Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 578

Leave fire golden pupil!

Chen Fan's magic power, which was successfully practiced during the foundation period, is one of Chen Fan's killer Maces. It is no less than Shenyuan Dao, second only to the great magic power "time". At first, his power may be relatively small, but with the sudden increase of Chen Fanxiu's power, Li Huo Jintong's power is also increasing.

The bright golden flame burns the void.

It cuts through the sky, leaving a long vacuum passage. Even the air was burned to nothingness. At this time from the fire golden pupil, the temperature has reached a terrible degree. There may not be such a high temperature deep in the lava or in the earth's core. I'm afraid only the nuclear explosion center and even the surface of the sun have such a terrible high temperature.

"Poof Pooh."

In the face of the golden pupil from the fire, the terror Earl's face showed a color of fear.

Although he did not know what magic power the golden flame was, he knew that its power must be terrible just by looking at its power of burning the sky. In particular, this kind of fire is the enemy of the dark race.

Even if the terror count has the immortal body of the blood clan, he is burned by the golden pupil of Lihuo. Even the soul will return to nothingness. How can it be resurrected?

"Open it for me!"

The count of terror growled, and Black Mist poured out from behind him. Holding anubis' death scepter, he cursed the gem with a ferocious thump, and two monstrous red lights came out of it.

This light with the power of death and the yellow spring, any life with a trace, will fall forever reincarnation.

But the nine flying swords, after all, are the most powerful treasures hidden in the sword. In terms of quality, it has reached the stage of quasi spirit weapon. In particular, the sword array under Chen Fan's cloth is a golden thread across the void. Nine flying swords are linked together, like a net of heaven and earth.

Let terror aura and curse ray hit, just let sword array tremble, did not break.

At this time, from the fire from the golden pupil closer and closer. Even tens of meters apart, the count of terror could feel the high temperature in the golden flame and the power of burning his soul.


The terror count's eyes were enlarged, full of horror.

He has lived in the world for more than 300 years, and this is the first time he has felt the breath of death. Even when he besieged Antonio, the reincarnated saint, he did not face death as he does today.


Chen Fan's golden flame is like anger, burning everything. No matter the Blood Sword Qi of the blood knight or the curse of death's left hand, including the terror aura of the count of terror, can't stop the golden pupil of Lihuo.

The reason why magic power is magic power is that it is incomparable!

No one can stop the immortals!

People who see this scene tremble and hold their breath! Both the spectators and many arbitrators are very nervous. Waiting. After all, this is the fall of a Dark Lord. For hundreds of years, the Ministry of darkness has dominated the world. When did it fall into the dominant class?

"The teacher is going to win?"

Ah Xiu Mei's eyes swept over, excited in her heart.

Xuedaisha and others are also waiting. Many beiqiong real people are ready to cheer.

But at this time, suddenly an ancient vast, with a very long and evil, as if from the depths of hell came the ancient language, out of thin air in the battlefield.

No one can understand the voice, but he immediately understood its meaning.

It's a word:


When the ancient language appeared, a long river of blood appeared in front of Chen Fan and the count of terror. The color of the blood is dark red, like the blood of the devil, with infinite power of evil and filth, which seems to come from the gate of hell.

Washed away by the river of blood, the nine flying swords darkened. There were spots and old rust on them, as if they were polluted. Even Chen Fan felt that his connection with them was not close, and some of them were motionless.

And the count of terror, bathed in blood. But he gave out a comfortable groan. The wound cut by the sword Qi on his body recovered quickly. The breath of the whole person soared.

As for the golden flame, when it collides with the river of blood, it makes a Zizi sound.

"Puff, puff, puff."

Just like the cold water splashed on the fire, suddenly a harsh sound, accompanied by a lot of blood mist rising. From the golden pupil of fire, everything can burn. Even the long river of blood could not be stopped, and immediately large areas of burning disappeared.

But the long river of blood, as if endless like, endless stream, completely from the fire from the golden pupil of the formation of offensive and defensive contrast.

"This is...

the eyes of the people shrink and look up.

You can see that the black Duke holds an old gold wine cup in his hand. The style of the wine cup is similar to that of the aristocratic drinking cup in ancient Rome B.C. It's also carved with figures. The figure is different. He has blood pupil, tusks, pale face, and wings behind him, just like a devil. Endless blood is coming out of this glass.

"The Holy Grail of blood..."Some of the spectators trembled.

"What is the Holy Grail of blood?"

A lot of people are very surprised.

Chen Fan's Lihuo Jintong is obviously the top secret of terror. Look at that style, it can even burn gold and boil the sea. But no one thought that the black Duke had an artifact in his hand, which could stop Chen Fan's secret skill.

