Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 582

"Is the Ministry of darkness destroyed?"

When the news came, the whole underground world was dead.

No one spoke in the major forums of the East and the west, many dark organizations, families, including many mercenary regiments and so on. They couldn't believe the news at all.

Megatron sun and moon, once dominating the earth's dark arbitration department, easily eliminated? The five dark masters who made countless gods tremble were killed by Chen fan?

It's like a joke!

The dark Ministry of arbitration has been in seclusion for 50 years.

But its glory is far from easy to fade. At that time, Britain claimed that the sun never sets, colonies all over the world, dominated the fate of the earth for one or two hundred years. The same is true of the Ministry of dark arbitration, where the five dark masters almost swept everything.

In North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, India and East Asia, almost all the powerful people in the divine realm have been cleaned up by the Ministry of dark arbitration. It was a hundred years ago that the so-called bright era of divine realm was also living in the shadow of the dark ministry. Even the list of gods was arranged by the black Duke.

But now, this ancient force with a long history of hundreds of years has been completely flattened? Four of the five chief arbitrators fell on the spot. Only the black Duke escaped with the blood artifact!

"It's incredible. It's incredible. How could Chen beixuan be so strong?"

A person with an ID of "dizhanhuang" posted on the forum.

Anyone who knows this ID knows it. The real identity of emperor zhanhuang is the head of Zhanshen mercenary regiment among the top ten mercenary regiments. Second only to the scarlet wings and the destruction god mercenary regiment.

"The five chief arbitrators have been influential in Europe for hundreds of years. In those days, even with the power of Antonio, the wolf king, or the French king, they could not compete. Their real fighting power is said to be comparable to that of Oriental immortals. Chen beixuan defeated five immortals with his own strength

Another man called "black and white devil hunter" sighed.

Heibaizi, the demon hunter, is said to be the successor of this generation of demon hunters and the white haired God of death. At a young age, he has the fighting power of a great master.

In addition to them, a series of well-known figures rose in the CIA's underground forum. The onlookers were terrified. These are all important figures in the dark world. Unexpectedly, they were blown up by Chen Fan's affairs.

"William the blood dragon, are you here too?"

Someone had sharp eyes and recognized one of them.

Blood dragon William, head of the Nordic dragon blood family.

Said that the family bathed in golden dragon blood, among the descendants, there are often warlocks and supernatural awakening. Even the United States and the European Union have drawn the blood of this family to develop super fighters.

Blood dragon William said with a bitter smile: "I have to come. This incident is really earth shaking. It's going to change the whole underground world. With the collapse of the arbitration department, the seclusion of the Vatican and the absence of Kunlun, I'm afraid that in today's world, the northern Qiong school will be respected. "

When he said this, everyone felt sad.

"How strong is Chen beixuan? Does any of you have a video?"

The emperor asked.

"At that time, it was raining hard to record. I only heard that a few chief arbitrators were really very tough and forced Chen beixuan into a desperate situation. However, Chen beixuan made a breakthrough and went to another level, and then thoroughly crushed the five chief arbitrators. "

The devil hunter said, shaking his head.

"Breakthrough on the spot? Did Chen beixuan and Jin ascend to the realm of earthly immortals and saints? "

Someone exclaimed.

As soon as this post came out, the whole forum was boiling.


This is an old legend. There have been no earthly immortals in the East since a thousand years ago. In the west, the last saint of the Holy See, St. Augustine, was also absent. So for hundreds of years, five and a half blood clans were allowed to dominate the world.

If Chen fan is promoted to Dixian, he is undeniably the first person in the world. Even the big powers with nuclear weapons have to be serious. After all, the earth immortal has not been born for thousands of years. No one knows whether nuclear weapons can eliminate the earth immortal.

"Chen beixuan said that he is not a Dixian, but he can kill Dixian!"

A man called "blazing angel" sighed.

"The current head of scarlet wing, James Hutton!"

Immediately someone recognized the real body of the blazing angel.

"Commander Hutton, it is said that you watched the war with your own eyes. How powerful is Chen beixuan? Is the war situation at that time really the same as what black and white said? "

They all asked in high spirits.

"Those who have not seen Chen beixuan's hand can never imagine Chen beixuan's power."

After a pause, Hutton finally said, "I don't know if there are any immortals or saints in the world, or the legendary blood rent or wolf God. But Chen beixuan is not inferior to them. His strength is unmatched

After saying this, the whole forum was silent.

James Hutton.The new head of scarlet wing is the 17th strongest in the dark list.

