Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 581

The count of terror is dead, the God of war is dead, the blood knight is dead, the God of death's left hand is dead... Only the black Duke is seriously injured and runs away.

Chen Fan's last punch, horizontal absolutely void, hit the space as if to break. The black Duke encouraged him to fight with Chen fan, and half of his body was broken. Without the protection of the Holy Grail of blood, he almost broke his soul and human.

"We won."

At this time, ah Xiu and other talents responded and were overjoyed.

On the other hand, many of the arbitrators on the other side, like mourning for the examination and approval, are very pale. Even if they wear silver masks, they can see the color of panic and despair in their eyes.

"Master, how to deal with these people?"

Xuedaisha came with a sword.

She is better than snow white body, drop spot blood mark, on the face is a burst of flush. It was a reaction to the extreme of strength, even if Xue Daisha's practice of Qinghua sword Sutra had reached the level of metaphysics. But in the face of so many arbiters, it's not easy. After all, these arbitrators are all blood clan bodies, regardless of strength and speed, all surpass the general master.

"Sir, I am the chief arbiter of the dark arbitration department."

Among many arbitrators, there is an old man in black.

His black robe, inlaid with silver, is second only to several chief arbitrators. And the dark breath on the body, extremely rich, has reached the level of gargerdan, the snow wolf king. It's obviously the leader of these arbitrators.

The old man bowed slightly and said, "you have defeated the chief arbitrators. We are willing to admit your identity and status. From then on, the East and the West will not interfere with each other any more, and their previous grudges with you will be written off. How about that? "

All the spectators held their breath.

For hundreds of years, apart from bowing to the United States and the Soviet Union. When does the dark ministry bow to a mortal? Once the news comes out, it will shake the world.

"If you dare to besiege me, you have to pay the price."

Chen Fan turned his back and his eyes were indifferent: "kill them!"

"You dare!"

The black robed old man's eyes glared and said: "these people are the descendants of great blood ancestors. You have killed Damon and the four blood guards. If you are killing us, the blood ancestor will not let you go! "

"Then let him come to me."

Chen fan has no joy or sorrow on his face and is not afraid at all.

At this time, he broke through to the peak of the divine realm, full of the surge of Zhenyuan, and went straight after the immortals. With all kinds of magic methods, it's easy to shake the immortals. Especially in Chen Fan's realm, he has already vaguely touched the congenital realm, which is only one foot away from the congenital realm. How can he put the blood ancestor in his eyes.


With a wave of Chen Fan's hand.

Xuedaisha and others have been fighting with their swords.

"Break through on all sides! Bring the news to the great master. Wake up the master and avenge the blood guards The chief arbitrator roared, and then dozens of arbitrators turned into ten shadows and rushed in all directions.

They are extremely fast, bringing up the shadow of the road. Xuedaisha and others have only stopped more than ten, and most of them have escaped.

"It would be troublesome to be escaped by these arbitrators."

Xuedaisha was in a hurry.

The dark arbitration department is not only supported by five chief arbitrators. These dozens of master level arbitrators are the middle power of the dark arbitration department. Their joint efforts are enough to flatten any power in the world. Hongmen, Longtang, etc. are just seven or eight masters, which are as powerful as the dark arbitration department.

"If I didn't reach the summit of Shenhai, maybe I would be escaped by you."

Looking at these arbitrators, chen fan is not in a hurry. Instead, he reaches for his hand.


Blood lines were shot from the corpses of blood knights and others. Their corpses were instantly drained and turned into a dead corpse. And countless blood essence, turned into a huge blood cell, rolling in the void.

In the blood cell, contains the surging dark magic.

Whether it's the blood knight or the count of terror. As a half blood group, the essence and blood in their bodies are comparable to a quasi congenital spirit beast. After being purified, it can be refined into a peerless treasure pill, which is not inferior to the top grade elixir.

At this time, chen fan uses them to do another thing.

"Damon, the blood devil, cursed my father. I have vowed to kill all his descendants. Today, I will fulfill my pledge. " When Chen Fan finished, his eyes suddenly changed and two golden flames came out.

As Chen Fan stepped into the later stage of Shenhai, the Lihuo Jintong, which was originally used in transition, was rekindled and became more and more colorful.

"The curse of blood origin can be traced back to three generations!"

Chen Fan kneaded the formula with both hands to make it shine. Then a fierce grasp, the left eye of the flame out, out of thin air and blood cells together.

If Tang Yuanqing were here, he would be surprised.

Chen Fan's "blood tracing technique" was used to kill the Shen family.

