want to gather so much power next time, you can either gather the power for a few months or absorb the power of a few more magic weapons. Unlike friar Jindan, he can be released with every move. Even friar Yuanying can wipe a small country off the ground with one blow. "

Chen Fan smiles.

Once is enough.

The five elements thunder is comparable to the power of nuclear weapons, even if only once, it is enough to make the big powers fear. That is, the immortals may not survive under the five elements thunder. After all, it is pure destructive power, and even the spirits can't escape.

Chen fan only wanted a real magic weapon to refine the five thunder seal. The five elements God thunder was a pure surprise.

With the five thunder seal and the five elements God thunder, chen fan has the confidence to face the earth immortal and the great power in the world. Even if the blood ancestor dares to take revenge, under the five elements thunder, he has to turn people into powder.

"Teacher, Miss Anya has come to London from China."

Ah Xiu came in and whispered.

"Sister Ann is here?"

Chen Fan showed a trace of warmth in his eyes and got up to greet him.

Anya is not only one person, but also a great team. One fifth of the top elites of beiqiong group are smart and capable soldiers, specially for the purpose of opening up the European market.

Although beiqiong group controls the trump card of "life Yuanye".

However, the European Union firmly refuses to enter the European market for the reason that the composition of the liquid is unknown, whether it is harmful to human body, whether it is a hormone, etc. In addition, in various countries, newspapers are used to discredit and even claim that life Yuanye is purely deceptive.

Beiqiong group has also repeatedly discussed with EU officials in private, but the EU insists that it must share the formula of life Yuanye before beiqiong group is allowed to enter. Of course, this condition is beyond beiqiong group's consent.



A civil airliner cut through the sky and landed at London International Airport.

Standing on the tarmac, chen fan sees Anya wearing large sunglasses, beige windbreaker, white lady's shirt, straight trousers with strong vertical feeling, long and thin heels, and a domineering female president. She comes here in a vigorous manner.

Beiqiongpai and others followed, and Chen Fan even saw a familiar woman.

"Isn't that AI Jingqi?"

Chen fan was slightly surprised.

The girl beside Anya is AI Jingqi, whom Chen Fan once met in Rb and Zhonghai. At this time, AI Jingqi was dressed as a white-collar woman in the workplace. She was dressed in a black lady's suit, a half step skirt and black framed glasses. Her legs were thin and long, which made her figure protrude forward and backward.

"Mr. Chen, I'm the assistant of the general manager. Please call me assistant AI."

AI Jingqi's official reply.

Anya was very happy, but in order to maintain her dignity in front of her subordinates, she didn't go forward to hold Chen Fan in her arms. She just took off her sunglasses and said with a smile:

"I thought ah Xiu cheated me, but I didn't expect that you were really in Europe."

"Of course, I not only bought a big palace in Europe, but also in London. It's bigger than Buckingham Palace. Sister Ann, would you like to see it?" Chen Fan said with a smile, just like a teenager who needs a baby in front of his sister.


AI Jingqi rolled her eyes behind her back.

Buckingham Palace covers an area of more than 100000 square meters. With such a huge palace in London, its value may exceed that of the whole beiqiong group, and Chen fan can't afford to sell it.

"Believe it or not."

Chen Fan shrugged his shoulders, feeling strange.

How come I haven't seen her for a year or two? This little girl is very angry with her. When did she offend her?

Chen Fan didn't know that AI Jingqi had some good feelings for him, but since she knew that Chen fan had many beautiful apprentices, she fought for Anya. She thought Chen Fan was too playful, and Anya was not worth following him.

"Yes, I'll see."

Anya covered her mouth and said with a smile.After getting on the bus, Anya, looking out of the window, explained to Chen fan why she came here:

"we have had six rounds of negotiations between the North Hainan group and the European Union, and this is the seventh round. The European Union has always insisted that we must disclose the formula before we are allowed to enter its market. I just came to negotiate this time. Thinking that you are here, I'll drop in and see you. "

Anya said, curious:

"little brother, why did you come to Europe last time you left in a hurry?"