From what he said and what he saw with his own eyes. Who can be unconvinced?

"Do you really want to change the world into a new master, as the discerner said?"

Blood dragon William sighed.


just when the news, like a hurricane, swept across the East and West and shocked the whole world, chen fan and the beiqiong faction did not stop, but kept moving forward.

On December 5, Chen beixuan killed four chief arbitrators and hundreds of arbitrators in the arbitration department.

On December 6

Chen beixuan led beiqiong to attack the base of dark arbitration department in the outskirts of London, and all the rebels were killed. It is said that the whole dark arbitration department was killed in a river of blood. At last, Hilo, the leader of the dark guard, asked to surrender. The last fighting force of the dark arbitration department surrendered, and the dark arbitration department was occupied.

From December 7 to 10,

the disciples of beiqiong sect killed in various European countries and chased the remnants of the dark arbitration department everywhere. Chen fangeng personally went after the black Duke three times and flattened more than a dozen branches all the way. After the last branch of Sicilian castle in Italy was destroyed, the dark arbitration department was declared to be destroyed.

For five days.

The whole underground world of Europe is in turmoil, with countless forces and people in danger.

At this time, even the most arrogant and arrogant people dare not face up to Chen fan. Even the dark arbitration department has been flattened. Which force dares to fight with the northern Qiong faction? Even in those days, the Holy See did not have this ability.


in a large palace group outside London, England.

"Sir, please stop and kill again. Even the presidents and prime ministers can't contain the riots. "

European Commission member Charles, come again.

At this time, Charles, no longer arrogant and unassuming before, sweating, a face of panic, attitude is very low to plead with Chen Fandao.

Chen Fan killed a lot in Europe, although it was the dark arbitration department that he pursued. But there are always other families or forces involved in the dark Ministry of arbitration, and then affected.

All these families and forces are well-known in Europe, so they are equalled by Chen Fan and beiqiong school. Naturally, there will be a panic, and the heads of European countries are beginning to lose control.

"I said, when I want to stop, I will stop."

Chen Fan said casually. He was reclining on a chair inlaid with gold, with a story book of Greek mythology in his hand. Li Xinru gently rubbed his shoulders with her delicate white hands.

"But so far, you've killed thousands of people. There are seventeen old aristocratic families. It was trampled out by your men. Those from northern Hainan also exchanged fire with the Spanish police and the Italian army. If we don't keep it under control, there will be large-scale riots. Now there is a heated discussion on the Internet

Said Charles, shaking his hands.

Since beiqiong school left the old nest of China and went to the West. Act naturally began to publicize, and did not hide anything. So many of their stories were photographed by passers-by using their mobile phones.

Now it's 2011, and apple has launched the love crazy 4, which has entered the era of smart machines on a large scale. Almost every one of the people in Europe has an apple, and they send it to the social network, which immediately leads to a boiling sound.

The credibility of the government, after several Burmese fairy incidents, has declined significantly.

Demons are dancing and monsters are rampant.

Many people have believed that 2012 will definitely destroy the world and even commit suicide ahead of time.

"Oh? Is it? Have you killed so much? "

Chen Fan said in surprise, but his expression and eyes remained unchanged. "It seems that European countries are deeply involved in the dark arbitration department. Otherwise, there will not be so many nobles involved. We should continue to pursue them! Kill them all. "

"What, to kill?"

Charles almost jumped.

"Sir, dear beixuan, please stop. If we continue to kill, the angry clan leaders and the people will overturn the whole European Union. "

Charles pleaded humbly.

Li Xinru looked at the 60-70-year-old, white haired, powerful European Commission member. At this time, just like a fired subordinate, he pleaded with Chen fan, and his heart was filled with absurdity.

"Is this Mr. Chen's power?"

Although Li Xinru did not watch the battle of Wisteria manor, she and Natasha were sent away ahead of time.

But just looking at the palace where Chen Fan lives now, I can't help feeling frightened. This group of palaces, called "Winter Palace", covers an area of more than 100000 square meters. It is just outside London, almost the same as Buckingham Palace. In ancient times, this used to be a resort for generations of British kings. It was taken as the headquarters by the dark arbitration department, and now it is in the hands of Chen fan.

London is a famous metropolis in the world.Chen fan can own more than 100000 square meters of land, and is also an ancient palace with hundreds of years of history. It's worth more than hundreds of billions of dollars.

"Mr. Chen, how on earth would you stop?"

Charles gritted his teeth.

Chen Fan's face was expressionless, but there was a smile in his eyes. Finally, it was time to kill the EU.

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!