Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 584

This treasure is not an artifact, but a golden crystal.

This golden crystal is prismatic and palm long. There are many runes in it. The crystal has a golden light, which is mysterious. Others hold it in their hands, but Chen fan knows that it is a magic crystal.

"This kind of magic crystal can only be refined by real gods. That kind of spirit, at least at the congenital level, even at the golden elixir level. It contains surging power. If it explodes, it will be comparable to a bomb of hundreds of tons. "

If it's just magic crystal, chen fan won't be happy at all.

The effect of Shenli crystal is similar to that of spirit stone and spirit liquid. The energy in it is pure and can be cultivated by people. The energy stored in a magic crystal is comparable to thousands of magic pills. But for Chen fan, it's a drop in the bucket. At least hundreds of magic crystals can push Chen fan into the congenital level.

"But there are a lot of marks in the magic crystal, which is obviously used as the key of a large array or even seal."

Chen Fan's experience is so sophisticated that he can't help but analyze it in an instant:

"in the dark arbitration department, there is still a secret library, and he luxurious uses magic crystal as the key to open the door. Yes, the dark arbitration department has been searching the earth for hundreds of years. It's impossible to have just a few magic weapons and some ordinary gold jewelry. The real good things are hidden in the secret library by them. "

Thinking of this, chen fan ordered people to call Hilo, the leader of the dark guard.

The dark guard is one level lower than the arbiter. All the selected warriors are trained. Each one is enough to be ten. There are thousands of guards in the arbitration department. He is the last power of the arbitration department. He is the leader of Shiloh. He is also a strong man close to the divine realm. In front of Chen Fan's power, Shiloh surrendered decisively.

"See you, your highness."

Shiloh came and bowed respectfully on one knee.

In the western world, the term "Your Highness" can only be used to refer to a member of the royal family, a noble duke or a God. In Shiluo's view, chen fan's ability is no different from the gods and immortals in the myth, and needs the highest honorific title.

"The dark arbiter has a treasure house. You must know where it is."

Chen fan, playing with the magic crystal in his hand, looked at Shiloh with great interest: "of course, it doesn't matter if you don't say it. For me, it's only a matter of time to find it."

Chen Fan's divine sense is now tens of kilometers away. One sweep can cover the whole city of London. As long as the treasure house is still in Britain, chen fan's search will not escape.

"Your Highness, the five chief arbitrators have indeed built a secret storehouse, which is more than 100 meters underground of the winter palace. There's only one way in. It's just that the secret library hasn't been opened for decades. "

Said Shiloh in a cold sweat.

"Hundreds of meters underground?"

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

No wonder he didn't realize before that although he had strong penetrating power, he couldn't go 100 meters underground.

"Take me."

Chen fan gets up.

Then, under the leadership of Shiloh, chen fan and others came to a metal door with Shiloh. This metal door is made of osmium, the metal with the highest density. It weighs tens of tons and is one or two meters thick. It's impossible to penetrate. Even Chen Fan's divine consciousness can only be forced through.

"Just a gateway, they make it like this. I'm looking forward to the treasure house below more and more."

Chen Fan smiles.

Obviously, there is no key for the metal protective door. It is estimated that the key is in the hands of several arbitrators, but Chen fan does not need the key either. He stretched out his white and slender palm, shining with a brilliant blue light, and even popped into the metal gate.

And then in the eyes of the people.

Chen fan made a knife with his hand and cut the whole metal gate in the air, showing a huge void.

"Let's go."

Chen Fan took back the knife and took the lead to enter. Shiloh wiped the cold sweat on her forehead. This metal protective door, built according to the level of nuclear facilities, is enough to withstand the bombardment of small nuclear bombs. How hard is Chen Fan's hand? Harder than alloy?

Next, the crowd followed the passage all the way down.

The whole passage is three or four meters high, with heavy metal plates on both sides and covered with lead. It's obviously to guard against some god level strong people and use mental detection. Or dig the ground directly and enter through the passage.

"They are very careful in building, considering all aspects. If it wasn't for me, I'm afraid I would not be able to enter the general divine realm. " Chen Fan chuckles.

Soon, the crowd came to a bronze front.

This bronze door has a fire basin on both sides. It seems that it has been tempered with deep sea whale oil for hundreds of years.

The head of the devil is carved on the bronze door. The devil has two horns, blue face and tusks, and his eyes are still shining red, which is very lifelike. As soon as they got here, all the women were sweating.

"Teacher, open it directly?"

Ah Xiu is eager to try.