The mantra of Wanfa sect originally came from the blood clan. At this time, chen fan used the more primitive "blood source mantra.". But from Chen Fan's hands, he is much stronger than Damon.I saw a red line, shot into the void, connecting the runaway arbiter.

The whole dark ministry is a vampire base. And every vampire on earth has a common ancestor and is involved with each other. There are hundreds of these threads. It can be seen that there are at least hundreds of vampires in the world. The thickest one points to hundreds of kilometers away, which is obviously the black Duke who escaped.


Chen Fan urged the magic power.

The surging golden flame burns in the blood cells. See one after another blood flames, along the red line into the void, and then. The observers were surprised to find that the arbitrators, who rushed out of the manor and escaped not far away, had a blood flame in their bodies.

The blood flame, as if from the bone marrow, from the inside out, can not stop.

The weak arbiter is directly burned to fly ash. Only a few powerful people, such as the chief arbiter, are able to support the dark magic.

As they howled, they cried:

"Chen beixuan, I curse you! When the master wakes up from his deep sleep, he will tear you to pieces

Chen Fanli ignored these people.

He looked at the blood cells. At this time, the red lines were broken. At last, only the thickest one was left.

But the black Duke is half blood, obviously not as easy as ordinary vampires. But even so, chen fan also appeared a face of peace in front of his eyes. It was the scene that most of the black Duke's body was burned to ashes by the blood flame. If he had not been protected by the Holy Grail of blood, his soul would have been burned to ashes.

"What's this?"

As soon as Chen Fan's eyes were fixed, he suddenly saw a red line that was so faint that he could hardly detect it. He shot into the void and did not know where to fly. Chen Fan's divine sense climbed up the red line and quickly traced back to the source. He suddenly felt a boundless darkness.

The power of darkness is many times stronger than the blood knight, the black Duke and so on, with incomparable evil and the breath that Chen fan is very familiar with.

"This is the breath of the dark blood clan. Is there really a dark blood clan on earth?"

Chen fan was slightly surprised.

But the red line broke quickly. Chen Fan's current strength is not enough to kill a congenital creature. And Chen Fan felt that the dark breath was very stable, obviously fell into a deep sleep.

"Even if it really wakes up, I have no fear."

Chen Fan shook his head.

After the completion of Shenhai, chen fan was invincible when he looked at the earth. If the immortals and saints come, we have to fight again.

Chen Fan thought, turning his head and looking around.

His eyes were like electricity. Even if Chen Fan swept them thousands of meters away, they were frightened and their souls were frozen. Chen Fan did not continue to look at them. Instead, he raised his head and looked at the bright and bright moon in the sky.

"After the war, the dark arbitration department was almost completely destroyed, and it was obvious that only a black Duke could not make waves again. I have almost accomplished all my goals in Europe. "

Chen Fan turned his back and thought of it leisurely.

He can feel the invisible pressure quietly dispersed. That's the last binding force of the seven kill mantra. Originally, when Chen Fan killed Damon, there was a big change. Now it's the end of cause and effect.

"Teacher, master."

Xuedaisha, a Xiu and others, happily came up, eyes full of blood.

This war destroyed the dark arbitration department, and the North Qiong school was really the best in the world. In the seclusion of the Vatican, Kunlun can't come out now, except that the big powers in the world can make the beiqiong faction fear, few forces can provoke the beiqiong faction.

"Clean up the battlefield, and then we'll go to the dark arbiter, where there's a lot of treasure waiting for us to take over."

Chen Fan said.

Although paid a lot of price, even Chen Fan's card has been lifted. However, the results of this battle are extremely fruitful. Some of the chief arbitrators all have the treasure of spirit weapon level. Such as death scepter, blood breath, angel scale, etc. Although some of them were broken by Chen fan, most of them remained.

This is only part of it.

When the blood clan is completely destroyed, the old nest of the dark arbitration department is empty. The arbitration department collects the earth's treasure and wealth for hundreds of years, which belongs to the beiqiong sect. Beiqiong school can be transformed from a small school with little foundation to a super giant with numerous assets.

I watched beiqiong send them away.

The leader of scarlet wing and others looked at each other.

The dark arbiter's out? Only the black Duke survived in this ancient organization?

"This is big news, earth shaking news. From today on, the pattern of the whole world will change."

Some people are frightened.

On December 5, 2011, Chen beixuan killed the four chief arbitrators in the suburbs of the capital of Austria and led the public to destroy the dark arbitration department. The dark masters with a history of 300 years have completely disappeared from history. Beiqiongpai is on the world stage.When the news came out, thousands of people were scared!

(to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!