Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 585

There are only three spiritual weapons in Chen Fan's hands.

Call God flute, Guiyuan sword, Lei Yin. Among them, the five generals summoned by the call God flute, though powerful, are inferior in the face of human immortals. So Chen Fan didn't use it before.

The Guiyuan sword is assisted by the skill of the sword immortal, which can be called the most powerful treasure in Chen Fan's hands. Lei Yin is a medium quality spirit weapon, and it's not weak.

These three treasures are all refined by the Oriental immortals. Chen fan is very handy in using them. As for the more than ten pieces of spirit level treasures obtained from the dark treasure house, most of them are left by the major gods and saints. Chen fan can't exert all his strength.

"Although they can't be used, their materials are the best on earth."

Chen Fan thought.

Every artifact is the best material found by the gods after searching the earth. I'm afraid we can't find those raw materials on the earth now.

"Shenjing gold, angel ribs, Saint's heart, God's skull, phoenix feathers, dragon scales..."

Chen Fan's eyes were shining, and his eyes were greedy to sweep the artifacts.

Three or four years after his rebirth, he had never seen so many rare materials. If these treasures are in the hands of master craftsmen, they can even produce a gold elixir level spirit treasure. However, they were wantonly abused by these gods, and the refining techniques were very rough, and finally they were refined into the spirit level.

"There are these inborn and even gold elixir materials. I can at least refine a medium or even a high-quality spirit weapon. " Chen Fan touched his chin and nodded slightly.

The magic weapon he made is different from Lei Yin and Gui Yuan sword.

Even if at the same time, a piece of Zhongpin Lingzhi made by a Dujie immortal can't be compared with these nameless earthly immortals on earth? I'm afraid it's powerful enough to compete with ordinary high-quality spirit weapons, even quasi spirit treasures. Moreover, the key is that the magic weapon refined by Chen Fan often has unlimited potential for upgrading, and it is impossible to be promoted to Lingbao, Shenbao and even Shengbao in the future.

But Guiyuan sword, Lei Yin and so on.

Due to the limitation of materials and refining methods, the potential is close and there is little promotion value.

"Now that I have the body protection magic power of golden flame armor, I don't need to refine the special protection magic weapon. There are Guiyuan sword and Jiuli sword, flying sword doesn't need refining, and the space magic weapon of yangjianhu. What we lack now is a comprehensive magic weapon. "

Chen Fan calculated and quickly determined the treasure he needed.

What is comprehensive magic weapon.

It has a series of functions such as protection, attack, magic, escape, Lane protection, etc. it can fight, carry and run. These earthly immortals, due to the incomplete orthodoxy, are often refined into treasures with single function.

Guiyuan sword only has the ability of attack, Lei Yin only has the power of magic, and other black god armor, four grade lotus platform and so on are purely protective. There is no Chen Fan thought that a treasure in hand, no other effect.

"The key is that if only one function is used, the power can be maximized. It's too hard for the earth immortals to put all their functions in one magic weapon. With their skill of refining utensils, they may be able to do it in another 10000 years. "

Chen Fan shook his head funny.

However, it is difficult for the earth practitioners, but it is very simple in Chen Fan's hands.

He didn't refine before, but he didn't have any materials. Finally, he got the ribs of the root immortal. He took a few ghosts and gods and forced them to sacrifice and refine them into a flute. But the material of the flute is only the ribs of the immortals, and the ghosts and gods are only half of the divine realm. It's very good to be able to improve to the present level.

In the future, chen fan's opponents, at least at the level of human immortals and even earth immortals, will be further weakened.

"But with these artifact materials, it's different. What kind of treasure should I sacrifice and refine? "

Chen Fan's eyes swept the exotic artifacts one by one, thinking quickly in his heart.

Although these artifact materials are rare, they have different properties, such as heart of light, fire beast feathers, Thor spear, sea god halberd and so on...

"let's refine a five element seal with thunder seal as the core."

Chen Fan's eyes finally fell on Lei Yin, and suddenly his aura flashed.

The five element seal is a treasure that every core disciple of the five element immortal sect must sacrifice and refine. The combination of attack and defense, complete changes and control of the five elements can be called the magic weapon of omnipotence. The five elements immortal sect is even more known as "one print in hand, ten thousand methods do not seek.".

Ordinary disciples can only refine seals of one attribute or two genera, but Chen fan has already completed the immortal body of the Qing emperor. In the future, it may not be difficult for him to gather all the people of the five elements body to refine the five elements seal.

"The wind and thunder belong to the wood family, and the thunder seal belongs to our wood family. Taking it as the center, the five elements seal was constructed, with the wood system as the main and the other four systems as the auxiliary. At that time, this spirit weapon will be refined, and its power will not be inferior to that of the best spirit weapon, and its potential is unlimited! "

Chen Fan clapped his hand.