She's got a new dagger for killing gods. She wants to show it. Xuedaisha also pulled out the breath of blood. On the Red Knight's sword, a flash of streamer flashed. It was strong enough to cut gold and iron."No, this bronze door is enchanted and connected with the whole secret storehouse. Unless you can destroy the whole treasure house, you can't break the bronze door."

Chen Fan shook his head.

He had searched the whole treasure house for a long time and found that the treasure house was only tens of meters in diameter, but the outer walls were made of specially made metal plates. These metal plates are painted with numerous divine patterns, and finally connected into a large seal. With seal blessing, you can't break it with artillery or missile bombardment.

This seal, at least, can only be arranged at the level of Dixian. Chen fan even doubts whether this treasure house belongs to the black Duke and others?

"Is it the treasure house of the blood ancestor, which is guarded by the black Duke and others?"

Chen Fan thought.

He took out the magic crystal and inserted it into the devil's mouth.


A bright golden light, shot from the Shenli crystal, instantly spread in all directions along the countless patterns on the bronze door like cobwebs, and finally the whole golden light flowed all over the wall of the treasure house.


There was a crisp sound, and the bronze door split from the middle and slowly contracted to both sides.

This treasure house, which is hundreds of meters deep underground, has finally come into being.


After seeing the scene in the treasure house, both Shiloh and xuedaisha's girls took a breath. There are more than ten miraculous lights in the treasure house.

Every ray of light represents the existence of a spiritual instrument.

"This is the claw of the wolf king. It is said that it is the weapon of the wolf God. It is extremely sharp and can tear the gods."

"This is the" Sun God disk "of the Oriental Dharma king. It is said that there is the power of the Buddha in it. If you put it under the sun, it will condense into the dew of the sun. If it is quoted by ordinary people, it will prolong life for half a year. "

"This is..."

Hilo said one by one with wide eyes.

These are legendary treasures, which were collected in the dark treasure house after being won by the five chief arbitrators several decades and hundreds of years ago. People outside think that these treasures have disappeared.

"And this is the saint's heart of Antonio, the Archbishop of Spain. It is said that Antonio was born with seven holy marks on his body. His heart is the heart of saints. Finally, Lord Claude dug his body open and took out his heart. Unexpectedly, it was collected here. "

Shiloh looked at a heart that was still beating and shining gently and white. It was incredible.

Looking around, chen fan found that there were more than a dozen pieces of spiritual treasures in the whole treasure house. There were only four or five things Shiloh could recognize. More than a dozen other things, even Shiloh didn't know. Obviously not owned by the dark ministry.

"Are these really the treasures of blood ancestors?"

Chen Fan touched his chin.

If the blood ancestor had survived to the present, it would have lived for thousands of years at least. This treasure accumulated over thousands of years is surely better than that accumulated over 300 years.

"Wait, this is..."

Chen Fan's eyes suddenly turned to the corner of the treasure house.

In the corner, there is a pile of shining golden crystal.

"Magic crystal!"

"There are so many, hundreds of them!"

Chen Fan's eyes sparkled with joy. Awesome crystal is a high energy compression body, which is more powerful than the ordinary Lingshi and Ling Dan. At least the best spirit stone can match the divine power crystal.

This kind of treasure that needs to consume a lot of divine power is that the gods are not willing to refine it at will.

"A magic crystal is useless to me. However, hundreds of magic crystals are comparable to the spirit spring in the cave of master cangjian. You can push up my accomplishments to be closer to my nature! "

Chen Fan thought like this, and while collecting all the magic crystals into the sword gourd, he decided: "this is definitely not the treasure house of the dark arbitration department, but the stock of the blood ancestor. Only blood ancestor can collect so many divine power crystals. You know, hundreds of magic crystals are equivalent to draining the power of one spirit before they can be refined. "

So many power crystals, even for the blood ancestor, are accumulated in one's life.

Chen Fan's search for these magic crystals is more painful than killing five blood guards. But Chen Fan was not afraid. He didn't say whether the blood ancestor was alive or dead. Even if he was alive, he hid in a place where he didn't know where to sleep.

"Besides, with so many magic crystals, I'm half a step closer to being born. If you can break through the congenital, it's ten blood ancestors coming, I can crush them! "

In Chen Fan's eyes, there is a bright God.

Next, he found many ancient books and secret volumes in the treasure house. As well as many strange things, chen fan packed them up and left none for the black Duke.

When they came out, everyone was smiling and their backpacks were bulging.

Although Chen fan can't use so many magic weapons, they can be used to arm his subordinates, or even dismantle them, take out materials, and refine his own magic weapons."It's time to refine a real magic weapon."

With enough money, chen fan is full of confidence.

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