Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 583

Although the EU is today's largest economy with dozens of Member States, no amount of wealth is valuable to Chen fan. At this time, he is only one step away from the congenital, how can he put the human wealth in his eyes.

"But I don't need it. Beiqiongpai and beiqiong group want it."

Chen Fan pointed to the armrest and thought.

After the integration of the northern Hainan faction, it has gone out of China and covered most of Southeast Asia. Now it has begun to invade Europe. The power gap left by the dark arbitration department can be filled by beiqiong.

But it needs the agreement of European countries.

After all, Britain and France are all great powers in the world. Behind them is the US, the earth's hegemon. If they don't agree, the North Qiong faction can run rampant in Europe for a while at most, but it will eventually be pushed out by these big powers and have to leave in a gloomy mood. After all, they are as strong as Chen Fan now, and they are not willing to face up to the big powers in the world, forcing Britain and France into a hurry. They may not dare to launch nuclear weapons.

"In addition to the northern Hainan faction, I also need European countries to give the northern Hainan group a pass. So that they can enjoy the treatment of integration with European companies without any blame. "

Chen Fan said lightly.

Every time he said one, Charles turned black.

Beiqiong sent this river crossing dragon to come to the underground world of Europe and get a share of it. Naturally, many established forces in Europe are dissatisfied. As for beiqiong group, it is even more powerful. It holds the trump card of "life Yuanye". Once it is put in, it will absolutely easily sweep the European markets. At that time, many old life companies and pharmaceutical giants are expected to be run and bankrupt.

"I'm afraid the heads of state will not agree to these conditions."

Charles touched his forehead and wiped the cold sweat.

"In that case, I'll spend more time in Europe. It's just that the black Duke is not dead. He must be killed. " Chen Fan's serious way.

"My ancestors!"

Charles almost cried out.

Chen Fan went after the black Duke three times, but didn't kill him. But I killed them all the way. I don't know how many family forces there are. The underground world of Europe is full of people. If he goes on chasing, I'm afraid the whole of Europe will be leveled.

"I'm going to discuss with you, and I'll give you a reply."

Charles jumped up on fire and left in a hurry.

"Teacher, why don't you kill the black Duke?"

Ah Xiu Qi's strange way.

With her understanding of Chen fan, chen fan will never let go of any enemy. But the pursuit of the black Duke failed several times. According to the truth, the black Duke can hardly stop Chen Fan's fist. How can he escape from Chen Fan's hands many times?

"The master wants to support the bandits. If the black Duke is in Europe, there is still a glimmer of hope that he will not be forced to take risks. But the black Duke died. In order to deal with the North Qiong faction, the European countries must turn to the United States for help. And the United States is not as talkative as the European countries. "

Xuedaisha calm analysis, all women agree to nod.

"Because I'm too lazy."

Chen Fan said casually, and suddenly fainted.

The real reason is that Chen fan can't trace the black Duke. Its breath is intermittent, vaguely existing in another world, as if covered by some secret method. And Chen Fan kept the black Duke, also want to see whether the blood ancestor behind it really exists. If you kill the black Duke, the line with the blood ancestor will be broken.

"Don't worry about the black Duke. I'll leave a mark on him. Once he goes out, I'll know. And I've been seriously injured several times in a row. In a few years, I'm afraid the black Duke won't dare to come forward. "

Chen Fan stretched.

After dealing with all kinds of chores, chen fan began to count the revenue of the battle.

Not to mention the huge wealth of the Ministry of justice, this winter palace alone is worth billions.

More than the assets of the whole beiqiong group, and the dark arbitration department has been searching the earth for hundreds of years, the treasure house is full of all kinds of gold, gems, Jadeites, diamonds, rare treasures and so on. These are the hard currency that the dark arbitration department shipped from all over the world in those days. Even now, they can sell at a high price. Not to mention the shares of many consortia controlled by the Ministry of arbitration, land leases around the world and so on.

"However, many consortia and countries may not recognize the title deeds. What's more, these are just worldly treasures. What's really useful to me are those magic tools and elixirs. "

Chen Fan thought, and took out a few spirit weapons from the sword gourd.

The color of blood is sad.

The sword of the blood knight is said to have been a royal artifact of France, refined by a northern European friar. It is stained with the essence and blood of the blood ancestor. It is extremely sharp. It can be used to break the Vajra and the inferior spirit weapon.

The scepter of death.

The magic weapon of the count of terror, anubis, the Egyptian god of death, is a scepter given to the high priest. Two curse gems are inlaid on the head of the staff. They can release a terrible curse that is enough to make the divine land fall. They are inferior spirit tools.

Beheader's axe.

The weapon of Baal, the God of war of the dead. It's said that the consul of the ancient Roman Empire asked a saint to build a magic weapon. It is engraved with seven divine lines of gravity. Once triggered, the power will be doubled by 70 times. It is a low-quality artifact.These three pieces were obtained from several arbitrators. Some of them were artifacts of ancient gods, and some were weapons left by saints. However, in terms of product level, they all reached the level of spirit instrument.