"According to legend, the Holy Grail of blood is the supreme artifact of the blood clan. It's the size of a cup, but it's the size of a lake. At ordinary times, the blood clan immerses it in the blood pool, and then infuses it with human blood. As long as the blood enters the Holy Grail, it will automatically turn into magic blood. Magic blood is highly toxic to ordinary people, and it is indeed the supreme holy product for the dark races such as the blood race. And once released, the horrible blood inside is enough to pollute the gods and make the angels fall. "

The man said, with deep fear in his eyes: "but in legend, this is the personal belongings of the blood ancestor, which has never been passed on. I didn't expect to fall into the hands of the black Duke. "

Blood artifact!

When this name comes out, everyone is speechless.

This is already a treasure in myths and legends, associated with the existence of Jesus, God, angels and so on. No one thought that the black Duke should be in charge of this artifact.

"Prick, prick!"

The fire from Chen Fan's eyes was more and more urgent.

At this time, from the outside, chen fan's eyes looked like two pure gold pillars. With the power of destroying the sky and the earth, the void is burned through.

But the black Duke holds the Grail.

The river of dark red blood is endless. It's like the sea coming in rough waves. No matter how strong the golden pillar is, no matter how high the temperature is from the golden pupil of the fire, the flame can't burn the sea.

"Chen beixuan, this is the highest artifact of our blood clan. It's a treasure handed down from the ancestors. In addition to promotion and life extension, I have never used it. For hundreds of years, I'm afraid that the blood of a small lake has accumulated, which is enough to contain the blood of millions of people. Can you burn it up? "

Black Duke light smile way.

Chen Fan did not answer, but the golden pillar of light became more and more fiery.

And snow on behalf of sand and others, but the heart like falling bottom. Everyone did not expect that the dark arbitration department's strength is so strong and the inside information is so deep. All kinds of artifact emerge in endlessly, and in the end they even bring the highest artifact of the blood clan.

"Pee, pee, pee."

The golden pupil of fire is not endless after all.

About three minutes later, the golden light in Chen Fan's eyes began to fade. At the end, only two weak flames were left beating in his eyes. It seemed that he was very weak and became like a mirage.

But the long river of blood never stops and continues to pounce on Chen Fanfei. Chen Fan shakes the thunder seal and releases a lot of thunder, but he is still surrounded by a long river of blood. He is trapped for a moment. He can only vaguely see a cloud of thunder supporting in the river of blood.

"To lose?"

Ah Xiu's heart sank.

And many observers have begun to shake their heads:

"although Chen beixuan is powerful and more powerful than any dark master, the dark arbitration department is too deep. They have dominated the earth for hundreds of years. They don't know how many sects and countries they have collected. Otherwise, how can the Ministry of darkness suppress the divine realms on all continents of the earth with its own efforts? "

The leader of scarlet wing shook his head and stood up to leave.

And many arbitrators have begun to roar with joy. They look at Chen Fan with their eyes blazing, as if staring at a dead man.

At this time, another boom came.

A huge figure suddenly retreated from outside the manor and smashed into front of the crowd.

When you take a close look, it's Tongshan. But at this time, like the ancient spirit of Tongshan, there are deep scratches and marks on the bronze colored muscles. A long scar, from the neck of Tongshan to the abdomen, was more than two meters long. Bone could be seen deep, and it almost hurt the internal organs.

"Ha ha, you are crazy for me again!"

Baal, the God of war of the dead, came in his boots. He held a huge axe in his hand. On the edge of the axe, there was blood dripping like copper water.

This is also an artifact.


Someone saw and recognized the origin of this huge axe.

It's said that it was made by a saint in ancient Rome, specially for killing gods, dragons and supernatural life. It has the most terrifying power, the most cutting edge. Even tanks and even warships can split with one axe.

Tongshan is weaker than Barr, and the beheader is not inferior.

"Even Tongshan lost?"

Seeing this, beiqiong sent people into despair.

Even a few people slow down a bit, was opposite the ecstatic arbiter, on the spot tore throat, a Zhenwu seven kill array on the spot broke. If not for xuedaisha's desperate help, ah Xiu might fall into the hands of the arbiter.

Chen fan is trapped, Tongshan is defeated, the seven kill array is not supported!Beiqiong was defeated like a mountain.

Is Chen beixuan's myth about to fall here?

Everyone held their breath and waited.

PS: the first one is here. I went to bed too late yesterday, so I just got up now. I'm so sorry. I'm going to write the second one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!