Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 580

Count of terror, ravensh!

One of the five chief arbitrators of the dark arbitration department, Xuewei, the half blood clan of Xuezu, the dark master, is a super strong man who once dominated the whole European underground world and has survived for more than 300 years.

Such a strong man with immortal body was killed by Chen fan?

Although the count of terror is the weakest of the five dark masters, he can't die in one hand? This means that Chen fan has the power to crush. What is the state of Chen beixuan?

"Is it... Earth fairy?"

Said one, trembling.

The head of the Red Wing mercenary regiment has turned into a stone carving, and the whole person is frozen there. I can't believe it. As for many observers, arbitrators and beiqiong people, they all watched the scene with astonishment.

"It's impossible. The count is immortal. How can he die?"

Some arbitrators in black robes and silver masks shake their heads and refuse to believe it.

But the truth is there.

The count of terror has turned into a mass of meat sauce, which has been deeply imprinted on the ground. The breath of life has disappeared, and even the soul seems to be crushed. Only the scepter of death was still on the ground. Two curse gems flashed.

Yimu is a big catcher!

This is the true study of Xianwu in the five elements sect. Only when we step into the congenital realm can we exert all our power. Although Chen Fan was not born at this time, he was sublimated and stepped into the peak of Shenhai, only one step away from birth.

At this time, no one knows what terrible power and power is contained in Chen Fan's body!

"You killed Raven?"

Barr's eyes widened and his scarlet pupils burned like flames.

His breath rose wildly, and his anger filled his whole heart. He gritted his teeth and said, "Chen beixuan, I swear! I'll tear your throat, I'll scratch your throat, I'll devour your blood, I'll tear your bones, I'll cut your head off, I'll avenge Raven! "

As Barr said.

Every word he uttered turned into a bloody mark and was printed in the void.

At the level of Barr, it's only half a step away from birth. Their Qi has been able to communicate with heaven and earth and achieve the effect of following their words. In particular, the language used by Barr is very old, and many people doubt whether it is the legendary devil language.


After Barr finished, he raised the beheader fiercely.

There is a giant axe with three meters of singing, and the blade of bronze axe is shining with blood light. There are seven ancient runes on the handle and blade of the axe. As soon as this divine pattern appears, the bright light blooms from the giant axe. Barr's axe cuts Chen Fan with his feet pounding with a roaring vibration.


Heaven and earth as if lit up a blood awn.

Across the long sky, the huge axe awn, which is tens of meters long, appears out of thin air. And the speed is very fast, instantly break the sound barrier, to Chen Fan split. On the beheader's axe, the Holy One engraved seven divine lines. These seven divine lines are all gravity runes. Each time you open one, you can gain ten tons. At this time, Barr opened seven roads, that is 70 tons!

It was like he was coming with a heavy armored car.

In the face of this groundbreaking power, everyone turned pale.

Only now do they understand the power of the Dark Lord. This is the real power of human beings. Unlike Lin Shuming and Li Changsheng, they can only use a few hours. Every dark master has the power of immortals, which is weaker than the earth immortals.

"Just like ants."

Facing Barr's axe, chen fan has no joy or sorrow in his eyes, just like the eternal blue sky.

Chen Fan raised his hand. His crystal clear palm was as thin as a woman, shining with sapphire luster. He clenched his hand into a fist, then hit it with a bang.


The power of this blow is beyond imagination.

People just think that the sky and the earth collapse, the sun and the moon hang upside down. There is a golden black moon rabbit. It's like Kunpeng hitting three thousand worlds. Even the whole world seems to be behind chen fan. With Chen Fan's fist dancing, all the vitality of several kilometers around is pulled, and finally converges on Chen Fan's fist.


A bright blue light, tens of feet long, gushed from Chen Fan's fist.

He surging to the incredible true yuan, has been fully compressed, gathered into an invincible column of light. Guangzhu's arm was thick and thin when he first punched, but in the middle of the stroke, he began to attract the vitality of heaven and earth. It became thicker and thicker. In the end, it turned into a bucket.


The light of blood blade is tens of meters long. Just when it touches the blue light column, it collapses instantly. It's like a glass being hit by a huge hammer, and then the light column is like a bolt of fire, bombarding the beheader in an instant.

The Decapitator, who weighed 70 tons, could not hold Chen Fan's fist and flew away.

Finally, the pillar of light in Barr's incredible eyes, directly through his chest, in front of his chest like a skeleton, leaving a bucket of thick and thin fist print."It's... How... It's possible..."

Barr still held the axe forward, but his eyes were full of disbelief.

