Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 579


Chen fan was struck by thunder.

A blue light came out of the ancient seal and exploded on the blood river. The power of thunder and lightning just arrived at the sun evaporated a large blood River into a blood mist, and the power of filth and darkness inside was purified.

But there's too much blood. Out of the Grail, endless.

So far, chen fan has killed at least hundreds of tons of blood, but he still doesn't see the end.

"It's a magic weapon for refining space completely. In terms of rank, it's at least a top-quality spirit weapon. It's much bigger than my Jianhu. " Chen Fan's heart sank slightly.

When Yang Jianhu first got hold of it, it was only a few square meters in size.

But later, with the increase of Chen Fanxiu's life, the space of jianhuli also increased sharply, and finally increased to tens of square meters. But it's still worse than the Holy Grail of blood.

"Hundreds of tons of blood, how much blood of life does it take to fill it?"

Thinking of this, chen fan's eyes flashed a trace of killing.

Immortals are also human beings.

Although Chen Fan killed hundreds of millions of stars and his family. But it's all revenge. In order to refine the Holy Grail of blood, the blood clan slaughters millions of lives, which has angered chen fan.

"Chen beixuan, up to now, why don't you beg for mercy? When the devil's blood bathes your whole body, you will fall into darkness forever, and there will be no reincarnation The black Duke held the Holy Grail of blood and drank it coldly.

People can only watch, chen fan is surrounded by endless Blood River, into a huge blood cell. There was only a faint electric light in the ball resisting.

The blood of the Holy Grail, even angels can pollute. Although the emperor was strong, he might not be able to bear it.


A Xiu and Yu Wenjing's beautiful eyes show heartbroken worries.

Many of the arbitrators, laughing wildly, rushed to the last two Zhenwu seven kill formations. Although the seven kill array was full of murders and swords, under the siege of all the people, it was also clumsy on the left and on the right for a moment and was about to fall.


The tiger roars on Tongshan and wants to get up from the ground.

But it was too seriously injured. Its body was wobbly, and the shadow of tiger demon behind it could only utter a howl and finally disperse.

"Chen beixuan, I will cut off your head with this axe just like cutting off the head of your entourage, and announce to the world that the authority of my dark arbitration department cannot be provoked!"

Barr laughed wildly.

He stepped on Tongshan with one foot and raised the "beheader" with both hands. On the huge axe, there was a bright blood awn, as if with the power of opening up the world and cutting down the universe.

When all the people of beiqiong sect were in despair, a voice came from the blood river.

"I'm a powerful human being. How can I ask for mercy from other people?"

"Open it for me!"

Chen fan, holding the seal in his hand, suddenly drank it.


Nine days above the lightning, as if by the traction of thunder seal, shot down a thick as a bucket of lightning. This lightning is like a pillar of light, pure purple in color, with a terrible current and the power to destroy everything, pounding on the blood river.

And then, in the blood River, also burst out innumerable electric light.

These electric lights, like dragons, radiate in all directions. Every light seems to have a spirit, like a dragon, not a dragon!

At the same time, the internal and external bombardment is unbearable.


At least half of the blood River, in this blow, evaporated out of thin air, bright light even along the blood River, toward the Holy Grail of blood.

Everyone opened their eyes wide and looked at it.

In the blood River, a figure wrapped with gold flame and thunder and lightning came out slowly. With every step he took, his breath soared one point. As he walked step by step, he climbed to an incredible level.


Ah Xiu and others covered their mouths and couldn't believe it.

Many of the arbitrators, like ducks caught in the throat, stopped cheering.

And a few arbitrate long, then pupil a shrink, as if saw what horrible thing.

"He's breaking through!"

Someone screamed out.

"Chen beixuan is so powerful that he has to make a breakthrough. Is it because he wants to be promoted to the immortals?"

This idea suddenly appeared in the hearts of countless people. They trembled in their hearts and opened their eyes. The corners of their eyes were torn. They stared at chen fan without blinking, witnessing the miracle.

"Kill him, don't let him break through!"

Cried the black Duke, his face livid.

Even he did not expect that Chen fan would make a breakthrough. At that time, once you enter Dixian. Even with the power of the black Duke and others, they may not be able to control it.


Death left hand and others roared.

Even BAL, abandoning Tongshan and carrying the axe of the beheader, came to kill chen fan. The black Duke is fiercely urge the Holy Grail of blood, more surging than before the blood River, from the cup, to Chen fan."I didn't expect that you forced out my card!"

Chen Fan's hand is holding the seal. Every time he walks, his breath will soar wildly.

His power, as if with endless half ascension, towards the late Shenhai. Chen Fanben has reached the peak of Shenhai in the middle period, only half a step away from the later period.