The five element seal of the five element immortal sect was promoted step by step with the growth of disciples' accomplishments. Some of the seals, which were refined from birth, will be promoted to the level of immortals. Although the materials of the seal that Chen Fan wanted to refine at this time were far less than those of the core disciples of the five element immortal sect, and they had great potential in refining such things as Tianhe shensha, Taibai Geng gold, and ancient Shenmu, they were enough on earth.After the decision, chen fan quickly began refining preparation.

He first ordered people to deliver the message, and he would be closed for a period of time. And then sealed off the entrance to the Treasury passage. This dark treasure house, located more than 100 meters underground, is the best place to shut down because nuclear bombs can't be destroyed.

"To refine the spirit weapon, we need the innate real fire, even the golden elixir flame. But I have the golden pupil of Lihuo, which is not inferior to the congenital real fire. "

Chen Fan said, offering sacrifices to thunder seal, in the eye pupil, quickly spurts out two regiments of golden flames. When the golden flame burns the middle thunder seal, even if it is made of medium quality spirit weapon, it also hums and whines.

But Chen fan doesn't stop at all. Instead, he continues to urge Jintong.

The bright flame, like two golden pillars, envelops the thunder seal firmly in it. The artifact has given birth to a trace of spirituality, and can feel that it is about to be destroyed. But it is not a spiritual treasure after all, and there is no spirit. Therefore, after being controlled by Chen fan, he can only be obediently refined by the flame.

One hour, two hours, three hours.

Slowly, Lei Yin's surface began to melt.

This statue is made of mysterious bronze, on which numerous patterns of thunder seals are painted, gradually turning into a copper juice. Chen Fan gradually separated all kinds of Dharma arrays and thunder talismans that had been blessed by heaven and earth immortals for countless generations.

Those arrays were too rough for Chen fan to look up to, so he abandoned them. Only the core Leifu is left by Chen fan, who is ready to take it as the center to build the five elements seal.

"Almost. It's time to add other materials."

Chen Fan waved.

A bright red light floats in front of Chen fan. In the brilliance, there is a tail feather that looks like a long sword. The tail feather is half a meter long and sharp as a sword on both sides. It is painted with congenital divine lines, red as fire, and a heat wave comes out of thin air.

Phoenix feather!

According to legend, the great magician of the British Peninsula, after his partner, a Phoenix, died, finally got a tail feather, which has infinite power. It can release the sky fire that destroys the sky and the earth.

"Although it's not a real Phoenix, it's just a spirit beast with a trace of Phoenix blood, but it's barely enough."

Chen Fan said, pinching the formula, spurting out the golden flame and refining the feather again.

The real dragon and the heavenly Phoenix are all comparable to the existence of the real immortal. Longevity is long, more than a million years, and the powerful can even rival xianzun. A feather can burn the earth to ashes. How can it be obtained by the immortal.

"Poof Pooh."

Although phoenix feather belongs to fire, it can't support it under the sacrifice of the golden pupil of fire. Only the red light of its appearance gradually shrinks, retreats under the golden flame, and finally the wings begin to melt.

However, although the material has melted, chen fan has preserved the congenital divine lines in the feathers.

He is the top master of refining utensils, and he can't imagine how to control the heat. Soon, two blue and red spheres of light appeared in the void.

But that's just the beginning.

"Poseidon fighting halberd."

"The heart of the earth giant."

"Immortal golden sword."

One by one, treasures from the myth of the earth are put into the golden flame by Chen fan. These may be the treasures collected by the Ministry of darkness and even the blood ancestors for thousands of years. They are almost the only artifact left on the earth now. But Chen Fan did not feel the slightest pain, one by one from the fire golden pupil, melt into juice.

Soon, seven or eight balls of light appeared in the void. The colors of each sphere are different, representing ancient artifacts.

"The materials are ready. Now we're ready for the ritual."

Chen Fan wiped his sweat.

Even if he released the golden flame for three days and three nights with his highest cultivation of Shenhai, he could not bear it. But Chen Fan knew that the real refining of weapons was only now beginning.

"Five elements belong to God, listen to my command, nine days of thunder, gather here!"

Chen Fan kneaded the formula and made a series of seal.

The surging vitality of the five elements within a ten mile radius, as if under orders, gradually came from all directions to the underground treasure house. The spells and Dharma arrays gradually gather in the void.

Each Dharma array represents a certain function of the future magic weapon.

Generally, five Dharma arrays or talismans are enough. There are only ten medium quality spirit weapons. There are thirteen Angel scales, which are already very powerful. They are called killing gods.

But this time, chen fan needed at least 25 arrays to refine the five elements seal!

It's shocking. It's shocking!

Once it's said, it's enough to surprise the whole world of cultivation. Even a friar of golden elixir would feel very difficult here. Only chen fan and other immortal reincarnation, the top master of weapon refining, can try to refine such a horror weapon in the later period of Shenhai.

I can't imagine how powerful this magic weapon will be once it is practiced!

PS: (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!