But no matter how he didn't believe it, the fist seal on his chest couldn't be erased. The scarlet light in Barr's eyes decayed rapidly, faded gradually, and finally disappeared. Then, the surging strength of the fist burst out from his body, and the beams of light burst out, directly blowing Barr to pieces.

Barr was killed by Chen Fan with one punch, even with a spirit and a man!

"Zhenwu magic boxing!"

Zhenwu Xianzong is a unique martial arts way that controls the universe.

This is a unique skill of the immortal sect that transcends the thirty-six moves of Zhenwu. It has abandoned the boundaries of moves and is purely pushing the world with strength. Chen Fan did not use any skills, relying solely on the huge real yuan, a punch to kill Barr. In particular, the spirit of terror in Zhenwu Shenquan crushed the spirit of Barr.

Without the spirit, even the immortal body can not be reborn.

All the people in the dark arbitration department were cold. It's like being blown by the eternal polar cold wind.

"Baal, the God of war, is dead?"

"He was beaten to death by Chen beixuan? Can't even be reborn? "

"Is Chen beixuan a man or a God? Why is it so scary? Even the Dark Lord can't stop him

If the count of terror was killed by Chen Fan before, they would not believe it. Now that Barr is smashed by Chen Fan's fist, it's actually happening in front of their eyes. They already feel fear at this time.

Both the numerous arbitrators and the remaining three arbitrators felt fear.

In front of him, chen fan, like a demon, has incomparable power with one fist and one foot.

"Have you become a fairy?"

The black Duke held the Holy Grail of blood tightly, his pupils narrowed like the tip of a needle, and looked at chen fan.

"Earth fairy?"

Chen fan back hand, light way: "I am not immortal!"

As soon as he finished, everyone was about to be happy, and then they heard another sentence:

"but even if the earth immortal is here, I can die with one hand!"

When Chen Fan talks, he looks as if he is talking about killing an ant.

But all of them are stiff, and no one dares to refute. Because chen fan has proved himself with his invincible power. Even the five dark masters standing at the top of human immortals are not Chen Fan's opponents. The earth fairy is just like this.


The black Duke and others looked at each other, and their bodies shook. They broke the sound barrier and shot in three directions.

They even ignored their subordinates and escaped alone.

Chen Fan's strength is so terrible that they think of his invincible master.

"Want to escape?"

Chen Fan sneered, and his figure suddenly turned into a virtual shadow.

This virtual shadow, as if it did not exist in the world, had no contact with the air at all, but it was several times faster than the speed of sound, just like a streamer, and suddenly appeared behind death's left hand.

"Streamer and mirage formula"

the magic of the immortal family!


With a dark dagger in his left hand and colorful light, death stabbed chen fan.

This stab had used all his strength, and there was a burst of sound from the point of the dagger. Thirteen curses appeared one after another, with a sound of ancient and boundless incantations.

Angel's scale!

This terrible artifact is known as the dagger of killing gods. More than one God and angel died under it. It is even said that two thousand years ago, there was an Oriental earth fairy falling under it. Any strong person, once stabbed by it, will be attacked by the curse.

But in the eye of death's left hand.

Chen Fan stretched out a white jade like palm and held the dagger directly. Let the above 13 curses burst out one after another, just like a strange light winding up, but there is nothing chen fan can do. Even Chen Fan's palm didn't have a scar.

"The magic weapon is not bad, but you are not a Dixian. You can't hurt me."

Chen fan light said a, and then followed by a palm shot. As if the palm of the spirit, from the sky far down. Death's left hand wanted to escape, but he found that at this time, his body, as if in the body immobilization, could not move.

Can only watch chen fan, a handprint in his own Tianling cover.


In the eyes of outsiders, death's left hand is like a fragile glass statue. After being hit by Chen Fan's hand, it bursts apart from his head inch by inch. Finally, the whole person is shot to pieces. The spirit is disappearing endlessly.

One more hand, death left hand dead!

After that, chen fan once again used the magic trick of streamer to catch up with the blood knight at a supersonic speed of 10 kilometers. The blood knight also wants to fight. Chen Fan's fist is his chest. Even if he carries magic weapons, he bursts out.

In the end, only the black Duke, who took Chen Fan's fist, half of his body was broken. With the protection of the Holy Grail of blood, he turned into a blood awn and fled.When Chen Fan returns to Wisteria manor.

The whole world is dead. No matter many arbitrators, or many onlookers, even the people of beiqiong school, there was no one to speak.

Five dark masters, four dead and one escaped!

Chen fan, however, only has three fists and two palms. What a terrible force it is.

"I'm afraid we have to witness with our own eyes the birth of a new master."

Crimson wings, commander. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!