Blood knight sword cut, blood awn earth shaking, condensed as light of blood awn, is pure high concentration blood magic condensed. It is comparable to the laser knife. It can cut gold and iron, and kill the divine realm with one sword.

But his sword, which broke through the void, fell on Chen fan. Even the thunder and the golden flame around chen fan could not split.

"A month ago, I was able to break through the late Shenhai period. I just deliberately suppressed it. In order to deal with the possible existence of earth immortals, I didn't break through. I didn't expect that just a few half blood bugs could hurt me. "

Speaking of this, chen fan's eyes shot out a long God awn.

Shenmang bursts in the void, and beams of light burst out from his muscles. Chen fan is bathed in lightning and golden flame. His long hair is like a flame, just like the God of war!

"Damn you

Chen Fan finished and stepped out.


A pillar of light from the sky to the earth rose from his head and blasted into the air. Chen Fan's Qi suddenly increased, as if he tried his best to jump into an advanced stage.

"Stop him!"

All five dark masters roar.

They went crazy and attacked Chen Fan desperately. The bright axe awn, sword light, curse and blood beat Chen Fan's body protecting Zhenyuan. The golden flame armor emerges out of thin air and turns into a golden flame to protect chen fan. Lei Yin is a lightning, like a Thunder Dragon, will Chen Fan around.


Even if the black Duke's death urges the blood River, it's like lifting a river of heaven and throwing it at chen fan.

In the end, chen fan has been covered by countless attacks. One strike of these artifact can easily cut down a divine realm. Even so many artifact join hands, enough to let the gods fall.

"What happened to the teacher."

Ah Xiu worried to see over, a heart as if to be grasped like, pant up.

Countless observers, including the arbitrators, stopped their attacks and couldn't help looking at them.


With a flash of blue light, it disappeared out of thin air.

Everyone's heart sank.

"Didn't Chen beixuan finally hold on and die at the last moment of breakthrough?"

The leader of scarlet wing stopped, turned and looked, then everyone saw an incredible scene.

Light scattered, a huge hole, only a golden figure, floating in the air. He was dressed in ancient gold armour, black hair shawl, shining luster, body like clear jade glass. It was Chen fan who left all the traces of axe and sword around him unhurt.

It's just that Chen Fan's breath at this time is extremely weak, as if it were nothing, even worse than the ordinary Internal Force Warrior.

"Is this a breakthrough or a failure?"

People are confused.

Many arbitrators already want to cheer.

See Chen fanmeng opened his eyes.


I can't imagine what kind of pupil it is.

Two bright golden beams of light shot out of his eyes and wiped the bodies of many arbitrators. The terrible high temperature inside directly burned these arbitrators into nothingness. And the light column directly smashed a five story building in the manor, leaving two huge holes on it, and then straight into the sky.

Finally, between heaven and earth, only these two terrible golden lights are left. Even the dark clouds in the sky are broken, showing the bright moon behind.

At a glance! Stir up the three worlds!

It's like the great sage in the legend.

Then, a dragon song that shook the world came from Chen Fan:

"today, I enter the peak of Shenhai, when I cross the world!"

With that, chen fan catches the golden pupil and grabs the count of terror.


The power of this palm is like the creation of heaven and earth.

In the void, the huge grinding plate turns, and a huge blue palm with a full circle of seven feet appears. The palm is as delicate as a human hand, and you can even see the palmprint on it. The huge palm of his hand was smashed down in the air, just like the mountain of Bu Zhou, which was enough to sink an aircraft carrier.

The count of terror screamed, turning the death scepter, the red curse gem, shooting a bright red light.

Death ray!

This is the unique skill of anubis. It is said that once hit, it will be enough to drag the gods into the field of death.

But these two thick beams of light hit chen fan. But it's like a bubble. Even the golden flame armor on Chen Fan's body couldn't be broken. It just flashed away and didn't work at all."How is that possible?"

The terror count's pupils shrank.

But then he had no more time to think. Cyan light palm has been shot in the air. The count of terror screamed wildly, and the dark force was surging wildly, and the surging terror aura was flying upward. Turn into a cloud cover, want to hold light palm.

But it was all in vain.

It's under a giant palm seven feet in size. The black cloud cover is like a fragile eggshell, flattened by one palm.


There was a shrill howl, and then it stopped. Wait for the light palm to disperse. There's only one giant handprint left on the ground. As for the count of terror, it has long been turned into a meat cake, with people and soul, smashed into pieces.

There was a dead silence.

A dark Master was killed by Chen fan?

No one dare to believe, but have to believe!

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!