But what really moved Chen Fan was the last one:

the angel's scale.

The dagger of death's left hand is a weapon made by ancient gods in the two river basins. It is made of an angel's rib and engraved with thirteen curses. He was once contaminated with the blood of several immortals, known as "dagger of killing gods". It's a medium quality artifact.

"Although this dagger is a medium level spirit weapon, it's much better than Lei Yin in terms of rank. I'm afraid it's almost a high level spirit weapon."

Chen fan holds Angel scale in his hand.

The dagger, only one foot and three inches long, made a buzzing sound. It was surrounded by black fog, and a lot of strange light appeared. Each layer of strange light represents a curse. There are thirteen curses. It's so terrible that even the gods can't be immune.

If Chen fan doesn't enter the peak of Shenhai, he can't bear a dagger strike.

"If you leave five divine lines or Dharma array on a magic weapon, you can enter the level of spirit weapon, but this dagger is engraved with thirteen. The ancient god, who made daggers, was extremely terrible in his cultivation. At least he was born at the top, and he might even enter the realm of the golden elixir. "

However, although thinking like this, chen fan is not too worried.

This dagger is very old. I'm afraid it was made thousands of years ago. If you are a monk of golden elixir, you will only live for a thousand years. The gods may live longer, but thousands of years later, they have already turned into dust.

"Xue Dai Sha, a Xiu and Xiao Jing, take these weapons."

With that, chen fan asked some of his disciples to come up and get the weapons.

"Ah? Master, you give it to us? "

Snow on behalf of sand, eyes round stare.

Ah Xiu and others can't believe it.

They have witnessed the power of these artifacts and heard their ancient legends. Each one can be traced back to thousands of years and has a great reputation in history. Several chief arbitrators are in hand, which can even threaten chen fan. But Chen Fan gave them easily?

"For ordinary people, these may be the artifact of their dreams. But you, as my disciples of Chen beixuan, should take a long-term view. In the future, these things are just a pile of scrap metal. "

Chen Fan said lightly.

He has thunder seal and Guiyuan sword. They are all treasures of the cultivators. Although Chen fan can use these tools, he can't wield the strongest power. It's better to give them to his disciples to increase their power.

Xue Daisha and others have the fighting capacity of the dark list level. If you add a few artifact, it will be the divine realm, and it may not be their opponent.

"Yes, master."

Snow on behalf of Shami Zizi forward, ah Xiu and others can only follow.

Xuedaisha is the sword maker, so he takes away the blood color sadness. Yu Wenjing is a Dharma practitioner and takes away the scepter of death. Ah Xiu is empty handed, so he takes the angel scale. As for the giant axe, the last beheader, chen fan left it to Tongshan.

With the artifact in hand, these girls' strength immediately increased.


Xuedaisha, holding a bloody sadness, cuts it out with one sword.

The bloody sword, ten feet long, cuts across the space in an instant and cuts a long mark on the floor of the main hall. Its power is far greater than that of snow replacing sand.

Yu Wenjing turns the scepter, uses the magic power to urge, suddenly two blood red curse rays, shot out. These two curse rays are very terrible. They pass through the void with the power of smashing everything. Any statue or stone pillar that has been wiped will disappear out of thin air.

Moreover, the power of the spells released by death right Zhang is greatly increased by several times, and even has the ability similar to the divine realm.

Only ah Xiu took the dagger, there was no drill. But at this time, ah Xiu became the most powerful among all the women. That is, the divine realm can't stop the attack of the dagger. Even if gargerdan was stabbed by a dagger here, he would die on the spot.

At this time, ah Xiu holds a killing weapon and can kill the divine realm!

"Thank you, master."

Snow on behalf of sand and others, such as the treasure, thank you.

The three little girls have beautiful eyes that are as blurred as water. They look at Chen Fan with brilliant eyes. Other people's gifts are sports cars, luxury houses and diamond rings. Chen fan, on the other hand, presented a powerful artifact with a history of thousands of years. How can these little girls not fall in love with each other?

Chen Fan shook his head.

In the eyes of several little girls, these treasures are the most precious in the world. But Chen fan used to be a Celestial Master of the universe, not to mention a mere artifact, but an artifact of the family of the universe. In front of Chen Fan's eyes, he may not lift his eyelids.

"But it can also be seen that I am short of treasures. Even my disciples don't have any good weapons. I have to search from the West. It seems that making magic weapons is on the agenda. "

Chen Fan thinks this, the eye puts on another treasure, the eye shows a glimmer of strange light.

In the final analysis, he found it in the dark arbitration department."Unexpectedly, there are so many treasures in the dark arbitration department. This battle is really worth it."

Chen Fan showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

PS: the second one, the author continues to write the third one. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!