Anya doesn't belong to the beiqiong school. In fact, she and Fang Qiong and other girls only know a little about the beiqiong school and the dark world. Naturally, they don't know. In the short period of half a month since she left, chen fan has made a big stir and shocked the whole world.

"To kill a man." Chen Fan said casually, then digged off the topic: "sister, don't worry, this time, the European Union will certainly agree to the terms of our beiqiong group."

"You can boast. No matter how powerful you are, you are in China. The European Union is made up of more than a dozen countries. They are all old powerful countries, and they are very tough. We paid a lot of heavyweight politicians, including the Deputy Prime Minister of Spain, who did not let the EU pass. "

AI Jingqi whispered beside.

Although China's strength has greatly increased at this time, its influence has not reached the level of the European Union. In fact, in terms of economic influence alone, the European Union can even rival the United States. Only because it is too loose and its military strength is too weak can it be played with by the United States.

"Then you'll know."

Chen fan light smile, no longer words.

Today's Chen fan has a great influence on the whole of Europe. He is even more in control of the five elements God thunder. The British government is so scared that it is nothing if he agrees to beiqiong group to enter Europe!

"True or false."

AI Jingqi's big eyes turned and murmured.

Her understanding of Chen fan is still more than a year ago. At the Zhonghai banquet, chen fan killed Lin paojun and expelled the Lin family. But compared with the European Union, Lin's army and Lin's family are far behind. The European Union is a world-class behemoth.

Anya didn't speak, but her eyes were full of trust.

Although she didn't know what Chen fan had done in Europe, she did know what kind of strength her little brother had.


after arriving at the winter palace, Anya and others were immediately shocked by the magnificence and magnificence of the winter palace.

AI Jingqi's eyes are almost staring out.

This huge palace complex, covering an area of more than 100000 square meters, is bigger than Buckingham Palace. The key lies in the outskirts of London. If such a place is sold, its value can hardly be imagined.

"So you really bought a palace! It's not the palace of a king or Archduke of England. How much is it worth? " AI Jingqi hit the tongue secretly.

"The palace built by King George II of England was named Winter Palace because it was a winter shelter."

Chen Fan said casually.

Many senior executives of beiqiong group are just ordinary people, and they don't know much about the news of beiqiong group. So it's just amazing. I don't know that this is the headquarters of dark arbitration department of Megatron underground world.

Only Anya's beautiful eyes are as meaningful as Chen Fan's.

She knows that her younger brother has always been forced to take money. How can she buy it.

Anya came in the morning.

Soon, she took an invitation and said to Chen fan, "in the afternoon, the directors of several large banks and the heads of large families in Britain will hold a banquet at Windsor mansion and invite me to attend. Please accompany me."

Chen fan is at leisure at this time and naturally nods his head.

Windsor mansion is located on the banks of the Thames River. It is the residence of a royal nobleman of Windsor Dynasty. Later, it was changed into a high-end business club. Those who can come to the party are all London dignitaries.

Anyaben didn't want to come.

But this time, the invitees are the heavyweights in the UK financial sector. If beiqiong group wants to open the EU market, it must rely on the efforts of these consortium leaders, and she has to agree.

"The UK attaches great importance to finance. Royal Bank of Scotland and Barclays Bank are not inferior to Citigroup and Goldman Sachs in the United States. They exist for a very old time, with the support of many big families behind them, and may even have the shadow of the royal family. If we want to persuade the EU to allow us to enter, we must rely on their strength. "

Anya sat in the car and sighed.

Although beiqiong group has developed rapidly in recent years, it has been resisted by western countries. Both FangQiong and Anya are racking their brains to enter the European and American markets. After all, Europe and the United States are the most economically developed regions in the world, and the economies of other regions are not as good as those of Europe and the United States.

"These old consortia are very cunning. They are like greedy predators. It's very difficult to persuade them unless they show enough interests."

Thinking of this, Anya's eyes showed a trace of fatigue.

Chen Fan listened and said in a soft voice:

"sister an, there is me.""Well."

Anya nodded slightly.

By this time, Windsor mansion had arrived.

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